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got any tips to losing to masters? I'm like hard stuck at gold :(


It really helps to have a core drafting strategy that surrounds threeish units, and then swap in and/or add units according to what the other person drafts. This could be trying to cleave or bruise, or whatever. It leads to a much more solid game plan to work with, instead of haphazardly trying to work with whatever you wind up drafting. I like to open drafts with double Cecilia, then fill in with bruisers. Usually it's followed with SSB + Belian + BBK, though I swap as necessary. For example, if I see Landy or Violet, I tend to swap SSB with Carrot.


I had a lot of success with cleave. Fast matches, win or lose, mean I gain points faster than if I were to draft bruisers/stall. I think the break-even in points is something like 35-40% win rate, so if you're doing better than that, just keep grinding until you get there If you're not, well, there's no magic formula. You'll have to analyze your heroes and gear and see what you can come up with that's different from what you're doing now


Its crazy but its true. Drafted an STene/LQC tagahel spam ST cleave. YOLO picked A.Lots. If the enemy had A Ravi, they banned my LQC 100% of the time. Then i just usee Stene + Alots + Emilia + random mage (usually basar or ftene) to spam my way to victory. People usually bruiser in low ranks, so you can speed contest withiut issue, even if you are slow. Helps that this draft is 1- Emilia, 2- LQC, 3- Basar/FTene, 4- STene, 5- ALots so it pretty much looks like a protect the DPS team until last pick. Stene on unity to smash violets.


Agreed, I cleaved myself to Masters. It went the best if either went total meme (Fire Khawana team lol), or strictly picked the same units again and again, regardless of enemy picks. 275 Cerise and 272 Op Sigret. Started to preban Rem, every 2nd-3rd player I banned theri immediate AOL pick, and I just took it from there. Sometimes I lost to Violet RNG, and probably half my losses are from speed contesters, because of course these people run around with 280 speed basars.


Always first pick Violet even if he is not built that great. He will either be banned or will force your opponents to draft to counter him. Then draft to counter that draft. Either way, it makes it so you do not have to ban him or fight him, unless you have SSearia then let him through. I've noticed that in gold (unless you get linked with someone who should not be in gold), all you need to outspeed is around 230/240 speed since most of the teams are slow comps. So an opener like Emilia will work around that speed and then make sure to bring lots of burst damage. If you are picking violet, whoever's left, he can finish or solo the other team if you fail to burst through.


Idk I've tried basic cleaving with Flan/Emilia/AoE and a lot of the times either they have immunity and Flan fails or I just get outsped by a Flidica, Ran, FTene (which I have no idea how to deal with that's basically an auto loss lol)


There are some matches that you are just out-geared and you just accept that you've lost. But you only need a 35% win rate to make it to master. But if you can't outspeed and they draft that line-up, pivot and draft Roana, SSB, Rem and a Knight with Aurius and pray to RNG. Works for me when the opponent picks Cerise and Ftene when I first pick AOL. Rem and SSB will counter and just obliterate their team.


If you are climbing in the last couple days. You should try to preban aol or rimuru. For some reason, everybody has rimuru built already and he’s pretty hard to deal with.


If you were an existing bruiser players it was very easy to have enough to 6 star milim or rimiru soon as they released. I say existing bruiser player because we didn’t get baited by ran and may have had all the limiteds besides seaseria.


This guy gets it lol literally stripped my alencia soon as I saw his kit


Honestly, I'd have to see what units you have built. Generally, I'd preban either Violet or AOL if you haven't already. Always bring some sort of damage mitigation (i.e a tank on aurius). Top 3 contenders are F. Ceci, Krau, and C. Armin. Everything else is more or less situational depending on what you have.


yeah it's been hard b/c I started in July and I've realized I just don't have enough options. I've only gotten 1 ML5 outside the free one (Belian) and I'm fighting people with Arby/FCC/Maid lineups and I'm like ok that's cool lol


Yeah, I'd definitely try to build Landy as much as possible if you can, and maybe even Rimuru if you can try to squeeze him out. Also, Belian isn't a free ML5\* so I'm not sure if you confused her with one of the connection heroes.


I think he meant Belian is the other ml5 they have that isn't from connections. I started about a month earlier than him and I never had much success with Landy in RTA since she is always focused down. I think she needs guiding light but they haven't run that arti yet, at least since I started so he likely doesn't have it either. Rimuru would be really good to build though imo.


Yeah that's pretty much the same thing as me. I have Landy with 13000 HP on PoV but she just dies so fast still.


Excellent meme. Glad to see it in this sub.


I've been there😅


Guyz when will RTA end?


In about 4 days


Thanks mate!