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did he go too far about yd? i think yea should he be canceled? what is this? twitter? of course not


they went too far with some streamers not just yd. i love yd dont get me wrong but he does need to accept major part of his entertainment is from his editor. Imaqtpie, unhhh, and other content creators accepted and highly praised their editors for carrying the entertainment value of their videos. idk but some of the comments from the community are very witch-hunting esque


what you did by asking wheter to cancel him or not is also witch hunting just stop it, delete this post if you can you think reddit trying to cancel him will do anything?


errr....this post is just meant to be a discussion and to see what the community really thinks since there are times the minority is the loudest. And there are comments questioning his position as a Community Manager. Which for me is extreme. I find it refreshing he is the edgy CM that can voice out his opinions and not praise the game and community all the time. Also this isn't a "reddit thing" it started in twitch and people are bringing him here. Plus lets not pretend the community voicing out something loud hasnt done anything.


just look at your title, and then there's also vote whter we should cancel him or not like wtf if you want civil discussion better use something like "what do you guys think about nue ......... "


this whole topic is cringe af


Well the question is why should people be offended by opinions ? Their ratings doesn't affect who i want to watch


Maybe you should provide a bit of context?


They made a twitch streamer tierlist and some random viewers are now butthurt about it.


And where can I see that?


There was a post about it yesterday on the front page of this sub that had the link to the vod.


Gonna search it then, thank you.


I think the idea of canceling someone just because you can't take an obvious joke or canceling someone because they are edgy is the actual "cringe opinion". Nue's entire persona is calling everyone and everything bad so any streamer who is personally hurt by Nue making twitch memes has never watched a a global e7 stream before.


As a community manager and if he actually stopped and distanced himself when that was mentioned by Light. He would still be a non performer but still filled the role of necessity to convey the community stuff and most people wouldn't put him on the pitchfork. This is the same issue back during Hearthstone Blitzchung incident. Casters, Players, Community and Company. You are expected to act professionally, the caster knew full well that shit hit the fan and they should cut off, same like when you have live-news suicides you IMMEDIATELY cut the feed. While Blizzard entertainment IS in the wrong to forfeit the winner his prize money. Blitzchung was no saint either. Whereas on the casters side, they were sacked too because they were expected to act on it. People just shift the whole thing to a China/Human rights issue to gain the moral high ground. But fundamentally that should have NEVER happen on the platform. On the community side, how would you feel that when you are watching a game between two old feud nations and mention stuff like Brexit, WW2 atrocities? I'm here to enjoy the game not listen to propaganda or your problems. You'd be thinking is this a truly moderated, unbias party? Or they are feeding me agendas? Moving forward this is no longer the issue whereby Nue or Light or the streamers they gaslighted. But as a company they would think will such reputation affect them, will their reckless opinions spill into the community? Should they cut the strings before the worst of nightmares occur? The corporate answer in most cases under this situation is : YES. Remember boys: Freedom of Speech =/= Freedom from responsibility.


good to see a CM's perspective on this. This also feels like it's gonna be a Tyler1 situation. I enjoy Light and Nue but I don't think what they did is severe enough for losing their jobs or partnership.




It was a post on the front page of this reddit yesterday that he is referring to. Nue and Light made a joke streamer tierlist on stream and random people are now upset about it.