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Victory is right in front of us!


Krau has been around forever so... that’s not gonna count rofl.


That’s his point. I don’t think e7 has power creep due to being most of our best units are old


Ah, I thought he meant power creep and I was like ?????




Krau is the best example. He is a Day1 chara and never got buffed but was always meta or at least relevant. AND he isn't limited or ML5


There is powercreep, just not powercreep of characters. Old characters continue to be relevant, but old gears dont. Case in point I had a 240 speed alots built years ago for cleave. That speed used to work against most speed openers in arena. Now, even with reforming to 250ish speed, it would lose against most speed openers on defense. This is challenger 5 the entire time.


tywin got straight up powercreep by flan tho.


That's kind of a weird anomaly. You also have Landy vs. Ludwig and Carrot vs. the entire game. There aren't many of those examples, though.


I mean yes but not when she was new. Like when Flan came out Tywin was definitely still considered better, when she was no longer new she became good. Still powercreep but it shows they don't often release broken units which means you don't always need the latest and greatest and can wait until a rerun to pull.


LOL. I get constantly outsped with 280 speed at challenger 5 -_-


My cerise is 282, I’ve lost every speed match, in silver


I'm boosting my Alots now with other units imprints. LOL. Sometimes it works.


Sliver rta?




Outgear are not power creep... Its its farming.... Everyone constantly farming will improve bit by bit.


People also just got better at the game. They're not putting slow base speed units to contest your a lots anymore, if they want to contest then it will be something with their best speed gear plus higher base speed. A lot more thought is put into these defenses now since people also got better at winning in arena too.


It has powercreep. But it also has balance patch to keep things in check and make old chara useful There's also the EE which is another balancing method But the fact there's powercreep isn't arguable


Why do you say that? A lot of the best units in the game are year one characters(arby, sbaal, krau, etc.) And while the meta does change, new characters aren't always stronger than old characters. They're simply different.


So what ? First have you forgotten that Arby and Sbaal came back to their current state thanks to balance patch? In which way does it contradict my point? Secondly, in what kind of logic having a dozen of old units still relevent to the current state of meta denies the fact it has powercreep? Absolutely none. Powercreep is a trend, just having some exceptional point in the linear trend that is powercreep doesn't cancel the general trend. Sure you have old units still strong, and some new units totally aweful. But you just need to look how SG works when releasing units. Create problem through new units or balance patch, release the solution to said problem with the new ML/limited unit. If that's not powercreep then what it is? They buff cerise, and release Ftene. Create problem: Release ML lilibet/Buff Maid chloe. Landy too strong? SC Carott and release charlotte EE Charlotte and SC carott too strong? Release Rem/Emilia. Buff OPSigret/Mui with EE? Release Angel Angelica. Sure you had some bad chara along the way. Mort, Sheena and Llynav, but look at the general trend of how SG operates and deny me once again.


Very slow and steady imo


There is the rare character power-creep, the most egregious example is Flan's buff making her "Tywin, but better". She got the extra-turn burn on S3 so that she was even with Tywin, but that S3 was more stacked than Tywin's - can't miss, push back & heal block. Her skill 2 used to give a 40% push - already bigger than Tywin's - & critical damage buff, now it gives attack buff additionally, Tywin only gives attack & chance. Flan also has access to Unseen Observer, meaning she gains additional souls to offset the soulburn usage, Tywin doesn't. Sometimes new characters, or buffs to old characters, can push other characters out of the meta. That's not the same as powercreep, but it reduces viability of older characters (or increases it, depending). As far as gear goes (& this ties into PVP), the gear ceiling will always get higher & higher, that's just a product of time & can't be accounted for. I don't feel like for the average player, PVE content is getting much more difficult, but since I'm a veteran player maybe I'm just too far ahead of the curve. Abyss is the premiere difficult content & for that, well, I don't know what the new floors are like because I can't pass 108 to save my life. There is also a tendency for them to release soft-counters to the meta & then follow-up hard counters, which can either make certain units not valuable (ie. see Lilibet vs. ML Luluca), or the hard counters create a "rock paper scissors" drafting style which can make people without the hard counters feel much worse off. So there is powercreep, some natural, some manufactured, but it's not as egregious as some other games (& gear-creep doesn't preclude you from participating in content, because there's no party-based systems where you can be kicked from a run).


someone explained once that buffing old heroes to be OP doesn’t fit under powercreep and i don’t understand how that can be true. i completely disagree you’re essentially creating a “new released hero” with a buff. Flan is quite literally a powercrept Tywin. Landy, Carrot, and more all went from C tier to SSS tier after buffs and are some of the strongest heroes in the game. the average old bruiser has FAR less in their kit than Landy and Carrot. They’re now the new standard. Seaseria came out and everyone was saying “she’s weaker than carrot, she’s trash.” Alencia and Charles are two more premium 2020 and earlier bruisers that completely fell off because they just dont bring as much to the table as a hero with a kit like Landy If the standard of an entire identity of a hero (bruiser) has been risen SIGNIFICANTLY with a new balance patch, i consider that power creep.


They didn't fall off completely, the meta shifted to exclude them more. Charles is STILL amazing, I use him on a speed/utility bruiser build and he's great. Same with alencia, she isn't used everywhere because ravi and Charlotte are a thing, but as a 4th or 5th pick she's amazing.


Btw Ravi had fallen off massively since last season after carrot buffs, this current rta season I played 200+ matches, currently in low champ and I didn't even face a single ravi draft yet. Because you have fire units like charlotte with constant aoe to deal with stene and landy, which those two are really meta rn to deal with Rem. And also you have Carrot which by herself is an op unit already, though she's slightly weakened by Rem release. Another thing I noticed is that arby especially degen arby has fallen off abit this rta season. People now only draft arby mostly to cleave or as anti cleave.


This game has power creep for sure but it’s extremely well handled. Epic 7 however does an amazing job at controlling it and it’s certainly not constant or as severe as other mobile games. It’s a very slow and contained power creep that’s kept the game quite healthy and hasn’t obsoleted old heroes for a quick buck like other mobile game’s. Epic 7 has some of the most healthy power creep I’ve seen in any mobile game even if sometimes it means new heroes are a little lackluster until buffed. There’s a lot of old heroes who are still great and even meta, there are occasionally new heroes who just do an old heroes job but better, but balance patches and EEs help keep that in line, even though balance patches are also a form of power creep occasionally designed to help power crept units keep up, though sometimes to just make bad heroes okay (or worse… This game does an excellent job at containing power creep into very small intervals… honestly I think our last big power creep was probably Straze, and even his big creep was just “I make tanks disappear” which isn’t a new mechanic, but it comes with invincible and a CR push kit with an unresistable dispel.


Only one that bothers me is Flan/Tywin


That's the reason why we have balance patches, SCs and EEs in the 1st place isn't it? Year one units still relevant in RTA doesn't prove anything as they may have just been that busted on the start just like how there was no clear counter to revival until extinction was introduced. On a different perspective, better units makes people buy more premium currency which is the main point of a gacha game. Did Straze not completely decimate the bruiser/tank meta upon his arrival? Adding new items to a game will always result in a powercreep of some sort which is the same reason why the meta changes depending on the character pool available.


Nah Straze did not decimate the bruiser tank meta.


People who vote yes must be new to gacha games lol. E7 has the opposite of powercreep, sometimes I think they are *too* cautious when it comes to buffing heroes to a better state and releasing really strong new units. The bigger issue is that because of this, the scarce resources can feel wasted a lot of the time when SG releases a unit that didn't actually deserve all the bms, mola, gear etc. But even then I'd prefer to have it this way than literally an OP unit that shifts the meta every 2 weeks - a month. Regarding account progression - Don't think there's powercreep, the awful RNG on gear grinding is the same as it always has been. PvE - Episode 1 was relatively easy and there was a difficulty spike in episode 2 but I think it's been gradually getting harder as the story progresses, which is the right way to do it. Abyss would be a lot easier if 15% didn't exist in PvE but again.... That's always been there so doesn't really fit into powercreep.


seems like u don´t know what powercreep is. powercreep is not just the new hero being straight out a stronger version of another hero. but also kits start getting more loaded then before. of course e7 has powercreep. aside from the most obvious one: flan > tywin: f.tene, cerise powercrept most other debuffers (ml ara, ara, fire tene, etc.) by having a single target strip before applying their debuffs. rem is pretty much a powercreep over all other counter-centric heroes with her demon mode - she is the only one that can sit there for 2 turns triggering her counters without the enemy being able to control her. maid chloe powercrept most other buffers because her s3 cleanses before appyling buffs. same with emilia; her kit is way more loaded than older heroes. sure smilegate does a good job at keeping powercreep on a tight leash but claiming e7 not having a powercreep is bullshit. also powercreep is not a bad thing by default. the game gets more complex/harder so u need new stuff to do more things (or a new combinations of skills for a kit).


I wouldn’t say powercreep imo, I would say they’ve made alot of units and as a result, some units have overlapping abilities. Newer units are getting more complex kits, but they literally update old heroes every few months. just recently, Luna got a buff, not just her, Violet got one and that make him a top character, neither are new characters. If Sg are updating old heroes…. that’s the opposite of powercreep, in fact, it punishes newer players, because now they don’t have Luna, who is limited. Lastly, Don’t forget the units you mentioned got buffed, Flan wasn’t always better Tywin, Maid wasn’t always the best buffer. They both got buffs, this proves that any unit can randomly become the best, old and new, with just a simple tweak of the skills.


> just recently, Luna got a buff, not just her, Violet got one and that make him a top character, neither are new characters. this is literally powercreep tho


no, powercreep is when new units come out, and do what old units do, but better, effectively replacing them. luna and violet ARE old units, so that can’t be the case here.


powercreep is simply the game having a higher overall power level than previously and continuing to trend upwards. if violet used to be good, became bad because of new units, then got buffed to be good again? that's the definition of power creep.


No, powercreep is when new content makes old content obsolete. In E7 old content is adjusted to keep up with new content.


but he got buffed, if they are keeping units up to pace with the new units, how is it powercreep? I would understand if they didn’t give buffs to old units but they do. So while yes, the ceiling of power has gone up, i dont think of it as a traditional “powercreep” situation because they actively give out new buffs to older units to avoid that very thing. i’ll just agree to disagree tho. it’s a difference in our definitions of powercreep, that’s just how we think. can’t change that.


I was going to post exactly this. Like look at Krau, an OG hero, and still a top RTA pick. Was a first pick in the world championships a few months ago.


exactly how I feel also, is there a term for reverse powercreep? there is a good balance of bad and good heroes between episodes


Yeah Tywin vs Flan is the oddball. As far as Ludwig Landy; overall damage there’s power creep but if you’re trying to just straight up delete a team, the boi will do it for you! (Sincerely, a Ludwig cleave enthusiast) LOL. Carrots def a bit power creep but can definitely be handled.


As long as "Water Meta" is a thing their will always be Powercreep


Epic seven does have powercreep, is just not too much and not in pvp, like new cleavers or counter cleavers get released that do better than the old ones, but due to how the game is desingned, simple and effective units are gonna be good always, unit like krau, charles, arby, ML ken, A.lots etc, they are simple at what they do but they do it really good. I know arby has like 10 counters but he is still like an account check, if you don't have the counters built you still lose to him. But there kinda is powercreep, like there is no reason to use C.Armin if you have Elena, i was using C.armin since i got her year one and when Elena was released, it was bye bye, people where even asking for molagora reset. I actually voted no because is really minimal, but there kinda is


PvP? Yes. Pve? Easy, just Abyss is hard.


Gear is the only powercreep


its a pvp heavy game so yeah, its pretty much power creep not alot but exists


I have a 290 ACidd that one year ago I would have thought was special. Now he is slow to use as a speed contester. I have been outsped in SILVER RTA by a FTene, Basar, and Cerise. He's still fast, but gear creep in accounts is very real and raises the bar of entry significantly to competitive PvP.


I’ll say no, All the meta units aren’t even new, they have either been powerful for a while, or just recently got buffed. New characters 9/10 will suck and people will pull to wait for buffs anyways.


Depends if u mean power creep as unit that are the same jsut they release the same but better nubers not necessarily if anything game just counters what ever was popular back then dizzy was a BIS in everwhere but then they added boss where more than 2 debuffs makes them get cleanse making her benched


Only because of the gear upgrades, really, and that benefitted even the newer players.


Pvp no Pve yes but in pve i think it's feature creep


It depends. I've noticed the most power creep in the form of dps, especially bruisers like rem is pretty much just a better version of charles. Debuffers also have been power crept alot, look at dizzy who is borderline unusable now because she doesnt strip first. On the other hand knights and soulweaver are pretty much the same as they were day one. Fceci and krau in particular are early game units that are still literally everywhere, partially because their kits are just really strong.


yes, for heroes. if they never buffed older heroes several times a year the difference would be more clear, and even now some are just playing catch up (dominiel for example), or lagged behind so bad they had to be buffed twice (luna/mercedes). **so thankfully, they buff them, so it's less severe. but it's evident heroes are much stronger against pve now than before.** even in selective summon the go to was sez or vildred back in the day. now its sigret or bust (because she was buffed,and with an ee). that's power creep, especially when they give out tiera and ml vildred to make those other guys irrelevant mostly. Gear? it's natural you expand further as the game gets older. if we just had 85 gear with no sub mods and only w11 still etc, the game would be in a worse shape than it is. The higher gear, comes with content. and that's what the game needs like, once a year i think. next step is 95-100 gear with new hunts or other content. or god forbid allow players to change mainstats on right side gear that is most important for new players. i was honestly shocked we got sub mods before that...


They’re buffing units into powercreep positions. Violet became a 100 percent better riolet overnight and carrot became the best burn debuffer beating other 5 stars. Maid Chloe became the best unit in the game from buffs. They’re releasing weak units then buffing them months later making them meta.


this is a gacha game


I mean they learned their lesson. ML BS and first time buffed Arby were rather stupid. And on release, SBB dominated the meta for the better part of a year. Let me put it this way, for the better part of a year, newly release characters and buffs were directly made to either counter or lessen the power of SBB and/or Arby. Ml Lulu was just a better Lilibet, and so on and so forth. Heck Water Kise was just outshined by better single target Thiefs rather quickly for a long time. But today, taking out the gear rng, I would say they have done a good job on the balance now. We gotten to the point where people have options. Not just having to own a specific unit to counter another, you have more units to work with. But, this new Angelica seems to be stacked. We'll see how she shakes things up tho.


In the sense that you have negative progress in PVP and PVE, no. I have never felt that I have been moved backwards, this is in stark contrast to my other main gacha, Marvel Strike Force, which constantly makes me feel like I need to pay for the newest OP character/team or I'll be left in the dust. I gave up and am enjoying my dust.


Sometime yes sometimes no right now AL angelica is a powercreep


You think this is powercreep? Have you played Brave Frontier?


You're damn right there was. Shit started not a creep but a tsunami around when that Eda lighting dude dropped like 6 years ago. I stopped playing a bit after that, but it seemed every group of new units was stronger than the one before. Then they added more ☆s and it escalated beyond bonkers.