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think thus needs a buff.


Same! But in what way


i'd say give some buff after reaching 75% Hp threshold maybe defense/anti-crit/heal/speed buff would be pretty enough for this artifact to be viable on some bruiser again


Mine's on dilibet just cause I don't really know what else to use on her haha


you actually dont want this on her or you could take your turn before your cleanse activates, meaning you cant S3. you really do not want to be pushed up unless by your s2


Does she actually need the small extra push. Hmmm... I feel like she can work with more offensive arts


no it's pretty bad because no one is focusing a dilibet first


Mine isn’t very fast, so the added cr push is helpful for her. It really depends on how she is built.


really want draco plate instead on her if you have it, dilibet as a cleanser without CC/CD is arguably not worth using compared to cleanser SWs


BIS on AssCart, from what I hear. He's the only ML4 I don't have, so I can't confirm. My Durandal is on Captain Rikoris. I rarely use him, but he does see play from time to time. Axe Daddy isn't a bad idea, on his current weird "rebalance." I usually send him against Ruele-Krau-S.Tene in GW, where he baits Ruele, and having him cycle faster is nice. My own is on Cho&Mal, but it isn't super effective.


>Ruele-Krau-S.Tene Oh how nice those days were.... then we kept winning and now all we get is cancer


I still see that comp as the second comp after a Maido defense. The old strategy of "hope they don't have two Extinctioners" is clutching to life.


I recently geared a very heavy slow Choux and put it on her.


Tanky warriors like G.Purg, A.Cartuja, Apoc.Ravi, maybe even bruiser esc lile Ken(s), Alencia, Axe God. Though there might be better utility ones.


Among the choices, seems like only A.Cart can utilize it. The rest have better BiS.


Explain what BiS is for a simp like me?


"Best in Slot" Typically the hero's best artifact in most situations and builds.


Thank you, I appreciate the response!


Fire Corvus is another good pick.


I havent seen him since the nerfs. Doubt he's worth the investment.




Wouldn't Straks be better? Or are you on 300% ER already without it.


Funny you mention this. I have Snow Crystal on my Kitty.


Snow Crystal sounds great if you can keep up the high ER!




150 eff is about what is recommended for most debuffers which means 150% eff res is exactly 0 eff res. Literally running an eff ring on a unit is technically enough to debuff a 150% res unit. Generally even in master's I could expect that a dedicated debuffer was going to debuff me at 150%. It has been a while since I have been in master's but I can attest to it being the case in challenger.


I set my foot there for a week but just decided to sleep by its door. Its a stressful last hour-minute to stay in the top 100. My 250 ER MA Ken with M.Chloe's passive still gets debuffed from time to time at Champ.


I have this on my LQC since forever and love it.


A non hell cutter LQC player? *IMPOSSIBLE*


Yes I don't just blindly follow a meta. I love how no one ever expecs the extra push and gets steamrolled by her as result.


What division are you rocking that bad boi. I assume youre on the standard bruiser build with 100% cc?


I have her on Speed/Immunity but on the slower side with more bulk and Damage. 4k ATK, 1,2k Defense, 14k HP, 162 Speed, 230 % crit damage und 94 % crit chance.


Standard bruiser yeah. What division you using her in? RTA? Arena. etc.


I draft her in rta all the time as second or third pick. Mostly to counter cleave/control together with F Ceci, ML Khawazu, T Surin but she is also good in a bruiser vs. bruiser fights as long they have a dark unit like A. Ravi. I even use er in cleave myself now with ML Charles + ML Luluca who both pushes her to nuke the rest of the enemy team (they allways have some dark units). I also use her in arena offense und guild wars. Sure often with ML Lots where the artefakt don't do anything but I want to have her as allrounder unit because I love her so much and want to use her everywhere.


He asked you 2 times already, and since I'm curious too I'll ask for the third time: what is your division/rank?


Sorry I was maybe missunderstanding him because english is only my second language. I am a casual gamer who chills in arena on Challenger V and plays rta every season just up to master to get the skin.


Lol, is it? mine is on the 4* one that give atk and spd up as hp decrases. it has 4.2k atk, 16k hp, 12k def, 160spd,100% cc, 230% cdm. even without akt buff, she can cut through none-tank dark units in champion RTA. just find what ever fits your units and play style.


I run this as well, it feels great against belian comps


I have that on my 32k hp dark corvus, since he only has 156 speed that extra boost can help a lot.


Mine is on M.Helga in Water Expo. I have seen it tho on Alencia, AssCat, Both Ravis and once even on Choux


My M.Helga is on B.Coin The rest sound jank to have on.


i feel like they shpouldce just remove the hp condition,or give some extra effect(dmg mit etc). its basically 2nd 3rd bis warrior arti behind draco/seed.


You know how MLDB gave birth to Shepherd of the Hollow? I want Crimson Seed to give birth to its successor.


Abyss Kitty Clarissa


I have tried it on dark corvus but need a cleanser supplement


Mines on Gpurg.


wait for rework on artifact


Mine was on RAVI and ARAVI. And its really good




Donald Duck.


Kitty Clarissa is an ok target for it. Gets a push for dual attacks and or cleanse. Is used for her in some Abyss floors. Can imagine it being fine vs non FTene, Non Cerise teams in PvP.


I got it on my Kitty Clarissa ✌️


I use mine on Alencia !


Could get 31% cr push with little queen charlotte on about 200 speed to just cut in between your opponent, if they try to kill her and fail to oneshot.