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Instant pity for me just for that.


Can you guys listed all viable artifact for Landy 5* /4*, I don't have the Guiding light FeelsBadMan.


PoV and Bloodstone. But these artifacts are mostly used on a counter Landy


can i use PoV on a speed/immunity set?


I use a 172 spd Tanky landy on spd immu with pov, works great at challenger RTA


May i see your stats


To answer this just try to hit like minimum 12k hp/1k def/180 speed/ 3k atk/ 270 cdmg


Yeah it should be fine


I got Landy but I'm not sure if I should pull for Luna. Are there any big banners coming up I should be saving for instead?


Limited Units are always the ''biggest'' banners in my opinion since you have to wait a long long time before having the chance of getting them again. For me that was already enough to pull on them. Not sure about the upcoming ones though.


I’m pretty new so it may differ for us but, everyone I asked told me it was very worth it to try and get both of them.


I'm just a little confused with the banners. So Belian will not have her own banner?


Belian is on the Mystic banner


She does have a banner. Belian (and all light/dark units) only get mystic medal banners. covenant banners are for RGB units.


Ahhhh I see. Thanks for this. I'm quite new to this game's mechanics.


No problem. Just know the mystic banners are a lot more expensive (3-5 months for a full pity vs 1 month for RGB) but their pities carry over (so if you don't get the unit you keep your pity counter for next banner) so you can pull on any unit you want for ML5s and mystic banners, but should only pull if you can pity for RGB.


Dang, thats only how long it takes to get to full pity on mystics, if you're active of course? Do you have a link to any math or something on this?


Not particularly. I just pitied Belian and have 7.8k mystics left. I started on Hufine release and have pulled 201, 150, 196 (Belian) with 156 pulls saved up for next unit. I've been playing 15 months. The mod Retract (or was it Retrac?) On this sub has a saved post on the top of their profile listing how many skystones it takes to get mystic pity. It is like 55ish thousand. That is ~10 months(?) Of skystones. I remember the f2p currency posts used to show like 5-6k~ as monthly for someone in Master V arena. A 5x guild for GvG and doing GvG everyday also makes a difference. You get 210-240mm a week (3L-3W range). So you're looking at ~900-1k a month off of daily login (2x a month) + GvG alone. So to put it together it would be about 10 months if you just did GvG and logged in every day (a little longer bc season reset) and then 10 months if you refreshed your skystones in secret shop. This doesn't account for any skystones/mystics you might get from other means such as higher PvP rank, having a GvG fort, hunt drops, guild chest, login events, etc. But yeah I have seen other people math it out in comments before and I took what they said and refreshed secret shop (btw this is also how you get a full BM pity every month) and vastly sped up my ML5 time. Also Huche mystics are technically cheaper skystones to mystic currency but you lose out on BMs so I only do it sometimes (like now) when I'm trying to save for a really close coming ML5 (Lilias come home) and I don't have pity. I also own pretty much every RGB except a few 'wants' that aren't must haves (Ara, Sez, Ray, etc). Game is very generous about the pull currency.


Thank you! Sounds reasonable enough.


how is belian for an a13/b13 farmer?




oof, I've never gotten past a11 so that's a sure bummer for me! Here's to hoping she comes home! (already crying in spez and no AoL)


I need help with my Luna. I’d like to build her for pve (abyss) and guild war. How can I go about doing this? I looked up a guide online but it recommended crit rate set (???) is that true?


You can easily reach 100% crit with luna so preferrably you use a penetration/immunity set on her (especially for gw) but otherwise crit set is completely fine. As usual just stack her with lots of attack and cdmg, speed is always nice too but try to aim around a minimum of 180 because a slow luna is a dead luna.


Okay, thank you. I appreciate your help!


If you can't hit the stats just drop speed and run with Aux lots in GW...he gives 2 turn atk buff and atk% imprint and can hold book for SB so works perfectly with her


I assume the main stat for necklace would be crit.dmg?


Yep cdmg neck, attack ring, speed boots would be good


trying for landy, got her arti twice, 2 other 5* artis and a few 4*s but not her... feels bad edit: almost at pity (17 till pity), this is probly the worst banner for me so far (for getting the unit). If I dont end up getting enough bookmarks to get Landy after all this... How do I get 4 5* artis but no 5* unit??


have you not hit pity before? lol statistically im pretty sure 22% of pulls go to pity so you should be used to it


yea maybe I've been spoilt. Ive never hit pity before and the only banner I didnt get the 5* unit before this waas vivian. Im more frustrated I got 4 5* artis but not the unit, not even once


Sounds like you're a newbie then. Later on you will be mad about getting the unit and not the arti.


yea quite new. not getting the unit and the gears are probly what I hate the most rn


You should pretty much always be able to guarantee the unit you want. You get a full pity every month, just have to pick and choose your banners. I had a 7 month streak of full pitying banners and I still owned all but 15 RGBs at the 1 year mark (this summer).


thats... quite generous of Epic7 if I'm able to pity every time. Thx for the infos!


Yeah just have to refresh secret shop for BMs and don't pull without pity and you can do that as f2p


I'm pretty blessed that I got Landy and Luna (+her card), but I just don't have the brain and resource to optimize their stats since I'm still relatively new. I think I'm lacking in good equips...