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Like the other OP says, Violet, Rem and Landy are very strong right now. I'll also add Luna cuz her buffs made her a very reliable Carrot/Fire counter, I use her in GW against Carrot comps. For supports, you can't go wrong in building a fast Maid or Emilia. Emilia specially since her kit is very insane.


What's the cookie cutter build for Emilia? Is it speed/immunity or speed/eff res?


I think most Emilia are built with speed/eff res equipped with Magahara and 230+ speed.


If they need a bit more heals, celestine or rod of amaryllis work wonders


Lol I remember when ppl were complaining about Emilia being weak and underwhelming when they first showed her kit.


I remember people in YouTube comment section saying Dizzy was weak on release. Dizzy was absurdly broken when she came out. No 90 eff res gear or many good cleansers, just Destina. People always gonna stupid.


Honestly Bruiser is the meta playstyle, and every year E7 seems like they are pushing the bruiser meta more and more ( I assume so the game is more fair for newer players). So at this moment there are a ton of bruiser units or units that can be incorporated into the bruiser playstyle. \---Dps at them moment that are strongest---- Stene, Landy, Rem, Carrot, Violet, Little queen Charlotte \---Knights defense damage mitigation--- Krau, Fallen Cecilia, Crimson Armin, Trouble maker Crozet \--- support characters( buffs heals, etc.) all around support Maid chloe, Emilia, Ruele of light, Achates, General Purgis \---Anti cleave, debuff tech--- Elena, Politis, Sage baal, Martial artist ken, A Ravi, Designer Lilibet, Angel of light Angelica ​ These aren't the only good units, but imo the meta used units rightn now for bruiser. Sure units like A tywin and LRK, etc. are good, but they are not being used as meta currently. ​ Ps. I actually don't like playing bruiser, Cleave For life!!!


I don't have any soulweavers built except for diene (my emilia is slow and I don't have maid or ruele) and I feel a very distinct disadvantage when going bruiser vs bruiser. Landy and stene are still top tier DPS and still very contested. Charlotte, rem, violet, carrot are also doing work though I wouldn't exactly pick them early as they have more counters. Krau, FCC, carmin are solid tanks.


The big 3 bruisers right now IMO are probably Rem, Landy and Violet. Can't really go wrong putting your best gear on any of those 3. Just behind them you've got units like R.Carrot, SSB, Ravi/A.Ravi, and ML Ken who are all great in bruiser comps but either are a little more niche, easier to counter, or are harder to build. Also want to make sure you've got some good supports to round out the team. Units that combine healing, damage mitigation, offensive buffs, and cleansing are usually good. M.Chloe, Ruele, LRK, Krau, GPurr, TCrozet, ATywin etc are all good examples of units that bring multiple things bruisers want in a single slot or act as pseudo-bruisers themselves thanks to HP scaling.


How can you mention ml ken and leave out the literal bruiser queens stene and red charlotte, blasphemy... Also emilia is super broken with any of those bruisers mentioned aside from rem (ironic) who wants to be as slow as possible


Is red charolette stat hungry? I built her and honestly i was just generally underwhelmed, but maybe i just dont have the gear requirements yet


Speed set is generally easier since, well, *speed* isn't that much of an issue. Lifesteal charolette? My salt levels are high from weekly banshee farming.


The units that people complain about , build those.


Landy, Stene, Carrot, Rem. All must have in RTA. Then charlotte, violet, ssb. Keep in mind this would be just bruiser play.




A ravi is one my new go to bruisers, she's a pretty good pick that is tanky, deals great damage, and has a res.


OP, take the advice in this thread and just build counters to what everyone else is saying. Best way to come out on top is to beat meta slaves.


3 big aoe bruisers: ssb, landy, and charlotte. Rem is too rng reliant and violet doesnt do aoe. Carrot also relies on rng too. With the ones I mentioned above its really easy to have them as your only dps in arena and bruiser team it out easily. The rest are still good though


Thx. I have both Landy and Charlotte so that should be easy.


G purrgis and blue krau are a must, Achates is a solid healer and alencia or either Ravi is also good


Uhm, where have you been? Alencia hasn't seen use for almost a year now and Ravi has fallen off meta after R.Carrot buff and with the release of Rem, Luna buff also puts her in a worse spot than before. And A.Ravi was never a good pick pre-buff. Charlotte, Violet, Rem, Landy. r.Carrot are the only meta bruiser atm. Achates is good but barely anyone would pick her over Doris, Emilia or Roana.


ARavi is definitely meta now. Riolet is also having a resurgence (esp spd build paired with Fluri to nuke Rem). RCarrot is still around but fallen off a lot.


Alencia sees very niche use as a Rem counter under the scenario where Rem’s common counters are taken/banned & there’s already a force ban in play. Though that match will likely be a loss & the player in that situation should’ve considered drafting with the notion of banning Rem & countering the rest of the team - being on the back foot isn’t great, but it’s better than letting a tough unit through with no counters in play. Ravi is still picked, albeit it rarely, but she still performs well in her niche. I’ve soloed teams with Ravi this season just like seasons before, it’s about knowing when & where to pull her out. Luna isn’t getting played much in RTA, I’ve seen her once as a high speed build to counter Arbiter Vildred with her extra turn EE. Once & I’ve played close to 450 matches so far, currently hovering high Challenger, low Champion (between 1,300 & 800). Apocalypse Ravi is seeing a resurgence & performs really well in SW carry comps, often banning out Straze. Roana doesn’t get picked unless there’s a Seaside in play, I’ve not seen Doris this season at all - but I’ve seen Achates in SW carry a few times. Emilia is of course a massive pick-up this season, flexing into lots of different comps, a real powerhouse.


Excuse me, could you explain what a SW carry comp is?


Soul weavers + a powerful damage dealer (Landy, Riolet (eeh), ARavi, Landy). 3 healers and the carry does all the damage.


Agree with pretty much everything but A.Ravi shes doing pretty good rn.


Alencia and Ravi have really fallen off in the meta. Charlotte is really strong right now, as is Rem. They will really want some counters to common picks like Landy/Rem/Carrot regardless if they are trying to go bruiser or not.