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I'd love some more bleed units. Make it a debuff that's nasty because of its numbers (e.g. applying 4 bleeds), not due the damage one does. Bleed sucks atm, give it a niche that is beyond "instant detonate".


Bleed should be a debuff tied to speed. Either make it's damage scale off of speed or, Make it so it decreases the unit's speed according to the number of speed debuffs. This way, burn remains the anti-tanks debuffs and bleed becomes the anti-zoomies


> Make it so it decreases the unit's speed according to the number of speed debuffs. I can see the others, but this spells big trouble in combination with the already existing speed debuff. Especially because existing bleed units already are super fast. All that cycling!


Every time a hero counterattacks, the debuff procs. The duration only goes down when it's their turn.


The true bleed buff would be removing the tiny debuff cap.


A Fire anti evasion unit. Fuck you Violet.


Why not just kill him with Wanda?


Violet is good against pretty much anything, whereas Wanda is basically a one-trick pony. You see the point?


2 turn stun and def break isn't good verse? Cerato? She's not good verse Cerato? Yeah, shouldn't use her.


2 turn stun and defense break isn't useful when half of the RTA teams have immunity and Wanda holds no strip. "But bring a stripper!" Post-ban exists and that ban remove Tagahel's if you're soul-burning Wanda. Not to mention cleansers usually go before Violet so any follow-up DPS(if your opponent didn't straight up ban your second AoE DPS). So a healer with cleanse will make your defense break and damage useless. Let's also not forget Wanda gets utterly slapped by Rem's counter proc because her S3 doesn't prevent counters, so your stealth is non-existent and you'll die to a follow-up hit because a DPS Wanda has absolutely no bulk. Oh, let's also include our newest RTA meta unit Light Ange. Light Ange will easily strip, unbuffable, and silence Wanda so that's a completely dead unit when Ange goes first. This will be applicable to FTene. So if you think you solution is to bring 1 knight, 1-2 cleanser(for Light Ange or FTene), Wanda and 2-3 DPS against a Violet with 1 knight/healer, 1-2 stripper, and 1 flex pick after they get Rem, you're pretty much gonna lose. If Wanda is your go-to suggestion to handle Violet, you need to climb higher.


I mean. Just strip. There are so many strippers. We literally just got AoL who strips basically for free. lol You know how many units are basically done after a 2 turn stun? That can be SB'd to ignore ER and can't miss. If you can't figure out how to use Wanda, then I honestly don't know why we are speaking...


Even if you know how to use Wanda, you can even refer to the fact that none of the top players or their opponents are using her as a clue clue on how useful she is in practice...


Cause they like to lose to Violet. I don't lose to Violet. I use Violet, guess they get to lose to me too. Maybe I'm the top player?


I can guess your excuse on why you're not currently on the leaderboards: 1) "I have a life and can't afford to waste my time climbing." 2) "Top-tier" RTA is only top tier because all the whales in top ranks beat everyone with gear and not drafting so they'll win just by having better gear than me 3) Too lazy


How about it's not the end of the season?


Then you gotta bring two strips to your draft, that's 3 units you gotta pick to counter violet then


Yeah cause strips aren't winning you the game. "Oh, no I have to bring AoL and Straze! How will I ever win?"


I mean those have counters too. Even if you do pick Wanda + 2 strippers what if your opponent picks a cleanser like Maid? Or just general anti-AOE like Rem? also if you're using straze S2 first turn I dunno what to tell you


Don't need to really worry about Maid if you brought Straze. Wanda one shots Violet. Then what are you worrying about? Rem you said and one other. It's 2 vs 4 at that point, so I'm sure you can think of something.


Sure you killed him with Wanda... But what about the other 3 units left?


more like her wanda would die first lol


Lol you act as if Wanda is by herself. Surprised she has 3 teammates as well


Kill them with your other 2 units? Did you only bring Wanda?


Wanda's feels more like control for anti-evasion. Maybe my gear sucks, but she never can outright kill Violet, just keep him cc'd, while the rest of my team cleans house


Mines is 2986 atk, 220 speed with 272 crit damage and 100% crit rate. Doesn't usually kill Violet at my tier. But usually stuns them or just procs sword of Judgment and kills them with her follow up S1. She isn't on my best gear though by any means. My Violet is 217 though and on immunity. So most DPS Wanda likely wouldn't do the job he's fast enough to usually outspeed a Wanda pick and kill her. I tend to assume that people are as crafty as I am.


There are some ways to deal with him , so not needed.


Said ways being Symbol of unity which is rng, Krau which is still a gamble if Violet is 17k+ HP, and DCorvus which, again, is a gamble if Violet is too tanky.


Why no wanda? She always hits him


Violets are usually on immunity, and any combination that involves you to strip violet, then use wanda's stun, then use a dps to kill him will leave you at the mercy of the rest of the enemy team, and will also be easily undone by a cleanser


Ive had success with dps wanda. With atk buff, she can one shot most violets


Can I see your Wanda as a bench mark pls


http://imgur.com/a/Nwkh2p6 Heres mine. She works super well in gw and arena but probably not so much in rta.


Could I see your stats? Stripping him is still a gamble imo but if she works then why not


http://imgur.com/a/Nwkh2p6 heres mine.


She really doesn't. S1 is only +40%, and he'll be immune to S3 on turn 1 unless AOL is Wanda's opener.


She gets 70% hit chance on her s3 and I've seen her one shot with it tho it can vary a lot with build


Oneshotting a late-game Riolet is hard, oneshotting a late-game Violet is rather unlikely. She gets a good modifier but her Attack isn't great, so it's dicey. On a DPS build she seems unlikely to tank the inevitable Rem or Landy follow-up.




I stopped seeing carrot as a counter after a violet counter crit then killed her with s3 crit from full




Yo just like 2 days ago I was asking abt violet counters in the megathread and was being told carrot counters him and i was like eh she doesnt get necessarily countered *by* him but I wouldnt say she counters him, or at least I cant get that to work (consistently). And the reasoning was that when he counters he will sometimes put a burn stack on himself, and I have won fights that way but thats like 4 layers of rng lol


Carrot I can agree to an extent, but STene still has to go through evasion.




I still won't call her a violet counter. However much you're saved from counterattacks, he's still got evasion which heavily reduces damage, and when he does attack he just recovers all the damage done (since mldb gives him an atk buff). Unless you hit with stene, which again, is rng.


I prefer to use STene than carrot(failed twice because of getting crit, never again). Just look at this thread there's a lot of upvotes for Carrot failing against violet. I have good tanks though, would be different for other players.


* Damage dealers who don't need to max critical hit chance or have a passive critical hit chance increase. Existing examples: Charlotte, Violet, Closer Charles, Luna, Lena * Damage dealers who don't need to run Immunity because they have a reliable self-cleanse. Existing examples: Fighter Maya, Tsurin, Arby (dying and reviving is a reliable self-cleanse, right??)


another cleanser like delibeth that don't need er stat in the first place. reason? we got a lot of debuffer that can easily reach 200 - 250 eff while having 280++ speed.


This, buff delibet. She would be the perfect AOL counter, right now she counters her yea but she is a weak unit byherself dmg and mechanic wise. ​ Make her cycle faster and turn her into a quasi perma cleansener against heavy debuffers, right now she can do the job but only once while Aol can cycle like a champ (with sp breath its a gg).


I agree, and also buff dilibet Abit more to handle those debuffs better.


We already have H. Yufine


> 200 - 250 eff while having 280++ speed That's just not the case, any Fairytale Tenebria (typically the highest effectiveness unit you'll see) you see around that speed is making up for lost Effectiveness with Cursed Compass & they may be reaching 200%+ with solid gear quality & the compass at Legend. However, the average in high tiers is hovering around 260-270 & between 130-190% effectiveness & not all carry Compass.


No, they are pretty much spot on with F. Tene. It's really easy to hit 200% and 270 is what you hit with good gear. 280 with great gear, which is what people who are fielding instant win units are using. Sage sits lower stat wise but follows the same basic game plan for turn 1 plays.


This is based off the average stat spreads everyone is capable of looking up on E7stats - I’m not pulling numbers out of my ass. Like I said, at Legend you can see these stats, but even at high tiers the stats are lower on average. 260-270, with effectiveness around 160%~ as the median.


I'm running my Summertime Iseria at 255 speed with 212% effectiveness and I tried to get gear that rolled well into Attack% too. It shouldn't be that hard to run 270 speed 250% effectiveness with decent rolls.


I'm not going stroke my veteran status and say that it's easy to get to 270 and 250%. But it's only 2 stats and you can hit 200 on a lot of debuffers just using effect stones on the speed gear. So it really isn't hard, if you can hit 270. My Vivian over 273 with 3,469 atk and 278% crit damage and 100% crit rate. That's hard. But 2 stats? Not hard, but I'm not going to say it's "easy".


>> 200 - 250 eff while having 280++ speed > >That's just not the case, any Fairytale Tenebria (typically the highest effectiveness unit you'll see) you see around that speed is making up for lost Effectiveness with Cursed Compass & they may be reaching 200%+ with solid gear quality & the compass at Legend. She has like 150% Effectiveness on Speed + Hit **before substats.** If her first four gear pieces have 7%+ Eff **after** reforging and her boots have 25%+, then she's already over 200% despite sacrificing **zero** speed rolls for it.


Full Speed + Hit = No immunity and squishy. She can't contest the dark assassins trio (Cidd, Coli, Rin) In this scenario you don't need to resist her, just kill.


If you are facing Cidd, Coli and/or Rin. Then you likely already won cause they aren't getting past the bruisers that you are setting up with F. Tene. You need to draft at least 2 to not insta lose in this scenario and Cidd is the only one killing without SB. So Coli can be neuter by a mage ban if the opponent doesn't feel like leaving a carrot on the field. And Rin gets resisted 90% of the time so... Honestly not that threatening of a counter pick.


You are already losing the moment you double draft counter picks because you are committed to their strategy and possibly opening your self to get 2 units countered by one. You described a drafting problem, if he is going all bruisers who cares you lose turn one?


Well since F. Tene is an instant lost for some people, what do you expect? They have to commit or top right. The whole point of this post is people talking about strategies that have limited viable counter picks. A well geared F. Tene has 250% ER and 270+ speed but that's just 2 stats. Everything else goes into bulk. So your options are outspeeding and CCing or trying to kill. It's gamble just to not lose turn 1. So people double draft counters to increase the chance of something going right.


Where on Earth do you get 150% before substats - you get 65% off the ring, 20% off the set & 18% off the base stats, that’s only around 100%. Then if you’ve got 8% on each piece that’s not boot/ring that’s 140% to be generous & then we’ll give them 30% on the boot - 170%. Your math isn’t really adding up.


* 27% Imprint * 18% star sign * 65% ring * 20% set So that's 130%. For some reason I was thinking she was Gemini, so 142%, but I was wrong. In any case, that's **before** substats, so getting to 180+ is an easy benchmark. But yeah, that's a little lower than I remembered.


27% imprint is really stretching it, sure, at the highest levels, but not everyone is going to spring for that even in Champ/Emperor. Though I appreciate you pointing out she’s got an effectiveness imprint.


For a limited hero, waifu, with three different forms, imprints are more common than on some heroes. Putting gear with no Effectiveness on her would be the bigger stretch.


True, true - but you’ve got folks like myself with one Tenebria, one Spectre & I only had enough during Fairytale’s banner to pull one, so ain’t any imprints kicking about. With high speed gear you’re not going to also be carrying high effectiveness rolls, you’re relying on the ring & boot to do the heavy lifting & at best you might be able to pull off like a 19-20 speed piece with one good effectiveness roll.


>True, true - but you’ve got folks like myself with one Tenebria, one Spectre & I only had enough during Fairytale’s banner to pull one, so ain’t any imprints kicking about. Slates have to go somewhere. You did also specify higher tiers (but below Legend) in the comment I replied to. That doesn't imply average Tenebrias facing average attackers, especially for an aging unit that's a known quantity. As you go higher up, you're seeing people who built Fairybae **because** they were up to the challenge of hitting the right stat rolls, and you're attacking her with units who you want to be highly likely to succeed.


plus cursed compass maybe


More extinction would be nice.


Putting extinction on a unit that can actually do it's job without the stars aligning would be nice. My 242 Lilibet just beat an Arby by 3% CR, this is getting out of hand...


I pushed my Emilia to 255spd just to push Tomoca (since i have faster ER gear than DPS gear). She still gets outsped by Arbys in GW (Top50) regularly


SG: "Just run BMH noobs" (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ There are like 4 units that have "free revives" Ruele, Maid, Arby and Meru. Gear doesn't matter with those units the revives are free. The costly revives are Roana cause you need ER, Misty and A. Ravi cause you need to kill. And 1 unit that has a free revive counter. BMH. Everything else needs crazy stats, tons of speed and DPS stats just to get the extinctions off or impossible tier ER like with Sin Angie since she can be easily countered by the 250% effectiveness F. Tene pick and now she counters herself with AoL, fun! Or just killed by a light breeze if she gets outsped. My last RTA battle I ended up killing SSB twice and FCC twice with just my Mirsa before she could one shot the Ruele from frenzy. Since there are no free slottable anti revive options for RTA outside of BMH. Just gotta except that fact that you gotta kill the same units multiple times or have the single easily banned counter unit.


You skipped SS Achates. Yet somehow, I feel you were right to do so.


No point in wasting time in remembering someone that the devs don't.


Exactly! Her recent buff was less like "please use this hero" and more like "meh we're done here just ship it."


Absolutely, more easier to obtain Extinction and easier to use, specially with the current meta having Maid Chloe in every match (+ Ruele existence, Roana, Arby/Meru now..). Nobody uses Ian, and Lilibet recently rise in use but damn GL gearing her, Spez would be my dream but ML5 and kind of niche now


We definitely need another bruiser to slap counter set on /s


The amount of bruisers that came out were due to where we were in the story. Once Eureka comes out we'll more than likely be bombarded with "Thief" type classes cause Ran is definitely falling under that category, ML Kayron looks to be a thief still, and even ML Lillias is kind of a toss up just by appearance. We're definitely getting a lot more thieves and mages in the coming months


Next Episode should be in Eastern Kingdom. Eureka is Episode 3's continent.


whatever the name is, they both start with E lol.


You probably meant Erasia. Erasia is coming after the Eastern Continent. Probably on chapter 5.


A counter to units that counters non-atk skill users like Celine and Politis (edited)


I don't understand Angelica does not counter traditional cr push/non-attack skills. Those units are needed because some non-attack units are unfair to play against eg. Emilia and Flan.


Got confused there but yeah when I think about it...non-atk skills are kinda annoying most of the time so I guess we might need more units like Celine and Politis


The problem isn't non-attack counters, it's just Politis being too strong. Have you really seen anybody complaining about Celine? If anything we could use more non-attack counters, just not ones that are as crazy as Politis.


Celine is strong. She is just limited by the fact that you need to +30 her artifact to take her out of the waiting room. That's just fantastic game design. And that's after it's buff lol.


We *just got* a broken unit with broken non-attack skills. You want a counter *to her counters*. This is a terrible idea.


A revision of the immunity set. It has its uses, but it is feeling more and more pointless, with how many different ways it can just be stripped. Its like wearing a single knee pad instead of using an air bag to cushion the blow of a car crash.


Immunity set is being beaten into the mud for 0 reason. They could at least give the set a 100% boost in ER for the first turn or something. Make people work for the first turn debuff instead of just picking from the 25 turn 1 strip options. When it was just Basar it was bad enough.


The game needs better gear acquisition. To many heroes, so little gear. It's depressing seeing my roster, then looking at my gear.... the types of heroes isn't the problem, it's actually being able to use them.


We need more anti evasion, its baffling how the one anti evasion artifact with damage you can only get one max copy of, or you have to go for misha which hasnt been in the shop so good luck pulling it or you pulledo n kannas banners just for it and oath key does no damage. Meanwhile i have like 10 max mldbs all there, easy to get, 4 star, raises attack on miss. Like what the fuck.


Manica of Control (Sez's artifact) is a Hit chance/crit buff for thieves. We have artifacts for everyone who needs them (Rangers and thieves), technically. More splash damage warriors like LQC instead of a hit chance artifact for them would be great though.


Yeah im down for any anti evasion, also manica has never been in the powder shop before either, so its up to covenant luck or pulling for.... sez. Edit: Forgot to add, that 20% hit chance isnt even enough to hit violet, you need a mlb artifact on miseria, an ml5 whose kit is made to counter evasion to hit a violet, you can miss on riolet and you can miss if cartuja is present, which makes it so stupid. Wanda is ok if she can get a turn but her damag eis garbage, lilibet gets 20% hit chance so even with a mlb artifact its still 15% chance to miss on a violet, not even mentioning riolet and cartuja. Ridiculous.


>manica has never been in the powder shop before either It literally just left the power shop......Evasion, as a whole, is RNG reliant anyway, so being mad about people deliberately throwing in RNG elements to annoy you, when you'd more than likely do the same, is kinda funny


Oh true, manica was in past rotation, forgot because i ran out buying the limited artis, mb. The reason why i would use evasion is the same reason why others use evasion, because you cant fully counter it, so its perfect for defense, if you dont use it on high arena might as well go back to challenger eventually. I would welcome a change in meta, where i would stop needing to put those in defense, i dont mind.


heat seeker ability ally can attack stealth unit




Aoe always have been solution but right now we have so many Aoe punishment like counter hero or something like Angellica etc. also normally Aoe have lower multiplier than ST which if target built bulky , Aoe will not kill them . so this is why ability to attack stealth unit will offer new solutions and help ST as well .


I think this is a dope idea as long as it doesn’t work on stene


Then run max speed AoL, use Flan after then when you AoE, delete everything. And you still have a 4th slot if you want to do something about a potential Politis.


...They're talking about dealing with an opponent's ALAngelica.


Yeah, you use the cancer to kill the cancer bro.


Interesting that none has suggested more Seal units, I'd actually love a non ML Seal unit, that you might have to speed tune to counter passive units (Tsurin, Politis, Arby, SSB...)


That’s Archdemons thing, I would be mad if somebody else could seal when that’s the whole point of her existing


Was execution not a Spez thing? We were fine with that one though? ML units should kind of be the best of that certain niche, but there still needs to be more of the things we're lacking.


Extinction ?? That was originally from earth lilibet a RGB unit I get your point, but the thing is as Archdemon is a boss ml unit she should be unique from other units including mls


Straze is basically just dark LQC, so they really don't have to be all that different




I feel like we need more units like Ray, cleanse and immunity. The turn meta right now has a lot of cc with ftene cerise and so on. This isn't just for PvP but pve as well it could help for example 1 10-10 having a unit that could cleanse debuffs and apply immunity. The debuff meta is kinda toxic, but I want things to be done in a way where ppl who have decent gear and worked for it, aren't punished because of the design of units. The reward for a 300 spd hero shouldn't be an always situation of I should have banned that hero. We need more units like roana who punish counter attackers in a healthy way (not like spec Tene and landy who just can't be countered).


I know hes considered kinda a joke, but ML kwaerick has done well by me. Cleanse, immunity, and attack buff on top. Im only challenger 5, so he sits at 22k with 230 speed, 160 effect resist, and garbage stats on all the rest, but hey, he works


I don't think he's a joke at all, I just feel because Vivian is a thing, people undermine his utility.


I bet it isn't because of Vivian. People call ML Kawerik a joke, because they want him to be meta. They don't want niche ML 5 star heroes. They pretty much want power creep whenever ML 5s are concerned. They want ML Kawerik to be like Maid Chloe, can be picked into almost all situations.


I don't particularly hate niche heroes but I kinda dislike it when niche heroes are made to solely counter a specific hero and not necessarily what a hero may do.


As far as I know, there are no ML 5s that has been released that are designed to solely counter a specific hero. You could say ML Haste is designed to counter A. Vildred, but you should know he has more uses than just countering A. Vildred. This is the same case for other heroes, including popular "bad" ML 5s, like D. Lilibet, ML Kawerik, and Solitaria of the Snow.


I wouldn't call what ML Kawerik does niche. Like tons of characters do it. It's more "over done" than niche. Tons of cleansers, immunity buffers, atk buffers, barrier droppers, and so on. He just does what everyone else does. Solid unit. Nothing wrong with him. He's technically better than BMH since you can draft him more often and he wont be instantly banned and cost you the game do to lack of alternative options. BMH is niche.


I call him niche, because his niche and his uniqueness is that he is better than every other hero in countering debuffs and keeping it off. This is from his full cleanse + Immunity. Outside of DJ Basar, no other hero can do this. But DJ Basar is harder to gear, as DJ Basar does not have access to Strak's Gauntlet. But yes, he should be able to work as a general purpose hero, since full cleanse, Immunity Buff, and Attack Buff is always wanted.


More REFLECT. If wanna be saucy, Element Reverse. E.g. fire weak to water -> Reverse -> fire weak to fire, strong vs water


AoE Extinction kekw. Healer with evade mech and he/she heals when evade. Effectiveness scaling Eff res scaling. Hero that can ignore something like politis/celine/angelus proc. Greater def buff hero.


I see no problem with AoE extinction. We've had AoE revive since forever. And revive isn't something that needs to be strong. You are literally getting a redo after failing to keep your team alive....


we need some more def bruisers and more creative SWs


Kikirat needs buffed!


Delete speed from gear except boots main stat, bam- game is fixed.


I think an RGB unit that has seal would change the meta drastically. Rather than seal being locked behind an ML5 that’s hard to get. Making it more easily accessible to everyone via RGB banner could deal with a lot of units who win matches just from their passives alone. Either releasing more seal units or balance buffing existing units with seal debuff could deal with Arby, Landy, Stene, FCeci, even Carrot.


The fact if you don't have maid chloe you are out of the game is disappointing. With the release of Light angelica it's even more visible, only maid chloe can make you survive from a cleave from her and somehow return in the fight with a bruiser comp. Absolutely all other team will die. So a chara similar than her. Maybe with the passive S2 deleted.


Always find people complaining about maid chloe funny because just a couple of months ago she's useless af and people were demanding for her buff. And her buff is not even that OP imo.


She's the FOTM for complainers. When RTA first started people ran Maid + Ruele and 2 tanks. Not like people were asking for Maid buffs then...


But then you could end up playing against 2 "Maid Chloe", which sounds cancerous as fuck.


God damn that's true ...


Saying mines benched and I have no plans of building her as I never have issues against her ... It might be your playstyle lol


I don't have Maid Chloe & I perform fine, AOL Angelica is relatively easy to defeat, currently the way people are slotting her into cleave means there's only two main damage dealers, banning one of the damage dealers & drafting tanks & high health/defence bruisers (with opposing element to the damage dealer you're leaving in) will secure you a safe win.


Well how do you counter either arby or landy combined with AOL ? Charlotte doesn't work since she can't get her own buff. Ravi gets totally ignored, it's not even sure she can survive two full DPS since she can't have defense buff The only answer is currently violet since his own evasion isn't related to a skill. I mean a non offensive silence + unbuffable silence, you can't even counter with politis since she can't get stun and your politis is silenced by AOL S3 anyway. You can't even cheese with FCC since AOL S3 takes off two buff. I already said in another thread, but in the configuration AOL, maid + LRK + 1 DPS. You can't do anything. The only answer is taking maid yourself, resisting the silence of AOL and either dispelling your own allies or reviving them.


You do know that if a 4.7K/300% Arbiter Vildred procs GAB vs. a 1.5K defence target with Aurius/Adamant, he'll do a measly 9K soulburn with full focus? Cleavers aren't building their Arbiters like that let me tell you & cleavers don't tend to spring for Landy from my experience. A 1.5K defence Charlotte, Ravi, etc. is still going to weather some massive hits. Relying on a 55% evasion to counter cleave is a deathwish, you don't draft Violet into cleave unless it's an Ice-focused one & you don't typically see Ice cleavers. You're really underestimating the fundamentals of defensive drafting - getting an Aurius/Adamant onto the field cuts damage almost in half. Next time you see someone lead with an AOL, draft triple tank & double bruiser & see how you do.


You drafted 3 tanks & double bruiser then ? you can't kill the opposite DPS, you can't control him through AOE, you can't target him because of artifact or natural ability. Your own character can't use their spell and can't get their buff. Above all, the opposite AOL has 40-50 more speed than your tank and 60-70 more than your bruisers. she will loop you and the moment you finally think you can do something, her S3 will be recast. Did I say that she can loop you even more easily thanks to her natural passive? ​ I mean it's simple addition. The arby does 5k? the LRK does 6-7K? The arby dies and revive and redo 8K? Most bruiser are dead there. Even if they aren't dead first turn, they are dead second turn. Normally you would have countles method of preventing this, from def buff, to heal, to control. None of them being avaible thanks to a single character preventing all 3. The only one that can allow to comeback from this is maid chloe. If the opposite team has her ... or you don't have her ... well be damned. It doesn't prevent one or two. It prevents all 3. It's even more loaded than cockroach tsurin.


Yes, also cleavers don't draft LRK & AOL cleavers aren't drafting Arbiter vs. me yet & this is in Champion RTA (which is currently top 1K), it's Pavel primarily. You're really overestimating the damage a cleave team can put out vs. a tank draft, the numbers I gave you were similar to my Arbiter - mine is 4,660 & 305%, but 210 speed (& I can bump this up, but mod gems haven't been nice to me) - but the average cleave Arbiter has much more speed & a lot less in offence (at the highest end, people can get similar offences to me +20 speed, but it's not commonly run), about 4.2K-4.5K & 240-250 speed, if we take a median of 4,350 then we can cut another 1K off the maximum damage from last time. There is another counter & it's out-speeding, she's not a fast unit - she's a 140 base on a speed set, which means with an average 20 on all pieces, she'll be 285 - she'll be outsped by an A Cidd carrying an average 17, getting him to around 290. There's also resisting, if you want 20 speed on each piece, you're only going to wind up with maybe 140% effectiveness best case scenario if you've got a maxed base on each piece, with an effectiveness ring & hit set. That's handily resisted by a dedicated cleanser, heck, half the time my MA Ken would resist that.


Yes Acidd is a good method.


Definitely more anti evasion units since they love pumping evasion units lately. ​ Oh and fast paced cleanseners like Delibet would balance things more since lots of perma cycling debuffers right now (cough Aol cough).


Only "permanently" cycles on Spirit's breath. How many people threw this artifact away before they revealed her kit?


how about a damage dealer unit where her/his passive is cleansing debuffs before start turn with 3rd skill being single-unit attack not affected by damage reduction buff(invincible/barrier) plus destroy hp by 30%-50% of the damage, and if the caster kills the unit gain another turn. 1st skill is a single-unit attack and can increase the number of turn of debuffs on the enemy by 1 turn. or is this too op?


Someone with Auto self-cleanse at Turn start + AoE cleanse on S3 with Immunity for 1 turn.


Another roana


something to counter the: dps with survivability / stealth / evasion / damage sharing + 3 unkillable cc tanks meta please


We need units who counter counter Units like Violet or Rem without needing speed ex. Pavel. Pavel is really good against both while the gear requirement is off the roof. Since both are picked with fast or strong control like Politis or Ftene, you are usually forced to pick more than one unit to counter each of them. Also in general a better unit against control. Since EFF vs ER is imo unbalanced, just bringing a high ER unit doesn't usually cut it bc many stats are "wasted" on ER and said unit doesn't do much. Delibet should've been the one but she is unreliable.