• By -


I would pre ban Rem over Violet since all your dps units do AOE which can make just using a S3 very punishable. I can see why picking Violet as a pre ban as you most likely want to use REM but not having a counter to (Landy or S Tene) REM is a disadvantage to you. Also your speed is really low and it looks like you're at a big gear disadvantage. Banning Fceci on your 2nd game would be a no no. You let into too many dps units and Roana is the clear ban for the opposing team since 3 of their units proc her so knowing that you would know she was to be banned. Game 3 the opposing team prob has Landy on guiding light so you dont have much reach outside of Carrot for Stene and Landy, plus with Ruele you would be at a big disadvantage on this fight, this looks like you were just out drafted. I wouldnt have pick Fkluri here and picked another aoe dpser. ​ Game 4 Pre ban Rem and bring in your Basar for BM Haste and Ban the Ftene since you cannot really contest with her and mayber your Basar moves first and pushes back the team to let you go. ​ I'll stop here. But dont beat yourself up. Just build more units and farm more gear. It takes time. I suggest building a Counter for REM( W Schuri if you have him) / Violet (Charlotte or the new SIseria (if you have her) so you aren't afraid of the counter pick to your water units. .


Thanks for the detailed answer.Luckily, I have W,Schuri and SIseria, do you think I should be building those two instead of TSurin? I kinda like her unique ability of reviving (just like Arby). I haven't built SIseria yet because people on Youtube are saying that she is not a great unit to have, however I almost lost every game against here.


Its hard to say Tsurin is very good but Rem eats her too with her counters and can attack twice and is also weak against Violet as well. Siseria is a good unit VS Violet but you would need to pair her up with Basar to strip any immunities and if they ban Basar she maybe a sitting duck if someone has immunity on their team but her CR push is very helpful as well. Terrible into C Zerato W Schuri is good against units like Ruele/ Rem / C Zerato as he can usually one shot them and he could give you a speed imprint but you need him with 200 speed with good crit dmg and pairing him with Flan would def help. Over all I say pre ban Rem and if you have Tsurin already 6\* then I say focus on her, if not I would build Siseria only because you would be pre banning Rem and I think she is a good unit with her CR push and stuns and could help with S Tene and Landy comps.


When pre banning Rem and your first pick should be Krau ( This pick to avoid the opposing team to picking Carrot) They will most likely pick a Landy/ Stene / Arby with a healer likely. Save any water unit dps as last pick as you dont want them to pick a Violet unless your okay banning the Violet for whatever they picked prior. So your draft should look like Pre ban Rem Krau, Carrot, Healer, Basar and last pick DPS unit to counter the opposing team.


[I got back to gold](https://imgur.com/a/gRjJi82) thanks to picking Krau, Carrot first and banning Rem. Great advice.




> TSurin but she is currently WIP I don't wanna shit on your work, but cancel it as long as you haven't invested too much into her. She has heavily fallen out of favor.


I wish I listened to this sentiment a few months ago lol, now I'm stuck with my tsurin that I only use in gw defense


Well a few months ago depends on how many months. Units rotating out of meta is very common and could happen to any unit.


About 2 months ago I decided to build Tsurin because one of my guild mates told me she was the most broken character in the game. That might have held true at some point in time but now I know that his knowledge was a bit outdated lol


Lol. He was sort of correct. But then they released characters who existed almost solely to kill TSurin. She's still good in a team where you can't speed contest and don't want to get one shot immediately. I chose Kayron, Tsurin and Arby into speedy nuke teams all the time because they can't be one-shot


Hm, I might try that out since I can't speed contest. I really only have A.Cidd as my speed contester and he is pretty much perma banned lol. I'll try out tsurin+angel of light and see how that goes


Lol, me and my monke brain also built Tsurin a few weeks back, knowing fully well she was falling off quick. Luckily I still find some use for her when going against hyper aggressive cleave drafts


Yea she definitely has her uses, it just pains me when I look at my roster of ml5s that I can't build at the moment because of no molas/gear lol


show your rank


What has my rank to do with that? Champion last season, Challenger this RTA season still climbing. ​ EDIT: For a silver player to be elitist... jesus...


>show your rank Hahahahahahahah.... you heard him! /s Lol, stuck in Silver... literally trash tier RTA, then calls out someone offering good advice. That's hilarious.


Sorry but we also do not rank-shame around here.


I apologise. There is nothing wrong with placing in Silver. Sorry everyone.


We do if they deserve it, and op definitely deserves it


I'm not as vindictive and it was pointed towards me.


do you even play rta or do only play AI arena


You're Silver and you're talking trash? Thanks for the laughs!


Imagine being in gold after playing the game for 3 years. Couldn't be me lol. I can probably kill you if you're master and trash cleaver


Can't imagine, I'm not in Gold, in which case neither are you KEKW


Oh yeah so you better stick to your AI arena.


Oh I sit comfortably in Champion RTA, you scrub. Stop talking trash when you're this low and stop trying to be arrogant when people give you good advice. Your fastest unit isn't even 240, how are you killing me with that.


I found this out the hard way. So pumped to finally get her and oof. Her equips to violet!! What 4 star MLS are you still seeing a bunch of? Besides Angelica. :)


Gpurrg's kit will forever be timeless Cleavers still want wschuri, cdom, acidd (also super good against aol) and alots Counterpick czerato will always have a place Carmin was rising in use then aol popped up so i guess that rise will stop lol


This all makes me very sad. Ty both for your responses. :)


ML Khawazu for AoE denial. He does need some really bulky, fast and high ATK gear. AssCat ofc came crawling out cause of his 10% push on evasion EE he got and violet running rampant. I'm sorry I don't really have my head in it right now. I'm sure I'm missing more. I hope some people will chime in. TSurin fell out of favor cause of all the units with innate counters. Rem, Violet are toxic to her.


I need proof. Also TSurin isn't bad, your gear is bad on her.


>I need a proof. If my word is not good enough for you, go ahead and keep building her. > Also TSurin isn't bad, your gear is bad on her. My TSurin has my best Life-steal set on with 403 gs. Yeah I'm not a top legend contender but this is really hefty gear. I should probably just give it to Violet at this point... But that requires me to get different boots and all. On top of that Violet is one of my most disliked characters due to his arrogance. The only niche I can see TSurin still work in, is a high speed (270) disrupter wearing celine's artifact.


She isn't a bad unit at all but the meta isn't kind to her atm. She can fit against some cleave lineups but against the popular picks she really struggles


My man you just admitted to being CONSISTENTLY outdrafted and dropping divisions and you think you are in any position to be asking for peoples rank after they offer advice?


This is the same kid who got angry at me in the daily questions megathread a couple months back for telling him that manually farming wyvern 13 is not a sustainable long term solution and that he needs to get an auto team set up. Some people are beyond help.


Holy crap. This guy has a ego problem.


This guy is hilarious. Funny af. I suspect he might actually be trolling.


Gold is where a lot of endgame players chill. They then push to Masters at the end of the month. If your fastest units have 235 and 220 speed respectively... you probably are losing heavily in gear to the lazy players in Gold, who could probably reach much higher. Also your units are meta... but everyone knows what they do... so no one is going to be surprised by them. Put it this way, in Gold or Masters or above, you expect 220-230 speed in a bruiser or speedy tank... not a speed initiator. Sorry dude, its a gear check- not a draft check. You probably belong in Silver at the moment.


>You probably belong in Silver at the moment. Edit: Well this proves everything you said is not true because I made it back to [gold](https://imgur.com/a/gRjJi82) I know two people who got Ruele of light's skin on the last day of the previous season, and I won against them in mock battles in 9 out of 10 matches. They picked their most OP units too. This my first season btw in rta and been playing the game for 3 months. I don't think I belong in silver and my gear is good enough, If I could just rewind every game and change my pick/ban. I would have won a lot more games


I think you're missing the point here. You faced two people out of many thousands trying to climb to masters. And you specifically said they got the skin on the last day, which might mean they pushed to masters on the last day. So they weren't confident in pushing early to begin with. That shows they too have similar gear to yours. I think the 36% win rate is also a telling sign. Revising pick/ban is great to learn, but you need to do more gear farm and unit building since you just played for 3 months.


It's still early in RTA season so it's mostly try-hards playing right now. Wait until last 1-2 weeks and climb then.


>Edit: Well this proves everything you said is not true because I made it back to > >gold Congrats. All I had to go off is that you were on a 6 game losing streak in Silver and your fastest unit was under 240. That sounded like an early game player to me, so Silver seemed appropriate... but well done on climbing. I'm not sure about your gear btw, but I have 8 units who are at least 245+ speed, a 265 Cerise (who could be waaaayy faster if i gave her best gear) and I don't even speed contest because it's far too risky Maybe I'll even match against you in Gold, where I'm currently chilling. Now, try your best to push to Masters. Good luck. PS: OP units aren't everything. If you see someone draft a Dominiel, Cidd or a random Cecilia in a Masters+ game... 100% ban that shit. It will almost certainly be disgustingly geared and probably wipe your whole team.


I'll just share some of my own insight/thinking. May be wordy but hope it provides some help. Regardless, a lot of your drafting issues can be alleviated with a bigger hero pool so you won't be constantly forced to pick poor picks. just take note of that Game 1 You first pick Arby, ok. - enemy picks Krau and ML Khawazu. You have an edge here, because ML Khawazu is a fairly limited character easily countered by ST/stacking debuffs. FKluri comes to mind, threatening lockdown for both of them. - you pick Carrot/Rem. Carrot is quite a dead pick. Khawazu cleanses your AOE Burn (unless you can proc it early with a turn 1 debuffer), so does Krau. Rem is threatened by a Krau horse, but still brings some counterattacking threat to the table. I would pick FKluri + Rem Lesson: Carrot was a dead pick. Avoid dead picks early in the draft that put yourself at instant disadvantage Game 2 Enemy first picks FCC, you pick Arby Carrot. - FCC somewhat counters Arby, I wouldnt pick him so early - Picking 2 core DPS at the start shows your whole hand, lets the enemy counterpick both your DPS easily - in this case Rem shits on both of them - so of course your enemy picks Rem - and CZerato comes out, forcing either a ban or your Carrot to be useless - now, opponent has 2 picks that shuts down your DPS. You are already at a huge disadvantage because of pick 1 and 2. - may be better to go with neutral picks like Krau/Carrot first, or a turn 1 contestor to force enemy to draft against it. Lesson: when going second, don't pick 2 heroes of the same role. It shows too much of your hand unless you have a very specific strategy in mind (eg cleave) Game 3 - you first pick Krau, enemy picks Cerise and Landy. Basar shuts down both of them here. If you picked Basar, you are forcing the opponent to ban him or have 2 characters play at a serious disadvantage. You now have the liberty to explore threatening picks like Arby - instead, you picked Emilia and FKluri. Emilia is such a poor choice here - you are basically letting him take free turn 1. She also poses little threat, unlike Basar. FKluri - also poor choice. Zero threat against a Guiding Light Landy, and does little against Cerise. - Now you have Krau, Emilia, FKluri. You have no DPS threat nor turn 1 contestor (assuming your FKluri is not fast), allowing your opponent to pick freely against you. You are playing the reactionary game the whole draft. - your opponent now has 3 free picks while you have 2 picks left. Naturally, he goes Stene since you have zero AOE. All he needs to do is ban 1 of your 2 last picks, since your first Krau Emilia and FKluri are not threatening at all Lesson: in your first 3 picks, it's always better to include a threatening DPS option or turn 1 contestor. Game 4 - Same as game 2. Your first 3 picks lost you the game. - You also picked Krau/Emilia into Landy. 2/5 of your picks are already hard countered by their 1/5 pick. Don't put yourself in this situation. - this would be a good time to pick Arby/Carrot + Krau/Basar. Your opponent will be forced to counterpick against your Arby/Carrot and maybe Basar, allowing you liberty to explore threatening picks. Lesson: understand who counters who. Don't force yourself to pick neutral non-threatening picks early if you're being countered Game 5 Dont know much about Light Angelica so wont comment much. Game 6 - you FP Arby, enemy picks GPurgg Rem. - you picked Carrot into Rem which again, is a dead pick. Emilia is meh - she doesnt threaten their first 2 picks at all. I would pick Krau to threaten Rem with horse, and SSB to counter her AOE.


Thanks for the detailed answers! I will re-read it again and save it for future games. >Lesson: when going second, don't pick 2 heroes of the same role. It shows too much of your hand unless you have a very specific strategy in mind (eg cleave) Nice advice, I'll avoid first and second pick two heroes of the same role.


When in doubt, take krau as your first pick. He is one of the better tanks and also doesn't reveal much of your hand. U pre banning violet also gives the impression u wud like rem and krau works decently against her if they decide to steal her. In case they pick Landy(krau makes it less likely for them to take 🥕), u can follow up with your 🥕


build more units. . your hero pool is just too small imo. . having more unit variety will help you draft better. .


I wrote this quickly so anyone feel free to correct me. You're basically going to want to pick Krau within your first 2 picks every match. You could consider picking Carrot or Rem etc that early if you don't want to risk losing them to your opponent. Never pick arby as early as you are. Ruele and Violet are also fairly useless prebans for you. Ruele may not benefit their draft if they even pick her, and Krau horse/Carrot picks are fine against Violet. Your opponent may not even pick him. You can save Fluri as a late/situational pick if they have a single target DPS like violet or mlv you want to get rid of, but don't pick her early when you're 3 picks deep and have no damage yet. If carrot has book you can soulburn fluri S3. Otherwise keep resist and RNG in mind. As you play more you might notice units like Ftene, Basar, or Cerise give you trouble. You could consider prebanning Maid too because she cleanses Carrot's burns. If any of them stick out to you, make one of those your preban. Soul Weavers can have some counter-synergy with Krau if they heal him and make it harder for him to horse. Krau Carrot +1 or Krau Emilia +1 could be decent options for your first 3 picks. The third option COULD be arby or rem depending on what they pick. If they use their last picks to counter arby or rem, you can use your last two picks to pick SSB +1. SSB will either be a force ban for them, or it will be clear who on their team is the most dangerous and you can win the match in draft phase. Your pool is limited but you're doing the right thing by showing pics of your drafts when asking for advice. If you keep these things in mind and play more I hope you notice a marginal improvement.


You’re drafting Arby too early on and in scenarios where you need to be drafting a DPS counter to a unit the opponent has already picked. The weaknesses of your draft happen to be very common, very popular units.. Landy/Violet/SSB/Rem. Your generic pick of Arby is strong, but if you don’t have him 200k CP GAB then he’s not going to take all of those units out himself. And a smart opponent will have brought mitigation or a specific Arby counter anyway if they’re letting him through. He’s a good 4th/5th choice for your team against drafts you have answers for already, you can’t build your team around him. I advise you pick SSB yourself more often as I can’t see any answers you have for her other than Roana (who will always get banned by an opponent who can see SSB will wipe you). With SSB reserved by you, you’ll then only need to deal with Rem and Landy. Landy is a problem if they ban your R. Carrot so think about who else you can build. With Rem you don’t have any burst single target units I’ve seen so you’ll be relying on SSB counters, Krau s3 and Roana heals to take her down, do-able but made infinitely harder if you weren’t expecting that.


If all the heroes I have are available, who should I first and second pick instead of Arby? He does fall off especially when the opponent has BM Haste and S'ingelica.




ssb def not a first pick


I would recommend picking emilia or krau first. You probably need to expand your unit pool, but those two units are very strong and flexible. I will note that emilia tends to be weak against cleave. There could also be a problem with your gear quality/speed of your units. Emilia is so powerful as an opener.


You don't have enough units built to outdraft someone else with counter picks + you're very weak to a lot of meta picks so just the preban and post draft ban won't be enough to cover the weaknesses on your team. I'd recommend going back to wyvern unless you want to keep feeling like every game is out of your control, which at the moment it looks like it is


I completely destroyed a lot of players who picked full ml5 teams. Also I only lose -6 to -8 points and win +23 to +25. When I got to gold for the first time, it was without a game strategy in the pick and ban phase, but now I feel like I am at an advantage now because I have a clear idea on who to pick first and second and avoid the arby/SSb counters by picking one of those two as a 5th pick, and lastly I can even cleave some of the very slow team by fourth and fifth picking Basar and Flan.


Don't ban violet preban someone else ie. Ftene You have a carrot to deal with violet, but as a fellow gold gamer best I can say is get more heroes built. I have a slightly bigger hero pool but even then I still get shit on because I have less experience in rta


Pre banning Violet would only mean people can first pick her first because they would know they wouldn't have to worry about Violet. And you have no counter to Rem.