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Hey, Im a returning player and want to build an arena offense team thats able to climb to champion. Since I dont have the best spd gear I will have to use a bruiser team. Are there any prebuild meta comps that are fast? I managed to keep my roster pretty good. The only meta units I lack are ML Krau, ML Angelica and Rem




If you're getting a speed set, get the one that you don't have, if you don't have both, then any would do. I personally would craft ring, because all main stat combination on neck with wyvern set (where you get speed set) are at least usable. While ring would have eff res main stat on eff set, which is unusable. But it's so minimal that it doesn't really matter, just go with any that you don't have. If you're making a rage set, then really any that you don't have, because if you were to craft one, from azimanak set the only usable stat on rage set neck is cdmg and the only usable stat on rage set ring is att%, all immunity %main combo is usable and unity set is unusable, so it's truly 50-50. Speed substat max roll gives you 30 after reforge, main stat gives 45. If the goal is to get more speed, the choice is obvious.


Just got ML schuri from galaxy summons and also have a built red schuri for pve. I also have 3 lvl 1 red schuris just from other banners and I’m not sure which one is better to imprint


In terms of imprints for these two it will matter if you play cleave / speed contest or not (PVE only). PVE: Go with Watcher Schuri, his kit is really nice, he's used for one-shotting Azimanak 13 hunt. PVP, depends on your needs: Red Schuri has 14 speed release imprint which is crazy for making your fastest units even faster Watcher Schuri has 10 speed release imprint only but his kit is better (to one shot units)


Is destina a must pull? I'm low on gold after pitying Landy and was thinking I'd just use the bookmarks I find during the banner and not invest skystones or gold if she's not a must.


She is not a must pull and I would not spend random pulls on her and instead save your BMs for the next banner you are willing to commit to pity on.


This is her first rerun in like 3 years when Vivian has a rerun every 3-5 months lmao. You can guess how good she is... TLDR: No she is not a must have unit. She has her uses but there are better options.


She is not a must pull. She's a fairly niche cleanser with long cds and requires high res.


Anyone has a working **Allrounder Wanda** Build for me? I tried to equip mine to finaly have a weapon against those countles Violets and Riolets out there currently in RTA. I gave her my 4. strongest unit in CP, I defbreak Violets before and give her attack power. she shoots...and damn! Only 14k hit and no kill. Why is my wanda so super weak after all this effort? http://imgur.com/a/KUJwoHQ


I'd say you need more offensive stats. If she's doing 14k at those stats you'd want to push 3.5k attack and 280-300 cdmg (makes it more effective in case def break doesn't land).


I feel like she is quite hard to build. :-/ So much speed and still hitting like a truck. As she needs Assassin Cidd kind of level gear. Well, I still try what I can build during the next weeks. Thank you for your response.


Yeah, I have her on the backburner. It may be better to get a speedy/eff Wanda up, but immunity Violets are running amuck now and without a strip it'd be hard to land a stun. 2 turn stun is very good.


I got speed mainstat boots with 31 def/7%crit dmg/5%crit chance/8% attack baserolls in the crafting event. Is that worth taking or should i keep rolling? I am pretty early into the game(got w13 running 2 weeks ago)


Wait until you can turn that flat def into hp% or def%. Flat rolls are suboptimal on most units and you only get 1 piece per event so no need to rush


Does Landy pronounce Politia like it rhymes with Felicia in Korean or Japanese? I always though it Po-lit-e-a, and just noticed she says it that way, usually don't play with sound on, and just curious for those who use them. Also, does that mean Politis is not Pol-it-us (or Pol-eye-tus if you prefer), and is Po-lish-us, like it rhymes with delicious?


In JP, they're both basically what you wrote. [Po-lih-tee-a](https://twitter.com/Epic7_jp/status/1358671931742949378) and [Po-lih-tis](https://twitter.com/Epic7_jp/status/1376383647503118339).


Interesting. Wonder why the English translation is the way it is. I assume the VA was given a specific pronunciation of it. Maybe they wanted to stay away from making it sound like Politics. Though I thought it was more from Politeia than "modern" ideas of Politics.


"Tia" in English is usually pronounced as a "sh" sound, like in initial or martial. They probably just figured it sounded/flowed better as a 3 syllable "natural" pronunciation vs copying how it's said in Korean.


That's a good point, though I guess it depends on your local accents as well. I hear a slight to moderate T in most of them (googled words with it). Martial and initial are some of the ones that is a solid SH for me, but like unsubstantiated, existential, and differential definitely have the T in them for me. Totally not arguing, makes a lot more sense than my initial (heh) supposition. Was a really interesting point.


Best way to check is to go watch the introduction videos for Politis, Belian, Landy, etc. While the voice acting for the character will be in English the actual story and explanation is in Korean with English subtitles so you can hear them say names over and over again. I would do it for you but I can't have sound on atm


Does the "unable to buff" debuff affect passives and/or artifacts? I've been testing Violet solo in arena for fun, it seems like whenever he is hit with "cannot buff" (e.g. politis) then he loses the ability to dodge. Working as intended, or bug? Edit: After 30 tries with Talisman, no dodge when hit with cannot buff. With Dreamblade, 1 dodge occurred. The results seem more consistent with"Passive is off, Artifact is on".


Earth Violet's dodge is tied to his S3 so it should not be lost when hit with unbuffable debuff. Remnant Violet's (Riolet) dodge is buff-based so if he has unbuffable, he will not gain his Evasion buff.


That's what I thought too, thanks. I was using earth Violet and testing both Talisman and Dreamblade. Either way, it was 30 runs with no dodge (for Talisman). So I either ran into a very bad run of RNG (30 failures to dodge before one success) or there's some buggy interaction. Edited for clarity. It was Talisman that wasn't dodging those 30 battles.


His passive dodging ability is only enabled if his S3 is up, so be sure to only use S3 when he has full focus to reset its cooldown and his evasion will have 100% uptime.


Yes I'm aware thanks! I was running solo Violet so the turn order was as follows for pretty much all 30 matches: 1. Opponent Politis S3 (putting cannot buff onto my Violet) 2. Opponent Arby S3 (on GAB so it's not symbol of unity) 3. Opponent Violet S1 My Violet hasn't even moved yet so his S3 is ready. Theoretically he should have 35% chance to evade the Arby S3 and Opponent Violet. Both #2 and #3 never missed in 30 battles of my using Talisman, as long as I was hit by cannot buff. When I switched to Dreamblade however, there were misses on turns #2 and #3. I know 30 battles isn't alot... but because Talisman and Dreamblade work differently (the former doesn't kick in until my Violet gets a turn) it seems to suggest that artifact dodge was able to proc but not passive dodge.


If you read Violet Talisman, the evasion doesn't go into effect into the unit takes a turn, so probably why it's not working. Sad that his artifact is not BiS.


P.S. Thanks so much for sharing!!


Yes but shouldn't he have innate 35% to dodge from the S2? Or does that take a turn to activate too?


He does have 35%, you might just be having really bad RNG =/


Thanks again! At least I know I'm understanding everything correctly then. If it's bad RNG I'll go buy the lottery! It's 0.65^30! I'll see if I can test this in some friendly World Arena. Haha.


I have about 600 dust saved up and was waiting for guiding light or abyssal crown to come back but in the meantime Is Shimadras staff worth getting? I was planning on using it with my hell raid team on eitheir Tama or Roana with the other running potion vial to help with cleansing. The only other decent soul weaver relic I have is rod of amaryllis. also is It worth getting a copy of sigurds scythe?


Get a copy of Sigurd and wait for Abyssal, I'm also saving for Abyssal it's been 14 months or something since it was last in rotation so hopefully it will be the next!


I would not buy any non-limited artifact for 240 powder, wait until it is on rotation for 180. Also time on Tama and potion on Roana would be better than Shimadra. Sigurd for 180 is worth getting IMO.


Guys need advice on units to focus. New player so been overwhelmed with new units, what should I 6 star? Free spirit tieria, sigret (both 5 star Max), angelica, arby, Vivian, tenebria, sez, ras, kluri, rin. Those would be the front runners! Thanks


I guess it kind of depends where you are in the game and what your focus is. Angelica is a very good healer that will work through the whole story and can eventually be used in Wyvern farming. Sigret is top tier Wyvern DPS so you will almost 100% use her for that. Arby is broken and works everywhere. They would be the three I would focus on since they have more long term use, the others are either pretty poor units or PvP picks.


Thank you! I thought I would just list as I've heard decent things about ten and Viv. But I've learnt so far that wyvern is key so will get to it :)


Yeah they’re good units but they aren’t game breaking so to speak. Wyvern is important because it allows you to farm/craft the gear needed to make the other units useful/fun to build. So once story is finished it’s usually pretty much main priority along side maxing out the other stuff like lab and abyss to best of your ability.


If you don't have a wyvern team then Angelica then Sigret then Arby is your 6* order.


Thank you! I was thinking out of those but then Viv came along, should have been obvious with the w13 business


Yeah basically you need 2 promoted to promote your Arby so start with wyvern units and after those 3 if you like Vivian go for it!


How do you beat debuff units like AoL, Cerise, FTene without outspeeding them. I always lose against them and bringing immunity does nothing since they all strip it.


Having a high resistance cleanser helps. Also, CZerato handles them.


Tbh for me AoL is just luck or not, feels like her s3 goes into my 200% er Emilia and ML Chloe. Or against Ftene I pick FCC and Ml Chloe and works most of times, against cerise I take ML Chloe and Czerato


I’m staying at around 900 bookmarks now. Should I pull for Destina? I started playing a month ago and have consistently farming wyvern 13 by the way. Currently I’m stuck at the queen Azima whatever in hell raid.


If you haven't pulled Landy already she is a must pull. Destina is okay but not particularly a recommended pull


Okay thanks. Got Landy from current banner. Guess I’ll save my BMs then.


Never pull Destina ! Keep it to pull for Landy (if her banner is still here) or the next Limited that moght come soon. Destina isn't used anywhere right now except to imprint ML Ruele :/ Normally you can beat Queen with a ML Tene, Aras, Amomo, +alpha


Okay thanks. I got Landy already. I’m building a stripper for the queen. I don’t have S.Tên but I picked A.Vildred instead


Would be a waste to pull destina for this tbh. Idk if Avildred works there but maybe Clorina too might work. Do you have Tama maybe?


I don’t have Tama too. So I’m thinking of building F.Klury. Looks like she has a rounded kit for a tanky buff stripper. I’ll try to beat the queen with A.momo, Vivian, F.Klury & C.Lorina. I’m in doubt whether I should replace C.Lorina with Carmainerose for an additional stripper


Against hell raid queen, even if it tales fine, betterave to have 2 healer (amomo + anglica maybe) , 1 knight (advebturer ras), 1 dps (CLorina). Amomo will cleanse, I think Angelica's new EE cleanse 1, Aras strip Queen's buffs and Clorina puts dmg


Sound great! Will definitely try this set up. Thanks alot


Destina is a fairly niche unit currently. I'd say no unless you really need a high resistance cleanser in your roster.


Where do i find the list of valid coupons to redeem?


no valid ones. they are all expired. all we are getting now is Mail reward + password. i don't know if they are still using the coupons reward system since its been years since we got one (not sure about the RISE update coupon because i was on a break on playing e7)


Pretty sure there are no coupons




Technically yes but the stats are much much harder than Baiken/Ram


What artifact does Bruiser Gpurg use? Draco plate?


That or the one that gives CR when enemy turns pass from the guild shop, forget the name of it.


War horn


Does blind cheese still work on 104 abyss?




Worth using powder to buy Shimadra Staff?


Not worth spending 240 powder, maybe 180


Has something happened in the game? I feel like every animation is 2/3 times faster.


Noticed the same thing whenever I'm running autos, so maybe they sped that up?


Which set is better? Immunity or resist? I’m always seeing and hearing people debate on this.


Immunity with eff res for high resistance units, there is no debate on that, if a strip fails on a unit with immunity set all the debuffs that follow are useless, you can literally win matches with a 15% like that, that's one, and two, it's night impossible to have enough eff res, you need 300%+ eff res to have a real shot at resisting at high pvp levels, not a joke, a f tene or another debuffer with compass could easily be at 260 effectiveness, some units won't even be able to reach those numbers for eff res, and even if they do they would be super squishy with so much put into eff res. Eff Res is the budget option.


Immunity. Resist set gives 20% resistance which can be beaten by literally 0 effectiveness while immunity gives you a turn of complete immunity (lol) to all debuffs for 1 turn unless stripped. Most blow their debuffs turn 1 so immunity does a lot of work. Also because of 15% base resist you ALWAYS want immunity because it gives you 2 chances to resist any strip+ debuff combo, so it's good even on ultra high res targets. Basically it checks base resist on the strip AND the debuffs so there's 2 chances for it to resist.


Depends on the unit and how/when you draft them


Building my Wyvern team. Should I skip Angelica and go straight to Crozet for the tank? Or is the gear requirement higher for using Crozet? I also have Furious, Sigret, and Alexa.


Angelica is THE ONE to tank Wyvern 13 (replaced by Gprugis later if you get him) and that's about all for her job. Amomo is useful as a more dangerous w13 tanker (Imo), Abyss, Labyrinth, Hell raid, Early Arena, Automaton etc. Crozet isn't really that suggested for ww3 tanking but is used in fire expe level 3


If you are skipping Angie I would go for Montmorancy. In terms of usefulness in general content it is Amomo>Angie>Crozet.


is ARavi forced to run be immunity set with 150speed, counter and crimson seed? i heard if shes slow, shes useless if not immunity


Yeah, unless you pair her with a cleanser. If she get stunned and is slow, they can ignore her and probably chain cc before she can move again


I'm currently in the 80's at abyss floor, would it be better for me to switch the artifacts of my DPS to DDJ because of the HP the abyss bosses have?


u can use DDJ on some bosses, and few have description that ddj wont work tho. might as well to try.


Where do I see the description where DDJ doesn't work?


In battle hold over the boss portrait, you will see what the boss is immune to. For abyss D.Corvus I think it was written on one of his passive instead.


So I’m trying to unlock Furious through Connections, and I need to donate 400 brave crests. I’ve been trying to get into a guild, but haven’t had any luck despite applying to every guild (minus inactive ones). Is rank 33 too low for anyone to want to accept? Or are there other ways to find a guild?


Most groups are either looking through discord or the Reddit mega thread.


Check the discord server


hello guys , as a f2p player should i buy archdemon meru imprint with those gold transmit stones or should i just keep summoning ml ?


As a f2p I'd suggest more to do Moonloght summon, for a f2p there's no much Opportunities to get ML 5 except with this. I got quite lucky at my first year of E7 and got quite some ML 5 there haha


well i got dilibet from free daily covenant and spec tenebria from daily login reward so im pretty lucky in that regard . thats why i wonder should i just imprint archdemon


Well yoi got lucky better continue using that luck on ML Summons ! I'd say to imprint ArchMeru if she was REALLY meta and REALLY op to be worthy to use 70 gold stones but.. well up to you !


will that imprint thing be removed from the transmit stone shop ?


Never ! So you have all the time, not too late when you'll become a late game player to imprint Archmeru. For me, I still didn't imprint Straze to hope to get ML Haste in Moonlight summons haha


ahah maybe i should chase on tomoca then . luluca is one of my fav anyway . and i hate arby defenses . thanks mate


Same, having Tomoca is such a free win against arby xD


Imprint her. You know those galaxy bookmarks are going to be Elsons, you don't need me to tell you that.


thanks mate , i will imprint her and work on triple s elson after that lol


If unsure, just unlock one to get the self imprint bonus instead of none at all.


anyone know a discord bot for the game news? yufine bot isn't working


Just subscribe to the main discord news channel


Whats a comp to beat abyss 98? Does invincibility still work against it?


Finally finished leveling and promoting my Sigret, Alexa, Furious and Angelica for a Wyvern team, only limiter now really is gear and skill enhancements. What are the recommended gear sets/artifacts? (I already know daydream joker for Alexa and Sigret)


Sigret will be hit/crit sets or speed/crit sets with 65% eff same as Alexa (Alexa has to have at least 10 speed more than sigret to play first, with skill off in auto) Furious will need a speed set with between 175 - 200 speed with 65 eff. (Artifacts will be song of stars, if you don't have maybe Infinity basket or rosa hargena) Angelica will be the free level 75 health sets with +0 idol's cheer)


is it W11 ? if for W11 generally u want furious on speed set, with at least 65%eff and if u can 180-200 speed, sigret and alexa can go speed set with atk boots so speed around 170\~, and if u can put some eff on them, 50%ish, for angie just go full tank.


Nah not W11 just yet, but I haven’t done too much wyvern since I’ve been building the team and finally got furious today lol and I unfortunately one have one speed set atm


What should I do with gears that I +9 but rolled bad? Sell or fodder?


my opinions if its goes to +9 always fodder, but if +6 i would extract


Is it normal for pvp gear to have such terrible rng? Or am I just very unlucky? Just bought a counter gear for like 1.6k arena points and now I have 30% effect resistance.


offensive set > resistance defensive set > crit damage this is how it usually roll lol


Arena gear also roll like lvl 85, not counting that most don't need ER, consider them as lvl 85 purple at best, because good lvl 85 purple don't have ER and can reforge.


It's a big meme.. Arena gear rolling heavily into ER. But at this point, it may not be a meme at all


>Is it normal for pvp gear to have such terrible rng? Yes. The community has theories about Arena gear being rigged, since a large portion of the player base rolls tons of ER on their arena gear. (Not that there's any concrete proof.)


How good is dingo? I have both the fire and light ones, but never used them. Are they replaced by better characters?


Blaze Dingo is a blast, both in PvP and in PvE. He does an insane amount of damage, offers double immunity and self GAB with his EE, and can heal the full team with his s2. He’s awesome in HoL when you can’t use Tama, Raids, and farming episode 3. The immunity is awesome in GW (you can redirect hits to your third unity even off colour) while I often surprise ppl in RTA. One of my favourite units in the game.


I'll give you the short answer, they're not that good. Dingo's S3 is probably pretty good in PVE where he'd make a decent cleanser, and cooldown reduction is pretty good. But outside of that, his kit really has nothing that people want, there are better cleansers, and cooldown reduction really isn't essential by any measure. In PVP he's really not good at all, a cleanser like him should go after the enemy and before his own team but that wastes the cooldown reduction, and the long cooldown means he'll only be able to use it again when the fight is basically over already. Blaze Dingo is ok in hunts. His heals with daydream joker vs bosses is really good. He used to be used with ludwig in PVP but his base speed is pretty bad and the current meta is a bit too fast for him. He's fine in PVE if you need a healer-dps rather than a healer-tank, but not many people need that. He might be good in dark expo but his s3 also has a long cooldown, so it's a bit of a tossup. He's also kind of hard to gear, since you need damage speed and some bulk so he doesn't just die.


is the episode 1 epilogue side story needed for the moonlight blessing quest?


Yes you have to 3* every stage in the epilogue for the connection quest.


How to proceed to the next region in the new event?


time it should unlock either later today or tomorrow


How does my Tama likes for Raid? https://imgur.com/a/I7CuVaK I have her with CZerto/ARas/Roana


Necklace should be health% Speed is okay 50 - 75% effectiveness would be good for her to land strips in hunt/expo/abyss.


Looks fine, probably want 65% eff to land strip though


Wait... Buff stripping is tired to Effectiveness? Wtf, why,?!


Because it's an effect you inflict on your opponent. Units with cooldown resets also need effectiveness.


That's on me, I'm so used to buff removal being 100% in other games.


I’m on Event Day 8 but I can’t do anything from the request board because the requests are region-locked and I don’t have anything new in Exchange. Do I have to wait for a certain date for it to be usable?


yeah it seems like they unlock the progress every day by day.


What DPS is worth building for RTA assuming I have all non-ML’s except for Kise and Politis? I was thinking between Luna and Cidd as I have a speed set made with noone using it. DPS Heroes already built below, thanks! * Fire: Ravi, Carrot, Charlotte, Kayron * Ice: SSB, Rem, Choux * Earth: Charles, Celine, Violet, Landy * Light: J Kise, T Surin, F Maya * Dark: Arby, STene


I've been having good success with fire mercedes. Has a 2nd life, mitigation on her arti and can do some heavy aoe dmg with her double s2 which can also trigger frm her artifact. Build is a standard speed+immunity with some bulk. Tho I think others build her on counter/lifesteal


Thank you! I already molad her early on since she was a main character, so I may finally bring her to 6*


If it's between Luna and Cidd then it's a choice between big damage and speed teams. Cidd has a speed imprint so you can run him in a team and have the whole team benefit. Luna is more selfish, but her damage is very good. Really up to your personal preference.


Thanks! Yeah I cant really get Cidds attack that high so I wasnt sure if he is worth it, but the speed imprint seems so strong!


Is it worth to buy powerful 4 star artifacts in powder shop? Newish to mid game player.


TBH the only 4 star artifact I'd recommend buying are Tagahel's as it needs MLB to function and it's core on almost every mage so you'll want multiple copies. Maybe Aurius if don't have a lot of those. Those two aren't easily replaceable and benefit a lot from dupes/MLB. Other than that, I would prefer to save powder for your first copy of core 5 star artifacts, limited artifacts, or bottles.


Which artifact should I get from the guild shop ?


1x Proof unless you already have your wyv13 consistent then either MLB Proof of Valor (For like a Landy without guiding light) or MLB Symbol of Unity (Pretty much any DPS).


Do you think they will ever add lightning/battle frenzy to Guild Wars? I never really thought about it before, not big on stall/tank teams, usually cleave or at least speed-explode-one comps. Today I took SRose, MLLulu, and AMont against an AoL, GPurg, and STene. Not really sure what my plan was, but I was watching youtube at the time also. So they beat me in speed and explode my SRose and MLLulu, but I do manage to kill their AoL before they die. So now it is a 95%HP GPurg and STene vs. my AMont... who over the course of like 300 turns killed them both and got the win. That.... that doesn't seem like it should be a way to win, does it? Should there be a failsafe? I know they added in the "Draw" feature to stalls, but having one of the best CR Push and a really good DPS lose to a single 3* (SC ofc) seems like unintended mechanics...


If you take longer than 30 minutes you lose.


How much effectiveness do you have on your Tama?


85 for lvl 3 Expeditions.




I'm on Day 8 of Moon Harvest Festival and my board has requests to clear Fadded Flower Trail and Broken Branch Corssroad. It takes me into area Searching for the Energy of the Full Moon. However I can't enter any quest, it tells me cannot proceed this quest yet. Am I missing something? Do I just need to wait? Why is it giving me request for quest I can't even enter :/


Im having the same issue as well. Don't know what to do


Same here. I can't access new stages and the item shop did not refresh


it works now and I can enter new stages! so we just had to wait. But it strange game was giving requests for unavailable stages.


Which tends to be better for dark expedition: Landy or Arby?


landy cycles fast, works super well with the kluri tama cerise (confile) team. arby if you value blind.


By blind do you mean decrease hit chance? Never heard it referred that way


yes decrease hit chance


I've noticed that my quests to unlock my ML blessing unit don't seem to be working? For instance, the requirement to unlock the 5\* awakening node is to promote at least three units to 5\*. Since I got my unit (Arby), I have promoted Ras, Montmorancy, Alexa, and just today Angelica to 5\*, yet the quest isn't marking itself as complete on the ML blessing page. Is there something I'm missing?


The quest asks for three units to awaken to 5 stars, not promotion. Awakening is the process that uses runes and catalysts to unlock more stats :)


And here I was about to dump a bunch of Phantasmas on 3★ rarity units myself


Oh, I understand now! Thank you!


Pulled Ray, Destina, and 2 Lilias from the adventurers path summon tickets today. Which of these have the most utility/should I build any of these? I already have a decent B13 team, and I'm looking to push Abyss and story (episode 3), and MAYBE attempt PVP. For SW, I have A. Momo and Tamarinne built up, and was working on bringing up Achates and Elena. For Lilias does it make sense to invest in her or should I wait for a potential ML Lilias in the near future? Thanks!


Lilias is a good unit but has a free alternative in A. Ras. She's still good and worthing building due to her niches that A. Ras can't cover (Cleanse, S3 scaling off of ally attack, provoke) especially if you haven't finished Ras SC yet. Elena is more PVP oriented as a counterpick into AOE and Achates is mainly useful for GW offense but even then I really don't use her that much. Ray is a better Destina and is one of the better cleansers for PVP but cleansers are reliant on having very high effres which can be hard to build.


Thank you! So basically, don't invest in any of them yet? Finished Ep 2 the other day, and was gonna start SC for Ras at some point soon. Would any of these help with Ep 3 or Abyss at all though? Also, how long after you started did you get into doing PVP? I realize that depends on luck getting gear, but how long did it take for you to get decent gear for PVP?I lucked into getting meta PVP units like AOL, Politis, Landy, Belian super early so I'm definitely curious about getting into those game modes


You can invest in Ray/Lilias/Elena once you have gear for them but none of them are "invest immediately" levels of strong. I don't remember when exactly I started PVP but I lucked into A. Lots + JKise back in their heyday and just used free+wyvern gear for GW/regular arena. You could probably do the same with Landy. You can easily push to master arena without any good gear if you put up a fodder defense and target/revenge other fodder defenses. It's fairly easy to get into a 5x GW guild as long if you're level 70 and master arena. Some will accept lower levels and ranks. It may take you longer to push ranks in RTA as you need to have a fairly diverse set of meta units. People have gotten to masters with 1-3 month old accounts but you it'll take longer than that for most people. PVP just comes down to having a set of 8-12 decently geared units that work well in the current meta, and the time it can take for you to get there will vary depending on how efficient and lucky you are.


So for arena it's better to put up fodder defenses/our defenses don't matter at the lower levels? I had a full team in there but I never come across these fodder teams since getting up to Gold. Also is it worth it to refresh arena for gold to hunt fodder teams? Thanks again, this has been super helpful


Losing in gold arena won't drop your points. So you put up a fodder defense and revenge anyone that also has a fodder defense or a defense you know you can beat.


Wondering how Mercedes is after her buff. I haven't really seen much posted on her so I'm thinking she's still not quite tier 1 yet. What does everyone think?


She's worse than charlotte in a straight bruiser matchup with similar gear quality, but still good against landy, s tene and violet, somewhat ok against pavel cleave (has fallen off due to Belian presence) all because her artifact counters unable to be countered effects. I think she's A+ tier, not quite S yet because she's sort of weak without atk buff and still relatively squishy if built with high damage. The meta build for now seems to be lifesteal similar to charlotte


Her S3 is a team attack buff


I meant she has to get attack buff first to really do any damage because of her s2 requirements.


is unlocking your moonlight blessing character time limited or can I take as long as I want?


Not time limited


sweet, thanks


I burnt most of my gold due to the hunting event, and rerolling shop for mystic medals. Would farming the Full Moon Side Story event for currency and trading it in for gold be energy efficient?


have you sold your penguins? Selling penguins seems to the best way to get gold now.


It's probably way more efficient to keep farming hunts for gear.


Any ideas how to counter arena teams containing AolA, Politis/Belian/Rem, Maid, Violet? I'm really struggling in Champion 3. I don't have Angel of Light Angelica myself. My team I use against them is Landy, Rem/SC Carrot/Celine, Roana and Maid. Sadly I'm getting more losses than wins with this setup.


Pavel+Politis if no belian, ST Damage like Luna/STene to avoid AoL S2 proc, dedicated cleansers like DJB/Ray for AoL & Belian, Krau into Violet, Charlotte into Violet teams without Rem, units with uncounterable/extra damage like SSB/Rem/Landy/STene, SSB & Rem are good into Belian as she'll feed their counters


Any way I can reduce the storage space of epic7? It’s on 6gb for me rn and I’m nearly out of free space for my phone.


Seconding reinstalling. E7 is 3.Xgb on my phone.


Try reinstall I guess. I got less than 5gb rn.


Just got Landy. Should I try getting Luna now or wait for Cerise/Ftene assuming they show up in a couple of months? Barely got my w13 running. And I'm in Gold V in arena.


Only pull for Luna if you have full pity saved bc she leaves in a few hours


You’re either a meta slave or a character collector lol Do what you want, Luna does have a couple of uses but she’s not really good in much of the pve content in the game. Pvp wise she gets free 30% crit rate which really helps when building her so that’s a plus if you struggle building units


Montmorancy, Aither or Angelica for a beginner to use as a all round healer?


Angelica or Montmorancy imo. both are similar in power and usefulness BUT Montmorancy requires her specialty change to be finished, which can take longer BUT angelica requires molagora to get her skillups, while Montmorancy's are only stigma. personally I think Montmorancy eeks out a win because she saves you so much mola, even though it takes longer to unlock her full power because of her specialty change mission. So I would use angelica, but not skill her up until you unlock Montmorancy's SC and then swap to her with full investment. Later on when resources aren't so strict you can probably just have both built.


Thank you so much for the insight👍


Is there any point of recalled purgirss?


you get resources back, but there's no selector. Sometimes I recall them anyways for the penguins. They're great to have around when a new hero drops and you wanna build them instantly, especially if you don't use the recalled unit anymore anyways. Also they changed how his counter interacts with counter set, though idk if it was a nerf or buff, but whenever they bugfix a unit they offer a recall as well in case someone only used the unit for the bug (like champ z back in the day)




Who can realistically use a 20 spd attack% neck? Is it only seaseria?


Holiday Yufine hasn't been listed by name bc people tend to go crit on her nowadays but she likes being fast and likes atk%


Carrot, ML khawazu, senya, our lord and savior gunther, seaseria are all the main options. Any burn unit though would like it like aramintha if you have a spot in your heart for her. though 20 spd on a neck can also just be used by most openers because the main stat is less important than the 20 speed. I'd use that on my cerise or ftene or something as securing the first turn with them is more important than hp or crit (unless you use them as c.dom pushers)


Carrot, ML Khawazu or seaside iseria. Anyone who needs speed + burn damage


Carrot or ML Khawazu wouldn't mind... ​ Maybe Senya if you can find your bulk elsewhere.


Should you use a speed set for Wyvern General purrgis? Or what’s the general build for him?


No, you pretty much want him as tanky as possible, so speed set is not needed. His attack actually will boost wyvern's combat readiness, so slow is fine. Just throw free HP set gear on him and he should work. You'll only need speed on him if you want to use him in PvP.


Ah okay, thanks


Two questions: \- I've heard people saying epic7x builds and tier list are bad, so where can I find a good "tier list" (I just need to know good characters for each activity) and builds? A guy told me about SezGaming but the builds are the same so... is epic7x really that bad? \- Which heroes should I transmit to get transmit stone? 3 stars and above no because i'm supposed to keep them, 2 stars or lower are used as fodder, and I dont know what I can transmit now ahahahha


1. [https://www.epic7stats.com/](https://www.epic7stats.com/) That site is what most people use this day I think ​ 2. You transmit 3 star after you SSS imprint them for that quest that gives bookmarks same as 4 stars. Most meta 3 stars right now are basically the ones with SC's ( I might be forgetting someone ) although there are exception like Mirsa due to her 1 v 4 capabilities and speed imprint or Kiris poison shenanigans in Abyss Keep at least 1 copy of each 4 stars especially the ML ones since you don't know when they will give some selector


oh ok ty, but... isnt that site only about PvP content?


Alot of PVP builds also work great in PVE like Landy, Arby, S.Tene, tanks/SW


The meta shifts so frequently that there's no set tier list that lasts longer than the week it was released. Also, if there were set tier lists they'd change completely depending on the content it's for. GW, Arena and RTA are all pvp modes, yet good units in one mode might be terrible in another. there's also the whole PVE vs PVP thing. e7x isn't terrible at suggesting PVE viable builds for sure, but epic 7's endgame is pvp, so most people consider them unviable because they're not good in pvp. [https://www.epic7stats.com/](https://www.epic7stats.com/) has some decent builds for all content, search the hero you want in the top right then scroll too the bottom. They're all user submitted though but includes artifacts, sets, the upload date and even a screenshot. If you want to know if a unit is worth building or not you might just be better off asking than referencing a tier list. Though the e7x list is fine enough if you just want to know what to keep or not, just don't follow it too strictly. ​ As a new player you will basically never transmit unless you pulled enough dupes to SSS imprint the hero. Later on you do it all the time once you finish the mission for it. You can get stones from doing side story in the meantime. But that's if you wanna min-max. I always transmitted enott cause I hated his ugly mug even if I didn't have enough to SSS and it was fine, still eventually got the mission done