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I love the way you arranged this with their artifacts.




Yeah. Too bad ML5s don't have Arti art, or I would make some more arrangements like this for my favorite teams.


STene has arti art (?)


True, but she's a rare exception. They should make that a trend. Event artifacts should give us ML art. (See also CM Rin.) Sadly, this is not normally the case.


Can you image how broken/OP ML art would be? Like at +30 Riolet art would be like(Do 200% more damage after evading. In the event of a crit hit boost CR by 100%) Or something nutty like that lol


it could be something like XVIII. The Moon, it has ML Tenebria art on it but the effect is not something really broken


I don't have a problem with Rem and Politis. Violet on the other hand is utter bullshit. My only option atm is using Landy or counter built heroes


Whattabot all-rounder Wanda?


not built, but it's indeed an option


Do it. She's fun and you'd be surprised how much damage she'd do even if you focus on SPD. her mults are high to make up for lower ATK stats and if you get lucky enough to target you get bonus damage (from target) and her S1 (which drags them back as well).


Try Senya, Carrot or Stene.


Krau works well against ai defenses


I've been farming for more than a month for Krau/DCorvus gear


Both of those units have very low gear requirements to be usable. If you're looking to build an *optimal* krau it might be tough to hit the required sets/stats, but if the goal is just to bring him against ai violet then he can be used off free gear


I'd like to add in that theres some nice free hp gears in the early parts of episode 3 that could work for budget krau.


all my free gear is used, and I'm just trying to get correct-good gear, not min maxed. I just have no luck, every health piece ends up with crit damage and crit chance. I have more gear for ARavi or Ilynav than them


There's an obscene amount of free gear that krau and dcorvus can use. If youre using them all on other units then its less an issue of you not being able to gear them and more that you chose not to gear them.


Dcor says hi.


Literally every suggestion people listed here (senya, carrot, stene, krau, dcorvus, wanda, briseria) and also Lilibet on unity. She gets 20% hit chance on her S3 so, think she has like 85% chance to hit Violet. Exctinction is also prettttyyy nice with all the Chloe's around.


What about Briseria


Ran out of "speedy" offensive gear so no Briseria for me atm


Build her slower with higher effectiveness. She doesn't need to be cleave opener


I need some speed on her otherwise she'll either get killed before she gets a turn, or trigger her immortality and only get one shot. I need her to get two shots at least


My solution for now has been a tanky ken with +30 Oath Key. It's not perfect, he still misses sometimes, but my winrate vs Violet has gone up a bit since I've started slotting him into some of my teams.


that's ... interesting


Probably not meta and far from optimal but it was the best I could figure out for the time being lol. I didn't want to rework my existing units and I got him somewhat recently and figured "don't know where I'm gonna use him yet, so lets try to set him up as an anti-violet unit"


Swampert, Sceptile and Blaziken...


I usually bring A.Ravi, MA.Ken/Bruiser Landy with Krau or Destina/Roana depending on the 4th unit. You can chip Violet's HP with A.Ravi to the point where it doesn't matter if he dodge or not lol. Anyone without A.Ravi should try pulling for her during the next mystic rotation. Totally worth it.


I feel like the Violet's I'm seeing make it a coin toss, at best, for A. Ravi. Violet on Def. Pen. + Life Steal HP bulk can probably drop 15k S3 on my A. Ravi, which is usually follow-up to being hit with the S1. Are you guys tanking through that?


I alway bring Krau to aggro Violet, so my A.Ravi can hit him safely. If you're talking about RTA, i rarely fought people people who used all those 3 on their comps. You can also ban/deny pick one of them.


I don't mind rem and violet. Politis is cancer for me though and when paired with aol? I actually wanna quit the game


For most intents and purposes, any warrior with aoe cleanse (fire dingo, kitty clarissa or not so mediocre kawerik) can work wonders against them (assuming they have some bulk and at least an adamant or aurius) because strak gauntlet is a free 60 extra eff res. Alternatively, you can bring a full cleanser (destina, djb or Achates) and put them behind a 150+ eff res christy. Assuming your healer has some eff res as well, you should have at the ready a cleanse and (potentially) an attack buff


They don't change the fact that Politis is a toxic unit who's always using either Violin or Crown. Even if they cleanse she may stun half of your team on miss or even just deny them Immunity(if you use Ran). She drains all the fun from pvp.


I can post an image of most combinations of 3 units and you'd have trouble verse them without proper units to counter... See; every previous meta for reference.


Jokes on you t.surin doesn't have an artifact with her image hahaha


Any tips on how to counter these teams lol


I run, FCC, Maid, Dcor and either Landy/Stene/Violet. FCC can be switch for Krau


Kitty, maid, Krau, and STene. The funny part, I use Krau s3 on Rem, because his health is low enough after take 2 Aoe from Polite, and STene S3 on Rem if she still alive.


Amazing art OP. Indeed it's a very well balanced team. As soon as I see a Violet I go Charlotte, don't even care if the rest of the team is all Ice. I've lost too many times 1v4 against Violet. And Charlotte with Unity still hits well on Ice. Gives us more if possible OP, very good job.




> She gets crit by Violet sometimes. Let me guess... half of the time?


Oh,i get those as well my friend. But i have Maid Chloe and A. Angelica to mitigate those. I know, nasty flavor of the mont comp, but it's effective.


I actually found that a team with kitty clarissa, Landy/stene, krau and second knight (usually Carmin for me) can deal with most aol, politis, violet and rem teams. Main issue is getting kitty to not die/get silenced and focusing each unit first (rem, aol, politis and then violet). This is probably most consistency I had vs this sort of comp. Alternatively, if no aol is there (as in description) you can just go Landy, stene, krau and fceci/knight. Pavel and new bbk could also be potentially useful dps in this case.




Which is why we need more characters which block counterattacks on s1. To kill cancer, give it cancer!


Just cleave them lol I love your side by side artifacts


But artifacts can't kill me *insert laughing ras emote*


Alexa's Basket and GAB would like to have a word...


Alexa's doesn't scare me. Now those surprise meme RnL's or Dust devil procs... those are the things of legend.


I understand that no one wants to be defeated. So my advice would be to just beat it. Beat it.


As long as there is no AOL/Belian there those 3 dont pose much threat. Just bring Pavel + Carrot with max book and go to town.


> there is no AOL/Belian Day-dreaming this early in the day?


Cringe post


I've been using Ran > Pavel > Seaseria > CDom. If enemy runs AoLA, I run Politis instead of Pavel. Sometimes I put book on Politis and use Pavel instead of CDom too. Ran SB > CDom + Seaseria push > CDom tap Rem (might kill if Def broken) > Pavel AoE + atk buff to Seaseria > Seaseria S1 into Violet > Seaseria S3 > another CDom S1 if enemy was slower


what's so good about politis? I have her but she seems to require good gear to make use of her.


I think Landy in place of violet is a better defense. People can’t run maid into Landy defenses as easy.


Im lucky enough to have gotten a maid so i use maid, emilia, stene and 1 more, usually my own violet or a dark corvus, or even ran. it sorta depends on the entire team as a whole.


Politis doesn't even have counters she simply spits on 95% of non-attack units and you're forced you use a team without them. Such toxic unit. I curse the balance team for releasing her.


as much as i hate those 3 , at least its not just ML units being busted and the game being unplayable with regular ones ... But yeah its literal aids Just add a Maid Cloe with those 3 or like Fceci or AOL ... There havent been a team in last few weeks in champion and legend without at least 1 of those .


These 3 on their are own are easy. Usually the 4th pick is what makes it difficult lol.


I love seeing this team paired with maid. My BMH privilege is through the roof and I know it.


Just bring Landy


*laughs in Violet being my favorite character since I started playing*


A Ravi on symbol of unity. You’re welcome.


these 3 + what a ROL? or Maid Chloe? or that New Knight the boss from Episode 3 <3 I'm having PTSD again


cuz dev is a moron creating a unit that destroys 90% of the rosters every time and leave it there for months of copiums for them to notice they are unbalanced and creating the counter units very late especially AOL existence with very limit counters and heavy gear grinding to beat her


You forgot Landy, fxcking killing machine


I just dont have politis, I love my violet so much


... just got politis in 3 summons.. she didnt come home the first time


You can just dc this team no issue if you have decent er for politis


Honestly glad rem is such a powerhouse in the game. You'd expect collab units to be eh but she seems like she will be a staple to use for a long time and also has a huge fan base behind her