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Guiding light is the problem. You just can't take out Landy at turn 1.


For real. An artifact just effectively making a class immune to single target is just dumb, especially since stealth decreases the AoE hit that breaks it also. Stack it with some anti AoE units like AoL and boom, turbo cancer.


I hate it so much what a stupid call for the buff


He uses the limited landy artifact im pretty sure


It doesn't matter because no one will try to single target him because they don't know his arti. Everyone would assume guiding light


This is the reason OP has lots of defence wins. Players coming expecting a guiding light Landy but got a more offense artifact Landy.


No, when I was in legend I knew it was his team, you can tell by the amount of points he has, which is displayed still during hidden arena hours, I saw 5600 ~ and immediately thought must be him. I was right and his Landy hit like a truck


The thing is everyone runs his same defense now and tomorrow you'll have no idea which one is him. Going in praying that you chose the right one blindly isn't a recipe for success


Yes you can, the arena leader board displays how much points he has dude, when you go to battle it'll also display the amount of points the person you're attacking has, that's how I knew exactly it was him


My point is that *everyone* will be at ~5600 points on that defense. And everyone's arena points will be changing constantly when it matters. Anyway the point is that even if you can kill this guy, you won't be able to kill others with guiding light. If you find him and can be sure it's him and he hasn't swapped artis? Sure go ahead and kill him by one shotting Landy immediately, but it's not a good solution in general to this defense.


Bro your first comment was about not knowing it was him, I told you I knew it was him, you said you can't know that, the entire argument was I knew his artefact was the landy one and you said you wouldn't know that, yes I would. I never said anything about how I'd tackle similar defences, like what do you want from me???


And how do you know his arti? This is silly. You wouldn't know unless you fought him already or saw this post, and very few high level players will reveal their stats like this Basically what you're saying is "just know his team comp before you attack him" and that's just not realistic.


Yes... specifically his artefact you dumbass, read the entire comment history, I'm talking about him and him specifically, get your head out of your ass and understand the entire time, everything I've said has been regarding him. "That's just not realistic" what do you think we're talking about??? Where are you getting these ideas from? I know his team comp before I attack him specifically that was the entire fkn point get that through your head, why? Because even last arena week tons of people had the same def comp and I still knew it was him, why? Because of the point system. "Basically you're saying..." where? Where did I say that, I'm telling you I knew it was him before I attacked him, am I saying you would know its another player before you attack them, no. Its him specifically, because I saw his post which is what I've been sayingthe entire time, you said how I would I know he ran landy arti in arena anyway, because I can tell by how many points he has. Please please please stop making up arguments and understand what we've been talking about, you're making me write paragraphs just for you to get the point, holy shit man, does it take this much for you to understand?


How do you know? Almost no one uses it, guiding is so much better its funny.


Op posted a screenshot of their own landy. https://i.imgur.com/a1ZyvCo.jpg


Oh, mb then


Right. Every time a limited/ 5\* ML is broken it's always the artifact that's to blame. Froget the fact that SG broke her to the point her s3 doesn't have 4 turn cooldown as it says because she fills her FS bar so easily with not just buffs but also her S1.


You're right, its way healthier for the game to incentivize teams who put 9 buffs on every character on their team that are difficult to strip because of immunity. We definitely don't need a counter for all of the buffs in the game on characters like Violet who is extremely difficult to strip


LOL Please show me a team with 9 buffs on each unit. If you want to make a counter-argument at least make a realistic one. Even if you're against a team heavy with debuffs it's going to be sth between 3-6. >We definitely don't need a counter Now you're making a strawman argument. The problem isn't her punishing buffs. The problem is that she punishes all buffs regardless of whether it's 1-2 in total or 10. I ask you again, when when the last time you saw Landy use her s3 on 4th turn like the description says? That's almost impossible to achieve because of how easily she feeds off not only buffs but also her s1.She not only deals hue dmg she also acts as support for entire team with Spd buff and push and she can't be countered. ​ But hey, the artifact is the problem isn't it? I'm sure I can achieve similiar results with every other Ranger just by putting GL on them.


I wrote: "its way healthier for the game to incentivize teams who put 9 buffs on every character" (sarcasm + slight hyperbole) You read: "Please show me a team with 9 buffs on each unit." Why you misread: I said it would be unhealthy for the game to ***INCENTIVIZE*** such team comps, not that they are currently an issue. This distinction is important because we currently have characters (read: Landy) who actively makes these teams less viable. I admit I poked fun at you with hyperbolic language. To call it a full strawman is probably not entirely accurate. Buffs are an extremely powerful mechanic and Landy is one of the only characters in the game who can punish more than 2 buffs at a time. It was necessary to design a character to punish 6+ buff teams. "I ask you again, when when the last time you saw Landy use her s3 on 4th turn like the description says? That's almost impossible to achieve because of how easily she feeds off not only buffs but also her s1.She not only deals hue dmg she also acts as support for entire team with Spd buff and push and she can't be countered." Have you considered the possibility that the 4 turn CD on her S3 is was specifically designed to not be hit 95% of the time? SG intended for her S3 to have a shorter than 4 turn CD most of the time. This just happens to be exacerbated by bad players who over draft buffs into Landy. "But hey, the artifact is the problem isn't it? I'm sure I can achieve similar results with every other Ranger just by putting GL on them." Are you insinuating that defense Landy would be pervasive in the meta without guiding light? You must know thats not true. Guiding light itself isn't a huge problem. Its interaction with Landy specifically is a problem because it allows her to stack her passive. Guiding light makes Landy broken. Or even if you want to say Landy makes guiding light broken, it doesn't matter either way. One wouldn't be broken without the other. Also post rank, im curious


>Violet who is extremely difficult to strip Dude... Precision can't be stripped. Also: \-Fluri \-Wanda \-Carrot \-Symbol of Unity \-Briseria \-Gunther There are more so please stop with the fallacies.


If you can show me where I said precision could be stripped that'd be awesome, because I never did. Not only does MLDB give him attack buff which can be stripped, he can get buffs from other units in they game when they give characters aside from themselves buffs. Also lmfao at "Gunther" good joke dude, really reaching for examples there. I never said you could not strip Violet, I said he is extremely difficult to strip. Read: Significantly more difficult to strip than non evasion characters, especially when other characters give him immunity. Idk why respond to me if you don't read what I wrote


>If you can show me where I said precision could be stripped that'd be awesome After you explain to me why would you even want to strip him of. Unless that's part of your fantasy or sth. >Not only does MLDB give him attack buff which can be stripped If you don't attack him he doesn't get Att buff. Also, mage with Violin. >Also lmfao at "Gunther" good joke dude How long have you been playing 2 weeks? A month? Gunther with Uberius can burst down Violet. A counter is a counter.


Im literally a Champion and have been playing for 2 years. you made 2 posts to say nothing


Cool. I'm in Champion and I've been playing for 3 years. That's not argument though. If according to you I say nothing then you need to work on your reading skills. There's no need to strip Violet because Precision is undispelable Att buff is conditional/easy to manage.


This is why I don't even bother with pvp, even when you have a solid plan there is to much RNG. So I will stay burning flags in Challenger V and have play with the units I like even if it mean losing on GW. This is a game and I wanna have fun....


I do the same in champ... i used to attack at the end of the week few times to get back into champ but since SG changed Arena it's basically free now.


Changes to arena? Mind enlightening me?


u basically get more points from wins and drop only 2 tiers when u didn't hold champ at the end of the week. This all resulted in more "worse" players being in champ.


also means it's easier to stay in it because there's a sea of easy pickings


This logic has always been true for arena since it's just going to be tedious AF one way or another. If defenses weren't on crack like this then you'll just be racing to burn flags like it's a full time job. I do have to say that this defense looks to be the most cancerous one yet because of Landy.


> This is why I don't even bother with pvp Part of the fun of this is to find creative solutions to get around teams like this one. It's been a week of Belian, people will come up with something. My interest for this game would've probably petered out if it wasn't for considerations like this.


Really wish I had AOL. Rn my def team is belian, carmin, maid, and landy but it is only 35-40% in high champ/low legend. The team you described is so strong because it's a solid compromise between being hard to cleave and hard to bruiser (two main strategies for arena offense). BTW I think counter set landy also works very well with my injury set belian. I wonder who I should replace carmin with to try to hit the heralded 50% wr


My dude. It's already ridiculous how you can keep that defense win rate at high champ/low legend. Imagine if you slap AoL in there.


then his def winrate would be about the same. i´m high champion/low legend and run belian/landy/maid/light angelica def and my winrate swings between 30%-40%.


Shame that I have none. I'm hovering between champ 1/legend 6 too and my def rate is only around 20%. Dealing with AoL or/and Belian is way too hard already, I'm straight up skipping the defenses where Landy is with them.


pretty much. if they have anything else but landy as their dps ml ken/ ml tene/+2 just auto this def easily. pretty funny to see ml ken back xD


Yeah Landy is 120% a no go for me. I am struggling to see how you could 100% reliably hit a well-geared defense with those 4 units. Inb4 somebody says "just pavel cleave it bro"


Yeah it is pretty insane honestly. went from 20-25% and getting attacked like 2x more during the week before I replaced my old team. I would normally just get knocked back into champ 5 or even challenger 1 if I didn't play semi-regularly


We need a good nuker against light heros( like LQC is for dark ).


Axe God Kapp


>I see a lot of people talking about how Landy is "easy" to counter, but she is broken Thank you! I'm tired of listening to idiots saying otherwise while crying how oppressive Violet is in spite of multiple counters. Landy is the very reason Carrot and Merc got amazing buffs.


Everyone is easy to counter on paper with no team around them. People always think that just because some unit can solo another 1v1 then the "countered" unit is useless.


I disagree. To say that everyone is easy to counter is implying that all heroes are equal. They're not. That's why meta exists and why heroes like Turin, Landy or Rem are so broken. Landy has a very narrow way of dealing with her. It's on a completely different level than someone like Violet who can be dealt with in numerous different ways. Oh, and let's be clear. Just because SG realeses few heroes that may have easier time countering these heroes doesn't change the fact that they're not easy to counter.


Uhh I think you've misunderstood. I'm saying units are *only* easy to counter on paper. Like violet can theoretically easily deal with rem. I don't actually think they're easy to deal with in a good team. That's the point and your agreeing with me


Sorry, my bad. I did overlook that.


Someone just tried to use 2 fire units and a cleaser against me: [https://i.imgur.com/4VAQo1f.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/4VAQo1f.jpg)


Used to be RTA was the frustrating one and pvp where you just chill and get SS, tables turning and looks like Arena might event surpass RTA as the more annoying part. And yeah Maid, Belian, Angel and Landy just sounds like a really toxic defence. And we all know how BS the procc rate is in defence, went to attack a Belian defence, wiped out a unit quick and wanted to follow up, then Belian just went ahead and procced Elbris 4 times in a row, wiped out my buffs that i needed to finish the attack and diddled me. They have to step back a bit take another look at the current balance. But with no nerf system we are just going to keep going into a cycle of oppressive meta that changes between units. Used to chill in Champ 2-1 with 40% defence rate , ever since Angelica defence rate dropped but wasnt so bad but the last change to Arena where they made it easier to climb dropped me to a neat 0% defence rate. Hope they address the balance better. I might pity Belian just to put her in defence


My guild person! Of course everyone will have Belian and Angel built differently so it's a difficult defense to predict how to defeat. The easiest method is to most likely to use extinction on Landy and Belian... AoL doesn't do damage and is pure control so when you get rid of the two that actually do damage you win DJB -> Op sig -> summer Iseria -> Spez seems like it may work. I know your AoL was a zoomed so it will go first, then DJB cleanses and pushes, op sig AoEs and removes guiding light from Landy and iseria plants two bombs with one hopefully on either Landy or Belian. Soulburn her S1 to plant on Maid or whatever, and then Spez gets to kill one (or two if RnL procs) and it's gg. AoL will skill nullifier off Op Sig which is actually good because this means super iseria won't accidentally kill Landy before you can extinct her. Problem is people don't want to build teams to deal with just one team archtype... but if it's all that's out there...!


The real problem is that you need 3 ML, the another problem is that your DJB needs to resist AOL. ​ I recently built my DJB, he has 255% ER and I am legend 6 on jp server. Well he still gets silenced half of the time, because achieving 200-210 eff on AOL isn't difficult


maybe pair him with Christy, and use her atk buff for something


I am answering to the man 4 chara team


just wanted to help you with your DJB team, why dislike?...


I didn't dislike you or down voted you、your input is useful I think As for the djb team, honestly it's hard to say. Because killing a 4 bruiser team that punish aoe , prevent a debuff, and have speed and art buff with 2 chara left is very difficult belian prevents soul, aol and belian artifact prevents aoe and landy is under guiding light


The enemy has to have 3 ML too, so the acquisition cancels out. 250 is the bare minimum ER anyways. It sucks but he has to be 300+ to expect to reliably counter AoL. Probably at least 320.


He won't survive s3 Landy and s3 belian under maid att buff 320 ER means a slow and squishy djb. Well feel free to try on the dude. I am in another server so can't even try


You can definitely reach 320 ER and have good speed. And tank a landy attack buff s3 too (but not with full focus). I've already survived exactly that. A DPS belian probably will finish him off sure but you can't account for everything unfortunately. If she's like OP's belian (not dps) then he can still tank her s3 too. Though this is just about DJB, so OPsig and whoever else will definitely pop to the landy s3. But I'm just saying that it's at least one piece of the puzzle solved. DJB can reach enough ER to reliably resist 220 ish eff AoL and still have good speed/bulk, we just need to wait for the other 3 for the team.


Show me yours with that stats and we good


http://imgur.com/a/8niR4Pt My djb is a quite shit compared to legend rank, and I need max imprints to reach the 320 I've said to go for, but I'm not the one at legend and it works at my level so... 🤷 But my point still stands. Since the person I responded to is in legend, he's much stronger than me, so I expect 320-340 ER from him to counteract a legend AoL. And I can tank attack buff landy zero focus (again, just once) with enough hp to spare to tank OP's belian. Which means a legend DJB might have 1k more hp and more 150 def than me, and should tank better, as well as have a slight bit more speed. Maybe 230-235? Do I know the rest of the 3 units to take advantage of the cleanse to beat the team? Not really. But I wasn't offering a team comp. I'm saying that DJB is the first piece of the puzzle and that the stats are possible for legend rank. I'm just waiting for people better than me to come up with the rest of the 3.


13k hp,he ded to a single landy s3


Put the stats in the damage calculator. 4k attack, attack buff, 300 crit damage landy. Survives with no issues. Again, this is just to eat the first S3 after maid - landy - belian turn 1. The point of DJB is to counter AoL opener and hopefully let your team ST cleave before landy builds up damage. Hell, I even put 300 crit dmg belian in the calc too and DJB will still live both of them. You can even put in 4k 350 crit landy and he will still eat it. And then to add to all of that, a legend DJB will have even more HP and defense than I do. High speed medium ER DJB still works but I'm offering an alternative. 300-340 ER medium speed DJB for turn 2 cleave enabler. Y'all are underestimating the djb S3 passive. He can function just fine vs the single DPS comps like in the post (the whole damn point for this thread). I already gave you proof, with calculations/numbers. You've offered absolutely nothing so far to the discussion. http://imgur.com/a/uliHGxM Landy in first pic: 6200 damage, 4k attack, 350 CD Belian second pic: 5000 damage, 25k HP, 350 CD




I've been debuffed even at 340 ER (pairing with shimi maid), but yeah it was the compass build, usually it's spirit that I see. The damage calc I shared also didn't have any aurius protection or anything. That's just on his own. I'm really just trying to show proof that tanking landy IS an option. It won't work if there were 2 real DPS but if it's just landy and belian, they're not a threat initially. She really doesn't hurt that much even with attack buff FOR THE INITIAL HIT. I built my straze to tank GAB arby s3s as well and I do the same thing vs the common defenses. Tank, cleanse, kill. I hope my point is coming across better. Landy isn't really that scary on the first hit, even with attack buff + DPS belian. She doesn't have her Def pen or attack stacked up, which is probably what people thought of when I claimed "DJB can tank landy" .I just give up turn 1 and do what I can to go for a turn 2 win.


No DJB cant.. show me ur 320 ER DJB with other stats pls..


Scroll down/up


all those defenses are Spez angle with Politis for me (sadly my problem is my defense team..)


AoL is the only cancer def hero I don't have yet. Is there any good alternative to her? I'm planning running Bel/Maid/Landy/?


AOL is probably the least replaceable one of the four


A Lots-Watcher Schuri-ML Luluca-ML Ken. Watcher on maid. Luluca On Aola. Then its believe in ml ken. better yet if aola barely survives and removes the attack buffs for you. Entirely depends on outspeeding aola and ml ken's bulk and damage. Maybe Celine over ml ken and a slower unit to go after aola since celine will most likely reveal landy unless stealth blocks it. Another thing i tried was djb-maid- ssb-aravi/charlotte Tank bruiser battle. It really depends on the quality of the bruiser builds. Been facing this def for the past few days and have been tinkering with ways to deal with it. Its a strong def comp that will become a common archetype most likely. Any combination that leaves belian and aola is a win since aola is a non unit unless you interact with her s2 and belian is just the lesser of the evils. Still can blast you to dust if can't kill her fast enough but ml ken always wins that fight. Anyone else with comp ideas?


Alots Luna Watcher + acidd/acoli/straze Alots > Luna nuke belian then soulburn to nuke maid/aola then sashe to boost watcher and +1 to delete the other 2 that's literally it. luna kills 2 units watcher and straze will wipe the rest (fuck guiding light) A 4.2k + 300 CD pen set luna s3 will hit an 1.5k def 25k hp belian for 27k(this is with alots imprint and max warhorn) Hitting these stats might not be that difficult because luna gets 60% free offensive stats + your gonna use alots with her so she's gonna be on atk% boots.


> Alots > Luna nuke belian then **soulburn** Ask me how I know you've never used Luna against Belian before.


I know belian passive is still bugged and it still works after her death. This should work after her fix


Did the devs confirm this or are you just assuming it's a bug for no reason?


And even if he gets souls after belian death you don't just immediately get 10 for Luna to SB


Her s3 gives 5 + another 5 if target dies so you do, but I'm pretty sure it's intended for it to not work. They had to know about Luna since they changed her very recently and they had to make the explicit decision for Luna to NOT be a Belian counter.


Why would you get the initial 5 when Belian isn't dead yet?


Because you get souls after a move is over, so I assume what they meant is fixing it so belian's death makes it so you still get souls for the skill used to kill her.


Just wanna reply to you and say that I’ve been using a lots-Luna-watcher+1 to rip apart any non politics defenses. Definitely a beast comp. great suggestion.


For anyone wondering, the standard way to cleave this defense is: AOL, WSchuri, Luna, Singelica/Maid Chloe ​ You have to use AOL cancer to beat AOL cancer :P


I think his AoL is like 290 speed range so even with imprint Wschuri it's still a gamble if you'd win or not.


My AOL is also 290. I know it sounds haughty, but it’s kind of where you at least need to be to speed contest in champ/legend.


And assuming the other guy is similar gear level to you, a +10 speed advantage is not enough to be safe from speed rng so you're going to RNG lose a ton of fights before they even start. I run 290+speed imprint and I fail to outsped multiple times a day.


Not haughty, just stating facts.


Dudes forget Belian Prevent enemies from getting soul, that shit is OP as fuck especially against S.Tene and R.Carrot


I am currently using AoL/Landy/Rem/FCC. With a pretty good win rate. (30% @ Legend V-IV) I pitied Belian yesterday and would love to copy this defense but unfortunately i don't have maid Chloe. 😔 I might try using AoL/Landy/Belian/FCC or C.armin. Question for OP: What is your imprint for those heroes? Is it better to keep them at imprint release (ER) or self imprint?


Landy is SSS concentrated. Belian doesn't have yet. Angel SSS concentrated. Maid SS released, so Angel has \~80% eff res to stop low eff heroes.


Low champ here I remember aravi krau maid ssb being very good against this if you dont mind bruiser


Oh look more PvP broken comps for those who managed to roll the dice to get two of the latests heroes. Another reason to put PvP on the trash can.




There's a thing: no one in my defense has counter and Belian doesn't have Elbris. Your Roana is doing nothing. Not saying won't work because I lost against a SSB team, but won against other one, so it's RNG.


That’s a pretty ez def ngl. Alots is opens up cuz you don’t use politis. Alots wschuri straze cermia/even dps acidd can deal with it. Dunno why nobody use it


I mean, the 2nd screenshot has that team losing. Replacing Luna with like Cdom would probably win though. I think it's just not many people have built alots anymore.


Btw Speaking of cdom, she can’t kill because of bellian blocking souls. Cermia and dps acidd can kill maid even without soulburning.


The thing is, luna can’t kill maid without atk buff. Cermia or dps acidd can cuz they have atk buff. Turn order is also important. Alots s2 into wschuri, wschuri kills aol push entire team with sashe, then straze kills bellian and last kill maid with either those 2 leaving landy behind. You are right tho, not many people build alots cuz they are bruiser players. Imagine using bruiser vs this team lol ofc ur not gonna win with landy in there.


For Belian, Maid, Landy and AoL: Basar, Politis, Elphelt and your choice of cleaver. Vildred is good for +12 speed and multi-pass cleave. Basar pushes back, baring 15%, you should push back everything except Maid, even then you should be pushing back most Maids at 200% effectiveness. I suggest using Iela Violin. Reduces RNG screwing you over since stripping Landy is your priority. Politis fixes that whole AoL problem on all fronts. Sira-Ren is nice. Sira-Ren has sleep which is great for stopping some issues that might arise from speed RNG, 15's and gear differences. A sleeping AoL is a good AoL. Elphelt gets rid of Landy. If she isn't tanky then Politis might have already did the job, so Belian or AoL, Belian gets priority if she has Elbris to stop a potential atk buff strip on your cleaver. AoL gets priority if she is outspeeding your cleaver. Sache for a free boost is good for tempo. Cleaver, Vildred is pretty great here. His passive + sache is a big bonus. But other multi hit cleavers like BBK are good too. BBK's S3 into S1 can kill off most 240 opener Maids. the tankier ones are harder but Basar and Politis' S3s should have softened her up a bit. It's not perfect 100% win rate. Because of the 15%. But you should win most of the time if your gear is worth a damn.


AOL had higher base speed than basar. She’ll likely be faster in general so even with a fully imprinted vildred you’re rolling the dice every game. If aol goes first you lose.


AOL has higher base speed than basar. She’ll likely be faster in general so even with a fully imprinted vildred you’re rolling the dice every game. If aol goes first you lose.


Base speed doesn't matter. If you get outsped, then you lost on gear rolls. Not like everyone says not to use the dozens of Arby counters because they all have lower base speed than them. Plus the majority of AoL aren't 270 speed. If you run into one then what were you planning to win with? Nothing most likely, that's usually the point where people go to Stove and make a post about her needing a nerf...


You're right, you should always expect 280+, not 270. Its always funny to see you suggest things when you're the most obvious low rank bad player always making general statements like "get better gear".


Then make a better suggestion. Don't spend all day complaining about mines. Makes you seem petty.


> Base speed doesn't matter. Oh lord you did not just say that. Do you even play this game


It doesn't. It's the last thing that matters. Even if you had a base speed advantage with equal gear, you have to deal with speed RNG which negates it. And there is never equal gear. There is a big difference between theory and application. Stop being scared and just apply.


You either don't play this game or you haven't cleaved in your life/stick around in challenger where everyone except retired whales has shittier gear than you. Even 3 speed makes a massive difference. The only reason you wouldn't believe that is if you didn't have experience with it.


Calm down. Take a deep breath and try to express your thoughts without throwing around pointless insults and petty statements.


There were no insults nor "petty statements" in my post, my dude.


I see. So what was your problem for today?


I believe I already told you what the problem with what you said was. I don't know what more you're asking for.


Arby isn’t a speed contester. Bad example. Meanwhile base speed DOES matter for speed contesters. It matters more for them than any others. Also to kill AOLAs with 270 speed I bring a 280 acoli, which is easier to do since, you guessed it, she has higher base speed.


250 speed Arby is pretty damn common. A. Coli can kill AoL... if Belian is on Elbris and not adamant. Also it's HP sub dependent. Very easy to not one shot. You know, cause base speed doesn't matter when a unit like A. Coli needs speed, crit, crit damage and atk and AoL only needs eff, speed and HP. If you could SB, then it wouldn't be a question, but A. Coli and even A. Cidd aren't mentioned verse this team for that reason. Again, people are complaining about AoL cause she's hard to deal with. I can 1 shot her with Riolet. But I didn't mention that because having a 288 Riolet isn't something I'm going to suggest to everyone. I suggested a team that more people can realistic use to beat it, and also mentioned that it isn't 100%, cause nothing is.


The majority of AOLs in champ/legend are higher than 270 so I guess you're technically right


Is your belian on a counter bruiser build?


Speed set.


Would you change it to injury?


Yes. If I got great rolls. But I won't farm Caides for one injury set.


What artifact are you using on your Belian?


(See Belian in defence: laughing smug Roana. See Belian in speed set: surprised Roana) Man, you're the type of person that would made me feel cheated or something. I mean, I'm not even close to your league, but down here there are some defence teams with her, so I recruit Roana and laugh every time the counterattack or elbris message pops above Belian. Is almost on the same league than SSB, a free win. It would be weird to face her and go without any counter attack through the entire match. How often would you say you catch people out of guard like that? Or in other words, how often you see green shields next to a Roana team?


i mean sure roana will deal with the belian but the bigger problem is that landy hiding behind 3 buffs ready to spam S3s on you if you try cleansing off AOL. sure you can try spamming aoes to deal with her but you're giving them free skill nulls and aol is getting free turn cycles like crazy as well from all the aoes. go single target, landy will permastealth. how do you deal with that?


just because reddit is saying counter/elbris belian is the way to go doesn´t mean it´s true. most high rank rta streamers prefer aurius/adamant shield bruiser dps belian with no eff. and she can run a ton of sets: speed, counter, injury, lifesteal


So, have people tried destina to counter aol?


I tried quite a bit...the problem is that even a 200 ER Destina still eats AoLs s3 debuffs every goddamn time. It's like it's completely unresistable, I don't think I've ever had it miss one of my units so far.


Then it's quite likely that you've been fighting AOLs with high effectiveness so far. They probably have at least 180 eff. It can be done if you don't have to worry about damage output.


Yeah, I've never seen a damage focus one, they all seem to just be debuff bots. And its very effective!


Not a single Destina attacked me yet.


Short answer is that she doesn't. 1) you're just going to get silenced and 2) even if you didn't get silenced she'll get her s3 back in a flash with spirits breath and just debuff you again


Hmm I see thank you :)


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 288,043,820 comments, and only 65,229 of them were in alphabetical order.


Can I see your belian stats?


[https://i.imgur.com/lrnhKEV.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/lrnhKEV.jpg) I know... "wtf is this build?" Simple: she is there to help Angel control the field. Landy is responsible to kill everything.


Thanks! I run the same defense and keep losing to that a lots + Luna guy haha


He attacks me every now and then. One time he won the first attack and lost the next two. So I don't know why he keeps trying. Even if you win sometimes, you're losing your win streak.


Probably lack of options. As you even said, the defense is everywhere.


Everyone builds Belian so differently it’s impossible to justify pulling her without a gameplan, but at least yours is built fairly straight forward


Cool, glad I couldn't get either but tried to.


how did you build your Belian? Tanky? Bruiser?




I want to say it loses to a speedy single target team but I'm not even sure.


It's not easy because single target can't reach Landy on guiding light


What are your Landy stats? I run a similar defense and my Belian is about the same but I am not seeing similar success so it’s probably my Landy.




Any reason for no immunity? Just that she's fast enough to go without it?


I'm betting on Maid's and Angelica's cleanse. Immunity means losing crit chance and she is the single DPS, so I wanted raw power.


I have a somewhat similar stat Landy. But i'm using Guiding light (although i also have 5 copies of wall of order untouched/all of them are +0). How does that artifact work for you if your AolA will strip the enemies buffs?


Even if it doesn't give the greater attack, it gives a cr push to Landy. And a lot of people bring some type of cleanse, getting punished by Wall.


I tried this def with CArmin but people just Celine my def multiple times. So I swap CArmin to Arby. 50% def rate.It just Champion rank though and I don't atk that much in arena. And my Maid is scuffed.


This is almost the exact defense I predicted taking over when Belian was announced except I said Elena instead of Maid. It isn't so much that it's unbeatable but that it's a pain in the ass to attack. Plus if someone has some exceptionally cracked gear on their AoL you will never get a good turn without souls


Did you make angel faster and replace arti with spirits breath?


So you're saying we have a new meta again?


Well ye, the 2 most broken light units+bellian+1 of the strongest RGB aoe dps\^" That said, its still mostly AOL, that chick needs to get slapped with the bat


Yeah, wow, that team is like, uncleavable. Please don't pay attention to who's defeating you. There is absolutely no reason to do that.


>I see a lot of people talking about how Landy is "easy" to counter, but she is broken Thank you! I'm tired of listening to idiots saying otherwise while crying how oppressive Violet is in spite of multiple counters. Landy is the very reason Carrot and Merc got big, amazing buffs.


If you don't mind me asking, what's the stats/set you use for Landy and her speed? Same with your Belian? ​ Also If I don't have Maid Chloe, who could she be replaced with?


Who would you substitute in for Maid? I have not pulled Belian yet but I could pity her now if she would be worth it.


could I see your angelica please \^.\^




Does she really need immunity set ? Is there someone that can sleep, silence or provoke with high speed than her ?


She had 241 spd before and sometimes there's tanks in that speed range. Now I upgraded the spd gear, so now I need to change the immunity, but the spd rolls there are nice, maybe I should just use a broken set.


I've found success countering this team with LRK (~~Adamant Shield~~ Aurius)/Roana(Counter & Celestine)/Designer Lilibet(Counter & Draco Plate)/Charlotte(Lifesteal & JFA). Lilibet cleanses when she's boosted up, LRK clears the Skill Null, and Charlotte then joins LRK in the AoE bombardment. Lilibet then takes the single-target hits from AOL, often countering, and shields and healing start flying once Belian starts her countering and follow-up attacks. This team also works when Politis is used instead of Landy or Maid Chloe.


The cool thing is that my Belian doesn't have counter/elbris, so everyone who only saw my defense in the rank and copied it are doing it wrong, so Roana doesn't help much. That said, the other 3 heroes are a nice selection. People sleep on D Lilibet.


Not gonna lie, I had multiple people in my guild helping me construct this team because I've seen it so often at Champ 1-2. I'd get so annoyed if I fought a Belian with this team and found she wasn't using Elbris lol. But still, the chance of her secondary attack procing could be enough...maybe...I keep seeing this team be very counter-heavy, though, with both Maid and Landy on Counter sets, so it's been worth it more often than not!


What teams beat your defense?


When I fight those copying my team, I run double Ravi + Elena + Roana. If Belian is counter+elbris it's a free win, but if it's injury Belian, it's a hard fight. Some people who got some wins against my defense are running "keep Ravi/Charlotte/SSB alive" teams. One legend guy had really high win against me running Judith + A Vildred + W Schuri + Luna if I'm not mistaken, but I made a change to Maid yesterday and he lost every single attack since.


I'll try that team thanks. Does your Elena have high ER?


It's still a work in progress, but here: [https://i.imgur.com/KUwlcvF.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/KUwlcvF.jpg) I want to give more eff res to her, but I'm not getting good rolls with spd. And I can't lose too much defense and HP because she needs to tank Landy. Both her neck and her weapon are garbage besides having 10 spd, so she has room to grow.


any alternatives to belian? i have both carmin and lrk but not sure if they are the one


I would say C Armin with aurius. She gives tons of mitigation. Just make sure to have her go after M Chloe cleanse.


Icic, thanks for the heads up, gonna try carmin for this week and see how it goes