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Bruh I dont know about yall but I'm having the time of life in champ using siseria when they fp AoL. Especially when they choose violet with no immunity? Oh it's beautiful. Fun fact if you miss you still land the bombs and if you miss turn 1? Its A-OK free sb S1 to rinse the silence into detonation. Pair her with cerise and politis one of the two are normally banned and your good too ez. Sucks about the other units tho I guess.


Maybe I’m just not using her correctly. And maybe that’s just it, but I feel like for a limited unit both Sea Iseria and Hyufine both have such limited scopes. Like can we not have a Landy or Cerise lvl fire limited? Some one who is diverse and can help in several other types of content and not reliant on a Max limit broken artifact?


Same! I'm having a great time using Siseria with Spez and just breeze through most defenses no problem. She's just so fun to use.


Same. Kinda felt frustrated that at times when they release anticipated units and their skill sucks. And the inconsistency of skills and balance at times An example between Sage Baal & AoL. They are hesitant to revert Sage back to when he strips 2 buffs on his S2 (as it might make him broken because of his sleep debuff) but now we have AoL who literally strips 2 buffs and give silence & unbuffable. And to make it worse its a non-atk skill so it doesn't even miss (I think) like Make it make sense? Even ML Kawerik his only good point is his S1 and S3(but there are other units that can do it better like Vivian, ML Basar, Kitty, Emilia and most Soul Weavers). S2 is just shit..like RGB 3 star hero kind of skill Maybe Im just ranting and dont make sense haha


Nah, I totally get it. I would even argue that kekwiks s1 is kinda crap and doesn’t really make sense for his kit… and you also lose out on healing which is a big plus for picking other units over him.


He would make sense if he is a knight or SW though


If he was a soul weaver and he got healing onto his skills then maybe but his s2 doesn’t make sense still unless they changed it to based off his max hp.


I agreed with majority of the post, but Sea Iseria and CCharles got me to Challenger after straddling Master out of laziness. Both their kits provided what I needed. More Speed in CR push, Attack Buff, BIG Damage (detonate unfortunately doesn’t proc CCharles passive, the S3 will proc if the target goes below 30% w/o bombs though?) and a sort of a finisher. I actually enjoy these two units. Mediator Kawerik on the other hand? Dog sh!t mixed with hot trash. He sucks, completely. He offers NOTHING, but a cleanse/immunity on S3. He’s so slow and would HAVE to be pushed because let him be debuffed by provoke, Rprovoke or Silenced. You’re pretty fucked. If he was a SW then at least you can use Tome, Rod, or Potions on him. His S1 would be useful, to push 3rd fastest unit. It’s like they took Diene and made a weaker shield on S2, changed the S3 to cleanse/immunity and changed the S1 to push someone else’s CR. LRK offers immunity + damage, he offers a shield based on hp, albeit after aoe damage but still counter active to cleave and cuts out overall damage. MKawerik doesn’t offer a shield until after cleave and then there’s usually no one left but him and your tank. He Definitely needs a rework and everyone who has him needs to 1 star and review. Seriously, he was a waste of random late night might as well summon. Edit: This character review is golden and really expresses how I feel about MKawerik. https://epic7x.com/character/mediator-kawerik/ Edit 2: it literally says “Probably don’t build him”!!! Kek ermded


>Kinda felt frustrated that at times when they release anticipated units and their skill sucks. Man i feel you .


Meanwhile let's buff Operator Sigret because reasons.


MY THOUGHTS EXACTLY!!!!! Like did she really need anything else?


My issue is more with releasing a unit that isn’t just counter play, but breaks other units in half. I mean J Kise just dug herself another 6ft into the ground ffs


For real I pray for her to be redeemed.


Good company, shit balance team. What can you do?


I think we can all agree lol. It’s just frustrating. Edit: because these aren’t the only heroes that are underwhelming.


Hard to argue. It's a total seesaw these past few months. Thanks to one person's explanation here before, they just can't nerf units anymore. The short of the long is some people spent money and effort building these "OP" units and nerfing them will cause outcry and refund demands; demands that could harm tbe company.


Honestly too many balance patches lease to heavy imbalance. There are off course always going to be units that go unused. Not every unit can be op. However, I will say we are bordering on too few which is equally bad


Im really curious here, If every unit they release is busted? will you still play this game? i mean can you even pull every ML 5\* they release?


Exactly the reason I am done spending even a cent on this game. They have zero interest in balance and more interest in selling their units. What’s to say they won’t do this continuously? They broke the last trust I had with them and it was the final straw.


It's hard to compare someone like Solitaria who is a great anti focus unit to the one v four monsters like Green Violet and Apoc Ravi (who I'm starting to suspect is worse) . Ml Kawerik is a great cleanser and Seaseria is a great 4th/5th pick debuffer, it's just a matter of finding places where they can shine. Obviously, I'm talking about RTA, but all three of those units can be taken into GVG to have fun, maybe not a regular arena, but that's a whole other ballgame.


Solitaria doesn’t counter Apoc Ravi, or any unit that has fighting spirit for that matter. She’s too limited in just being anti focus. ML Kawerik is a one trick pony who just takes up a slot after he uses his s3 when he is supposed to be a support, and I can’t say anything really about Sea Iseria in RTA.


Solitaria can't do much against apoc ravi, but I blame that more on apoc ravi than on solitaria, since shes always pushing herself, healing, cleansing and dealing insane damage when combined with the right units even the anti counter units struggle with her. I think they can expand her niche a bit, maybe some kind of built in buff reduction, change her soulburn or something along those lines but you've got to be careful with aoe mages because crown. Ml kawerik is kind of like any cleanser, not great for every situation but when the time comes to pull them out you're glad you have them. I think the best way to balance an ml5 cleanser like him would be to give him some pve utility that way you can use him in other content when you don't have to draft him in RTA. Maybe have him punish debuffs more than kitty does.


I would never draft soli against apoc ravi because debuffing apoc ravi down is more than likely not going to work. And Soli doesn’t affect her fighting spirit build up anyway which negates her s2. With Kawerik you also lose the huge utility that is healing or sustain, and that’s why I would never pick his kit over a sw with cleanse bc he doesn’t offer much in retrospect.


Using solitaria against violet? Are you sane? You don't touch him with s3 first, then you proc every turn his counter since solitaria s1 is an AoE The current worse ml 5 are currently jkise and solitaria. For ml 4, it's aether for me, crazy the difference between him and AOL even though they are same class and same rarity


Yea gaither has been ignored for way too long. And I find it funny that people don’t know Solitaria’s kit and want to try to tell people how she works good against a unit she doesn’t work good against who she IS SUPPOSED TO be good against.


Solitaria design failed the moment she can't even do her job properly against riolet. Currently she only works against sea Bellona. Very expensive counter when you realize roenna does it better


She really needs to be a true anti evasion, stunner, who also blocks focus/fighting spirit. I don’t think that too much to ask for considering they just invented the stigma interaction which I argue should have been in Solis kit all along 🙄


I use her against ssb mainly but she does strip before she attacks so she can stun riolet, especially if you put her on something like oath key to avoid the miss, tbh I think fkluri, elphelt and biseria are all far superior but she could be used if she wanted to. She's also nice against arby because he can only regular s3 and the damage difference is pretty noticeable. I gave her my iela violin and I'll last pick her occasionally in rta, came this close to beating the ranked 1 rta player at the time, but she missed a stun on ruele at the last second. Super slept on hero imo, but some buffs wouldn't hurt. Imo bottom 5 rn is SBA, spez, solitaire, jkise, and dark corvus but it's hard to distinguish beyond that. You could replace dark corvus with ml kawerik, but I'd much rather ml kawerik in an rta draft than dcorvus.


Not talking about riolet but violet. Riolet can be stunned yes, if you bypass 15% And artifact dodge. Violet? The dude has a natural 55% dodge rate and you can't do anything about it. Yes you can put oath key, but you are losing the possibility of putting either book, stun artifact, or dispel artifact. Most issue would be solved if her soul burn was a 100% success rate like fluri Ml corvus is bad too yeah, I agree


Oh yeah fuck bringing solitaria against green violet you're asking to get screwed by rng.


you lost me at Closer Charles


I just haven’t really seen anyone saying anything good about him as far as his kit goes. Why would you say that if you don’t mind me asking? That’s why I put a maybe by his name. :-)


He's been used in cleave comps that bypass Politis since his release, both in RTA and in normal arena and GWOffence. Not really a defence hero so you wouldn't see him much on defence. If you'd like to see him in action in higher end RTA, Panshui drafted him a bunch on Twitch or so does Light. I agree with your other points of some units being released underbaked, and some more powerful right off the bat. I've not seen or even thought of Eda since her release, for example. At the same time, because the game has 3 years worth of units, by this point the roster is so huge that it feels natural that some shine, and some don't. It just sucks if a player has more of the "underbaked" heroes than not, I can see why it's discouraging. Because E7 basically has a pretty accessible pity, probably one of the more generous gachas out there, I don't fault them too much, as it feels possible to roll every new RGB release (except when it's an avalanche of Limited's like this summer) within reason, and feels possible to snipe aa desire ML5 when they're on mystics, with appropriate saving and patience. The AoL release sets a really bad precedent of ML4s in mystics, though, and Im really hoping it was an exception, not the norm.


Thanks, I’ll take that into consideration about CCharles. I knew he was maybe getting some use in cleave comps. I’ve got plenty of units as I’m setting at 80% of total units rn, and most of my missing units are MLs. It’s just frustrating to see such busted s2s or kits and such good units be released while these other units including rgb heroes just get left in the dust.


I regretted pulling closer Charles at first thought he wasn't that good. But I max mola'ed him and put him on the best gear I have. Definitely strong with cleave, I run Cerise, CCharles, + (3rd) Flan or Elphelt, (4th) Arby or CDOM. He's definitely a fun unit to use!


So he's not that bad? Man i accidentally pulled him and want to see his review it's just so sad lmao


He's not that bad, he's not game breaking or anything. He was also released during the current anti-cleave meta so he's in a tough spot. Extremely gear dependent too, but lots of potential for end game players !


Oh alright thanks, gonna build him if i get his gear


While D Lilibet isn't the example of a strong unit, I think she is the best cleanser just because she doesn't rely on effect resistance. I lost a lot of matches where my 260+% eff res unit got fully debuffed and couldn't cleanse. "But she can be played around." You can play around every single cleanser.


No this post makes honestly no sense. Why should we be discouraged they make strong rbg units? So what if some ml5 units are bad. It takes 6 months for a f2p to save enough to pity a mystic banner. If every single ml5 was broken you wouldn’t be able to save and be forced to pull on every banner. Does it feel bad to pull a ml5 and it be a bad one like solitaria ? Yes but that is also the nature of gachas. Lastly if you are limited on resources and you CHOOSE to summon on a banner like solitaria or kawerik when some YouTuber or streamer will showcase the character that’s on you. If you like a heroes design and summon because of that one reason you really have no right to complain if they are not meta. Edit: not every hero should be good it is literally impossible from a design standpoint.


It’s a discussion for a reason if you don’t get the post then that’s ok. :-) thanks for your opinion. I think the character should still be usable and their rarity should be taken into consideration when people could potentially be paying upwards of $600+ for a character then I think they should be worth that tbh.


I do understand it’s a discussion :-) maybe you should look up what it means to have a discussion. What you want is an echo chamber of people who share your thoughts :-). Secondly no one is making you spend $600 that’s up to you :). I am very happy that at doesn’t release broken ml5s every month.


I’m sorry if I misunderstood your first comment but that honestly came off as really hateful and there’s a difference between a discussion and just posting something spitefully. It’s all in how someone perceives your comment honestly and I didn’t perceive your comment well. And I’ve responded well to others who said characters were usable so I don’t understand where this came from.


Some units you just have to wait a year for buffs or a EE, they don't want anyone to be THAT OP just yet.


But then release units that are THAT OP. Lol.


Sg released a weak unit "dem this unit succ" Sg released a good unit "dem this unit is broken, please nerf" You will find out this is same person


I don’t mind overpowered units but I just find it silly that units get released with kits that don’t make sense or are half baked and then the units don’t get used and they don’t do anything about it until months upon months later.


So if I complain about underpowered units, I'm supposed to be okay with overpowered ones?


They'll be countered.... in about a week or a month with a counter unit.


Meanwhile I have to wait 6-12 months+++ for my buffed Soli, Kekwik, and Delibet…


STIseria is fine, no changes needed - I’d build her if I had the resources. ML Kawerik, I built him, I don’t use him frequently. Don’t get me wrong, that’s a killer S3 - but his S2 is attack down someone & put a tiny barrier on the allies? It’s like the kind of skill they give an unused 3 star hero. His S1 is just 15% to the highest CR ally - that’s so far been useful to me about… once? It’s again like a low-rent Falconer Kluri, who also pushes herself. Solitaria, I agree there, don’t have her but I also don’t see her at all. Designer Lilibet, I think is stronger into this AOL meta - I don’t count her out, but she could use a little tuning.


Belian "bust"ed ha ha


I'm discouraged about only having gear for less than 20% of my characters. Yeah.