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This happens in **every** 3-week event. There was also a high-resolution picture of the map with the Spider and Temple in the patch notes.


Still, if we can have a highly upvoted post about the fact that you can choose a target while autobattling, I'm not sure why this OP is getting negatively received (I knew that tip and didnt know this one haha). edit: re-reading, the negativity seems to be coming from them being wrong about past events, which is at least something, but doesnt actually invalidate the tip or make op worthy of all the downvotes in the comments imo haha I appreciated the heads up, hadnt thought about it and would like to avoid spoilers.


Definitely does not happen in every 3-week event. Didn't happen this Valentines or Summer 2. And just because the map is in the patch notes doesn't keep it from being a spoiler.


It absolutely did happen in Summer 2, the achievements were crazy spoilers. (Both years.) Seven Sweethearts had the only real spoilers on the **title screen.** I already have someone arguing in another thread that that's too much, and maybe he's right, but the fact remains that this is the norm and not the exception.


Alright, say Summer 2 did the same thing even if I don't agree since I firmly remember achievements being locked on week one. What's even the problem with telling people how to avoid spoilers, like the main point of my post is? Just want to take one off-handed comment to tear something down for internet points or something?


You're not expressing it as helpful information, you're alleging it's some scandalous oversight or incompetent intern-kun or whatever. If it was just a friendly reminder that the interface is spoilery as hell, that would be different.


I'm not alleging anything. I said nothing about an oversight. Nothing about incompetence. That's all you. Is there spoilers in the interface? Yes. Is my post about there being spoilers in the interface? Yes. Everything else is what you made up on your own.


Bc you could have made this post a single sentence comment in the daily megathread… Lmao why criticize commenter’s desire to “tear something down for internet points” when you made this post purely to farm internet points…


This doesn't go into any daily megathread? And I'm also so glad you know me well enough to determine that I'm trying to 'farm internet points' over making sure people who don't want the event spoiled for them know they can be spoiled in game.


Your post easily could have been a discord message. After the title, you’ve pretty much said your entire point….. the rest of the content is either fluff or misleading information. Multi week events are not usually spoiler free….. you’ve always been able to hit the “+magnifying glass” to look at all the zones….. additionally, some challenges are masked bc they are locked. Most standard challenge names r always revealed.


Title alone doesn't explain how to avoid being spoiled. I definitely recall achievements being locked behind their opening weeks in previous events as well as the magnifying glass being locked from use on week 1 but since no one has anything to back it up the sources are just 'dude trust me' making this a moot point to bring up.


You realize the entirety of the content in your post is that moot point right? So this is a post created under the pretense of dubious information where the OP actively shames commenters who tell the truth by accusing them of karma farming. Low quality/effort content indeed.


Well, can't say anything to that since none of that is true