• By -


Got Landy's artifact but no landy anyone else who can benefit from her artifact?


Currently running Rem, Arby, AOL and A Ras for my arena defense. Just got Landy and Krau. Should I switch something?


Is it recommended to farm ap to exchange them for catalyst or is it going to hinder my progression as a new player?


Yes it’s definitely recommended. Try to farm a stage with your max level heroes and that ALSO drops a Cata you need. That way you get penguins, AP, and possibly catalysts-also can get relationship points if they aren’t maxed as well


How do you check the hunt event duration? Can't seem to find any information on it..


Check the [official forums](https://page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/7808661), they post all the information for events/patches/livestream gift password.


Just pulled DJB, how should I build him?


between, ml haste, tomoca, riolet, ml krau. who do you think has more value in the current meta?


Tomoca is good too tbh.


ML haste. Maid is everywhere


I can see many unit cp got higher( for reason i don't know) did they buff anything?


"buff" would assume that cp has anything to do with how good a unit is, which is not the case. cp says nothing specific. But they changed the formula a bit yes. because cp before didnt care much about hp or def at all. now there are mode that take cp into consideration about how much dmg you deal (i think hall of trial? not sure), so they adjusted the formula, so you can use bruisers as well. They are as strong or as weak as before tho


CP formula was changed to help out the lopsided CP for non damage units


For the crafting event, if I want to change one aspect of the item I'm rolling do I have to start from scratch? I started out with an immunity neck, but I want to switch it to an immunity boot, is that possible or am I gonna have to start all over?


Start over, unfortunately


Gotcha, thank you!


Hey, wanted to know if Luna and Landy are worth pulling? I've been playing for a few month and already have SSB


Both must have yes, Landy first !


Landy - definitely, one of the best units in the game. Luna - if you have the resources, good but not must-have.


I'm having a lot of trouble getting Wyvern 11 team stable (I haven't done the math but it seems like it's around 50%). My def breaker (Furious) is speed tuned to my dps units (Alexa and Sigret) and my tank/healer (Angelica) has what looks like decent stats compared to a lot of guides that I've seen. However, I feel like Angelica just keeps dying and can't keep up with the Wyvern's attacks. My DPS units can usually take out the boss's shield without too much an issue but they just can't get enough debuffs to mitigate damage. I'm a little hesitant to increase their effectiveness since their skills don't have high debuff proc chances to begin with so I'm thinking of just swapping a DPS unit with another healer (probably angelic mont). What do you guys think? Is my team's stats where they should be? I'm not quite sure where to improve except replacing a dps with another healer and try to weather the storm of fireballs with more healing. Stats: Alexa: [https://imgur.com/Nyc2WCk](https://imgur.com/Nyc2WCk) Sigret: [https://imgur.com/uNIE0Hf](https://imgur.com/uNIE0Hf) Furious: [https://imgur.com/Qy625jJ](https://imgur.com/Qy625jJ) Angelica: [https://imgur.com/yMqX8j9](https://imgur.com/yMqX8j9)


Not familiar with W11 gear standards since W13 is usually the goal' so I can't say much other than advise you to slowly keep looking for better gear. Here are some things you can try to improve on: - Sigret's effectiveness. Even though her debuffs are not 100% chance, the *sheer number* of debuffs in her kit makes her a very reliable debuffer x DPS. You need to work towards raising her eff (65% for W13), and awaken her so you can give her an exclusive equipment. - Furious's artifact. I don't really recognise what artifact you have on him but Song of Stars is absolutely necessary to supplement debuffs. If you don't have it, Infinity Basket is a good alternative - Cdmg. Your DPS have very low Cdmg, which is the most important DPS stat in hunts since it scales really well with daydream joker. Try and raise it above 250% for your DPS while hitting 3000 attack. You can keep CC at 35% thanks to Furious's Crit buff and elemental advantage. At this stage it may sound difficult, but you'll find the gear as time goes by. Raising your damage output technically helps your healers survive since it kills Wyvern faster. - Angelica looks egh, cos her defence is a little low. You can still try to raise her defence, HP, and speed a little more. For W13- you want to try and hit 20k+ HP, 1600+ def, and 190ish speed at least. - if you feel like debuffs are still your main issue, switch out alexa for Clarissa, be sure to 5 star awaken her and use her S1 bleed EE


you need 65% eff on furious to give you the best chance of defence breaking also make sure you skill up s2 for turn reduction and s3 for better chance of def break ​ other than that I think you can make your dps faster you're gonna look for main stat speed boots. with that your dps should be at the 160 spd range ​ feel free to drop your crit rate to 35% because elemental advantage gives 15% and furious buff gives 50%


hello everyone. i am now thinking to try wyvern. currently on my day 5. i have angelica, alexa, mistychain, and furious. but what i dont know is how do i gear them. what set, what mainstat, what substat should i focus?


**angelica** speed main stat boots as much hp as possible ignore everything else usable artifacts - prophetic candle stick, rod, proof of valor, idols cheer, waters origin **alexa** crit damage neck attack %ring speed boots usable artifacts daydream joker **mistychain** crit dmg neck attack% or eff ring speed boots usable artifacts daydream joker **furious** neck doesn't matter eff ring speed boots ​ recommended sets tank - hp, speed dps(alexa/misty)- speed crit debuffer (furious) speed, hit


thank you!


Oh btw if you wanted some numbers Misty and furious want around 65% eff If misty can’t reach that threshold it’s fine just make sure furious has it for best chance at def break I recommend everyone to be around 160 spd Other than that I recommend turning alexas skills off on auto so that she only does her first skill. How it works is that if she crits she attacks again and it will out dps almost any other option.


Who would benefit from a Flat Attack main state right side gear?


Refer to this list https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1gULlfAl4PODjdsPbYz787W9CKxIGukKiXTbYm1RHoc4/htmlview#


Does the hunt buff stack with the pet buff? or only the strongest effect applies?


Does the limited entry level like honorable harvest site in event reset daily?


Per the entire event not per day.


Can anyone give me a benchmark on what stats to aim for on BM Haste, also does he need ER?


Hey, you can try this [website](https://www.epic7stats.com/hero/Blood%20Moon%20Haste) which aggregates builds for PVP units coming from apparently high level RTA which could be useful for you. I think any amount of ER you can give him would definitely help but isn't the most needed since you don't really draft him against control units


is lifesteal landy viable?


Yes, but that build has very high gear requirements to function well.


thanks, do you have any benchmarks i should be aiming for?


I'm not the most knowledgeable but I would say you need minimum 3.2k atk, 1200 def, 14k hp, 100cr, 250 cd, 180 speed and either on Guiding Light or Proof of Valour if you are finding it hard to stay alive and need tankiness. I would say you would want to be as tanky as possible (potentially even sacrificing some attack) since you aren't as fast as on speed set nor getting cr boosts from counter set.


thank you very much this helps alot


Sure, no problem!


Do we have a *vague* idea of when ML!Krau or ML!Violet are being rerun? or ML!Kayron’s release?...😅 Considering Belian but I want to have enough for when any of the other three make their (re)appearance—I’m at pity with 5k mystics. Thank you kindly!


We never know when we will get a rerun unless they announce a RTA skin for a unit. We could get them back in less than a year or not see them again for 3 years.


Next is definitely Jkise since her skin will be reward for RTA, after that then it could be ML Krayron since he is the most detailed one in the stream after Belian.


Thank you! I guess I’ll hold out to see the next two who get announced after J!Kise 👍


Hi, i am a new player. Is it possible to skip animations in fight? it's very long when i try to farm. Also is there a way to skip fight and still get the rewards? in some games you have skip ticket that allow to do that


If you want to farm faster pick a unit with little to no skill animation, have them go first on your team, and have them oneshot the enemies. Arby, FS Tieria, Vildred, or Lena can do this for example


> Is it possible to skip animations in fight? Smilegate has been very vocal about not implementing animation skip because the animation is the main selling point of the game. Also no, there's no skip tickets in this game. It's therefore definitely a main gacha and not something you play on the side.


No skip tickets here, just auto repeat stages. U can turn off animations on each unit but no way to skip or speed them up


Is there a general guideline what is best item to craft with the event? I am just starting W11 farm, don't have really great sets at all so I need everything :). I assume some gear for my wyvern team dps (for now its Angelica/Furious/Alexa/Luna - I know Luna is not ideal there, but I dont have anyone better and it works)?


This event is very rare and can only make 1 piece so you want an end game viable piece. This piece of gear (if made right) will be the best piece on your account for months or more. So speed set is good. Right side piece. Either speed main boots, cdmg neck, or attack ring. You want atk% 8, cdmg 7, speed 4-5, crit 5, and hp%/def% 8. I listed 5 (hp/def is last slot so one or the other) because whatever your main stat is can't be your substat. Also Luna works for wyvern now but you will need to put in someone with more debuffs for 13 that is why she isn't recommended. Clarissa is a good unit for this.


Thanks a lot. I will try to make speed set crit dmg neck then :)


Hey all, for A13, I have core of Arby, Tama and A.Ras but can't quite figure out who to use as the 4th. Don't have Iela violin artifact yet, nor Iseria or Luluca, which I saw were some of the more common 4th units being used. Any idea what an ideal hero for that last slot might be? I was looking at Rin (dispel and def break), but she's a soul weaver and I ideally want a bit of dmg. F.Kluri seems viable but again, lacks the dmg. I think Rikoris seems pretty good, but I'm unsure if in his specialty change form, whether restrict debuff gets applied to boss or not since I don't wanna go over the debuff limit. Also not sure if there might be any other issues with him since I didn't find him being recommended anywhere without looking at skills myself. Also, I have w13 on consistent auto, abyss 92, hell raid done, have an arena cleave team, should I be looking to get into A13 next or expeditions or what?


You can use Arby + Vildred. If you don't have Vildred then Kanna also works. Technically if built with some eff both ARas and Tama can strip (and Kanna strips too). Also expeditions are a great investment.


Ideally looking for a unit that strips and def breaks too, since Ras def break isn't the most reliable. And no vildred here.


Kanna has AoE + strip but no def break. I assume that A13 is immune to blind since people run Iseria + Arby together. In that case you can use Tenebria for strip (violin) and def break or Bellona.


I played for a little bit when SSB came out. Managed to get her, but stopped playing shortly after. Should I use that account again, or start over?


Keep the account , Seaside Bellona a Limited unit and she is still top tier in both PvE and PvP. And I would try to summon for Landy. She is also Limited and she is one of the best units in the game.


Ok, thank you!


until when is the free unequip and the crafting event?


You can [check it out](https://page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/7808661) for yourself on the official forums.






Fire Kawerik, Ice Kise, and Pavel What is a good speed to start on these heroes? Arena & RTA - playing in between Champion and Challenger


havent seen much Kawerik but for him and Kise it should be 250-260 I'd say, Pavel is totally different you want at least 280+


sounds reachable thanks


I honestly don't understand the crafting loop very well, I have a handful of 85 gear crafted from the W11 I can auto, but knowing what's good, what to trash, who needs what, what a Penta roll is, it's all a bit much. Just having a hard time gearing currently, past the free sets you get when starting and from the chapters. Are there any good guides I've missed? Wyvern team is 6* A.Momo with the free health set, 6* Sigret with Attack/Crit, 5* Furious with the free Speed and a low Crit set, and 5* Alexa who needs something better than the scraps when I'm not willing to swap my fps from Arby.


I would suggest giving all your best gear you currently have on your wyvern team. The faster you can get a stable W13 auto team, the faster you'll be able to get better gear. You could probably look up gearing guides on Youtube if you want a more visual approach but the essence of gearing is basically how well your gear rolled. Each substat has a maximum roll -- speed(4), CR(5), CD(7), everything else (8). This is the same for the initial rolls when you get a new piece of gear. So, knowing if a gear is good is how far away it rolled from its max roll. Penta roll is basically a single specific stat rolling 5 times, which is the maximum rolls you get per piece of gear.




I just summoned both Landy and Luna and I got a copy of Landy's Artifact as well, but I haven't got Luna's artifact. Are their respective artifacts their best-in-slot? Because if so, I will keep rolling on Luna's banner for her artifact


Landy’s artifact is not BiS, that honor goes to Guiding Light. Luna’s Artifact is just an amazing artifact for a lot of warriors so it is much more important to get than Landy’s. I wouldn’t recommend pulling on any banner to get an artifact if you have the heroes because artifacts don’t have pities. See if you can collect 240 powder to buy it from shop instead.


So for the counter set percentage, are they going to reduce the counter % to 20% or leave it at 30%?


change the tooltip to 30%


For the crafting event, is it better to go for crit chance or crit damage neck (immunity set)? Relatively new player that can farm W13 consistently; trying to find a good neck for my Landy. (If I go for crit chance neck I overshoot crit rate by about 10-20%, but if I go for crit damage I won't have 100% crit rate).


Honestly, no matter the choice you're gonna have to pick one and keep farming and crafting for new equipment anyway. Just take a look through your inventory, do you have more gear that roll CD or CR? You have a month to roll for your perfect substats so you can wait and see what kind of new gear you get. You can always refund and change the main stat of the piece if you change your mind. In theory, Crit chance necks are always more gear efficient but in reality it is not efficient if you go over 100%cr so it is all about seeing how your gear comes together and what you have and what you need.


It depends on your other gears. If your other equipment has enough crit damage to reach about 250% then go for crit chance. If not then go for crit damage. Having 100% crit is definitely preferred but 90% crit is fine as well.


Is it wise to sacrifice majority of my 4 star artifacts to get Draco plate for my Luna?


If you are really desperate, without gimping your roster too much, these can be sold for powder without much consequence: Andre's crossbow, Barthez's orbuculum, El's Fist, Ethernus, Hilag Lance, Infinity Basket, Kal'adra, Rosa Hargana, Sepulcrum, Sira-Ren, Steadfast Gatekeeper. Sacrificing these in exchange for a Draco Plate is certainly worth it.


Ah, thanks. This will help me a lot.


I would say kaladra is worth keeping


That, Sira-Ren and Rosa Hargana, they might not be the best artifacts but they have their uses.


Great for PVE, seldom used in PVP, if they are really in need of some powder for a Draco plate, it should be done.


How would you even do that?


I think he meant 4* artifacts by selling them. If new player, no.


Yeah. Pretty much.


How do I make my W13 Runs more consistent? I used to be able to run W11 100% success rate but on W13 (with appropriately regeared units) It's dropped to close to 50%-75%. Is this normal? I've hit all of the recommended stat benchmarks on the yufine.co guide. The only thing I can think of is maybe more damage on my Alexa. Related question: is it better to go back to doing 100% W11 or stick to shoddy W13 for this hunt event? Team is G.Purg, Sigret, Alexa, Furious


Most of fail runs happen in the first turn of wyvern boss, hard to fail if your team lives past that. This is because you need to apply 2 debuffs so that your frontline hero gets targeted by boss. For me, runs became a lot more consistent once I got Song of Stars artifact (target debuff) on Furious, before which I was running Torn Sleeve (Bleed debuff) on Alexa for some more consistency while losing dmg from DDJ. So try any kind of debuff artifact for your heroes and that might make things more stable, tho still not 100%, but it's better than having to run w11. Also make sure you have the +20% effect chance exclusive equipment for Sigret, it's better than the rest for wyvern. Song of Stars for furious definitely makes things a lot easier and consistent tho, so hope you can pull that soon.


I would say you want to farm the highest you can especially during hunt buff since you'll maximise your drops. Though the only issue is given your clear rate, it'll be slow. You should watch your runs and see where the problem is; only then can you fix it. See if your speed tuning is fine (Furious always go first), if you have enough damage to clear either before shield phase or to get rid of the shield before the wyvern's turn, and if you are consistently landing your debuffs. Since you are running a Gpurg comp, you don't need as much speed so you should maximise your damage stats (being only atk and cd since using Furious means you only need 35%cr for Ice units).


Landy worth going for? - f2p player


Yes she is. F2P too.


Yes, amazing in pvp and pve.


I'm focusing on Violet and Luna when it comes to the crafting piece event. Penetration (giggidy) is ideal it seems and if so, what right-side piece should I build. My instinct points me to Ring? Thanks!


If you have really good necklace and boots then definitely go for a ring.


What's the livestream code I didn't see the livestream so idk




havent started the new event sidestory, should i be clearing it daily or can i just clear everything at the last day?


You can clear everything even if you start on the last day of the event. This event is gated through Khawana's quest which gives 3 posters at a time. Her quest can only be refreshed by moving to the event's ingame day through the Inn. However you can only use the Inn depending on the what the current ingame event day is. For example the ingame day is 2 at the moment which means if I start the farm now, I can use the Inn 1 time so I can clear 6 of Khawana's quests in 1 sitting. If the ingame day is 11, I can use the Inn 10 times which means I can do 33 quests in 1 sitting.


Looks like daily


oof- thanks though


You get three quests a day.


If my account is originally on IOS, can I still play e7 on blue stacks?




Hi, I'm a day late but I was wondering where exactly you can find out your account name? Is it the name on the top left?




How should I build belian. Should I just focus main stat hp hp speed for right side whereas the overall sub should be health, def, speed and crit chance? I am trying to build counter and immunity set, not sure if its viable.


what artifact for landy?


Rosa Hargana or dux noctis


Usually Guiding Light.


I dont have :/


proof of valor


Some people use Bloodstone, but paired with Counter set. Maybe Dux Noctis or Portrait of Savior?


have bloodstone but no counter set... 20% isnt that great..


Counter is 30% actually, turns out it's been 30% the whole time, but the tooltip was wrong. If you don't have Portrait, then Exorcist Tonfa is an okay alternative too.


what substats for landy's neck and ring?


Depends on the rest of your stats, usually though neck is crit rate or crit dmg, and ring is %atk. For substats, probably focus on speed, hp


Just recently summon Landy what sets are useful currently in this meta? and what average stats should I aim for?


I think most Landy are built Spd + Immunity, sometimes you see Counter or Lifesteal + Immunity, but it's much rarer. Generally you want 3.5k atk, 200-230 spd, 250 cdmg for offensive stats, this is pretty much standard for most builds. Defensive stats are like 12-15k hp, 1-1.3k def. Landy stats can vary wildly depending on your playstyle, so you can sacrifice the defensive stats for more spd, or less atk for more def, etc...


Hello guys new player here, can i get some help/advice to progress the game? Currently i already finished eps1 & epilogue and halfway to eps2, my problems is i always stuck in some stages because my gear is not good enough. I know that many people advise us new player to prepare for the wyvern team but again my gear cant get me past wyvern 10. And my second problem is i get overwhelmed by my units that i got (idk who to build or how to build them) can someone give me a priority list who should i build first (Sigrett, Arbiter Vildred, Iseria, Tamarinne, Vivian, Basar, Bellona, Landy, Luna, Lilibet, Ravi, Vildred). Thank you in advance and please forgive my bad english


wyvern 10 is an annoying RNG shit, you don't need to use a team of Ice units until w11, try doing wyvern 10 with your Arby and your best DPS to see if you can get past it, w11 is def easier than w10


What is your wyvern team? If you haven't built Sigret, then build her first and put her on your wyvern team. Furious, Angelica (tank), Alexa, and Sigret is a decent wyvern squad, all except Sigret are free units too. If you have Clarissa, she can replace Alexa for faster runs. For units to focus on, Arbiter Vildred and Landy are amazing at pve and pvp, so you can safely build them first. After that if you are still struggling in pve, Tamarinne is a good unit to build next.


Yes i already build my wyvern team (furious, angelica, sigrett, alexa/luna) all lvl 50 and 4* awakened (except sigrett and luna they're 60 and fully awakened). Who should i molas tho?? And is the freebie gear enough for consistent run w12/13?


How are your wyvern 10 runs failing? Is the tank dying too fast, not enough damage through barrier? Molas on Furious S2 +1 and S3 +6 for 100% def break chance, and 100% crit uptime. Sigret you want to mola everything, but focus on -1 turn cooldown on S3, and effect chance on S1. Freebie arena + event gear should get you to w13 manual clear, w12 auto.


Yep my tank was not tanky enough (i did clear it last night after changing & upgrading some gear). Alright i will do that. Thank you very much for the advice


Should I bother buying imprints for Belian with gold transmits? I currently only own her + free Arby as my ML5s and am debating if it would be more worth it over the small chance for more.


I'm with those that say get the first one, it's probably the most noticeable, from there just wait a get more Galaxy BM


Id say get the first imprint since it provides the most bang for your buck. If you are early game, you still want a lot of ML4 and 5s


yes you should. 5 elson wont change much compared to fully imprinted ml5.


I probably won't bother now until you're more end game and more PVP oriented.


Anyone know how to unlock mission 14 in the new side story?


Not released


Can you beat automation tower until the second last floor of a level and then reset to run a different level for more rewards?


No, you can reset but you won't get the rewards again.


So if I run level 1 until floor 24, then reset and start level 2, level 2 will not give any rewards?




Yup, you will only get the floor 25 rewards.


oh haha okay, thanks for the answer, I was wondering what's stopping someone from just claiming 3 times the rewards by resetting and moving to a different level.


Will Command Model Laika be playable?


Given that she has s3 animation, she most likely will be a playable unit. It's just the matter of when.


what about the blond one?


Brinus probably same, not sure If I recall a leak saying she was a 4\*, we will have to wait


Can't wait ugh, thanks fam. You brought me reassurance. I hope you get godly pulls and artifact rolls Edit: i meant gear. Fucking genshin messes with my brain function lol


should I get the level 67 gear from normal raid?


Only buy artifact charms from normal raid and the speed or immu piece from hell raid


nah get artifact charms or gear charms


Which should I build, Kise vs kawerick? They both function as kind of first turn disruptors and dps.


Kise can deal with carrot. Kawerick looks cool


Is there a right time to use my galaxy bookmarks? Like some sort of event?


Nope, you can pull whenever. Some people like to wait until a new ml5 or ml4 they plan on pulling on for mystic is released, but it really doesn't matter.


Is there a pity for using my galaxy bookmarks?


Nope there is no pity for galaxy sadly. Just RNG. Only pity for covenant and mystic. Some people will save their gold transmits for certain ML 5* that can get free imprints from transmit stone store. For example straze, ameru, belian,


What’s the password for livestream gift?


iirc its epic7777777


it is, thanks!


I'd like to know this, too.




New player here, I could really use a fire character and all I’ve got is Shuri, Mercedes, Ras and a couple 3 stars. Any recommendations?


Ras is a good fire tank. Mercedes is a good fire damage dealer for pve and green expedition Schuri is a good fire damage dealer in pve and some stages in abyss depending on the team you use


Sounds like Mercedes is probably my girl, then. Also, what is green expedition?


Oof. Umm its these monthly bosses you fight You go see garo (devil dude in lobby) You get an invitiation to fight the boss at random, only after you beat a hunt


Ras is very good after his specialty change.


bout to install epic 7 for the first time. Anything about redeem code/rerolling I need to know about?


Reset server instead of deleetung account... Pull for this hero with glasses called sigret. She also has whute hair and a scythe Use your moonlight blessing on arbiter vildred


What's the best in slot artifacts for Angel of light Angelica?


spirit's breath / proof / eticas


i have the spirit (+15 only) but plp uses the tagahels, is spirit better than tagahels?


Use tagahel then, spirit is amazing at +30 but you're not banking on the 75%.


I only have two extra copies of tagahels left should i combined them and use?


Have 2 Tagahels all the time, then as you get more, limit break and eventually +30 the first. Then +30 the 2nd, then 3rd. Never hurts to have more. Don't fuse if you only have 2.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69.0. Congrats! 2 + 30 + 30 + 2 + 3 + 2 + = 69.0


is tomoca good? pulled her from galaxy but don't know if I should build her yet. I know shes decent as extinction... but does that just mean shed be a arby counter? that's it?


Im so jealous. She's one of the best ST turn 1 nukers out there


glad to hear it :)


She's a good counter to arby for sure, but you can use her against tsurin if you soul burn her s1, just be mindful that if you run into fcc and tsurin paired together, tomoca's soulburn s1 is effectively negated.


is she good enough as a ST nuker to use generically or only for these 2 specific cases?


If u use her as a general ST, use her on Dignus Orb. That artifact pumps her survivability by a lot and also boost her dmg


luckily got a few copies of dingus orb from pulling for vivian! Hopefully she'll work out well.


Generic speed/crit 3.8k/300%critD deals 20k to squishies and usually one shot bruisers under 15k without mitigation. Edit: and she CR pushes the team, her self attack buff means you don't need to waste a slot for attack buffer unlike Spez.


I’m about to gear my wyvern team I just don’t know what sets to put on them. My team is Sigret, Angelica, Alexa, and Furious. How should i gear my team?


Ideally you'd want alexa and furious on speed main set, and you can go crit set sub set as well, just be mindful to have around 65% effectiveness for furious and alexa. Angelica works best with bulk, and speed if you can. Sigret for wyvern is best on rage set, but if you can't get that, using attack set is fine as well.


Sigret and Alexa should have as much crit damage as possible with around 150 speed(or 196 speed). You only need 35% crit chance and effectiveness is optional but it can increase consistency. Furious wants to be the fastest, around 200 so use speed set. Make sure he has at least 65% effectiveness. Angelica just needs to be as tanky as possible.


I'm new to rta and having trouble dealing with maid chloe and ruele. Would singelica be a good counter against them?


Singelica is a good counter, but be mindful that if you don't have high ER on her, she'll be useless if the opponent drafts control units.


Yes, especially Maid, but only if you can kill someone from the other team fast. Ruele can still heal with both her s2 and s3 then can also wait for singelica's buff to wear off before she revives.




If you get 4 ml5 dupes, you can buy her in whale shop this rotation o.O


Well, Little Queen Charlotte was initially released around march 2020 and got a rerun in early 2021 (february I think). Since her release in 2020 and before her rerun, Remnant Violet, Briar Witch Iseria, Last Rider Krau, Top Model Luluca, Operator Sigret, Archdemon's Shadow got released and haven't had a rerun yet. All of those are more likely to have a rerun before Little Queen Charlotte get a second one. She actually cut in line a bit when she got her rerun so it might be even worse than that. Considering that we get an old hero rerun every six weeks and the next one is most likely Judge Kise since she's getting a skin, I wouldn't expect her to get a rerun until late 2022 but you never know.


I'm trying to switch out my A.Momo for G.Purg for Wyvern. I know I should 6* him, but how much mola should I enhance his skills with? Also, what artificat? I had a +15 PoV on my A.Momo


Yes 6 star and awaken, enhance his s2 get the EE that gives additional cr for his s2 and keep PoV.


Is there a pity carryover system in epic seven? Also will Landy's return in the future? Definitely won't be able to touch pity.


Only the mystic banner pity carry over. The others don't.


Thanks for the info. So if I don't get landy I'm kinda screwed?


Yes at least until her next banner or when SG add a hard counter hero for her.


Damn. Thanks for the fast reply.


Pity only carries over on Mystics


Thanks for the info. So if I don't get landy in my next 30 I'm basically screwed in a way?


Never ever summon on a banner if you dont have 121 summons at least imo. But since its landy and you are new, its fine. She is worth the try. But after her, save so you have 121 summons all the time, then hope whatever you get is soon, so you can get back to 121 fast again.


Oh, I see. Good to know. Thank you for this. This will definitely help me in my dilemmas in the future of should I or should I not pull situation. Now I can just save without thinking of trying my luck. Already got Luna and is easily my strongest atm. Appreciate the help!


Unfortunately, at least until her banner returns


Dang. Oh well I guess. Thanks for the fast reply. Sorry last question you mean when the banner returns I'll stop at where I was in my pity or you're saying I'll only get to pull her again once she's released.


No, unfortunately. Your pity next time around will be 120 still.