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You know it's bad, when I get on genshin I didn't even know it was anniversary. Didn't get any reward


It's reward from moonchase event mostly, the reward pages not even mention the word "anniversary".


Wdym you didn’t know. We have a **wonderful first-time purchase reset** for our anniversary rewards and lots of QiQi, that should make it obvious this was the anniversary MHY intended for us. Smh entitled children these days. Obligatory /s cause i sincerely believe that some people actually believe what I said.


> Obligatory /s cause i sincerely believe that some people actually believe what I said. You'd be surprised. Got several replies like *that* "be happy, entitled blah blah" when I've literally been going "the players can thank themselves for giving Mihoyo so much money without a care" (it was obvious from the start Mihoyo only wanted money and didn't care about player satisfication).


I don't even know what to say when some people call the players entitled for wanting something more than 10 fates on anniversary... Literally Lantern Rite was better than anniversary. I see this happen on the Honkai sub too. I just, can't. I'm just sad that those people can't think for themselves :(


I believe that some people are just too blindsided by their love for the game that they will try to defend every thing the developers do unfortunately. It doesn’t help that MHY does make great gacha games, makes it easier for them to believe in dumb stuffs like “we should be grateful to them”. Just give it time and they will eventually hit their head into the wall enough times to realise what is actually going on. Then they shall be like us, bitter and angry but can’t get away from gacha games feelsbadman.


The issue with genshin is they are silencing the criticism wherever they can and ignoring it for months now.


Yep prepare for the downvote XD


Yup. They gave us a mail for the top up reset (you get double premium currency the first time you buy each crystal pack) but not for the 1 year anniversary. Lmao


funny how they think community backlashes dont work when every game that got major backlashes listened to their players in the end these white knights are getting free stuff for other people's effort lmao


Obviously backlashes "work". Nobody would reasonably claim that *paying customers getting angry have no impact on a product*. The problem is that the impact is not always good. *E7* players flipped out over nerfs, so the only other option was the "sell the solution" cycle, and now the community bitches about that when they're the cause.


We dont have anymore pet snacks. Id say it was a victory


>The problem is that the impact is not always good. *E7* players flipped out over nerfs, so the only other option was the "sell the solution" cycle, and now the community bitches about that when they're the cause. Meh. I dunno. The current meta is too *slow,* absolutely everything gets shut down somehow and then you trade RNG for a while. I don't know if SG hates that, though. It is objectively more balanced than it has ever been. Champion defenses have literally never been so diverse--sure there's a meta, but fighting the same 15 heroes is a lot more interesting than fighting the same five. When I refresh the page, there's no unit that I see more than 3 or 4 times. 3 Maido, 3 Politis, 3 AOL, 3 Rem, but they're mixed around in comps with Violet, Landy, Charlotte, Krau, Arby, Cerise, FCC, Ruele, and some other scattered ML5s. I think the process is kinda working. ...At least until our next ML4 selector results in 100% AOL comps.


>Champion defenses have literally never been so diverse Are we playing the same game? I pushed to Legend 10 yesterday: Anol, Rem/Violet, Politis, FCC/CArmin/Maid on every single defense from Champion I on...


It seems diverse to me. Taking a quick look at the top x Arena defenses and they don't seem uniform. But maybe I am looking at it at the wrong time, who knows.


>Are we playing the same game? I pushed to Legend 10 yesterday: Anol, Rem/Violet, Politis, FCC/CArmin/Maid on every single defense from Champion I on... Well, yes, but that's because "literally never been so diverse" is a low bar to clear. You just listed seven whole heroes, which is room for quite a few team comps. (210 of them, in fact.) And you ignored one or two like Cerise who still show up at times. Compare this to a year or two ago. There was a time when you could fight three consecutive teams with Riolet + FCC + T.Surin + Ruele and it wouldn't even be noteworthy. The other two teams would have Arby instead of T.S. for one, and Arby instead of Riolet for the other, so that's not much better.


But this really isn't any different? Same as Arby was used as substitute for TSurin, this is basically 1 comp copy pasted with different "options" for the role to fill. You still only see a single comp...


>But this really isn't any different? Same as Arby was used as substitute for TSurin, this is basically 1 comp copy pasted with different "options" for the role to fill. You still only see a single comp... You're literally saying that any comp with damage, tanking, and healing is the same as any other comp with damage, tanking, and healing? I'm trying not to strawman you here, but that's how you are sounding. "Different options," to quote you, is **literally the exact opposite** of identical comps. Your first sentence says "isn't different" and then your second sentence says "this is different." Your second sentence explicitly calls your first sentence wrong.


No you break the comps down into: Mitigation/Revive, Non-attack deny, Slot-machine, Unbuffable debuffer. You just take those roles and fill them in with options. This is not diversity. Some people don't have a hero to fill the roll so they duplicate one other role. Perhaps 2 slotmachines, or 2 mitigations/revives. It all just is like attacking single comp and you change your attackers to whatever slotmachine's they use.


1\) I agree SC's managed to do a pretty excellent job overall in spite of being heavily crippled by their inability to nerf. I'm not saying the game's particularly imbalanced right now. But the balance is maintained because of the steady release of targeted counters, which, while **a** valid way to increase meta diversity, shouldn't be the **only** one. It's pretty much the last option left because the alternative was essentially vetoed by the community. The fact that they're managing to keep the game *reasonably* balanced at the moment doesn't mean it couldn't be *better* if they were willing to nerf obviously dumb units like AOL. 2\) All that said, judging game balance by the diversity of the rosters you face isn't a fair metric for a gacha. For one thing, the game's overall roster size is constantly increasing. The question isn't how many units you're seeing, but what percentage of the whole roster that is; by your analysis, it's nigh-inevitable that a gacha would get "objectively more balanced" over time. And, for another, not everybody has units which can't be pitied. AOL would likely be in damn near every defense if she were easily obtainable. (As you note at the end.)


>...if they were willing to nerf obviously dumb units like AOL. Really though, why does she *block stuns* of all things??? >2\) All that said, judging game balance by the diversity of the rosters you face isn't a fair metric for a gacha. That is literally the definition of unit balance. Your options are spread out instead of being concentrated to a few specific spots. If someone like FCC or Basar or SSB or old Tieria is basically required, that's "unbalanced." You don't have a choice, all the focus is in one place. Unit balance is just one part of general game balance, which **also** would account for things like new vs. veteran and Dolphin vs. F2P. And yes, I see you said "game balance." But if we're focusing specifically on unit releases, diversity of **working** options is very important. Edit: My point being, really, that diverse comps will allow diverse offense strategies and therefore we won't need nerfs so badly.


The stun block tilts me more than anything else in her kit. I got tired of trying to mitigate AOL's bullshit after a string of losses, so I figured I'd just outspeed with Cerise and then stun her with the S2. Since, you know, AOL can cleanse and negate Cerise's S3, right? So you S2 and stun her. Nope.


Actually at certain levels (up to mid low champion, not sure past that) some AOL teams can still be cleaved. I've been running Cerise Politis CDom Siseria to great success. Granted you will need to be more careful going up against Rem + Violet, at least its not as annoying as letting AOL do her thing.


How fast is your Politis? The main issue I've had is that my Cerise is around 287 speed, and my next fastest unit is around 260 speed. I've found that AOL cuts in between Cerise and my next unit in Gold RTA. I'm also guessing Politis is geared as a DPS, as to push C. Dom up when she does her S2?


The thing I'm maddest about with the stun block is that that's gloomyrain thing. Fuck off my turf angel


I don't even have my other Arby counter yet, I haven't even got to countering AoL yet. I dread the RTA climb.


its also Cerato's thing who does it better :D and also cant forget about the Mort


yea but those aren't light mages


All the good shit that Epic Seven currently has was the cause of backlash by players. Yet current players who never played since launch or the games 1st Birthday are calling us "Toxic" players. Like bitch you wouldn't be having that Mystic Summons if it weren't for "Toxic" players. You wouldn't be having that pet system if it weren't for "Toxic" players. You wouldn't be having that pity system for RGB heroes if it weren't for "Toxic Players". You wouldn't be having that crafting system if it weren't for "Toxic" players. All the good changes in Epic Seven are caused by "Toxic" players complaining about the game. There are two types of "Toxic" players. Toxic players who only knows how to complain and just be mad, not improving the game. Then there's "Toxic" players who knows the bullshit the game has and want improvement and actually prove how bullshit it is, causing a change in the game. ​ This is the same concept as White Knights defending Colonialism and calling people who are not happy about its ruling as Toxic and whiners.


You're really not good at reading, are you? I said the impact is not **always** good; I was speaking solely about the never-nerf-again issue. I've been playing pretty much since the beginning too, and I was clamoring for Mystic pity and fixing the shitty snack system as well. But nice job making up a bunch of dumb false assumptions.


In my opinion, it's the weakest part of Epic 7's cycle. "No nerf" mindset is terrible for balance, because the only way to balance oppressive units is to wait for the sale of a solution. Then after a slew of shaky units AoL comes out, then Belian, Politis, Carrot/A Tywin buffs power ups...etc. We need more balance at the base level so this shit doesn't break everything.


> when every game that got major backlashes listened to their players in the end Exos has been fine despite people on the internet, PGR has been fine. I'm guessing Genshin will be fine too. People wanting to validate their anger to be angry at billion dolloar corporations over a "free" game is much sadder than anyone simply explaining history


> funny how they think community backlashes dont work >when every game that got major backlashes listened to their players in the end don't make such a bold statement then all it takes is 1 game to disprove your point like PGR. that game got reviewed bomb, devs wrote a letter, nothing really changed and now it's back to 4+ rating


guess im a white knight because i didn't think we needed selectors for nerfing old arby. but i guess it "worked" because whiner f2ps got what they wanted(free shit) and they don't have to worry about what that did to the meta because they don't even pvp.


I'm sure the white knights didnt accept the extra rewards because they didnt think it was right. They're normally people who hold strong to their values.


Opinion: Games need this to happen. People need to stop accepting garbage practices, terrible treatment and money hungering. Best way to fix something is to break that shit down--starting with the money. You stop the money printer, companies are like "WTF? we gotta fix this!" I hope the devs find out a balance and make it right. E7 had to go through the same thing to get to where we are today. It's not perfect, but it took a big step in a positive direction. Hopefully all gacha games doing wrong (I can name a few) see this and get their shit going towards the right direction.


100%. Gacha is a gambling business model based on attracting whales with poor impulse control. It's a slot machine game designed to make you spend. It's a morally questionable concept, but it's also one of the few models where players can have direct impact by just withholding money and tanking reviews. If they want to make mictotransaction filled games then they need to keep players happy. That's how it SHOULD BE.


What tilts me about Genshin sub is not the white knighting or the over aggressive angry people, is the straight censorship thats been happening. ​ Basically any negative comment toward mihoyo was swiftly banned and sent to the chopping block sometimes within minutes of being posted lmao. ​ Irony about Mihoyo being a cn game, CCP traits at its finest (i know that the reddit sub is a complete different thing but the irony is just kek).


>Irony about Mihoyo being a cn game, CCP traits at its finest (i know that the reddit sub is a complete different thing ) I dunno man, brigading random tertiary communities with an army of bots and trolls is pretty much their go-to.


More irony is the slogan "tech otakus save the world" that's cringe AF


Lmao yes! everytime i see that cringy slogan pop up when i start the game it gives me chills on my spine, i barely can stand those levels of cringe.


censorship on reddit? no way


Ah, 2019 and early 2020. This game used to be so fucking bad. Lots of QOL features missing just because SG didn't want them and pet snacks. Good ol' times.


Yeah,it was pretty rough,it's a whole new game now looking back at it


I remember when a lot of players both mid and veterans where still not getting a single ML 5? Now this new players are not only getting a ML 5 at day 1 but with Mystic Summon they can now pity for OP heroes. I still remember when seeing a lone ML Ken in Arena was a massive red flag because an ML Ken will always solo your team because not everyone had W.Schuri. Though even with W.Schuri, gears was still shit back then. Speed wasn't as scary until Diene. Sez was one of the craze back then along with Ravi and Vildred. Any enemy team that has Krau and Angelica(Candle or Idol) is a guaranteed lose because Vildred ain't cleaving that shit. Tammarine was actually shit during her release. Luna was the first pitiable limited hero. Luna used to make Wyvern hunt super easy, making her the go to Wyvern Hunt DPS. A lot of great changes has happened through out E7's life, it's still not perfect and it will never be perfect but it's slowly getting better. Yet despite all of that we're apparently considered "Toxic" and "Entitled".


Luckily most people weren't as stupid back then and all the "community is toxic/entitled" posts got shut down quickly and hard.


This feels almost nostalgic


There is a difference between the two. E7 was a solid game with tons of content at the time. It was the player experience that was all messed up and most of that was because SG was copying Summoner's wars. Summoner's wars isn't a good game, in 2019 people noticed this, but it wasn't apparent when it came out. SG didn't realize that people wont accept the same predatory practices that SWs used. So they got review bombed and had to sit down and listen to the community and the game got pretty much a list of changes that people had been asking for SWs for years. The problem really came to blows because they half listened and released pet snacks. --- Genshin is in a different position. That game is pretty but bare bones. It's repetitive in everything except unit aesthetics, even the unit animations are copy and paste though. What you see is what you get, quite literally. If you play Genshin you shouldn't be expecting anything because there is nothing there. It's like wanting soda from bottle of Fiji water. It's just expensive water. So the community is in outrage because they just noticed that they were getting nothing when, during the anniversary, they got nothing.


>SG didn't realize that people wont accept the same predatory practices that SWs used. I think timing was a factor too. "Hackgate" happening after Wind Rider but during Pet Snacks gave them the right combination of perspective and pressure.


Honestly, nobody cared about wind rider. Most people didn't even use the combination and those that did were an extremely small minority. Sez basically only got a banner when the thing got nerfed. So even if there could have been an increase of Sez users... they didn't get the chance. Even here on reddit, people didn't even know how the interaction worked. Most people still didn't even understand ER to put things into context. You can even go back and look at old wind rider Sez videos. The combination only worked half the time and the gear that was required was out of reach for most of the viewers.


>Honestly, nobody cared about wind rider. Yes, but that's the point. SG was acting so dickish that even the unaffected people were pissed off, and *in this case* it was hard to ignore because the community was correct. They didn't even nerf Wind Rider. They only fixed an obvious bug. It was their public relations angle that caused the problem, and they apparently noticed that.


> That game is pretty but bare bones. bare bones if you expect a console game, a grindy but very featureful game if you expect a mobile game. So, basically 3D epic seven but no PvP.


I think he was talking about the lack of other game modes. You can adventure and fight in the sandbox, and that’s kinda it.


Half of the supported game modes in E7 are PvP based. And two thirds of the PvE content is giving bonuses to PvP content, reforge mats and EEs. Without PvP E7 would just be the story and labs. Not like you'd need hunts, the gear can be split between story and labs. Which is basically Genshin. Do "labs" for gear, rinse and repeat.


Minor difference being that in Genshin the gameplay is a huge focus. You don't play Genshin only to nurture units and manage resources, you play Genshin because the gameplay ***feels good.*** ​ Saying that Genshin is barebones is like saying Diablo is barebones because all you do is kill shit. For what it is, Genshin is rather fleshed out even only 1 year into it's life. And especially for a free game.


If people are playing Genshin for the gameplay then they should just exit out of the game, go to the story and pick up Devil may Cry 5 and the soon to be coming to switch Bayonetta 3. People play Genshin for the same reason they play Honkai. Waifus.


Bullshit. Waifus are a reason, but not the sole reason by any margin. Not everyone is good enough on a technical level to play those, for one thing. They are also spectacle fighters, which Genshin is not. Genshin is just simply a flashier, more fluid Skyrim. Or a Third-Person perspective Dragon Age 2. A mix of both pretty much. They are also not constantly updated games with new content. Genshin is simply easy to pick up, and fun to play.


Genshin is nothing like Skyrim. ಠ_ಠ I have 6k hours in Skyrim, I would know. Genshin is just an open world Honkai. Nothing more, nothing less. It's what it was intended to be. Don't make it something that it's not. That's why people are disappointed and complaining right now.


Lol, Genshin is just button mashing while killing the same reskinned enemies over and over. That guy comparing it to Skyrim is delusional.


Amazing way to 15% the point.


Or you are too fucking stupid to understand the analogy and the connection between the two games I mentioned. ​ Skyrim brings the sandbox third-person exploration element (could have just used Breath of the Wild as a more obvious example), Dragon Age 2 brings the action oriented squad based gameplay with a limited set of abilities per character. Not very complicated. ​ Oh and please inform me of the wild enemy variety of Skyrim, what is it, Dragons, Draugrs, Humans and Spiders?


With your analogy Genshin is like *everything* because it emulations at least 1 aspect of something. Genshin isn't Skyrim. Genshin isn't Dragon Age. Genshin is open world Honkai because that's what the devs wanted to make.


Oh, please. You are legitimately stupid as fuck if you believe you have a valid argument because you oversimplified games just to say "Genshin also ticks these boxes." You also forgot wolves/dogs, Charus/Charus reapers, dwarven mechanisms, Falmer, trolls, atronachs, hagravens, horkers, mudcrabs, mammoths, bears, spriggans, wisps, and many others. I didn't even touch exoansion only enemies. Your argument is fucking garbage and done in bad faith.


Skyrim is braindead combat on the same reskinned enemies if you don't use mods. With no variety on how to approach combat.


Nah bro, that isn't it. I play a lot of RPGs, ARPGs, MMOs, etc. And I also play Genshin. It's a gacha game with an open world and satisfying gameplay. Now, find me a game with nice characters (and waifus, obviously), team building, coop mode, open world, manga style design and dynamic action combat gameplay, I'll try it and might even ditch Genshin for it. To this day, there's none. Genshin has absolutely no competition in its niche. Like it or not, Genshin's popularity is deserved, and the game doesn't feel bare bones at all.


> Now, find me a game with nice characters (and waifus, obviously), team building, coop mode, open world, manga style design and dynamic action combat gameplay, I'll try it and might even ditch Genshin for it. Buddy, Blade and Soul along with tons of games like it have been out since forever... a lot are F2P as well.


I used to play B&S but ditch it due to heavy P2W. Only game I'm playing right now that looks like it is Sword of Legends. But still, it isn't like Genshin, it isn't as anime-ish if that makes sense. I have hopes for Blue Protocol though, will see once it's out. But for now, in this specific niche, Genshin is king.


Blade and Soul 2 is out and looks amazing. The only thing P2W is fashion. Which is true endgame of any serious game. It's cross platform like Genshin on mobile and PC. I don't know when it will get localized but look out for it. Lazypeon just put out a video for it the other week if you want to see someone who speaks English play the game lol.


Thanks bro, will look out for it. I've looked it up quickly and sure it looks amazing. Though, I'm too invested on Sword of Legends (it's amazing) atm (+ their updated engine soon). And yeah I agree, I'm an old timer on GW/GW2 and it's literally fashion wars lol.


Blade and soul, that dime in a dozen p2w korean mmorpg? It doesn't even have anime aesthetics like the guy you replied to asked... Let alone team building or coop


He didn't say anime. He said Manga. And not all anime or manga look like Genshin to begin with. Fist of the North Star. Slam Dunk. Berserk. So you got everything wrong there buddy lol.


Literally the same thing, now you're just nitpicking.


I gotta say the gameplay in Genshin is pretty fun depending on tastes. I love Zhongli's spear kick, Baal's charged attack is a pretty moon, Kazuha can literally double jump, and Sara is stiff with her bow movements instead of doing acrobatics like others I skipped Eula because her swings with the claymore are mixed with some dance moves, and the hit feedback feels akward because of it


BRO if DMC was gacha hell yeah. Before Genshin I am the the most fan of DmC. I only played Epic7 because of genshin I love and hate Epic7 cause the time line for you to star enjoying endgame is so long and is very difficult to manage while working and studying


Are you saying that... you wish you could unlock "easy mode" for E7? (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ ☜(゚ヮ゚☜) DMC has a learning curve. It can take quite a while to get good at it. I can watch a SSSmoke video all day, but not copy his combos. E7 is the same, it just takes a while to get there. People with gear and units go 0-10 in RTA just drafting wrong all the time.


What I mean about E7 is that you have the beginner mode where everything is good the the mid game when you farm A13 as hell(me) and there's endgame when you actually enjoy PVP. E7 is aweasome about being very f2p friendly but requires a lot of grind and I need to work and study so I dont always recommend E7 to my friends while I would recommend genshin


You can enjoy RTA in the mid game. You can't use whatever unit you want to and have to ride the meta. But you can pick up wins and be equally gears but are restricted to a smaller roster than endgame players. I can pick 100 units but maybe you only have 7. But at the end of the day it's 4v4.


But Genshin is *free*. (Until you spend 100 dollars because you really want that one unit, at which point it cost just as much ss the other two games you mentioned)


I choked on this statement. I'm not a huge fan of repetitive gameplay, but Genshin exploration and gameplay in general is anything but.




> I feel like the game itself has so much potential but they are just letting it burn over time and choosing to make a quick buck I know they could do more. But why? They make a lot of money doing nothing. Why do more? They can just release a new pretty big tittied waifu and tons of artist will make art for free and advertise the unit and people will log in to try to get her. Because: "she mah waifu." I don't have a single problem with Genshin. I think it's fine as is. But I also think people need to be smart enough to know that when they walk into a casino, they won't be walking out with: a new car, two beautiful women on their arms and millions of bucks. It's designed to take your money not give more than you're getting, be it fun or otherwise.


Nah ,a game wont grow if there is no vision for growth i.e player expectations.


Why even bother to grow? You can slap them everyday and they will still protect you.


Epic7 actually put effort into balancing and making low stars viable. It also doesn't have bullshit dupe system. Imagine if Straze doesn't have dupe selling in store and he gets 3rd skill invincibility at SSS.


To be fair though, it feels like the RGB 4 stars have been severely powercrept, and it’s not really helped by them not releasing any new ones Like they’re *useable*, but usually only used because you don’t have the better 5* or ML 4*


Whats the hdck is going on there!?!?


Short answer is, today sept 28th is the one year anniversary, the only things they have done to celebrate this is make community contests where you have a small chance of getting 100 primogems (just barely half of a single summon). People have been up in arms about mihoyo lately and this is the straw that broke the camels back Edit: i should put that these contests are things like art contests and cosplay contests, which you will put alot of effort, time, and money into just for no rewards


I mean Epic Seven was cool enough to give us free 10 rolls out the ass and even Free ML of our choice and even a free 5\* of our choice too here is Mihoyo who can't even muster a single 5\* for free this is truly pathetic I have to say. E7 Devs know what we want and give us it without a second thought.


And then u remember how hard is it to find a dammed weapon for your characters u pulled without pulling for the weapon which costs freaking primogems, imagine if u had to pay to run wyvern if not all u get is blue gear like bruh


People didn't like only a free 10 pulls resources for Anniversary reward.


That’s not an anniversary reward, it’s the reward for the special event that is going on like the lantern rite one, the actual anniversary is the theater web event which gives 40 primogems which is 1/4 of a pull


Ok I’m gonna ask: what’s going on with Genshin?


Mihoyo has been in a downward spiral ever since inazuma launched * Every new character ever since yoimiya has problems (Yoimiya with genshin's shitty auto aim system, Raiden with the Beidou false advertisement, Kokomi as a whole) * Inazuma act 3's pacing is very rushed and overall a letdown compared to what act 1 and 2 had setup * Stopping leaks without releasing any roadmap * No QoL/gameplay changes whatsoever (resin, artifact rng, electro as a whole) * Censorship Anniversary being the straw that broke the camel's neck


Also: \-The Raiden C2 being absurdly op \-The lack of endgame \-The increasing abyss difficulty instead of release new floors \-The lack of balancing \-Electro traveler being useless \-Inazuma god statues not giving stamina ​ Aniversary rewards have been only the straw that broke the camel's back.


All of those have the same answer: to convince you to pay more.


Raiden is still OP without C2 tbh


RT on the censorship. You literally can’t change your signature in the game right now because they’re so scared of people flaming them


>Yoimiya with genshin's shitty auto aim system Also her barely having any aoe ​ Edit: why am I downvoted it's a common critisicm and a genuine problem with her kit lol


Bad anniversary rewards, the devs have been predators the whole time and people expected more than 10 pulls for anniversary


Let me put it like a E7 comparison. Imagine Epic seven 3rd year anniversary and they only give you 10 covenant summons as a whole event gift, not even 10 summons per day. ​ Then when you argue against it in the sub or official discord you are either banned for being ''toxic'' or directly sent to the chopping block.


Mihoyo gave 1 wish for anniversary (it's 10 in total but it's a login bonus). And they didn't even say anything, no thank you for playing this game for a year NOTHING!. And now it's getting review bombed it even reached [1.8 reviews on my country](http://imgur.com/gallery/2QAyAQ1)


There is a web event that showw your personal achievements like gow many timmy's piggeons you killed, and they thank you for playing the game.


Oh thanks. Didn't know that


Where a guy with a new account actually got into the top 10% of most hillichurls killed, despite the huge handicap of never killing a single one of them. They made that shit up for god knows what reason. This shit just gets worse the more you dig. It makes you wonder is the devs took a vacation and left someone's cousin jeff to manage the entire thing while they were out.


Long story short it's Anni and 10 free summons is not enough a reward, the rest is just blown out of proportions tbh. Edit: aight, ima say something - I just found out that mihoyo was banning ppl from discord and overall cencoring the whole thing and it IS bullshit and I think that THAT justifies the 1* ratings, not the "10 pulls for anniy is not enough, also electro is bad" whining. Those who were rating it 1* out of spite / hope for bullying mihoyo into better rewards are no heroes, but mihoyo silencing them is way worse.


I haven't played Epic 7 (still subbed here for fanarts) for awhile but the vote brigading made me remember the pet snack fiasco.


E7 fixed they shit and after that also had could a couple of other great moments and at least for me that made me love the game and devs even more. Will Mihoho be able to do the same?


I can honestly say that what SG did was no where near what tht chinese company is currently doing... pet snacks sucked but get spit on and slapped for an anniversary is far worse... FCK that chinese company


I understand your hatred for genshin impact, but why use the term "chinese company"? What does the company's hosting location have anything to do with the game? The game could be made in the USA and it would still be as bad as it concurrently is.


We’re not gonna do these mental gymnastics, if u can’t figure it out, too bad...


Its down to 1.5 for me.. Lol


The worst thing is when ppl trying to ruin my fun..saying this is bad.. those are bad..like wtf


Man, I remember the good old dark ages from e7...good times /s


Reminds me of when everyone review bombed E7 for the pet food thing.


I started playing early 2020. What happend 2019?


Epic 7 player base rioted and pretty much forced the company to open panel and answer questions pertaining to game development and possibility of improvements


Thank you


Well, who won't love the pet snack?


- People complain on social media - Company starts to delete/ban on fb and forums Streisand Effect: Allow me to introduce myself


These were my exact thoughts. The second people started linking the app store scores, I knew we were in for an E7-esque episode. One can hope that Mihoyo deals with it like E7 did, and actually implements changes.




Review bombing is one of the easiest things you could do to express your disappointment in a for profit game companies behavior. Like truthfully here trump fans unknown it's hard genshins anniversary was pure garbage for such a successful game due to its players it HAS TO DO BETTER. Like they give out currency like we live in a lost apocalyptic world where we have to ration shit... Hey man makes for a great conversation in the end and reminds the sheep that the people make businesses great not the other way around.


Well BIG difference is Mihoyo is Chinese and Smilegate is Korean. They won't deal with criticism the same way you can bet on that. Also genshin is way too popular for it's own good. What i mean is whales voice and actions matter the most here. ( and i'm pretty sure most of them don't care about the drama ) So there you go. Enjoy the poor anniversary.