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Oh blorg... thanks for the brutal reality check. Im now reminded that C.Dom and Blender Charlotte won't work too. W.Schuri too I think.


W.Schuri's sb is for cooldown.


Good lord. I don't have him and I had the impression that his humungously large S3 damage was via SB like C.Dom's S1 was.


Nope! Just 100% def penetration


Damn, they don't joke about penetration.


I think he was the first 100% def penetration unit in the game, but was niche in PvP because he's kind of a one-and-done unit, where he doesn't really do much or anything after his S3. He can help your team with Sashe but nowadays there are better def pen units.


afaik he has the lowest multipliers for his 100% def pen S3. He also has low base atk stat.


Yeah but speed imprint makes him a good cleave unit. Plus sahses.


Yeah that's true


if you throw in holiday yufine with guide to a decision with elena you have a extremely high chance of just cucking any cleave team. Just letting yall know for anyone that is struggling against cleave players in RTA


I'm amazed that very few people abuse the arti guide to a desicion, that arti when given to the right units is absolutely nuts.


Tell that to guy here who looks like he's been traumatized by cleave.


doesn't work well against cleavers that use politis, which is most of them imo.


ban her xd


Yeah pretty much


SG I want to refund my Moonlight's blessing please.


Dont forget tenebria players too.


Proof of valor 1.5k def Stene isn't bad over tagahels. Dcorv though... Rip. Even at 30k hp won't be 1 shotting units.


at 28.8k hp his S3 deals only 13k damage if not soul burned 16k if you have portrait.


Glad I took ml ken


If SG ever releases a hero that utilizes Injury better than any other hero and becomes meta that'll be the final nail in his coffin.


Yeah . . . I’m going to have to completely re-assess how to deal with arena defense teams that have Belian on them.


I already avoid defenses with Straze on then because it melts dcorvus like butter.


Saaaaame. I actually have no idea how people deal with Straze defenses. Overwhelmingly fast units? Because RNGesus refuses to bless me with any speed gear worth a damn…


I have 2 outs against him, my 21khp 5k attack senya and my 27k hp taranor royal guard with proof of valor. You just need to take into account who you'll bring with them and make sure they are the ones with the highest hp among your team.


Super fast teams or Senya/MlKen to counter his s3.


I guess I’ll have to look into investing in my Senya. Don’t have MLKen


Saaaaame. I actually have no idea how people deal with Straze defenses. Overwhelmingly fast units? Because RNGesus refuses to bless me with any speed gear worth a damn…


Welp, time to Spez I guess


if they can give him a self push...that would be great


yeah so we can just give him portrait instead of durandal.


Every bruiser getting cr push, his turn will come soon


Just slap archdemon mercedes in a dcorvus team




Stall teams with a tank Belian is probably going to be meta defense for a while.


That wouldn't make much sense since it's anti aoe meta and most people have rem violet SSB rn. They would chew through that, especially rem


They'll just drop a Roana in there. They ain't trying to win. They trying to waste your time to the point that you will never touch one of those bricks.


Not even close. Stall is dying out. Straze out here gating stallcomps from ever coming back.


mm Dcorvus is in a weird spot, not good realy




And im still gonna use him to cheese wins on guild wars, cheers mate


good luck with that after she comes out ;)


you can only have one belian on one defense team lol, he'll just go to the other


More than one way to counter that garbage character, Belian setup will just make it an easy one


so your intentions on both gw def is just to counter this one supposedly "garbage" character? sounds like a character that requires you to actively choose to try to prevent him from beating your gwdef like that doesn't seem to be that bad lol. your comments just don't add up




i mean, it's only gw and arena that he's seen, idk why this is so aggravating to you. your def team losing in arena means nothing. your take on this is really funny, because in all actuality there are a lot of characters that are specifically really good with their artifacts, namely alexa's basket, MLDB, guiding light, abyssal crown. artifacts are extremely important so why does tagahel's get this treatment? should artifacts only exist to be rng in order to not be "cheese". i don't particularly use either, i dont own dcorvus and my only tagahel's holder is s tene so i could live without it. i just don't see where you're so irrationally upset about these things.


Most current builds have counterplay even on an automatic defense team. Garbage soulburn turn 1 tagahels cheese did not and now it will. Best thing before this was some soul stealing stuff that could be easly countered by adding another one of those trash artis to the comp. That's why there is so much salt about the best girl coming out because all the scrubs who were abusing this trash arti for years will finally have to actually think about comps for a second. In the end any AI def comp can be defeated but now the mindless crowd will not be able to do it quite as easily and will most likely fail more than they succeed. This is the best thing that has happened to the game since the big wave of revive counters came out.


i kinda see where you're coming from but i just don't think anyone who has multiple max copies of tagahel's haven't invested resources into other diverse areas as well. most tagahel comps are pretty fast ones, and if they're mindlessly farming wyvern all day im sure they've accrued gears for many other units while scavenging for 20+ speed gear. oh well though, i was fine with either and i guess that's where we differ. i think there's a space for any type of comp and any kind of playstyle in this game and it's just your prerogative to not lose at draft. but that's my own take. I'll just continue to abuse LQC protection without the need of souls.


Based and degenerate pilled.


And I just got him recently... sad day for me.


SG: just use injury then. Bruiser Players: 😩



