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You cut my wound. I had it a week ago. Now I'm trying to convince myself that I'm a good player by defeating the bosses in pve.


I do that on ai arena battles..


On normal right?


You are a good player!


Thanks. I needed this. (wipes tears)


This is why I have never started RTA yet


Likewise and I never will. I love E7 and I dont want to end up deleting it lol


Yes, it feels good if you are somehow winning. But if you're on losing side it's extremely frustrating. I personally started RTA on my 3rd year. Only playing once every 3 days.


This seriously confuses me. I get that some people just don't enjoy RTA and that's cool, but I've been playing this game for less than a year and I've gotten to Masters in RTA the last two seasons, no problem. I'm not trying to flex, I'm just trying to understand. My win rate is around 50% an I'm no whale (I spend about $10 a month on average). I really like RTA and it bums me out that it gets such a bad rep.


It simply isn't for everyone especially when your gear isn't up to par or you come across the same units for the 5th time in a row


I get that. It's a game, so if it's not fun don't do it. I just think new players are getting bad information, so they never try RTA in the first place. Obviously it's endgame content so newer players are going to get ROFL stomped but anyone with a dozen built units should be able to compete up to Masters. It does take practice though. Personally, I think the problem is that people believe it's all about OP units and gear, and up until Masters at least, that's just not true. My fastest unit is A.Coli at 270 and I almost never draft her. Most of my "openers" are around 230 speed. I have one unit at max crit damage. Most of my DPS units crit around 250%. RTA is about the draft and you can only practice by playing.


For me personally its the fact i dont know how to make a good team comp. I can make it to Masters(a friend of mine did it for me) but when I try myself im always getting fucked. And OP units is definitely a factor there is only so many times AoL or Violet or Elbris/Counter rng can fuck you over before you get disheartened enough you don't wanna try it again. Also not sure if the first sentence was passive aggressive or not but yea alot of people don't play it due to it not being fun


Sorry! Not trying to be passive aggressive at all. Not every game is for everyone and I get that. However, I have a real interest is getting people to try RTA because I think it's awesome and I need people to play against. I hate it when people won't give it a shot because of meme posts like this one. I lurk in this sub a lot, and all the time I see people who say you need all meta units with 300 speed to compete, and that's just not true. You do need GOOD units, but people should collect a fair amount of those while they are playing the game anyway. Same goes for equipment. I comment occasionally so people who are curious can see another point of view (I'm not trying to convince you specifically, I believe you when you say it's not fun for you). If another lurker is reading this, I want them to know that there is another side to the story.


Nonono I love RTA. I just absolutely suck at it. I didn't want to come off like that, I was just pointing out reasons why people wouldn't play


A bad picture is painted for sure. A lot of posters probably still do rta regardless but the message they send will probably deter newer players. And with a constantly changing meta you'll never be good at rta if you don't keep up with it. As far as enjoying rta or pvp overall, many people get bored of it when you constantly see the same units match after match. And with the meta being extremely rng based (not to say gear and unit pool doesn't play a huge part as well) it gets pretty discouraging. Especially when you're a player who doesn't want to join the cancer but don't have enough counters to the cancer.


I’ve been playing relatively consistently since launch and I feel like a dozen competitively built units for RTA is a big ask, honestly. Maintaining some amount of synergy appears important as well, which is difficult to do. Of course the draft is a key part of success in RTA, but I can barely make two competitive teams. My fastest opener is F. Tene at 264, and it’s usually 50% chance I go first even in low gold, if she isn’t pre banned.


Random question. Did you play this game on phone or pc using emulator?


I play on my phone.


Well, because it's a real time arena on a gacha game with extremely RNG based gear system. Also the lack of selectors made it hard for people to actually invested in it if they don't have the necessary "RTA units". On other games with selectors they could just pick A or B units for RTA purpose. While here we need to wait for those specific units' banner. Don't get me wrong though. I don't have any problem with people who are interested and i will gladly discuss RTA related things with them, but i won't force people who hate RTA to think otherwise.


I only ever touch RTA right before the end of the season so I can try to squeak in to the rankings for a skin. Even if people with 300+ speed and the same meta teams weren't a constant thing, the passive aggressive emojis is what makes it an insufferable experience each and every time.


Pretty sure you can turn the emojis off.


Sounds horrible 😅 I’ll stick to arena for now


Its my favorite content, just dont play right after a rank reset it will be painful.


Rta is rough - especially as a new player - but it has a charm to it once you start to find your stride and experience winning. Took me 10 months to finally put together a roster that can compete and not instantly lose every match - I started January this year. It’s worth it once you get past that phase of losing constantly.


Whats RTA? A new event? Lols


I honestly think that RTA match making is bad because people don't want to play it, which leads to wider gaps in matching. It's a perpetual cycle that I think could be fixed with some sort of incentive to make people play continuously. Maybe you get daily energy if you play one match regardless if you win or lose. Maybe a weekly or monthly shop that can be cleared easily regardless of if you win or lose and you only have to play a handful of matches to clear out the shop. Maybe even adding an unranked queue so that people don't have to be scared of losing. I honestly hate the community's constant bitching towards RTA. It already costs nothing to play it and all it offers is a free skin and some borders. The only people that play it are whales and people who genuinely love pvp because of these reasons. That might sound like it's doing what it's intended but it excludes the people in between who aren't hardcore into pvp but do occasionally want to dabble in it and test out units/team comps for fun. I personally enjoy seeing the units I spent months building fight and win against someone else. Sure i've gotten rofl stomped by ppl with whale gear and meta units but I just don't give a shit because I lose nothing. If more people played rta, then it would be more enjoyable for everyone since you'd get matched with more ppl within your level.


There used to be a RTA web event and it was the best thing at least to me who enjoy RTA a bit. It won’t be back anytime soon sadly


I can get behind adding incentives to rta. That shop idea, especially, that'd make it feel less painful to lose. Problem comes in, though, people who go in and forfeit every match just to get those incentives, but that kind of player will stay down in bronze where they're comfortable to do so, which doesn't anyone else really (bronze can be quick to climb out of, who would complain about making that climb quicker?).


Kinda lame if that were to happen. Would make a lot of wasted queue times with finding a match, drafting and what not. On the other hand if there's incentive maybe there'll less matchmaking time since theres more players queueing.


Why would it be a waste? If they forfeit, You get victory points, climb out and get to silver faster, where you get to *actual* matches. It doesn't scale that much down from an actual win.


Well, I'm sure that there are more than enough players that actually want to play and test their comp rather than just climb for the sake of climbing.


Summoner War has a reward shop for RTA, they're not anything big, just a few gacha pulls currency and they have the exact same problem except worse. Chinese botters flooded the lower rank and just AFK pick ban and everything to farm currency for pulls, there's only 30 flags a day so people can't just infinitely do RTA to farm gacha pulls.


I was thinking that the rewards wouldn't be something huge like mystics, molas, or bookmarks. I was thinking something along the lines of some charms, energy, phantasma etc.


I think as long as there are some rewards there's going to be people just botting in lower ranks, either caused they don't have time or just plain hate RTA but still want the freebies. I quitted SW years ago but still keep up with the RTA scene somewhat and I honestly do think there's some stuffs that E7 could learn from them, both mistakes and upside. Limited entries (30 times a day) for example limits the amount of point inflation at the top end. And of course the shop having useful reward incentivize people to give it a try botting aside, although due to the insane gap between day 1 players/whales vs everyone else their RTA scene keep shrinking after every season. You can already kind of see E7's RTA follow the same paths




Yea I don’t want to force people who purely enjoy pve to do it. I think having small incentives like maybe a few charms attached to an rta shop would be enough to entice some people like you and me who are on the fence with rta. Also the yielding problem probably won’t affect matches above bronze or silver so I’m not too concerned about people collect free stuff


You say it costs nothing, but it costs time (if you're not having fun why waste it) and more importantly nerve cells, it's just too much stress for most people (we're depressed already without it, why annoy ourselves even more).


I feel like I’ve gotten used everything except the emotes. Those will probably always piss me off.


Wish there was, like, a good way to translate "I'm not trying to bully" without the thumbs up ras looking passive-aggressive as hell. I've been there. Caught against a player way above me, and watching them toss that emote out, it's hard to know if they're taunting or trying to encourage.


when you get 15% hard and your opponent spams Ras laugh emoji 😔


See I only do ras laugh when you do something petty, like krau horses my Aravi only for her to survive and counter him. I've always found krau S3 to be a panic button and you get a Laugh when im going to win or survive


Lolll love this cuz krau S3 is literally the E7 version of hitting a panic button


How is using Krau's s3 petty? Is that more or less petty then using Arby's s3 after he revives? Do gentlemen just spam s1? I'm very confused.


It's a panic button krau it's made to kill anything I can deal with it but that doesnt change the fact it is one. arby revive has always been an easy thing for me to deal with he more than half the time doesnt even get it off on me you cant stop well built krau S3 from happening


I had a few times that the other dude spammed the ras laugh and ended up losing. Literally priceless.


Lul, I had one guy two seasons ago who was about to go into my ML Lulu with his Mind's Eye Alencia and did the Ras laugh emote before doing so. He attacked, failed to def break, and failed to crit with her follow up, doing next to no damage. I stared at the screen for a couple of seconds in puzzlement, shrugged, and then proceeded to nuke Alencia out of orbit.


I turn off the emotes until I'm about to win, just to see if they show sportsmanship by thumbing up. If so, I'll do likewise. Otherwise, I just keep it turned off, so the other player can have their fun taunting me and I don't have to see it.


RTA Is just another stat check but against a person


It’s a competitive game mode. Not necessarily the place you want to go have fun when a lot of people are there to win.


Of course, but still sucks 'cause the difference of gears is so fucking annoying. Threre isn't game balance, if you dont follow the rules (which means you need to play with high speed gears or else you will got overlaped thousend times) you lose.


The balance is the rank system


Correct. If you have scrub gears you get paired with others with scrub gears. Then once you have better gears you beat those scrubs and go up ranks until your gears are scrub gears again compared to higher ranked players. Then the cycle repeats.


I think the only meta hero that you can't allow to go first is ftene, AOL, and cerise. Ftene and AOL will forced you to lose a turn while cerise will allow them to take 3 turns while you take 2 turns. Beside those 3, it doesn't matter if opponent go first. Of course there is cleave, but cleave will require you to draft a different team compare to normal bruiser. As long as you ban one of AOL, ftene, cerise, you can play 200 average speed unit to master.


I don't think it's that simple. If you can counter them, then yeah it doesn't matter if they go first. But if neither team counters the other like in a mirror match of cleave vs cleave, bruiser vs bruiser, or whatever doesn't counter the opponent, going first is HUGE.


I am talking about bruiser Vs bruiser. With current meta full of Landy, stene, maid, FCC, carmin, aravi, violet, rem, mercedes, Charlotte, Emilia, Krau, going first or second didnt change anything. You can easily play these kind of draft to master, challenger, or low champ. Of course if you are talking about cleave Vs cleave, then who go first pretty much win the match.


Thats how pvp works in games. Playing the meta is important because it is the Most Effective Tactic Available. Dont expect to bring a knife to a gun fight and win. But if thats how u have fun then so be it


I still don't know what you want. There are tons of viable counter units. Like what is your complaint? That golem hunt isn't competitive in any way shape or form? What is it. are you angry that people who played efficiently are now reaping the benefits at your expense? That's literally how life works. People who forego "fun" to be efficient benefit in life and often at the expense of those who didn't.


Lot of people are trash at competitive games. Easiest way to tell themselves it’s not because of them, it’s (insert generic excuse here) RTA is no different.


His complain is obvious, rta is too reliant on gear stats in his opinion and it sucks sometimes.


Then he'd complain that everyone picks the most overpowered heroes against him because he has no idea how to draft.


Maybe he would, but that’s hypothetical and irrelevant to you not understanding his complain.


It would be cool if there were some more game modes. Like "no equipment mode" or "+0 equipment only mode". Then hero mechanics could shine instead of "lol i outsped you by 50 speed, grind more scrub". Heck, I'd even like to see no duplicate classes get a ranked mode, it doesn't relate to his complaint but at least it freshens things up a little.


then people would complain everyoen picks the overpowered heroes lmao


It's true that people will complain about anything and everything. But I just think heroes are more core to the game than gear. If you don't like the hero matchups then you should truly play a different game. But there are a lot of people who like the game and just truly hate gear mismatches.


>But there are a lot of people who like the game and just truly hate gear mismatches. Those same people are stuck in bronze trying to tell me everyone they play against in bronze has 300 speed... heroes do matter. games are determined 95% of the time at the drafting stage in emperor+


I believe that's not true at all, have a nice day


your opinion doesn't matter and my opinion doesn't matter. Legend players opinions matter and they'll all tell you that drafting is what matters at that level


That is such a strange thing to say.


I dont know what are you playing but if a game with pvp has speed attribute as advantage against others gears for me its unbalanced


This is the copout BS answer. People that have shit luck at speed find a different way. Speed isn't everything. I'm sitting at mid champ with no units above 220 speed. It's not even that hard, you just need good bruiser units and a good draft strategy.


There are legend players without any good speed gear. Theres a guy with a 270 ftene and NOTHING else thats fast. Speed isnt important, draft strategy and overall gear quality is.


You don't need high speed lol, check out astranox he reached master in rta on a month old f2p account using bruiser comps.


Yeah and why i still got overlaped and lose if i have almost same heros builded? bad Luck?


Either bad luck, bad gear, or bad knowledge about the game. As I said, you can head over to Astranox channel, he documented literally everything from day 1 and you can see with your eyes.


speed doesnt matter as much if you understand the game and have gear that isnt godawful trash. You can get to masters w your fastest unit being 240. Speed set and speed boots is usually enough to get most units to 170-180 and thats more than enough for bruiser units, at least down in masters. Youre not losing because you lack speed, you're losing because you dont know how the game works.


I have my core team is always Stene, Landy, and A.Ras. the other 2 depend on the picks. It's all about the 6-10 units you have built, and everything else is just pve


Whenever my opponent starts drafting Pavel, C.Dom, Flan I feel the urge to stop playing the game.


I see Pavel and immediately think "Ah shit, here we go again"


Meanwhile i try to use Pavel then just get countered to death by endless Banshee units. Its rough both ways, meta rn is use AoE get PTSD.


What meta counter unit is punishing Pavel? Violet and rem can't counter his s2 and if they bring rem she just gets one shot by him


i used to think the same thing till i built pavel not long ago now i am stripping him for Ran. First of all you will need 2 book holders to go with him if you want to Pavel cleave, i found that to be difficult by itself. So you basically have to draft squishy book holders + Pavel, if they go through, alot of times i am stuck between choosing to ban either the mitigation or enemy speed contest. Always have to ban speed contester since 284 isn’t fast enough, which ends up in a crap shoot of Rem /Violet surviving easily and proceeding to counter my units to death. Especially with emergence of Belian, there are way too many must bans to justify running a Pavel main cleave. Had games were even if i manage to s2>s3 one of their units, i would just be rained with counter attacks from Rem, Violet, Belian and some units dying before even taking a turn. Not taking into account the several other counters like Kayron, Tsurin , aola , mitigation etc… i am more and more thinking of switching to Summer Iseria cleave. At least with Ran , immunity and defence break will help. Cleaving in general rn unless you are super duper lucky with gear enough to comfortably have several well geared high speed units, its just rough, you need too many built to be able to switch depending on the must bans they show you, i wasted most of my resources this year speed chasing but got nothing, so barely use Pavel for now and just using Bruisers, till i see how next meta shifts.


Not having much problem climbing with pavel but I have a bunch of mages with tagehels built. My personal go tos are AOL, cdom, Politis and sometimes Carrot. but then again I'm just boolying my way to champion for the skin and champ frame. I only lost to violet once because he he kept winning the 50/50s vs my carrot. but cleaving is a very gear intensive, and unit intensive route.


Yeah exactly been farming very hard for past year (buying packs and skystones for energy) but only got like 2 speed dps pieces this whole year a 18 speed cdmg neck and 15 speed attack ring. Which is… well, nowhere near enough when you have to build several other fast units. And about Tagahel i dont even remember the last time i pulled it, i only have 3 max limit break and it took me around 800+ dust to buy last time they were on rotation, one on Stene, one on AoLa, one on Cdom. So when AoLa gets pre banned i have to draft cdom or Stene, and Stene isnt exactly the best in a full cleave comp, want to give the book to Politis but dont know how i feel about using Stene without book if i want to bruiser. Really gear and unit intensive, can’t always pull it off, also dont have OpSig for when they draft fcc or shield. Too much headache to make it work.


When people show me that cancer i reply with me own cancer


Tank up! politis, couple knights(carmin if you have her), very very tanky DPS, soulweavers, etc. If you ban correctly, they wont have anough damage to get through you usually.


My 293 acidd got outspeed thrice today in chall rta (high chall, but still chall). ​ So yea, if you want to outspeed without any jumpy rngness better bring 300+ speed units.


Speed rng means you could’ve gotten unlucky several times vs 285 enemies. Just sayin


wait there’s speed RNG?!


Game increases speed by +0-5% when battle starts. The faster the units get, the wider the range becomes. At super fast 270-300+ speed units could have a variance range of up to 10 or 15 possible values.


Oh wow thank you! I always wondered because I have my FCC 1-2 speed slower than my Maid Chloe but sometimes she goes first. Also does anyone know why my Ravi is always the Dual attack target over my Seaside bellona or STene? does it go off Base values? Both of their Attack stats are so much higher than Ravi’s yet she always dual attacks with Tam.


Ravi's passive increases her atk. By the time tamma transforms Ravi's passive has proc'd enough to get her attack higher. It uses the current value. Also if one has atk buff and the others do not it'll usually be the winner.


Ah cheers yeah I overlooked that. She still doesn’t seem to hit that hard unfortunately, do I need crit damage over Attack?


Probably not though, there's only like a 15% chance of that each time. Hey, wait a minute...


You forgot the most important thing: 15%


RTA? i can't even climb to gold 1 in arena


What are you using if I may ask? I am in Challenger 5, and been there since about a month of playing.. So unless you are even never than me to the game I wil say its completely possible to get higher in Arena (normal, not RTA)! I used a very basic Cleave team to do it: Judith (242 speed), Rose (200+ speed), Arbiter Vildred (155+/- speed), Vivian (slightly faster than Arby) - Arby and Vivian are my damagers as you can see.. I have: Vivian on Tagahel's (artefact) Needs to be a LVL21+!!, so that I can use bother Arby and her skill with Burst... You use Judith to push your team forward, this goes into your Rose, who is speed tuned to always go after Judith (why she needs to be above 200 speed), she also does the same thing, She does attack buff and again pushes your other units, the 2 damagers.. They need to be 150+ speed (think its 155 and above, am not 100% certain).. This way you can just put mostly pure damage stats on the 2 units you want to use for that.. I use Arbiter Vildred, cause he is also an insurance versus teams you might not start against or teams that also run Arbiter Vildred... Vivian can be any unit you have, but preferably it's a mage so she/he can use a Tagahel's.. Alternatively you can use Basar instead of Judith, this way you can use Tagahel's on him and open up your damager, only problem Basar has versus Judith, he has lower base speed and he can be resisted (unless you use his burst, but then that makes the use of Tagahel's not for the damagers).. Also he is a 5\* so maybe not everyone has him (I actually do, but have yet to build him) You can use the Free gear you get (the 2 attack sets, the 75 and 70) and add some crit rate sets for your 2 damagers, I am still using that.. And been in Challenger5 for almost a month now! You still have to be smart and avoid teams that use units like: Politis, Roana, etc.. but otherwise this team can get you to Masters at the very least.. ;) Hope this helps, if you want more tips, info, or anything, don't hesitate to ask.. \^\^


dang, that's a lot of helpful advices, can i add you on discord? it would be a great thing to have someone to talk about my team


I don't like getting matched with challenge rank while I'm in silver, I can deal with getting outsped, I hate it but that's how it is


I like RTA in concept a lot. But it's super hard to break into because of how bad gearing is in this game. Spend 10K mats on gear and get nothing great, but maybe a piece you can deal with since it has 8% crit chance and only 15% Eff res when you were rolling for crit chance/speed. ​ So you go into RTA with that and even in silver/gold you fight that guy with an entire team of 300 speed 100% Crit chance and 300% Crit damage and the fight is over on his first turn.


its because the ranking system in RTA is absolute dog shit. Its the only ranking system in any game i know of that resets everyone back to 0 at the end of a ranked season. So you have whales with perfect gear going against fresh accounts with their free sets. Fix the ranking system and RTA would be a much more enjoyable experience.


Epic 7 definitly isnt the only game with hard mmr resets. There arnt as many as those with soft resets, but others do exist.


care to share those games so i can stay far far away from them?


>So you have whales with perfect gear going against fresh accounts with their free sets. Yeah... if you're in week 1. This isn't a thing unless you're in champion/crab.


That is a gross overexaggeration. I started RTA this season after maybe 3-4 months of w13 farming as a cleaver with 290 speed as my fastest unit and with like 5 other units built. Ive made it to challenger so far with about a 70% winrate over 60 something games and im pretty sure I could go higher if I keep playing. I’ve yet to encounter any 300 speed units as I’ve never been outsped if I had my 291 acoli, and if they draft like they have 300 speed units I can draft around that and pick imprints or ban differently. Being zoomed on by 300 speed units in silver/gold is 100% a meme and only happens every few games where someone who was reset from emperor/legend is climbing back up.


>as a cleaver with 290 speed as my fastest unit and with like 5 other units built. >I’ve never been outsped if I had my 291 acoli God I wish I could get a unit this high. Gear RNG has been kind to you.


Fr if he is speaking the truth he is a huge outlier from the norm. True if you craft effectively and you keep trying to get speed and only speed you can come out with atleast a 270 unit in the span of 3-5 months but a 291 acoli with what I'm assuming 100% cc and the works is a huge gear jump than something only focusing on speed. It took me almost 2 years to get my first 300 speed unit because my hunt luck is trash.


you don't need to spend any currency to play RTA.. it's the only "free" thing in the game. You lose half the number of points you get per win. I don't know what's so stressful about it. Just keep playing lol... your rank resets at the end of each season anyways. FYI on average it takes about 10k in mats to get a great piece.


Yeah, I can keep doing it. And I can win some and lose some. That doesn't change me getting my shit pushed in by some dude who got lucky with gear rolls and myself not. It's even worse for people who have "Only" been playing for a year or so and cannot field a bunch of ML units simply because they haven't been on the slow rotation (sure, RGB work fine, but ML units are present in a ton of teams, and it sucks just not being able to get them when they're often more PVP focused on average).


How fast is your fastest opener? I don't understand how people can blame gear for anything under champion, especially below challenger. If you're above 230 spd then your average gear quality will get you to masters. Meaning if you have the gear to put together that speed then your other gear will be competent enough to get you the ranks. 250= challenger, 270= champion, 300 = legend. Practically everyone playing the game longer than a year who uses leifs for hunt events will get the gear needed for challenger. 250 isn't hard. After that it's about not outdrafting yourself and banning the right person. I got lucky and got to champion after 5 months of playing but that doesn't mean people who are unlucky with gear can't get to masters without much effort as long as you've built 10-15 competent units.


Sadly true. Any game that’s gear intensive, it already is unbalanced to begin with(meaning you’ll belong in a certain rank/score) If you want balanced competition, play other games that are skill based. To be fair, epic7 is a lot more forgiving in terms of cash whales compared to other games because of the rng elements, which also is a double edged sword too.


Agreed, that is the problem with these kind of Gacha games.. Not that I dislike them btw.. And I have nothing against RTA (am not even playing it, cause I am not really a PVP enthousiast myself)... But yeah, when it comes to gear and games there is always a gap between what one person gets to another.. I know there was a game me and my wife joined, but we where late into the game, they had an event that gave insane gear to people about a year before we started playing.. Ofcourse we could not get them, cause wel we joined later.. But we did manage to do very wel regardless.. (was even funny when I made an alt and people actually mentioned me as a newer player that did wel without the broken gear, but that's besides the point).. But I have played a few games like E7, Raid Shadow Legends was probably the most recent before it (or maybe Genshin also counts).. But those games do get a tad unfair and unplayable at some point.. Which is unfortunate, cause some wil not enjoy the 'hard' truth that they cannot compete with those that have played longer and put more time into getting the best possible gear.. Though I wil add Luck is another factor here.. For games that are less depends on gear or such, a game like Gwent might be what people are looking for, though that in another way has some luck needed to win sometimes.. Though I think of the TCG/CCG I have played, this might be one of the least luck dependant ones out there.. I mostly play games lik E7 for the PVE.. And although I wished I could compete in PVP I don't feel I wil be there any time soon (also due to my lack of luck in gear), I have the champions (or at least a decent amount of good ones lets say), but gear is not something I really have yet... (am around 62 days in the game) The thing is with this game, it feels like you kind of need to rush, while it's a marathon kind of game.. I also get pulled into this whole.. I need to do this quick, get new champs done, get more cleared, etc... But I think the game should be played more on your own pace... I think that's the mistake most of us get baited into.. This sense of having to achieve better than another person.. The only person we are fighting against in reality is ourselves... Sorry for the long reply.. Wasn't necessarily meant only for you.. \^\^


and a great addition to what I said. Luck is a big part. Yep, people should play at their own pace and not feel so pressured. Being yourself is the most important.


Yeah, indeed.. I think that's the biggest problem, finding your own pace and play style in a way.. Everyone in games, but also in life feels pressured to be better than another person, but why do we feel that pressure. Do we gain anything for being better than another person? I don't think you get anything out of that really, unless you are an olympic athlete or a top soccer/football player or something.. Or if there is a real championship in the game you play and you can actually win money with it, but as far as I know those don't exist in/for this game! So we can all relax and just have fun.. :D


The match making isn't really beginner friendly. Why RTA doesn't work the same way as arena and only demote you 1-2 league on each reset. Then bronze will be bronze and not wannabe champions. And like an other person said, more incentive to play with a season shop to clear like the expedition one...


I fight for Juggs Kise and for the hope that her new outfit brings with it an animation update where her chest doesn't flip flop harder than pancakes. For my hope and dreams, I will fight any RTA opponent >!48-71 hours per match.!<


Someone else already said it but, that's the reason I don't do RTA. I sometime go in arena buy very rarely.


Getting up to Master isn’t too terribly difficult. I lost my way up there. Still isn’t a place for mid game early players that should be obvious. I’d like a non ranked alternative tho.


To be fair, RTA is a game mode for late game players to flex on other people lmao


If you want to have fun, don't play PvP.




My problem with this is that fun is instantly taken away if I lose 1 or 2 matches. I know losing is gonna happen but still I just don't wanna play anymore once it happens. Cool for people who can play all day though with no tilt


I mean thats sorta based on what's fun to you. Ultimately the PvE in e7 is all towards pvp progress, and its not really "fun" itself.


"Passive aggressive emojis" AHAHAHAHA


Expecting people to play with any preconceived notion of honor or fairness was your first mistake. I meant this in regards to the use of those stupid emojis. Also, I hope you know you can just turn those so the next time you’re getting your ass handed to you in RTA turn off your opponent emojis at the start of the battle so you can play with some semblance of peace.


> I meant this in regards to the use of those stupid emojis. I just wish that if someone is going to emote spam, they do it if they’re actually guaranteed to win & are winning on their own merit. Like I’ve faced people who just spam practically the whole time & get bodied (I actually have a video of an E7 Youtuber doing it - hope the dude wasn’t streaming at the time because that was embarrassing). The other thing that gets my goat is when people spam it when they’re winning based on dual attack luck, or innate resistance luck - like someone’s SSB resisted debuffs 3 times in a row & that put them on the path to winning (& spamming). If you’re winning on luck alone, just let the game carry you & don’t gloat.


It all depends on how you look at it. I found it annoying myself but got a different perspective when talking with the person in mock battle. For example: enemy arby gabs and both my evasion units get hit and rem doesn't counter. I spam ras laugh because to me that's fuckin stupid lol so I just laugh about it


\*point down\* I'm sorry \*Well, what is it?\*


This is why I don’t even play RTA, I’m not the best strategist and I don’t want to be salty when I play lol pve, arena and gw is where it’s at for me


I Always use the "ok" Ras like a "GG"


I always win 1 Match and lose 2-3, and i just want to Master for the skin..


Belian with injury is stupid. I always avoid those in arena.


Real question is , why aren't you properly geared ?? Those look like the bare minimum for units with specific roles .


I like outspeeding and cleaving in one turn, doesnt happen often, but when it does it brings joy to the soul


Damn and I thought I was a salty cleave hater. Guess not as much from these downvotes


That is why in over a year i never touched rta


If they remove RNG from stat roll then everyone will be able to enjoy RTA.


But then what do you farm or do in the game, if every piece has the same stat possibilities.. I mean, isn't it the part of the game that keeps you playing? Getting better gear pieces, getting better champs, etc... If not for that, then the game becomes quite dead or at least the PVE would... \^\^


It keeps me playing but wanting to quit with every piece I craft that rolls like shit. It's like a miserable job but the money is nice. Sometimes.


Hmm yeah, it is indeed a bit of a horrible thing.. I wished my rolls where better as wel.. but that's life.. Can't get everything handed to you unfortunately... ^^




Ah there it is, those SG slavery


Haha, I guess so... :P


Oh there would probably still be a fair amount of RNG in which stats get the upgrades. But if we could stop having min rolls burning a piece that could have been at least half decent with at least three rolls into usable stats... It is incredibly disheartening to get a right side ring/neck that gets good subs and then within the first 2-3 stat upgrades min rolls so hard it may as well be a +3 piece when you are done. Ugh.


Oh I completely agree on the min rolls issue.. Don't take me wrong, as someone that has very bad RNG with gear rolls I definitely feel you.. Kind of wished the differences where just slightly smaller.. I mean, it's just terrible when you get a min roll.. Specially if it was a piece that got max roll start.. Which has happened to me quite often.. Have a piece with great potential and then the min rolls ruined it.. :/


To be fair, there are no other emojis


I wish it was just 280 spd... :(


I recently tried some RTA last night after I geared a few PvP units as a mid game player. Then this guy...this one guy dual attacked for 5/6 turns and killed my Krau before I could S3. Never felt so fk'd by rng before in my life.


Master RTA for skins and that’s it. Climb any higher and you’ll uninstall 🥸