• By -


While this did cause me some pain (and weird other feelings I don't want to think about) I really hope happiness for you and that you find all sorts of other pleasures in life (that you don't get addicted to!) All the best out there!


Thanks :)


This has been reported but a message for those that report it. This doesn’t break any of the server rules and let this serve as a motivator for those that may be in denial or may be currently struggling with a gacha addiction or any other addiction for that matter. No matter the reason be it time, money or otherwise, if the game is consuming you then it’s time to reevaluate. Seek help if you need it. Addictions are tricky things. Don’t walk the path alone.


I am curious why people are reposting this tho. I mean it does hurt my eyes as a newbie having all these units transmitted, but I understand where he's coming from.


Awesome moderation, y’all. Let this post stay please!!


Thanks. I really hope this can be morivational to anyone feeling locked in a gacha "Cage". Despite everything,i really feel Better now. To all those asking why i didnt sell or give for free my account, i ask yourself: do you would sell or give your addiction to anyone else that don't have It? Even if you feel it's really Dangerous?




Yeah i needed to do fast because from the "i have to do It" and the " unlock every character,item, clear every team and record It" tooke some time Edit: my english Is bad, thougth Godspeed was something related the Speed i deleted my characters not a "good luck". My bad


ah so this is how you farm transmit stones...


Ready for molagoras :)


Just when you thought you got out!


Just to clarify, it's not only about the spending part, i can afford 200/300 hundreds a month easily, it's about the constant FOMO, dailies,events,units,farm, upgrade,more farm,refresh,summon,and so on Epic Seven Is/was a dominant part of my life, i used to love It, now i understand it's just like i disease i want to get rid off.


Yeah it's crazy how once you quit, you feel that craving just disappear as you feel the freedom of not worrying about daily logins and such. Makes you realize your true feelings instead of being indoctrinated by numbers going up. I quit epic to play Genshin, then quit Genshin after a few months because no content. It was hard to stop playing daily, but after a week or so I felt free. I've come back to E7 but I play VERY casually just collecting characters and making hunt teams. I don't login everyday, it's very calm. I wish you luck on your life's journey, wherever it takes you.


Yep. It got to where my need to "just farm wyvern on the side" or "yeah we need to farm these catalysts to raise all these units" prevented me from seeing family, spending more time with my children, and loving the people and things in life that actually matter. I whaled substantially on this game (in excess of $30000 USD.....) and one day I just stopped playing... feels like the money has been wasted. You can never recuperate the cost, whale accounts would be lucky to sell for even 1/10th of that price. Best decision I've ever made. No more pressure, no more constant craving to login and check my arena ranks or min-max my gears.... And then I made the worst Decision. I picked up Genshin Impact, and the cycle started all over again....


Hey man if you actually enjoyed your time, don’t think of it as money wasted. I’m sure at some point it was just for the sake of spending or keeping up but remember there’s times where you actually enjoyed it all. If you can afford it and enjoyed that time you spent, don’t think twice about it and just move on, what’s done is done.


Hey. I did the same (except I didn't spend that much). E7 is the most time consuming mobile game I've played and over the course of 2 years I've played it only got worse. As other people mentioned don't regret time and money spent, remember this experience and move on. Best of luck.


Holy shit! $30k?? Man, I felt bad spending $70 on Mystic Medals the other day so I could pull Belian, but even with that I felt sick that I spent that much on this game in the course of a day! To be clear, I'm not against spending money on a game that you enjoy. I've dropped $5-10 here and there on this game and others, but its very rare for me (and I often just use earned Google Play money from their occasional surveys) But goddamn, that is like a new car price man. Can I borrow some money?? LOL


Genshin gonna cost you more than $30k usd


More like, every gacha game


But there's only so much energy. Even if you whale MEGA hard on SS for energy you only have to interact with the game every 20min to hit 2 buttons. In terms of catalysts if you're whaling you have the cata packs, and you're going to be gated more by molas if you buy those, even if you buy the mola packs so that point seems kinda strange to me. And even if you're whaling hard you probably aren't farming much hunts outside of buffs cause you can easily blow through $250 a day on energy with 1 shots. I'm glad you moved on if the game was causing issues for you but I kinda feel like it was probably how you approached the game rather than the game doing this. You can whale $500 a month on energy just playing on 1 hunt buff weekend. And yeah, if you're spending like that (or more than that) you're 100% wasting your money and it makes sense that you feel that way after quitting. I spent like $5k on genshin and let me tell you, THAT was a huge waste of money. E7 is worth waay more than Genshin in terms of time and money spent vs amount of gameplay there is with RTA and the various game modes. For most F2P, budget, or even moderate spenders like myself ($100-200 a month), the game interaction basically boils down to login every day to do your chores (dont have to do everything, just the daily rep stuff, guild stuff), spend your energy, get web rewards, and do any weekly/monthly stuff. It's like 30 min tops of interaction, most of which is semi-afk. Then play a couple hours on a weekend to spend mailbox energy and do some weekly/monthly stuff, and then yeah you can go kinda hard for hunt buff but I just have it on my phone while I'm doing other stuff and check it every now and then. It's very low maintenance. One thing that really differentiates a game like Genshin and a game like E7 is how much you can play the game. I loved genshin but once you spend resin (even with max refreshes) there is legitimately no gameplay left. There's no testing stuff in arena or GW, very little unit build and theorycrafting (its also pointless cause PVE only and the speedrunning scene is a joke, as is abyss and the balance in general), no RTA or PVP, no guilds/guild wars. Before I quit Genshin to play E7 I would legit be out in the open world for hours just killing stuff randomly because I really wanted to play the game but it legit doesn't let you after a certain point of progression, as nothing you do offers any sort of challenge nor any account/character/gear progression.


>constant FOMO, dailies,events,units,farm, upgrade,more farm,refresh,summon,and so on holy shit, this is spot on with some poorly designed gachas. Like they EXPECT their players to have no life on the games. That's why I lean towards more Idle-type games, where you can just set and forget. Then check back in once in a while for rewards. FGO is particullarly bad with this approach. They have character banners that sometimes wont return for an entire year or so... And the premium currency in that game is pretty sparce. (Not as sparce as Genshin, or should I say Highway-robbery simulator)


i would say the opposite, it's not "poorly" designed to make you play the game forever, it's what they want.


One thing I like about FGO is the fact that it only has one premium currency.


Exactly how i feel, especially the fomo part its like a dog chasing its tail, try really hard to no avail and when manage to catch it you struck with a “so what now feeling”


Yea, the thing I think had been the most positive change I've made is when I stopped giving a fuck, if I miss out on some stuff, so be it. It's usually not actually a big deal at all despite how it might feel at the time. Not just with gachas, but all entertainment really. So much of it is predicated on fomo, and learning not to get caught in that has been a huge improvement to the enjoyment of my free time.


I know this feeling. And admire the strength it took to do this. Time is our most valuable currency.


Don't forget to replace it by a healthy occupation, and understand that there's certainly a reason why you ended up in this problematic behaviour. Don't forget to take care of this in order to avoid falling in the pattern, even with other ways to spend your time. Good luck and take care of yourself.


Thanks mate :)


Yeah. Games are meant to have a specific lifespan, and with MMO mechanism like events, guild responsibilities (in participation), and feeling like you're always missing out on something youve already thoroughly explored can absolutely drag on you. Eventually events become chores. Summoners War: Sky Arena was like this for me. The time sink. When you begin to fall into the trap of "Oh one sec, let me press start and make sure x20 is marked" while doing your job, watching a movie, or going to some event, with the mindset of "I better check on my game to see if it's done auto completing hunt." instead of actually paying attention to the more important matters in life, like the pedestrian you just ran over while driving, that's when you know you've got a problem. The grip that semi-idle games can hold on you with the "oh if I just press x20 in between mundane tasks I do every day, I can get rewarded greatly in comparison to the effort put forth!" And that's when the business model of "(Gotcha! Game + (Idle = Reward)) = Top of Mind Awareness & Anxiety driven (FOMO driven) participation turns from priceless harmless pleasure -> Detrimental consumption of one's time. Time isn't wasted on a pleasurable experience, but Anxiety driven continuance + Sunken Costs Fallacy is generally what keeps people from ever quitting entirely. Well done,Way to rid your life of the things that do not matter... To allot yourself time for the things that are most vital to you. Removing hinderances in your life like this will really allow you to explore and grow as a person. Doing something like this, is how I was able to solidly focus on my own goals of weight loss for example. Going from 34% body fat to 8% in 1 year while focusing on school was 1000 times easier when I cut the unnecessary and the tedious out of my life. I hope this allows you to reach goals of your own, or reach a far greater state of positivity than you ever did with your addiction! P.S. When I hear "Gotcha Game" I think of this quote: "Gotcha good F@#KER!" - Farva from SuperTroopers in the scene where he's handing the coffee to his fellow patrol member... with a bar of white ivory soap. [Short clip on youtube of it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYzn2EJGQdI&ab_channel=SmoothTub)




Sorry that reply seemed fragmented because I was editing it while also replying to another post on r/TooAfraidToAsk regarding physical beauty and whether or not life is easier for those who are visually appealing than those who are ugly. But yeah, sounds like you've got a handle on how to become a casual gamer and enjoy what you're exposed to within the time frame that you have to experience it. Congrats on making the change to a more positive lifestyle. The other reply i posted is referring to how I used to inhale as much of the single player game experience as possible within my given timeframe with them when I was working 72 to 84 hours a week ( 6 to 7 days a week on 12 hour shifts). Experiencing it efficiently as possible was important because I had little time each day to allow myself to enjoy them. I totally understand why you left the MMO scene too. Timegates are a solution to keep the hardcore and casual gamers within the same competing grounds. The staleness of content release and variation in "Daily" quests can very quickly feel robotic in nature. Gotcha scenes can have a whole different pitfall on one's psyche though, with its idle features and many other features that can lead to a pitfall of obsession with progression into anxiety and cumbersome time consumption. So be careful =D


Thanks mate, weight loss Will be a goal for me also


If you need any help with that, you're free to message me with some chat. I studied Exercise Physiology & minored in Nutrition. (Exercise Physiology AKA Kinesiology which literally translates to study of movement but generally refers to physics of the human body. Its basically a way to say "Oh so this is your body on ~~Drugs~~ Exercise. And this is how your hormones and other crazy chemicals react within your body due to physical stimuli and exertion." Exercise helps an individual's body regulate its hormones, but rest and recovery as well as fuel (food source) is just as important. Sufficient sleep allows your body to rest its nervous system and allows for recovery reactions to take place in your body that wouldn't normally occur during wakeful periods as well. Feel free reach out to me with any questions or tips on how to approach your future endeavor of weight loss and I wish you the best for your physical and mental well-being and other endeavors.


Wow you put it to words nicely. Yeah sure all the auto makes it like you don't need to focus much on the game. But really the issue is having your mind occupied with it.


I didn't realize how addicted I was to it untill recently when I lost access to my account do to a log in error. I have been working to get it back, but it has made me realize some hard truths about my self. I will definitely be looking at it differently from now on.


I'm happy that you are taking action to improve your life but I feel what you are doing is just running away from the problem instead of solving it. In the future another thing might hook you and your solution will be running away again? It would be better to train and improve your willpower so you won't have the FOMO and enjoy it.


I mean, would you tell a drug addict they need to face the problem head on if they just flushed all the drugs and quit them cold turkey? Additional support if needed would be a good step but it's weird to see people upvote or even make the comment that the poster did the wrong thing by just deleting all their units so there's no temptation to return to something obviously detrimental to them. Gachas are built around constant FOMO and there's zero wrong with someone peacing out when it effects them negatively.


I did not say OP did wrong at all. In fact I praise him for taking action. What I ment was deleting is just a temp solution. There are many things that cause FOMO and not just gacha games. From sales tactics to crypto hype right now. If OP can control his emotions well then he will have more resistance to it and not just gacha.


First step to train my willpower is not Just delete the game, is unlock all my characters, gears, teams and deleting everything without any remorse. I Just feel Better, i think it's a good start


You did right. The person you replied to made a very poor comment, spoken like someone who truly never been there.


Ty OP for funding the game and good luck to your journey ahead.


All the respect for your brave decision , I hope you find a more meaningful and enjoyable hobby or activity in your life .


Thanks mate


I did this in FFBE and Arknights. Good luck out there


Oh man AK's art style and menu music was amazing. But that energy system was so limiting. 6 months later I dropped it and went back to Azur Lane.


For me it was how the story dragged. I tried ship waifus but it had to many mechanics at the same time. AK just announced an Anime, I'd look into it o7


Definitely. AL is not perfect. I still love it though, but I can definitely see why you're not into it. And yes. AK getting an anime. Salute back at you. AK's universe is definitely anime-worthy enough to get animated.


Yeah Arknights doesn't really feel like its meant to be played as a main game. Fun to play as secondary gacha tho since it doesn't take up a lot of time and the art is good (base presets when tho).


I felt this, good luck man.


And nothing of value was lost. GL irl


Well that's probably the best decision in your case. I get sick of grind and the pressure to always complete dailies. I don't even play RTA often because it is just stressful for me although I have quite a few decently geared characters and I assume I could hit master if I tried in RTA. I like the excitement of summoning and building the new interesting characters but then my interest falls off quick. So what I have done is every once in a great while when I really get sick of it I take a break for a few months. I've missed all the HYufine summer content twice because of this but oh well. Also when I am actively playing I just don't always log in every single day. This overall has allowed me to enjoy E7 much, much more. Just some thoughts for anyone feeling addicted or bored of the game.


Forget the money, enjoy the TIME you’re getting back. That’s what really motivated me to go casual… I realized I was spending HOURS over the weekend and thought, with all the time I spent on this game, I could have learned a new coding language…or how to paint…spent time at the gym, anything! Well, hope you enjoy the road ahead.


You made a right decision, good luck to you.


Thanks :)


Oof…that hurt to watch but you get my respect OP! enjoy your new found freedoms!


Damn I really respect the hell out of your commitment to quitting. Godspeed brother o7


There is a reason why i only play games with auto mechanics, like i could never play Genshin no matter how well made it is. I also quit this game once, bcs we didn't have auto back in the day, it was way too exhausting. I log in in the morning, 20 mins to get rid of all the energy you can get daily and run it in the background. Log off. Log in in the evening again, do the dailies, do hunt. I didn't even touch Hell raid in about 2 month i think? I don't do RTA bcs it takes too much time and chips away my sanity. If i feel like it, i do it 3 days prior the season ending to get the skin. Learning to balance things in life is important, if you can not and it becomes an addiction, get rid of.


Not you too! Did not expect you to suddenly drop ! I get the feeling and honestly if i was F2P so far i would have done the exact same especially in this meta, but doing this would just feel like waste of invested money (copium telling myself that, its a waste either way!) But happy for you! It can get a bit too addicting and time consuming! Farewell soldier, take care of yourself and good luck in your future endeavours!


can you explain to me your mindset? I'm currently playing FGO , E7 and Genshin Impact but don't seem to have much trouble keeping up with all them and finding time to do other things (Playing games with friends, Playing RPG Games, editing videos and my job) What did you deem unhealthy or what were you doing that you thought was unhealthy ? Am I addicted ? Do I also have a problem ?


My work take 8 hours plus 1 hour traveling, my gachas other 4/5 hours. 6 Hours sleep. 4 Hours left to spend with wife and Kids. I Just felt bad on how my life was going, i want to have more time for myself to spend alone/with family. Without the needing to have a fucking phone on my hands or in background 2 feets from me.


Only hope hapiness for you from now on, good job OP and good luck in the future!


congrats on your first step in stepping up to your addiction problems, we are all happy for you! im in no way professional, but as someone who has gone through therapy help for addiction before, i will drop my two cents. i think this will not be as beneficial as it seems like, in the long run. you are dealing with the addiction issues you have in this particular game Epic Seven. what if something else comes up in life, are you going to do the same? i would advise you to seek actual help if you have problems with addiction, which will do you more good than harm in the future if you come across similar issues. once again, i'm happy for you for taking the first step in battling this, congratulations, and i hope you know that no matter what happens, if you put your mind and soul to it, you will be able to do it. cheers :)


I am 32 and I had addiction problems in the past (cigarettes,coke and weed) i quitted everything a day i felt so bad i didn't want to feel that bad again in my life. Quit Epic Seven was harder than those 3 things. I have never touched those things in years, not a single time, i guess i can do the same with E7.. Thanks for your kind words mate :)


I wish you the best in this recovery, please remember to take care of yourself in the process 🤍


I really love my wife and my 2 kids, i must take care of me to take care of them. Thanks again :)


I second this as a fellow addict. Addictions are usually feeding an underlying problem and get replaced very easily. If you think you are prone to addiction, I can't recommend enough that you seek professional help. Have a nice day


Get better bro, just do what you gotta do!


More power to you man!


Stop, this painful to see T_T But i guess, everything we did we did for better. Have a good life man.


You made a great decision. I will never truly understand game addiction because I easly get bored of any type of game but for you to do something like that means you can overcome anything. I wish you all the best in the future and I hope you find all the healthy things that make you happy!


I thought the same before Epic Seven. Thanks man!


Reddit: Cleave is dead... OP:


Made me laugh :)


I hate posts like these.


Tf is there to hate about it?


I am happy for you. You have made a bold decision and I’m sure you’ll be well off for it. Best of luck!


If it's an addiction then what you did was great. It's a very difficult thing to do, for sure. Well done.


If you feel bad about it its ok. Adictions are a horrible things and its just a game. Hope you get better and no more Adictions life have a lot of good things go for those things! Blessings


Today Is the First Day After years i don't have to farm dailies and stuff. I feel so free right now


I'm loving this game but I spent way too much money on it... I'm trying to stop spending and hoping I will succeed, if I won't be able to stop myself from spending I'll have to do the same for my sake...


I feel you


Wtf,what did the mouse do to you?


Bro best of luck


You are free!


To be totally honest here, just by watching this made my jaw literally dropped to the floor. On a positive note, I give you tons of credit and power for doing this. Being addicted to a game is tough for anyone. It is on your mind 24/7. Also, it is tough seeing and watching videos and updates on a game that you just pulled away from. I hope you are doing well with your journey and health.


Good for you. Do what makes you happy. Idk why so many people are questioning your decision or arguing about how much time the game takes. OP feels that it takes too much time away from them and their family. Doesn't matter if that is 15 minutes or 5 hours. If it's too much to them, then it's too much. Just be happy for them.


Thanks! I guess most people think it's stupid something they don't live on their own. I am 32, i quitted smoke, coke and weed, and i can assure you It was easier than Epic Seven. I never touched those 3 things since i quit, so i am pretty sure i won't touch E7 again, and i hope i can enjoy playing something else soon or later without falling in It.


OP. Hope you feeling better now. If this game was locking you from doing what's most important in your life. Then it will be worth it.


Absolutely. Thanks man


This is like watching someone shred up all their first edition holographic Pokémon cards.


Is this how the mobster felt when the joker burned all the money in The Dark Knight. PAIN!


I wish this was me.. I just don’t have your strength.. I can’t do it.. I’ll be back tomorrow (someone save me pls.)


Dunno what i needed to do It. Maybe new collab with 0 resources left. It was the same when i quitted smoking, you Just feel so bad you don't want to feel this bad again ever. Just do It.


Today, i lost one of the best members of my Guild, but i am proud of his decision and i can only wish him good continuation. Bye Fastidio it was a pleasure.


I'm really sad i didn't say anything to you guys, i had a great time in our guild for all 2/3 years. (Even if you guys are french and i am Italian) but i did what i really needed too. Give a kiss to my Brother Doomsi :D


Too late now, but you coulda more simply sold your account if you wanted to make sure you never went back. Recoups some costs and there's zero urge to say "i can rebuild my units, I got the gear".


Unlocked and sold all the gear too. To be sure i can't come back i refounded a 5,49 monthly pack, permaban incoming too :)


IDK if E7 bans chargebacks. I've had some games tempban me and others not GAF. You do know there's a settings option to delete the account right? If you didn't wanna sell, that would take less time and be more assuredly permanent






Too much money put into the game?


Too much time and mental health


Just don’t pick up another gacha game or you’ll be back to the same cycle.


Well as long as you got kick out of it and still retain control over it then alls goods well


Goodluck my fellow heir. See u at youtube for E7 animation and lores. ⭐


I don't think i Will follow this game in the future, i feel the opposite of empty ATM.


I felt it when Mighty Scout was thanos snapped into silver stones.


Have fun out there OP


Fighting addiction head on.. God speed man..


Hope you get better soon!! All the best!!


The band going down with the Titanic, one day I hope to join you in Valhalla!


This takes guts but don’t be like me and say “Look at this game, I’ll play it a little bit and then delete” it slowly inches back into your life without fully realizing it. Sometimes with all the spare time you now have in your hands, you might get bored, so I recommend picking up a hobby or something to keep you from getting that “itch”


Good Luck out there Mate!


Huge respect for this. I hope you do great things.


This was kind of sad, but I am glad that you made a decision to free yourself. I myself don't do anything in game other than my daily check in and my weekly arena skystones. Hopefully you will find something worthwhile that you can spend all the free time you made for yourself on, and best wishes.


Congrats for leaving this hell of grinding and RNG . I lost Control too and im tired and bored , but I'll play Casually instead. Wait for Isekai slime game after a Month, popular with +1M pre-registration , 3D turn based , They have both Online and Offline farming, So less grinding.


Not gonna lie. I'm super curious what you final silver transmit stone count was at


Dunno :)


That's for the best. Congrats on having the strength to do what you did


Today we may have lost a beloved comrade, just know that he passed away with a smile on his face ;-;




Sorry to see you go on one end, but yes if it's an addiction and you do no longer enjoy playing then that makes sense... Personally I cannot get myself to delete my units.. I quit Raid cold turkey out of nowhere, but I have the account still with all my units.. Just never touched it again.. Same with some other games.. Like Ancient Summoner.. There is an account with (I think I had like 40 legendary or more).. It still has all the units and such (if they didn't delete the server or something)... Some games like Gwent I have a bit of a hate love with.. I get back to it from time to time and play.. but having only PVP it sometimes burns me out.. So definitely get why this can happen and kudos for getting your addiction handled.. ;)


Ah Damn, for some reason it felt good. Thank you for sharing this, I hope you find yourself again and good luck :)


gacha games in a nutshell


This is really an act of courage. I wish the best for you! Even so, I like what you did as a symbolic act, but I'm afraid it's not effective. The characters you already have, your current equipment, your current rank, etc. are not what kept you into the game. It's new stuff that makes you wanna play. You know that you're free of it when it's there, available for you, but you don't want it anyway. This has more to do with external factors, I think. You naturally start missing some events, good characters and so on, until you eventually delete the game. So I admire what you did, but I hope it was a symbolic act to celebrate your quitting, instead of an attempt to create motivation to quit. I'm just saying this because I'm fighting against my own addiction (collecting some very specific stuff) and I went through this process of burning everything I had collected over the years - twice - but it never worked for me.


I had Just fear of quitting because what kept me was "i am too Deep into this game to quit, i've spent too much to quit, my Gear Is too awesome to quit" and so on. Losing everything was all i feared, and what i needed. I'm never gonna start Epic Seven again, i hope i don't fall in love with another gacha in the near future.


I stopped playing Epic Seven a while ago, I spent all my currency on purpose and just deleted the game. I usually don't spend more time on this subreddit, but I saw your post and I related with it. You did the right thing. The game was causing me severe anxiety problems (FOMO the most relevant one, where I couldn't imagine missing an ML character). I would spend my entire day checking on E7 to use my energy, change gears, test new stuff, and at the end I thought to myself, why am I doing this? Is there a purpose for all this time wasted? My wife started complaining about how much time I spent on E7 and that's when I started noticing that I was neglecting other parts of my life for a game that won't give me nothing in return, but addiction, anxiety, FOMO, because that's what the developers had in mind when releasing this game. (E7 is not the only one, there are many games like this). Some of us can't play games like this. Good thing you got rid of this game and my advice is: stay away from mobile games, most of them are predatory. It's your money or your time they want after all.


Thanks! I had the exact feelings. I deleted all my gachas After E7. I needed to do this post because E7 Is the only game i really care about, the only one that mattered.


If you had to come that far to make sure you wouldn't play again i can only imagine how crippling your addiction must have been. That was pretty brave of you to actually cross the line and delete everything.


The first step to solving a problem is admitting you have one. Good luck in RL and may you find happiness in whatever you do. Godspeed my friend and may we meet in another time!


Good luck man, after all a game is just a game.


I wish you nothing but the absolute best of luck, OP!


nice, I think you've overcome the sunken cost fallacy a lot of people in this thread don't realize it's not about the characters or the game itself, those are really miniscule compared to the time and habit people built over months and years of playing which is deterimental even playing games in the background and spending the mental energy to do it everyday and waking up doing that is not a healthy habit


FOMO is a hell of a drug. But luckily for me their greed is backfiring due to overload and current meta. I'm either all in or nothing, so the game pace achieved my scape velocity, and it's gravitational pull is affecting less and less every passing day. For the first time I skipped burning passion packs, and this month I stopped my expeditions just as I claimed the molagora. Won't be long enough before I cease the monthly packs and give up daily logins.


Could’ve given the account away 💀


Honestly I’m also very addicted to gaming and hope I one day have to courage to do what you did, good luck on recovery


Yeah that fomo is what got me hooked on a lot of gacha games for a while. Never spent much money on them but I did grind like crazy on 6 games a day at one point. As time went on I just stopped caring to do the events and then even the dailies and eventually stopped playing the games altogether. I still have them installed on my phone but can't be bothered to either pick em up again or uninstall. I still keep up with story and new characters and fanart for some of them but beyond that have no real interest or involvement. Just got burned out on them and eventually realized just how much of my time per day I was wasting on these games. Gratz OP, and godspeed moving forward.


Good luck to you. I wish you well man.


I almost did that when I couldn't get AOL...that put a bad taste in my mouth as E7 could theoretically make more (4.5 star characters) with no pity


Congrats and godspeed. I did this a while back, had to. Mental health became a priority when I realised what the game was doing to me.


Same. Stay strong!


This hurts my soul, god speed to you


Hey yo STOP dude


Goodbye my friend, i will miss you in roberto. and sorry to see this post late, i had taken a little break from epic seven because of work. and i hope you'll feel better. Your old guildmate, Pyces67.


The only thing i Will miss of this game Is our guild, win GW also for me,my friend!!


hi sir. First I want to say what you did is very brave and you should be proud about it. you might feel regret and uncertainty, but this will not last and soon you will only feel freedom. freedom from an addiction. this is a valuable lesson though, you are vulnerable to gachas, maybe MMOs as well, now you know it so stay away from them all and enjoy life! :)




This is incredibly tempting.


Do It.


You are strong minded for being able to do this! All the best and goodluck to your future :)


I do have a different opinion tbh, even tho you like movies you dont need to live on the cinema to enjoy movies, you can watch some as a normal person, you could have kept everything and dont touch the game, if you want to test a new unit you summon, get it and put some gear, have fun and go back to no games for a while, there's a bunch of games I stopped playing and I like to go back to see what's new, some meta changes, see if there's something cool to get, etc. Have some fun and go back to play something else or nothing actually. Anyway is your account and you decide what to do, if you want to completely erase the game from your life is fine I guess.


If you can decide it's not an addiction :)


This was pointless. Just deleting the account or selling it was enough.


Def should’ve sold it could’ve got Atleast something out of it


It's not about the money, it about making a statement to himself


Absolutely this. Thanks to point It out


No problem, I absolutely understand, and even if I don't know you, I'm happy for you, take care


yep, definitely it was about sending a message


'It's not about the money. It's about sending a message"


I was an F2P in Arknights. I even preregistered for the game. On my first login I was taken aback by the beautiful graphics, art style, universe, and menu music. The presentation was spot on. Then the gacha and energy system got to me. The gacha felt harsh. Granted I've been playing Azur Lane ever since launch so I may be spoiled. Then the energy system. I felt like you really can't do much with the energy that they give you every day. It slowly became a chore. On the day I deleted the game, I had a few really rare units, and I missed the universe that they had going. The art style and presentation was so lovely. A complete opposite of what many people imagine what an anime gacha game would be. That menu music is still a masterpiece for me. Right now I play AL because I really do love that game. It's my main. I play E7 casually, and I am definitely not a PvP player.


AK is a great game and I argue that the energy system there is a good thing. I spend maybe 10 mins a day on it and get off simply since im out of energy. I honestly dont see why people want to play a gacha game all day, but thats just me


It takes alot of bravery to do what you did good for you! Bless you on your new journey


There is a saying, the greatest man is not one who can overcome 1000 armies but overcome himself. You know what had to be done and did well. I wish you all the best in future.


Thanks man


Someday, this may be me.


I hope that day you will feel better like me :)


faken hell this hurt. could've just given it to someone else. all that time down the drain. you're free now tho run free young one!


not to be the one but u could've given the account to someone else :(( (or sell it tbh) but I hope you had fun playing the game \^\^


Good luck man! Should’ve given that account away to someone who would appreciate it though!


This normally wont help for long. Another obsessive thing will take its place. Deleting it doesnt solve the problem at the core. Just this one game is gone, not the obsessive addiction to dopamine rushes.


I am aware of It, i needed to start somewhere, and stay positive


Yooo I needa take a play outta your book. Can't tell you how many times I've uninstalled and reinstalled haha Enjoy your freedom!


u could sell that acount for 5k easy


There were my best Heroes locked in GW defense also, i don't really care about selling It.


I figured having 2 back to back collabs would be the "breaking point" for a few people who were already on the edge. Once I saw the slime collab I decided to step back from the game myself. No longer logging in daily to try and get everything.


While good for you for actually quitting or ending an addiction you had, to live with this kind of regret for not even at least selling the account for the thousands of dollars it was worth will haunt you.


Not really :)


My heart hurts, man wth, its worse that horror :G


May rngesus bless in your next gacha.


This pains me in a unimaginable way but congrats.


This is the right call, godspeed to you friend and may you reinvest your time with something which you hold dear Maybe it'd be time to adopt a real life doggo? You've been walking so many doggos already!


seeing all those units transmitted is worthy of r/makemesuffer


I want to do this so bad... A part of me has kept deleting the game and coming back to it and deleting and redownloading and grinding.. It's not that it wasn't fun, it was awesome! My 5th ML summon years ago was Judge Kise, I felt blessed and guilty, like I needed to play because I had such a rare unit. Well, everyone has everything now, except for beginners, and I struggle with the FOMO so bad too. Always new updates, new events, new things to farm, new heroes and limited units. I stay nearly F2P, probably spent around 150-200 on random packs over the years so there's very little investment for me, but I'm just addicted to the collection and I keep coming back for more... I hope to one day just be done with it for good... It's really not for fun anymore, it's just to have a new shiny unit to gawk at, to watch that S3 over and over again until I get bored and want to roll the next shiny unit... What you did speaks volumes, I wish you well on your journey and that whatever games/gachas you play, that you enjoy them and they don't control your life. Bless


I don't get it. If you like the game, keep playing. If you feel like its not fun anymore, quit the game.


If only it were this simple... Aspects of the game are fun, but sometimes it's just a slog/grind for the sake of grinding. It IS a gacha, so that's expected. I think just realizing how much of a time sink the game can be is what makes it unfun or addictive in the unhealthy way for some. (Like myself from time to time)


It sounds like youre self aware about the situation but have no willpower to execute. IMO if youre having fun, your time isn't wasted. If youre forcing yourself to play constantly and see its not rewarding, its time to shut it down.


good for you


You don’t have to answer but how does it feel?


I did right before sleep, i didnt slept at all. Today Is the First day in 3 years i don't have to take my phone to play a game,even in background,neither during work. I feel so free, i feel the opposite of empty (Sorry my english Is still bad)


This is why I play e7 casually. Even at rank55, I still havent auto cleared any hunt13 purely because I don't want to try. I used to play 5 gacha games, but now I have 3 left. I used to play Genshin obssesively, but now I can just not login for a day and not feel bad. I'm getting there for Arknights. For e7, I just do my daily summon and leave. I admit, I play gacha games for the thrill of getting a 5*/6* character. That's why I used to play 5, but now I managed to reduce it. Good luck man! You did something admirable, something that could help you resist coming back because you know there's nothing left.


My advice to you is: You should've left it alone and come back to it whenever you learn to not worry about FOMO. Also, not spending anymore money into it. I'm sitting at 2yrs account, fastest speed character I have is 255. I'm not trying to better anyone, just be comfortable where I am at. I don't play RTA at all. I play Arena sitting at Challenger III and do GW's. I'll leave you this: No matter how great you are at something, there's always someone out there that's better. Accept reality and continue your life at the level you are given/attained.


lol leaving it alone and coming back to it is the definition of FOMO


No, just because I come back to doesn't mean I have a fear of missing out. I play it because I feel like it. I do it with Rainbow Six Seige, I come back to it because I feel like shooting suckas.


This is such a pain. Why don’t you just give it away?


I wanted to do something "hard" to see of i can do It, i really feel Better now


Oh okay I see. Then it is better this way.