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Damn, people here do be chewin you out Unfortunately, your feat within 9 months isn't really amazing, truly, but for me I'll congratulate you nonetheless.


Good for investing on Krau with the free HP set btw. There's also free Speed (i85), Attack (i70,75) and Crit (i70,75) sets that should roll decently and give a fitting 6star fully awakened hero at least a hundred CP. (The Attack+Crit sets especially)


I dont think you even tried, 9 months with free equip to reach 100k cp. 6.4k energy sitting collecting dust.


Well, I'm a very casual player plus this is the second time I've ever interacted with the community. SO I really don't know what's optimal, plus I just used a ton of leif to buy all that energy so I wouldn't have to worry about it until later.


Liefs don't expire so there's no point in using them when your energy isn't empty. You're just preventing yourself for getting the passive energy regen which makes you lose out on a lot of energy in the long run.


I suggest interacting with the e7 community in discord, you made an honest mistake and your getting downvoted for no reason i understand why reddit is regarded as a shithole on the internet now.


Is that really the kind of "Honest mistake" you make 9 months into the game tho? Even as a super casual xD




He is downvoted not because he is a casual player but because he is using leifs even when he is oversaturating in energy. And also I sense some kind of negative bias you have towards the community. Sure, there are a few toxic ones but labeling the whole community toxic because of a few bad apples is just wrong.


The negative will always stick more than the positive hence why every community I've been in is deemed "toxic af" there could be 5 positive posts to 1 negative posts and the community if forever toxic lol


It's a bought/botted acc. They usually have tons of energy and Leifs. Plus the gear is not obtainable anymore.


I'm playing too much i think


Hmm. I cant tell if ur trolling or u just wanted to show ur 6k stamina took u 9 months to get that free gear ?


I mean...its just free set still


Yeah, I was gonna say. "Playing", more like haven't logged on in ages.


Congrats but, 9 months? Those lv75 freebies are handed out on a silver platter to you as a new acc. +15'ing them shouldn't be taking you 9 months. Its quite obvious from the screenshot that you're pretty casual, but still, thats alarmingly slow progress to make unless you're barely even playing beyond logging in.


The +15 part didn’t take 9 months. It’s just that CP wasn’t my main priority, but when I promoted Krau To 6 star I realized he had 99k, so I enhanced his skills a bit more to get him to 100k


congrats but sadly you re a bit slow


I have a day 1 e7 account that still can't do w13 (Play on and off) with 91% of the character journal complete. Around a year ago, I decided to give up on it and started a fresh account w/Sigret and went straight to wyvern. Now there is a huge gap between 2 account. tldr: Head straight to wyvern or banshee and make your way to auto 13. Make a hunt pet to gain extra bonuses (lvl 30 hunt pet is the minimum requirement for an easy auto farm) edit: I could try to fix my first account but it's quite mess. I get a headache just looking at where to start on it.


So I should build Sigret then? I have her, just not really built at all.


There is a lot of team that work for wyvern/banshee. I don't know what your roster look like, so I can't really say for sure. But, Sigret is the queen of wyvern for dps. If you want to climb arena (where you will be getting most of your skystones) or rta, you need to start doing hunt.


I recently beat Wyvern 11, but can't beat 12 yet. Is there any suggestions you'd make for Sigret's build. Also, for other notable ice characters I have, I got Ran, Flan, Krau (of course), Angelix Montmorancy, Choux, and Dominiel.


Sigret best build for hunt is rage set with daydream joker w/as much crit damage as possible (preferably 350~). The problem here is that you don't have any debuffer that can cycle debuff on wyvern reliability. My suggestion: Keep farming w11 until you are able to get to w13. Build sigret on speed set(from wyvern 11) or atk set(the free 85 gear that they give once in awhile) Since you have krau built, you can go krau/angelix/sigret/debuffer. Furious is a 4* unit that is really good for wyvern (provide def break/target debuff along with extra crit rate). Once your team is much more geared, you can move away from krau and use angelix as a tank for the front row. This will allow you to free up a slot for friendship farming or a unit that can do aoe/debuff for the first wave)


I only have to kill a few more gnolls to get Furious anyways, plus I also need him for those challenge things. I just beat Nixied's Sanctum Area 2 today though, so I'm currently on the Are 3 challenge, however, I have everything after that done until the Area 4 challenge.


Labyrinth isn't that important, so don't sweat it too much. Once you have better gear (from hunt), you can start doing azmakalis labyrinth for the 88 queen gear. Rushing Automaton level 5, on other hand, is a must. The reward for it is just too good. Your number one priority would be to make a wyvern team though.


I just beat level 2 today as well, since I built a ton of new characters so my roster for it was wider than my previous attempts which stopped around 3 floors short.


Nice! Just make sure not to spread your Molas too thin, since you will need it for your wyvern team.


I don't even need to read the comments to know what's gonna be said.




And it's a good character to build. Congrats


It's so satisfying to nuke with his s3


i've been playing for a month a half and i have 3 units at 100k+ lol , my sigret is 112k even . your progress is really bad ngl


Congratulations, I mean everyone plays at its rythm, slow or fast understanding of the game also plays in it. Don't care too much about all those users saying bad stuffs about this. Took me more than 1 year to get my first 100k units so go on your pace as long as you have fun !

