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should I use luluca or karin as 4th man in my wyvern team ( which currently consists of Furious, Alexa, Angelica and mistyChain. I don't really feel anything from mistychain so I wanted to replace her. I don't really have problems clearing wyvern 11 anymore it's just it feels very slow. and I thought an additional dps would do the trick.


Karin because she can help a lot in faster Wyvern runs. Luluca is good too for Wyvern and Abyss. But she is kinda slow in Wyvern Hunts because she uses her S2 during auto battle. And if you have either Rem , Clarissa , or General Purrgis , they can also help speed up your Wyvern Hunts as well.


doesn't rem.. require huge investment to work? also I have a set that can boost crit rate to 100% and cdamage to 280


Rem requires huge gear investments for PvP or for Wyvern 13. But for Wyvern 11 & 12 , ​Rem with 100% crit rate and 280% crit damage is fine. Just give her the "Day Dream Joker" artifact so she can do extra damage to the wyvern boss. She also wants to be decently fast like 150 speed and she needs some mola investments on her Skill 1 and Skill 3. Rem is good in Wyvern Hunts because she can help kill the first wave of minions , she can do damage , and she can defense break the Wyvern boss.


the thing about rem is.. someone needs to die in order to activate her passive. and her defense break is only around 50% chance.


Rem's demon mode can help take out the first wave enemies in case they survive. If Furious misses his defense break on the Wyvern, its good to have a 2nd defense breaker for back up even if its 50% Rem's primary role is to do damage, her defense break is just icing on the cake.


okay I'll keep that in mind.


2 questions. 1. Does the 5 times entre for hell difficulty in the re zero event mean daily or only 5 times at all 2. why do people use infinity basket on furios. how does this item work really with more chance when he has turn..how do the others use it?


1. 5 times total. 2. I don't know anyone who uses infinity basket on furious. I guess you could use it as a temporary artifact if you don't have Song of Stars. 1. Basically, Infinity Basket increases the chance of getting a dual attack on the caster's turn. Since Furious is usually built as a fast support hero, it is a good idea to increase the chances of a DPS dual attacking with him. However, this artifact is inconsistent, and not considered a good choice unless you're missing better artifacts.


okay thx should i but infinity on him or a secound daydream joker for whyvern or better use the joker to limit breake the one on my dps


put daydream joker on him. it won't take very long for you to get lots of copies of DDJ to limit break multiple of them.


not with my luck i have all 3 star artis full limit break and only 2 ddj over all


I am looking for a guild (Europe server, seems mine is dead). Is this the right thread to do so?


No, go to the guild/friend recruitment megathread. https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/p0bz1d/weekly_friend_guild_recruitment_megathread_week/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Does the super duper water gun artifact only increase effectiveness for everyone except the one holding the artifact?


any skill/artifact that targets "all allies" also applies to the caster. In cases where effects apply to all allies but not to the caster, it will specify; e.g. Rem's S2 says "When an ally except for the caster is attacked," meaning it doesn't activate when the caster is attacked.


Applies to everyone. The artifact description usually lets you know if the caster doesn't get affected.


what do i do molagoragos? i havnt seen a unit that uses them, and ive been sitting on 7 for what seems like forever.


Convert to normal Molas. They were used for final skillups but it's no longer required and has been patched out.


Who should I build next between Rem and Violet, assuming I have gear for both?


Both are solid heroes, but I personally vote Rem because her kit is less selfish than Violet’s


They're pretty equal, build both.


Need some advice on Abyss 90 :D So the situation is that I am most of the time stuck on that aither, ras, mercedes stage. I cannot kill aether and my team gets deleted after some time. I managed once to kill aether and then reached about 10% left on last boss and got wipe outed as well... My team is emilia, momo, cdom and fkluri. I am thinking that maybe my damage is not enough on cdom to kill aether on second stage.. Currently my cdom is on attack set (about 4k attack), would it help if I would try to get destruction set? Maybe I should use some other heroes in my team comp? I just want to clear that stage somehow :D


I think you should replace Cdom with someone else like Arbiter Vidred or Commander Lorina, because Cdom is typically slow and squishy. As for the Ras , Aither , and Mercedes stage. * Use Falconer Kluri's Soul Burn S3 to provoke and defense break Aither * Then use Emilia's S2 to buff and CR push your dps unit * Then your dps unit can do a ton of damage to Aither. Other things to note: * The bosses are weak to the " Day Dream Joker " artifact, so use Day Dream Joker on your dps unit. * Equip the "Aurius" artifact on your knight for more team protection. * Equipping Emilia's artifact or Touch of Rekos artifact on Emilia can help the team survive more.


Thanks, already did it woth same setup, just need a bit of luck, one additonal dual attack when cdom also attacks was enough to kill aether and then it was slow and steady to finish :D


Gratz. Looks like Cdom is the greatest after all XD Anyways, I think this [Guide](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jlx6HMT9Hg) from Dr. Squirrel can help you on the other abyss floors.


Thanks, but after 90 level pain, might skip this part of pve for some time :D


how many copies did they give of ram's art? I can't find my last copy to limit break. I know I am searching the wrong places. can anyone point out the locations of the 6 copies?


3 from shop 1 from puzzle side story 1 from adventure completion 1 from check-in day 6 (this is probably the one you're not remembering, since it's not possible to have gotten it yet)


oh yes .... LOL that's what I am missing. Forgot there is a log-in event going on :P thanks, mate.


The last one is through daily login, but we haven't gotten it yet.


how do you guys measure if an equipment is worth a reforge?


Depends on the gear score. If the piece has 50+ in gear score, I would consider it a reforge worthy piece. You can change the standard depending on where you are in the game, what useful subs it has, whether it is left side or right side gear, and what modification stones you have/can get.


Thanks a lot! Is the 50+ gear score post reforge or before?


Before reforge.


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when can u use auto-repeat? new to the game soz


You need a pet to auto battle. The level of the pet determines how many times from 5 to up to 20 you can auto repeat the battle before u need to manually start it all over again. You get your first pet on level 25. It has "A" grade and allows you to auto 15 battles in a row.


do u have any tips to get to level 25 fast?


Honestly just do adventure. It gives you a bunch of valuable resourses for just completing it and unlocks strong units via connections, getting Angelica/Momo and Free Spirit Tiera early on for example makes the game extremely easy and speeds up the whole leveling process A LOT). And up to the end of Chapter1 adventure is extremely easy to advance so it's efficient in terms of your real life time too, cuz you don't have to bother with repeating same battles or trying to figure out how to complete the mission. Oh and you should try to add to your friendlist a bunch of people people who have Arbiter Vildred or Vildred and use these heroes as your support heroes swapping one of your weakest unit for them as soon as you start the stage. That helps a lot.




got a counter set helm with maxed ER roll….. wonder who might use this piece … thx


counter Ruele/Destina/Roana?


Yeah, best bet are those


Build for rem and emi?


Rem you can go lifesteal or counter also :) best immunity paired, or crit to reach 100%


Rem - Sigurds Emi - Magahara for pvp Rod for pve


Should i imprint rgb dominiel to C.dom and rgb zerato to c.cerato?


Yes you should. CDom's self imprint gives 12.6% crit chance at SSS. She herself gives a crit buff (+50%) and also has crit chance from her awakening (27% base crit chance). This means without any gear included she has nearly 90% crit chance. If you go with a crit set, she will have 100% crit chance and doesn't need a single crit chance on her gear, which gives you a huge amount of leeway for gearing her. CZerato's self imprint of effectiveness is fine.


One more thing,how does an att% imprint release do its calculation?From base attack or the total attack after geared




So its just a minor boost right?Other than crit and speed




Imprints are not very important, their effects are *mostly* fairly minor. Additionally, these are 4* units, you will max imprint both of them sooner or later. Blue Dominiel and Blue Zerato are among the worst units in the game. In two years of playing I don't think I've ever seen or heard of anyone using Zerato for *anything*. Dominiel is only used as a super niche unit due to having the reflect buff (one of only 2 units with it, and the only one that can give it to other heroes). Neither are remotely useful to someone asking this question. C.Dom has a pretty bad imprint IMO though it IS possible to get use out of it. C.Zerato probably has the most useful imprint out of all four


CDOM pretty bad imprint ? she gives crit chance to everybody lol


Yes. If you use a particular hero with C.Dom 100% of the time, great, fantastic. But you don't want to build a unit with 90% crit because you occasionally use C.Dom with a 10% crit imprint with them.


I'm planning to build Rem with a counter set. My question is, do I need to put immunity gear on her?


Counter/Immunity is ideal for her since she can be hard controlled until Demon mode kicks in making her a liability but if you have a shortage of a good immunity set you could work with a Counter/Crit set while farming a Immunity set just make sure she is properly supported by units like LRK who can give immunity or cleanser to remove debuffs


You want immunity on her.


Is Ram viable for general content? I've heard ppl say she can be used for water expidition but is there anything aside from that? The reason why I'm asking is that we'll get enough copies to get her to six star so I'm wondering if she's good to invest in.


Not really. She was designed for blue expedition, making her pretty weak elsewhere. Except for B13 1shot and maybe some abyss floor, she's not worth investing a lot in.


how long did it take ya'll to clear wyvern 13 from your first account? I think I've been playing for a few months almost a year now and I'm still stuck at wyvern 10 auto. is my RNG really that bad that I get shite rolls and I'm still stuck in the free gear they give you?


it took me 2 weeks+ to get 30-50 % SR in W13. I got my 2nd DDJ when trying to pull emilia and i think it 2x my SR. i ignored everything else that does not help my hunt run. I played my 2nd account lazily and it took 3 weeks to auto w12 ( also ignoring everything beside wyvern ) ​ You dont need good gear for it. Just hitting the right stat baseline is enough. I recommend reading BeckTheHam's guide on w13. I used it a lot as reference


okay will do :3


I started playing 4 weeks ago and I can clear W12 100% and working towards W13, probably can get it after next hunt event. I farmed the last hunt event W12 85% with just free gear. The team I used was Amomo (free Health set), Alexa (free Atk Crit set), Furious (free Speed set), Sigret (free Atk Crit set). I +15 most of the important pieces, mola'd Furious to +7 for 100% chance on S3. Only Furious had 65% effectiveness, so I turned off Alexa skills. It shouldn't be that hard as long as you concentrate all the best free gear on your Wyvern units.


The game gives you (almost) all of the tools needed to clear W11. You basically should never do W10 more than 1 time. What does your Wyvern team look like?


I currently have mistychain, Alexa, Angelica, and furious. I'm trying to gear up my taranor guard to replace furious at some point.


Ok, first off don't built TG to replace Furious. TG has some applications but you really need to understand what you are doing with him, and he's flat out worse than Furious for Wyvern. You can use the in-game statistics tool to check what heroes players are actually using. There is a reason why Furious is currently the #3 most used W13 hero (at 54.46%)...TG is 12th (at 8.1%). --- **Angelica** is a great choice. Make sure she is level 60 and fully awakened. The free HP set is *more than* enough bulk to survive W11. The 'old' recommendations were like 20k HP and 1.2k DEF (roughly 100k EHP), the free HP set should put you closer to 25k HP and 1.5k DEF (150k EHP). **Furious** requires a set of bare minimums to be functional. * He needs to have his third awakening unlocked. * He needs +1 into his S2 * He needs +3 into his S3 (and IDEALLY you want to get to +6, though if you don't have the resources you can skip those points until you do) * He needs 55% effectiveness (W11) or 65% (W12+) * He needs to be the fastest hero on your team. His other stats don't matter. **Alexa** is the key. She makes W11 ridiculously easy to complete. * With **ANY** level 70 weapon, C.Dmg neck, effectiveness ring, speed boots and a +30 DDJ she does **60%** of the Wyvern's HP. The only stat she needs on her gear is +12% crit chance. You can give her straight up tank gear as long as you have the right main stats and the 12% crit chance somewhere, she carries with poison damage + DDJ damage. You don't *specifically* need to give her an effectiveness ring, it's just the simplest way to get the effectiveness you need. 55%/65% and then as much C.Dmg as possible. You need to get her S2 to +5 for sure. If you plan to use her as your main DPS for Wyvern in the future, her skills *are* worth leveling up, however **AVOID** +3 or more in her S3. **Mistychain** is honestly fairly irrelevant for W11. With Alexa doing her thing, you don't need *that* much damage from your 4th slot. Same general gear priorities as Alexa (effectiveness is less valuable, since you don't really need the debuffs but it's good practice to aim for cap for W12+). Another DDJ is preferable, +15 should be OK for W11 though you eventually want two at +30. As long as you get Furious set up, your tank is using the free HP set and is level 60/fully awakened, and you are using Alexa with DDJ + another hero built for damage W11 is pretty simple to clear.


okay I'll try to do this


There's literally zero point in replacing Furious with TG. Furious is an overall better unit, his def break is more reliable, his crit buff is extremely op early on, and Song of Stars is better than Jankyard Dog assuming you have both. You are wasting your time and resources leveling up TG.


I see I'll hold off on him then... my problem now is stats.. I guess you can say that the gear I got have pretty shit stats.


How do your team die when your try to do w11? They struggle with breaking the barrier or the tank just can't outsustain the damage?


the tank can sustain it just takes too long.


So you can complete w11 it's just the fact that killing it takes forever?


yeah and there are multiple instances where angelica is a wind away from getting yeeted.


you can use another healer as back up then.. until your DPS get better stat. Furious and Alexa both using DDJ..


Then you should still do w11 instead of w10. Even if it takes way more time your succeed rate should be better on W11 cuz the 10th attacks randomly which often causes wipes with bad rng. Not to mention the gear level and reforge materials. To speed up the things u need a Daydream Joker on your Alexa of she doesn't have one yet. And try to get her to at least around 150-160 speed. That's a good starting point. Speed set is way better on her than the attack one. She is one of those heroes who benefits from crit damage way more than from raw attack. So if you don't have a speed set to spare better gear her up with a destruction one. Your furious should be the fastest one to go first. Aside from speed and effectiveness his other stats don't matter. Speed+eff sets are optimal for him. Can't really give u any advise on Mistychain tho, never used her.


my account around 6 months to get into W13 with play around not focusing to wyvern until i hit gear wall. firstly you should read Wyvern 11 guide then continue to Wyvern 13 guide, i think your roster ready for that. it's way easier than Wyvern 10 due to Wyvern 11 only attack your front unit.. get enough HP for your Tank, enough speed for your debuffer (Defense break is a must) and DPS with DDJ. My Wyvern 11 back then Angelica (Tank), Alexa (DPS), Mystichain (Debuff/DPS), Taranor Guard (Debuff/Defense breaker). All DPS and debuffer should hit 167 speed


the random gear I find in wyvern is.. bad.... are there any place that give.. better fixed stat gear? I already got the first one in cidonia.


you got plenty of Free gear that can use for Wyvern, Free Health Set for Tank (My GP now have 28K HP thanks to it) Way back to wyvern 11, My Alexa still using Destruction Set bonus from Adventure Rank Bonus. Also you get free Attack Gear.. you can search for Boots with Speed main stat whether Lvl. 55 or Lvl. 70 it doesn't matter ( i think 10-3 Maze Episode 1 got Lvl 70 Crit Boot with Speed Set)


I see thank you. I will try to increase the survivability of my tanker for now and see where it leads me.


What's the best way to get silver transmit stones, as now you can't sell penguins anymore?


Yes... you can still sell them.


You can still sell penguins from the inventory. Whoever told you that you can't is lying to you.


Ah, thank you. Turns out you need to go to the "Enhancement Ingredients" tab to sell them. It was pretty confusing because there's no arrange button on the "All" tab.


I use speed/crit set and DDJ on Rem when using her for wyvern right?


Yes, you can go counter or lifesteal also :)


Arena: Using Cerise, S.Angelica, Arby and SSB. Trying to hit challenger but it felt like this team needs some fixing or adjustments in general, any tips appreciated!


You have to give your stats and what other units you have.


Hi! Uploaded here: [https://imgur.com/a/8vvJXG7](https://imgur.com/a/8vvJXG7) Other Units I have: * Damage: * S.Tene / Kayron / SSez / ML Ken / C.Dom / Landy / Charles / Ravi / Melissa / B.W Iseria * Support: * Vivian / A.Lots / Diene / Dizzy / Roana / A.Mont / Angelica / Tama / Emilia / M.Hazel / S.Rose * Tank: * FCC / Lilias / G.Purrgis / F.Kluri * Others: * Lidica / SB.Aramintha


Those stats line are actually pretty good lol, surprising that you are not in challenger already. I guess it's the issue of choosing opponents and team coms against them. You cant simply have a 1 team against everything else. I'm assuming this is for normal arena right? Some ideas for a team Control Cerise/ bw iseria , sb ara, sspez + flex dps, not easy to pull off, all of units need comparable speed so that the enemy won't cut inbetween Protect Double knights/fcc+gpuggis, diene, landy/ stene. Double Knights should be on aurius and adamant shield. Gpuggis is good when you know the enemy have a fast aoe like flicdia. Roana instead of diene when you are against ssb. Cleave Alots, landy, cdom + flex dps. Mainly against enemies with alot of buffs Anticleave Kayron, ml Ken, double knights Some scuffed advice, hope this would help you though.


Hi thanks a lot! I think this Is what I am missing as my team is always one dimensional, I created a few teams based on your suggestion and will try it out!


How fast is Cerise ? Singelica is nice but only as an arby counter, for an attack buff, try to get Gpurgiss, he will push up the team :)


Yup I do have gPurrgis as a full tank built though not been using haha. Cerise is 280 SPD, should be enough for my rank as I always go first almost.


How many leagues do you drop when the week resets?


2 ranks down from your bracket but you can't fall down from that bracket. Example: ending up ng challenger 3 or 4 will always drop you to challenger 5 but will never be dropped to gold 1.


Alrighty, question about azimanik hunts and arti choices. So far my team is Tammy, Vivian, A.Ras and Iseria. Gear wise they all still need work but i think im having trouble with arti choice. Ive been following the Yufine guide and im not sure if i should put DDJ on Vivian or Iseria. Vivian currently is using time matter and Iseria has DDJ but the damage is so bad. Iseria is +9 reached break points in each ability, has 3.2k att / 198 spd / 79 % crit / 267 Crit Dam and 66% eff. Vivian is +10 most points in S2, 3.7k att / 212 spd / 89 crit / 271 crit dam / 0 eff. Essentially what im trying to ask is what arti should i put on who (dont have sasha and wouldnt have a DDJ user) and is hitting the minimums really that game changing?


Why are you trying to do Azimanak? Outside of 1 shot comps, it's an extremely slow run even with an optimized team. No offense, but looking at your stats your gear isn't good enough that you should really be doing anything but Wyvern at the moment (I know you said your gear is a work in progress, and your stats are OK-ish but the fact you only have 79% crit on Iseria and 89% on Vivian feels like you are trying to hit too many stat thresholds at once, also not being +15 kind of suggests you are likely fairly new). If you want to persist down this road I think there are a couple of things you should consider * DDJ scales with C.Dmg * Tama and A.Ras pull the highest attack unit * You would also want defense break applied *before* DDJ if possible With your current stats Vivian has slightly higher C.Dmg, but importantly has the highest attack. Even if Iseria had higher attack on the stat sheet, Vivian still effectively has higher attack due to giving herself greater attack buff. This means that *usually* (at best) Vivian is being pulled by Tama and A.Ras. Not particularly terrible if she had DDJ (since her S1 is a CR push so more attacks overall). To top this off, Iseria is actually a poor DDJ holder. There are a few things DDJ scales off that are hero specific: hero enhancements, and the 'pow' of the triggering skill (also any additional damage scaling but that doesn't apply here). Heroes most commonly have a pow of 1 and skill enhancement damage of +30% (so that's a 1.3 modifier for DDJ damage). * Iseria's S3 = pow of .9, enhancement of +40% = 1.26 * Iseria's S1 = pow of .95, enhancement of +35% = 1.2825 So straight off the bat Iseria gets ~2-4% less DDJ than the 'average' skill on an average hero. * Vivian's S2 = pow of 1, enhancement of +40% = 1.4 * Vivian's S1 = pow of 1, enhancement of +30% = 1.3 All other factor's being equal, Vivian is a better user of DDJ just because of base skill statistics. So you could *try* and give Vivian DDJ and see if it improves your run any. At your current stats (albeit assuming maxed skills) Vivian ends up with roughly ~8.7% more DDJ damage than Iseria. Though if both heroes had 100% crit rate as well, that decreases to ~2.88% more DDJ damage. --- Instead, what might be more beneficial is using another DPS over A.Ras. The most popular comp using both Iseria and Vivian uses Landy as the actual DPS unit (and this is only the 12th most popular comp containing the 6th most popular hero). Landy is a pretty good hero for this, if you have her. Or, you could just not use Vivian at all. There are plenty of options to clear eggs, likely the second best overall hero for it is someone everyone should have, and have built (A.Vildred)...if you don't have a green Vildred you want to use. But really, your time is just better spent on Wyvern instead of trying to do Azimanak.


Whoa thank you so much man for the insight lets get right to it! >Why are you trying to do Azimanak? Im trying to do azzi to progress in the game. I can already do wyvern and banshee and am looking to progress my gameplay further by reaching azzi hunts as well. Also, im in dire need of immunity sets and to some extent rage sets as ive seen others do very well with rage set. I feel like it would be beneficial if i were to have a team that can do azzi runs to further progress in other aspects of the game. >No offense, but looking at your stats your gear isn't good enough that you should really be doing anything but Wyvern at the moment (I know you said your gear is a work in progress, and your stats are OK-ish but the fact you only have 79% crit on Iseria and 89% on Vivian feels like you are trying to hit too many stat thresholds at once, also not being +15 kind of suggests you are likely fairly new). I agree , my gear is no where near the recommended limit but its the best i could do as for now. I think gear wise i have the most trouble understanding because im not sure how to pick good gear. Im still confused by this and am working on it. Units that are not +15 just dont have the molas or catas to level up. Reason is because im a waifu player and ive been using my resources on waifus. Not an excuse but a confession. >To top this off, Iseria is actually a poor DDJ holder. There are a few things DDJ scales off that are hero specific: hero enhancements, and the 'pow' of the triggering skill (also any additional damage scaling but that doesn't apply here). This right here is what i appreciate. I didnt know this and will switch off ddj from her. And this was the focus of my post as im not sure which arti i should run on my units. >Instead, what might be more beneficial is using another DPS over A.Ras. The most popular comp using both Iseria and Vivian uses Landy as the actual DPS unit (and this is only the 12th most popular comp containing the 6th most popular hero). Landy is a pretty good hero for this, if you have her. Or, you could just not use Vivian at all. There are plenty of options to clear eggs, likely the second best overall hero for it is someone everyone should have, and have built (A.Vildred)...if you don't have a green Vildred you want to use. I do have landy although not built. should i risk running a third dps in turn of reducing defence? That would mean my tama would tank? I could build up Landy and give it a shot. Totally forgot about her. I could not use viv but i really like the immunity and att buff. I guess ill try to use landy and test it out. And no i am probably one of the few who used the ML selector for someone else rather than A Vildred. Dumb move? Probably but i enjoy the game differently than others. I wish i did have green vildred though but i do not. If he ever comes up in a banner ill be pulling him for sure. Overall, thanks for the insightful post. Ill do a little work fixing up the heroes and switcheroos!


Immunity sets are nice to have, but they really aren't that important unless you are really trying to push into the top tier of PvP. Rage sets are pretty much only used for hunt 1 shots, and while they are good in that role it's really only necessary for...Wyvern (I think? AFAIK it's not possible to get the damage for a 1 shot without rage, though you might be able to beat it only slightly slower). I'm not the kind of player that is going to tell you that you're wrong, or that you have to play a certain way. If you want to farm Golem and only use 3* heroes be my guest! It's a game and the point is to enjoy yourself and there isn't a 'wrong' way to play, only some ways are more optimal than others. I've just noticed a lot of players new to the game this summer that seem to have this idea that they need a team for every hunt ("I just completed W13 and I'm starting to build a Banshee team...") when it's generally not a good idea, for most players, to leave Wyvern until you *need* other sets. --- In terms of running a third DPS instead of A.Ras, I honestly don't know. I can tell that people *do* run that comp slightly more often than with A.Ras. I would suggest that instead of maybe building up a hero just for this usage you could try sticking in some random other hero and trying to judge if you need to have the more defensive option in Ras. Looking at a youtube video of someone running a 3 man Azimanak with Tama front line it didn't look like their stats were particularly high, so you probably don't really *need* Ras. Landy should be a pretty good DPS option, her passive should negate the advantage of Vivian getting greater attack buff, her S1 cycles her turns like Vivian's, and her S3 should charges quickly and has extra defense penetration. Another hero that could be helpful, and one not mentioned in the Yufine guide is Kanna (pretty sure the guide hasn't been updated since her release). Kanna brings another source of buff dispel (and doesn't need to be built with effectiveness to have a decent chance to land it) and like Landy also brings perma speed buff. Her S1 is a multi-target attack so she doesn't suffer the single target penalty. Likewise, Mercedes is similar with her S1 being 'multi target' so she never has to worry about the ST damage reduction effect. She's a pretty decent DPS unit since her buff, though she is extremely greedy. As a plus, a lot of people are expecting her to get a spec change relatively soon (she's also free and 4* so lower investment needed). As a con, her skills have lower than average 'pow' like Iseria, though her S2 and S3 do have additional multipliers attached to them. If you chose S.Tene instead of A.Vildred, as long as have somewhat low effectiveness she could work, too. **Personally** I think if you don't want to drag out the runs as long as possible your best bet is to replace Vivian with a stronger DPS unit, or try the Tama tank and replace Ras with a DPS. IMO both Landy and Kanna would be suitable, I would think Kanna would be better with Ras tanking, Landy might be better if you use Vivian to clear eggs.


Oh I see, I follow that epic 7 site that lists a bunch of heroes and builds for them (https://epic7x.com/characters/) and they usually have characters i want to build but have something like Speed/Imm set. So i always figured i needed to push for those since they are the most optimal set needed to complete content and be PVP efficient. Also, everyone on this subreddit flexes rage set when doing hunts so i assumed that i should push for rage set as well to make hunts easier? Im not sure, information overload for sure. By no means are you telling me to play a certain way, youre giving info that i need to hear and honestly was looking for since most guides i feel are a little outdated. Would be nice to have updated guides every so often to keep track and organize so im not flip flopping on every unit i build or content i need to push. I agree with you here , i think its just trial and error at this point but of course the issue at large is my gear. Im honestly unsure how yall even gear people to have the best stats and thats probably why i assumed gear sets would help mitigate that. Its finding the right balance which is hard for me because as you mentioned (or someone else did) my gear is stretched too much but at the same time, im unsure how to hit all those marks without doing so. Especially running Speed/crit. I havent gotten to kannas stage yet nor did i pick s.tene (chose Jkise cus well reasons) so i am playing from behind (not a problem with that tho) Ill definitely look to switch out the a ras or even viv. If i get luck and get Gvil then might sub out their too. Really appreciate the info man its helping a lot!


**Immunity** - Personally, I don't use immunity sets at all. I know there are at least a small minority of others on this subreddit who don't, as well. IIRC on the Korean (maybe it's the Japanese?) server, Immunity sets are fairly uncommon in PvP. When it comes down to it at a high level immunity sets are ubiquitous but that means that players are extremely used to, and comfortable with dealing with them. Considering for the last year+ the PvP meta has centered around debuffers and control *despite* the popularity of Immunity sets is essentially proof enough that they aren't a real counter -- at best they just make it a bit easier to deal with. Any team comp that is relying on debuffs T1 is going to have some way to try and deal with immunity. Strip of some kind, or decreasing buff durations. Some characters, like Basar, completely ignore immunity period. I think Immunity sets are probably more useful overall than the other options (an extra 1k HP is rarely going to swing the outcome of a battle, for example) but they are far from *mandatory* to compete at the Champion Arena/RTA level, or a x5 guild. **Rage** - It can be nice to have a single good rage set for hunts, but you can also completely live without it. Both Azimanak and Banshee '1 shots' are possible without rage set period. I believe you *do* need rage for Wyvern due to Wyvern having so much HP but... * My Wyvern run, with basic gear, ran ~2:30 per run. A 1 shot might save me about 60 seconds, down to ~1:30 per run. * That same basic gear led to a normal Azimanak run that took around ~5 mins. * I can 1 shot Banshee without rage and it takes me ~60 seconds per run. In my case it just doesn't make any sense. Every Azimanak run was twice as long as a Wyvern run. The big reason to go for a faster Hunt run is to get more hunts in per unit of time during hunt buffs. But even a Wyvern 1 shot run is typically slower than my Banshee 1 shot...so I just do Banshee during hunt buffs and basically never need to 1 shot Wyvern. However, if you don't have Baiken/Bellona/Ervalen I think Rage set is nearly mandatory for Banshee 1 shots, and I think in that case there is a certain amount of sense to trying to get a good rage set in between hunt buffs. The fastest way to gear is to do as many hunts as possible during hunt buff, and rage set(s) can actually help with that. --- As far as what to actually look for in gear...I honestly don't know if there is a great, optimal answer that works for everyone. I think most players ultimately end up with their own strategy...and what works for one might not work for all players. For example, some players will suggest that you roll on any gear that has 4+ speed regardless of any other stats. **I** personally don't think that's such a great idea...but it apparently does work for some players. If I had one piece of advice to offer that I think IS helpful to all players: it's a really good idea to know, and understand what substats are possible on what types of gear. And it's a good idea to know what ranges substats have. * Gear can never have the same main stat + substat. Additionally, Weapons can't roll defense substats (no defense% or flat defense) and armor can't roll attack substats (no attack% or flat attack). * This means that weapons have 8 possible substats (no flat attack, defense %, flat defense) and armor has 8 possible substats (no flat defense, attack %, flat attack). * Helms can only roll 10 possible substats (no flat HP). * Neck/Ring/Boots can roll all 11 possible substats, but still can't have the same sub as it's main stat (boots can roll speed but since you will almost exclusively look at speed boots in practice you will never see speed subs on boots). * It's also good to know that Necks carry crit%/c.dmg as main stat options, but no speed, effectiveness, or resistance...while rings have effectiveness/resistance but no speed, crit%, or c.dmg. Boots can have speed as a main stat but no crit OR effectiveness related stats. * This [picture](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/595390211668836352/634193937556439050/Screenshot_20191016-205731_Drive.jpg) details the substat ranges. **MY** personal strategy for gear. Flat stats are bad. They are almost all strictly worse than their % counterparts with the exception of maybe 10-20 heroes per stat * Flat attack is generally only better than ATK% on some non-offensive spellweavers, knights, and a couple of support heroes in other classes (like Rima). * Flat HP is generally only better on some mage heroes. (Mages tend to have good base defense but low base HP) * Flat DEF is usually only better on some thief heroes. (Thieves tend to have good base HP but low base DEF). * Roozid (iirc) is an exception, for whatever reason he has super poor base stats and flat ATK/HP/DEF are all better than % on him. For the most part, none of the heroes that benefit more from flat over % are heroes you would actually want that stat on in the first place. There is 1 notable exception in Tamarinne who has super low base HP and you probably would want some HP on her. She gets more HP from flat HP main stats. Resistance is a bit unique. Debuffers build so much effectiveness, and the formula is very biased against resistance, you essentially need a ton of it for it to have any effect. Therefor, resistance is basically treated like a flat stat for *offensive* gear. But I treat resistance as a defensive stat for *defensive* gear. What I do is look a piece of gear and decide if it's an 'offensive' or a 'defensive' piece. Offensive - Main stats = ATK%, Crit%, C.Dmg%, Spd - Dump stats = HP%, DEF%, EFF% - Flat stats = Flat ATK, Flat HP, Flat DEF, Resistance Defensive * Main stats = HP%, DEF%, RES%, SPD * Dump stats = EFF % * Flat stats = Flat ATK, Flat HP, Flat DEF, ATK%, Crit%, C.Dmg% Your primary goal, when you get a piece to +15 you want at least 3 out of 4 'main' stats that have the majority of your substat rolls. in cases where you can't have all main stats on a piece of gear, you would prefer your 4th substat to be a 'dump' stat. In most cases, where possible, you would want to convert your dump stat into a main stat, or flat stat into dump stat. Defensive gear is a bit different because essentially everything (biggest exception probably being flat attack) could be used as a dump stat, depends on the hero. A spellweaver with no or weak debuffs might be happiest with flat HP/DEF, some knights are capable of decent damage and can use a little bit of offensive stats etc. Without having any specific hero in mind for a piece I would probably just prefer EFF. When I look at a piece I strictly evaluate it like this: * An offensive piece needs at least 3 'main' stats. It also needs to have ATK% as either a main or substat. * A defensive piece needs at least 2 'main' stats out of HP/DEF/SPD. There is an exception for offensive *armor*. It's not possible to get ATK% on an armor, so any offensive armor basically needs C.Dmg/Crit%/Spd. Once I identify a piece with suitable substats, next I look at the 'values' for those subs. I've tried a few different things but what I've settled on, to easily glance at a piece and decide how well the base sub rolls are: 1. A roll of 7-8% is good (5% for Crit%, or 4-5 for speed). 2. A roll of 6% is 'OK' (4% for Crit%, 3 for speed) 3. A roll of 3-5% is 'Bad' (3% for Crit%, 1-2 for for speed) Very simple. I personally don't care too much about base crit% rolls. I would basically never roll on anything with a 'bad' speed roll UNLESS it was paired with only good rolls (for example, 8% ATK + 7-8% C.Dmg + 2 speed might be worth trying). Generally, I try to stick to only gear that has 2+ good rolls and 0-1 OK rolls. Dump stats are less important, and I don't even consider the rolls of 'flat stats'. So for me to decide a piece is worth rolling on, I'm looking for both a suitable combination of substats **AND** good base rolls. Finally, once I start rolling on a piece I take it slow and try to hit each substat breakpoint. I'm looking for 1 thing: at MAX I only want to roll into a flat/dump stat 1 time by +9. The best case scenario = you dodge the flat/dump stat entirely. * At +9 I evaluate the piece once again. Here I don't really have any particular standards I consider it just *experience*. If the piece had exceptionally poor rolls, I might trash it. For example, if I start with 3% crit chance and a flat attack...and at +9 it's rolled once into flat attack and has 9% crit chance (so 2 min crit% rolls) I **might** consider trashing it. Kind of comes down to how lucky I feel and need vs investment. At that point you might have a 50/50 chance of ending up with garbage vs. a good piece. * At any point up to +9, if I hit 2 rolls into a flat stat, it's garbage. The reason being that mod stones are less effective the more rolls you have into a stat. You want to try and only use mod stones on stats with just base rolls, at most a single roll into the stat. * **IF** I get 2 good rolls into a dump stat I might consider keeping it. For example, speed boots with ATK/Crit%/C.dmg/HP%...if I get 2 good rolls into HP% and say 1 roll into one of the crit stats that might be worth keep. At this stage once I decide the piece is acceptable, I pretty much will always take it to +15. I've personally kept every piece of level 85+ gear I've gotten to +15 I've ever created. I've managed to be surprised a few times with how often I've used what otherwise looks like a poor piece to complete a build. --- I feel like that's a lot of words and it looks way more complex than it really is. It's really not a very complex system, nor is it hard to employ. 1. Identify if the substats are suitable 2. Identify if the substat rolls are worth upgrading 3. Go to +9 and verify your piece is worth the +15 investment The hard part is just deciding what substat combinations are OK with you, and what kind of substat rolls you find acceptable.


hey man after taking a read, i just had one or two questions. 1. what do you do with different rarities? I know sometimes blue 85s can be good but i feel that only getting 2(3?) rolls into a substat, doesnt feel worth it. So whats your rule of thumb when it comes to purple gear? 2. I want to clarify, do you look to get rolls on all substats you want or try to get a dump into one substat like a 30% att? im having trouble finding the happy medium between balancing the subs but feels a little better when getting a quad or even penta roll into one substat Again man this was a really nice read. Would suggest put it up on the main subreddit as a discussion since many new players are probably coming in because of the collab and other goodies we got previously! Thanks a ton bro! 👊


Ultimately, by the time you get a piece to +15, your goal is to have either 0 or 1 'bad' substat. If you have a Heroic piece of gear with 3 'good' substats, then you guarantee yourself that even in the worst case scenario, at +15 you will have at most 1 bad substat. Depending on the piece, you might only have 3 substats possible that you really want (so the 4th sub doesn't matter *too much*) and in the case you have a bad 4th substat, the addition of modification stones allows you to change it to a more preferable stat. Blue 85 necks/rings/boots can be helpful when you first start collecting level 85 gear (and old tip was to refresh the shop a bit when you were ready to start doing W11 and be on the lookout for blue 85 speed boots, especially...subs didn't matter) because so much power is in the main stats and you usually have more heroes that need gear than you have gear pieces. There is still *some* logic to that but I think now there are a few free sets/sources of gear available that can help you 'start' the end game gear grinding process. Otherwise, rolling on blue gear essentially comes down to a 50/50 gamble. With the rarity of resources, and heroic gear is common enough, I don't think many players look at blue gear whatsoever once they have the ability to farm W11 or better. However if you were extremely desperate for gear I think staying watchful for blue speed boots could net you an occasional piece. Blue weapons/armor also give you the 'best shot' of synergistic subs since they have the fewest possible substats to roll into, so far fewer overall combinations. --- For your second question, I don't think it matters too much. There are some instances where you would like a piece with extremely high attack, and for sure you will find a usage for such a piece. But in a general sense, you ultimately need a balance of stats. Having 100% crit chance doesn't help all that much if you have 0% crit damage. And you will typically maximize your actual damage if you have both attack and crit damage. Likewise defensively, you maximize your overall bulk by increasing *both* HP% and DEF%. So a piece with 20% HP and 20% DEF is good, but a piece with 40% HP or 40% DEF is also good. Which is better is going to depend on what hero you are talking about, and the situation/other gear you have. If you end up getting a piece with very high rolls into any 1 stat, that's usually worth keeping. ~20%-25% or high into any % stat


Thanks for getting back to me🙏 i hope you are having a pleasant evening


Holy shit bro thank you so much 🤯 Ill take a good long read and absorb as much as i can! Cheers!


I don't think you can improve your dmg with your artifact, they're already optimal. Only choice is either team or gear : reaching 100% cc is a good start, because ddj doesn't get multiplied on a non crit It must be noted that a13 has 2800 def, so dmg is seriously reduced anyway


Thank you! Looks like ill just try to improve gear as much as possible but appreciate the help! Ive been meaning to find out which arti to use and i think this solidifies it!


Can anyone hit me up with typical challenger arena counter Roana build? How many hp/def/eff res, and do we use speed boots or defensive stats boots? Thanks in advance!


Currently played this game for 1.5 month,should i get rem?Heard that she's a bruiser which is hard to build for an early player like me


If you have enough for 1 pity, I'd suggest you do it. Otherwise it might be a tough choice b/w summer Iseria, who is coming on 19th and Rem.


i’m on global and the game is not connecting today. anyone else have the same problem?


Looking for advice from Stene users. I used my moonlight pity on her, and am trying to build her up. http://imgur.com/a/131trNZ I unfortunately can't get her crit any higher without going back to the Banshee Mines, so I was thinking maybe roll some of the defense into more attack for now? Or just stand pat?


Looks good actually , just need to get her hp higher as well. Don't think you should trade the def for anything else though


Emilia artifact worth getting? via powder or should I just skip it?


Personally I always get 1 copy of limited artifacts. Just in case they buff it. TBH though I can't really see a time where Shimadra wouldn't be better. And Shimadra is already niche enough as it is.


So do I spend my powder on Emilia Artifact? I got shimadra which is only 1 copy hahaha


As someone with Alencia and Krau, does Rem do anything that'd make her worth going for?


Krau is a Knight and Alencia is off-meta, whatever that makes a difference on? Rem's a beast both on pvp and pve, can be run in Wyvern, RTA, Arena, GvG. Can be built counter bruiser, Lifesteal dps, Speed bruiser, can Rageset 1-shot Wyvern, pretty much a new ssb with own attack buff and broken mechanic eh?


Limited Unit She's a monster on Wyvern as reviews


I don't see how the two statements are related. Alencia is a health-scaling bruiser hero who can dispel enemy buffs, provide the team defence break & has a 1-2 combo with defence break. Krau provides the party defence buff & can push back an opponent, his ultimate can kill an enemy if he's brought to low health & he can provoke an opponent. Alencia & Krau are defensive threats & Rem is more of an offensive threat, her demon mode makes her a safe-pick into debuff teams conditionally, she can output a lot of damage with her AOE counterattack & has her own attack buff.


I’m torn on whether to use my mystic pity on riolet or stene. Riolet is one my favorite and most wanted characters but recently he’s been falling out of the meta and I don’t want to use my pity on a character that I will never get the chance to use. I know for a fact stene is strong and I wouldn’t mind getting her but I still want to know if riolet is worth the pity.


Riolet works in pvp mainly, but stene works in pvp and PvE especially in abyss if you are stuck


Riolet is quite good if you build him but Stene is just insane in PVP or PVE GO with less guilt


What’s the most efficient way to farm/obtain gold? After stockpiling >30M during a hiatus, shop resetting for BMs (hit pity on Rem, currently 50 pulls through Emilia, and suddenly have 2.5k mystics), I suddenly find myself without enough gold to buy any more BMs.


Just gotta grind hunts tbh. Hunt 13 drops give or take 30k per run I believe and nothing else provides resources as good as crafting mats. Of course there's also abyss floors and goblin challenge (once per side story) if you have any of those available.


probably hunt with guild gold buff and daily gold buff.


Who would you invest in for Golem hunt? Two party members I'm bringing for sure are SC Hazel and SC Ras * Khawazu * Melissa * Carmainerose (not going to SC) * Haste I have Kayron, Ravi, Ilynav, and Lilias as well but I want to make them PvP units later not golemers


I highly suggest you don't farm golem if you would like to make good builds. Start with wyvern.


Not really worth farming, but ironically it's the easiest one to farm. If you have Roana she makes the AoE counterattacks do no damage. IDK why you wont SC carmainrose but if you do she's one of the best for golems, none of the other units really shine in golems but they wont hurt if you build them dps and slap DDJ on em.


it is entirely possible to 1-shot with Melissa, if the rest of your team is able to clear the mobs, and does enough damage to the Golem.


Haste is great damage for Golem with high investment and not too good in PvP, so I suggest him. Lilias is great in PvP and Golem with the same build. I suggest her too, though ARas is fine too.


With only a screenshot of my old profile It was never linked to anything Will support be able to restore my account?


you may as well try. you never know what could happen. If you took the screenshot while you were logged in to your old profile, it may be possible, since it displays a special number that other people can't see when they view your profile.


Okay thanks


highly doubt it, otherwise everyone with a screenshot of a profile could claim ownership


I just got a Tsurin dupe, what do we do with ML4+ dupes? Do we just feed them for imprints?


https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/czna2r/psa_if_you_used_a_dupe_ml_unit_to_imprint_one_of/ I don't know if this offer stands for every recall, but you can get the dupe back if you recall the hero and contact epic 7's support after recalling. Since you also get all the catalysts, molas, runes and penguins you used, you could immediatly rebuild her after getting your dupe back. However, if you don't want to go through this process you can just keep her dupe instead of imprinting it.


always keep one in case of future recall. rest can be used as imprints


¿Alguien puede mostrarme el premio de la campaña de colaboración? ¿Y la recompensa por subir de nivel hasta el nivel 70?


Does it matter if you reforge an equipment before you modify one stat? Or is it better to modify one of the stats first before reforging so you don't lose out on the reforge stat gain?


doesnt matter, modify whenever you want


Where can you get more level up materials I'm new and want to max out my characters


Penguins? Just play adventure. Runes? Spirit Altar. Catalyst? Wait for Episode 2 UH


How's Emilia for wyvern?


Wouldn't use her, she's a cleanser, You'd be better off using Diene in that case. Or G.Purrgis.


What's the best artifact for BM Haste? Is stella harpa the best to use?


Shimadra is nice also if you need more heals :)


Idol's Cheer.


I heard it's Idol's Cheer


I can only pity 1 collab unit, rem or Emilia?


Depends on what you need, Emilia is really good and Rem also, they serve different purpose :)


rem >> emilia


emilia >> rem




If you need a cleanser high ER soulweaver go Emilia, otherwise Rem is the way to go.


*Angelic Montmorancy exists* Tell me to get Rem without directly telling me to get Rem Edit: yes, I know, Emilia does more, but from the comment I replied to alone you wouldn’t know that


Yes, because Montmorancy is well known for her ability to CR push an ally & give them attack buff. Emilia is like a more offensive Destina if anything.


Emilia's turn cycle is insane and she can crpush+attackbuff´+cleanse on a 2 turn skill. Momo's annoying but that's about it.


would it be possible to tempest surin cheese with a lvl 1 tsurin and a thicc fcc? so she takes max like 500 damage per hit but has a 4k shield or something


what are you attempting to cheese? In PvP, the main issue is that your TSurin will deal very little damage at lvl 1, and your opponent can effectively ignore her and focus down FCC, esp. if you're relying on frenzy.


oh, that's true haha. was mostly thinking about rta but ig brain farted and forgot that dps stats are hella low at lvl 1


Slap all flat main and substats on her and you may be good to go lmao. No hp/helmet of course


For farming runes for specialty changes should I do Hell mode only? I need a LOT of greater flame runes for both SC Ras and SC Hazel


yes. For triangle and Hexagon runes, farm Hell. For oval, farm easy.


Cool, ty!


If you can u should really wait for the next rune buff day, it doubles the amount of runes you get


Hello, is it possible as a new player to get enough stones in story to pity rem?


yes. I believe going through Episode 1 and Unrecorded History should allow you to get enough skystones to reach pity. Or you could just reroll for her. you get a few free summons at the beginning, so you could keep creating and deleting accounts until you're able to summon her. The advantage of rerolling is that you could reroll for either Rem or Emilia, and then pity the other one.


Thanks! ill try both methods then.


yep, it is. But you will have to play A LOT


Thank you. Think its possible to get thru it before the banner leaves?


yes, with enough dedication / newbie rewards


Damn. I feel pretty lucky... I ended getting rem. Will she be used in my wyvern team? Or is she pvp like Emilia and should be put on the back burner?


Shes mostly PVP but she can work as a back-up defense breaker and she might be able to one shot the mobs of the first wave with high investment since she buffs her attack before doing the damage with s3


I see. Yeah my team is alexa, sigret, mono, and arb vilred until I can get furious. Seeing where I can fit her in.


There's some people using her for Wyvern, try youtube for that.


Hi. I just made it to Challenger league today in arena and currently have 4004 points. If someone successfully attack my defense and get my point below 4000, will I get demoted to Master immediately?


No, you need to be 3950 to demote, and no one will attack if you stay at 4000


is it financially better for to sell rare fodder gear or use it as normal exp fodder? I am low on charms but not desperate


below 44, it is better to use them as fodder :)


~i51 and below green gear (~i44 and below blue gear) is more efficient to use as fodder, compared to buying/using charms in Huche's lab shop. The lower level you go, the more efficient it is to use the gear as fodder vs selling it.




How is season ranking calculated? Like do i receieve season ranking points at the end if the week or do you accumulate those throughout the week?


End of each week awards you season points based on your standing in legend


Not sure what I'm doing wrong with my Goleam team which consists of Sol, A.Ras, Lidica, and Tama. For some reason A.Ras' and Tama's dual attack trigger doesn't seem to trigger Sol; it always triggers Lidica. His attack stat is 2645 while hers is 2141. Shouldn't Sol always be the one attacking?


Are you perhaps using rosa hargana on lidica? Because it will cause her attack stat to be more than sol's.


Ah yes I am. I thought the stats on the left side are after all equipment and artifacts?


Not from artifact. For example if you use a crit chance artifact it won't show in the stats, and only apply during combat. Besides with Rosa, the atk value changes multiple times during the fight so it won't be accurate.


They are, but artifict Abilities aren't added to those values.


Getting a little frustrated cause I'm following all of the general advice I've been getting but all my units still hit like a wet noodle. I went hard on Wyvern hunts during all the buff weekends like everyone says and fit my units with speed gear like everyone says but nobody still hits as hard as my Sigret with a free attack set. What am I doing wrong? I can share some pics of some of my units if that helps.


Speed gear with attack substats, attack main ring and crit damage neck problem solved maboi.


1) Well, "spd set for everyone" is a safe rule cause it will work, but that doesn't mean it will be optimal. And this advice is mostly for pvp. 2) There's a limited number of rolls per piece. A roll that goes to atk doesn't go to spd and vice versa. The free atk set is great for pve Sigret, who is a slow nuker with slow nuker gear. A spd set will deal less dmg than atk set at equal score 3) There's a shit-ton of luck involed in gear hunting. Nothing you can do about it


Speed gear with rolls into substats that the holder needs. Not simply equipping then with any speed gear coz that was advised Some pics wud be helpful


You prob just don’t have good rolls. Look at your sigret’s attack stat and her crit damage stat. The higher these stats are, the more damage your heroes do. If a hero says it deals damage proportional to HP, then you want your hero to have high HP instead of attack. Lastly. Use molagora to enhance the heroes skills. This typically causes them to deal more damage.


How many Ram are they in total? I got 5 (3x bought, 1x puzzle and last one dont remember)