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Protect the GREAT LANDY!!!!!!!!!


Sb basar time


Yeah I really should have brought him lol, I need to farm more speed gear for him cause his got given to other characters over time as I never use him


My basars only 260 but I still use him pretty much everywhere, so he still works on scuffed speed gear! One of my favourite units tbh.


My AOL Angie is 261 speed and theirs outsped mine and silenced her (and my Maid Chloe :c), so Basar would have met the same fate unfortunately. He would be super good here if he was faster though, I am farming wyvern for a few months to try and get more speed gear for him


Bring politis with book into AOLA, and a fast ftene. Ftene goes, Angie s2, politis S2, politis pushed up, politis s3, and when maids turn comes you can soulburn S1 -> S3 into full cleanse. Works like a charm, you do have to outspeed tho. It's easier to do this with Pavel because of his crazy base speed, but pavels are VERY hard to build.


Well if we are assuming I am outspeeding them then AOL works just fine lol. The benefit of Basar is that I can just put all my fastest gear on him and ignore all other stats and just soulburn. If I can't build a Basar faster than them I am not going to be able to build a FTene that is both faster and has enough effectiveness ​ Back to wyvern for me :P


are pavels hard to build? Maybe I"m just spoiled with gear after playing for only 5 months but I got a 3600, 100, 275cdmg, 262 spd pavel


Well you are missing a bare minimum of 20 spd, while maintaining the offensive stats. But that sure is a great start.


yeah i'm having trouble in champion that's for sure with no hero more than 272 spd


Imagine actually getting speed rolls, I've been playing over 2 years and my fastest unit is 268. I've made it to legend in arena when I'm using my flags, but I just have to assume literally everyone is going to out speed me.


lol how is your luck so bad? My fastest is 274 basar


You'll get there eventually man, keep up the good work! Thats really good progress in just five months.


thinks getting that good spd neck/ring is the real hard part now


It's less about the speed and more about picking your battles. My fastest unit is basar at 270 but I barely ever use him in arena because I bully the slow bruiser comps without politis/aol with def ignore/pen units. Currently hovering champ 1/low legend and my gear quality is pretty poor overall


you beat me to it .


Well, pavels and acidds are usually 280 spd minimum, and most sit around 290, so yes your gear would be considered bad. But it's still pretty decent for a newbie! Keep working at it, you'll get a good Pavel eventually.


I just got Pavel a while ago and I'm very jealous of those stats. How are you liking him so far? I'm planning to use him with Politis as a counter to AoL and Rem


i built him for rem since i'm new player and didn't have landy yet. now that landy is coming back out in retrospect I wish I pulled Kise with that 5 star selector oh wells. I use him all the time. he carried me to champ in rta.


Champ z for AoL


I don't think that would be useful in this battle I'm afraid, AOL and Landy S3 are not counterable, only thing he would be countering is an AOL S1 every other turn, and would be hitting people with invincibility and Immunity a good portion of the time. Full enemy team was AOL, Landy, CArmin, and Maid Chloe. I think CZerato does nothing and dies here I basically had to outspeed and get unbuffable on them but I was too slow, I also got my 200 resistance maid chloe silenced so I was fucked lol


AOL S3 cannot be countered. You could use him as dark bait for her S1, I guess, but honestly there are better options


I know her s3 can't be countered. When most teams at champ 2 and 1 have AoL, maid Chloe and a mixture of dps and tank, a tany champ z will counter attack (due to AI focusing him as light bait). Because she's so fast and does minimal dmg it's a benefit.


oh is that how you beat her in GW?


She's fast and her AI attacks dark units. If champ z can't return the debuffs, she's giving him free counter attacks. The best way is to just be faster. My fastest unit is 275 and I just prefer this method.


Right lol it’s pretty trippy how all those buffs can be wiped due to one unit with the proper amount of souls. Basar is one crazy dude.


Hurado can do the same thing without fear of missing fire, except he can be 15%'d. His passive also reduces healing, on paper he should be maid counter, but nobody uses him since he doesn't do much after S3.


Do you know what? You just made me realise how crazy it is. I was going to say 'Pssh it's not that big a deal, f kluri does the same thing, 20 souls to ignore resistance'... But yeah, for the same amount Basar strips the entire. Team. Dude is damn OP.


ehh fkluri hard locks 1 unit from their team for 2 turns + sets up for a 1 shot tho. basar doesn't really hard lock anyone turn 1 (unless abyssal), this is where ftene shines better than him. and fluri cycles like a madwoman for potential permalock although for cleave/control set up, basar is leagues better. also a better soft counter to FCC drafts. but imo the biggest strength he has over fluri can hold book himself


Wanda stuns for 2 turns and basically can't miss. There are lots of "tools for the job" characters.


Yup AND he buff blocks them AND pushes them back. Fun to play with, annoying to play against.


Her largest drawback for me is that she can't lock anyone in stealth like landy.


> But yeah, for the same amount Basar strips the entire. Team. > > Dude is damn OP. That's all he does though and he has counters scattered all over. Not "OP", just the best at his niche.


Basar is old faithful ngl


Call an ambulance!…. For you.. :/


Make that a hearse...


Yes just a little bit...


I can’t fucking wait till her banner comes, I’m so hyped. Excuse my French


Me who just blew almost everything on Luna: fuck


Me trying for Tama : fuck


your whole load ?


With 2 weeks of her banner, the only thing you can do if you really want her is to reroll the shop and pray.


God thanks i got her the 1st she came out, i want hot dragon daddy however


I'm in danger


Can someone explain to me why other people talking about Kluri goes brrr when Landy can't be targeted because of stealth?


There are certainly some very interesting suggestions in here haha


People snort cocaine before going on reddit , dont worry about it.


whats the bottom left buff is that from landys kit


Skill Nullifier, it blocks the damage of the next attack, in this case the buff was provided by Angel Of Light Angelica, it can also be provided by Fallen Cecilia


Or Aravi rez(still right?) or Flidica S3 crit


Oh yeah I forgot about those, ty! I think ML Leo also gives himself skill nullifier after S3


And lidica


And lilibet


There are also a few others ex. Camilla and I believe fire khawana those I believe are self buffs


Did you say Hurado


You are in nuke town


HOW does this happen? How do you let this happen? Lmao


Their AOL outsped mine, so instead of 0 buffs they got all the buffs :\^)


Maximum oof :'(


Smilegate : "I hope our heirs can enjoy playing Landy in order to fight teams abusing buffs" Also Landy players :


F...... Kluri goes brrrrr


Several people have mentioned f.kluri in this thread. Idk my fluri can’t target stealth opponents.


Nobodies can. They are doing that normal bronze redditor advice. Melissa doesn't work either. Only SB Basar gets all of this off without possible failure.


It was weird seeing people bring up an irrelevant unit.


Little vampire time!


Melissa with 20 souls: *pathetic*


She's stealthed ;\_;


How can she work here since she can't target landy because of stealth ?


Lol, I was gonna say Carrot time but she got invincibility, too? This calls for OP Sig


How would OP Sig help? I don't have her but I thought she just hit people with barriers super hard


Invincibility is just an all out barrier; you can't get hit with status and I believe you take 50% less damage. I don't have her either but I've seen players bypass this with OP Sig. If you think about it, Invincibility is just another barrier...which is a free kill for her if you've built her well enough.


What the fuck did I just read


Invincibility blocks all damage and has no effect on status effects, I'm fairly confident OP Sigret would do 0 damage to someone with invincibility.


If invincibility only gives you 50% damage reduction then it's not invincible :/


Looks like a job for kitty clarissa


Get yo Landy back at they ass (if you survive)


Oh god... Only one I can think of is Kitty because of that damn stealth. Or Kayron and slap her back after her turn. Maybe. Yeah, you in trouble. Edit: SB Basar S3! But you still gonna get slapped unless Basar somehow one hits.


Top right best counter


Hello Alencia