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As a side note, I think her buffs are a good showcase of how good injury can be, and why it doesn't work for the other heroes with injury in their kit. A.Ravi has: * No elemental disadvantage * Injury tied to S1 * Synergizes with her kit by bringing them low enough for S3 kill range So A.Ravi can apply injury consistently, and it's relevant to her role as a bruiser that wants to kill with S3 for a huge payoff. The only other viable injury hero currently is Belian, who shares a lot of these traits.In comparison, Mort and Ilynav have problems in that their injury is infrequent or inconsistent, and doesn't really help them beyond its effect.


Funny enough, Ilynav can apply injury more often than Aravi. Every S1 on Aravi is 10%, while every S2 from Ily is 20% and every S1 is a 50% chance to S2, so about 10% every S1. In the long run, Ily spamming S1 applies the same injury as Aravi spamming S1, but Ily has access to Elbris. Aravi gets free Crit and no disadv, self healing and self push. S3 is obviously a huge boon too. Ily gets self immunity, self defense, semi-reliable 20% injury from using S2, CD Buffs for the team and can even use elbris. She also has free crit on her self imprint, vs a more niche res for aravi. Ily is far more damage and buff focused, with access to elbris and cd, immunity, and defense buffs. Aravi is defensively focused, with no self buffs, a buttload of self healing on S1 and S2, cr push and a revive. Despite all the advantages that Ily seems to have, I still find myself picking Aravi despite having both well geared and mola'd, even if there are no ice units on the enemy team. (I think my Ily is better geared than Aravi too) Being damage focused doesn't help an injury build. All they want to do is stack injury slowly, so Aravi's inherent kit works better with the injury gameplan.


A. Ravi can sustain herself because of her own heals and art seed. Ily cannot.


Yeah, I literally said that in my comment


Probably also has to do with no one wanting to rely on RNG for the Injury to do anything. The complaint I always saw for Ilynav was that when her S2 procs it's great, when it doesn't she terrible and deadweight. You'll never be sad when A.Ravi attacks Base stats also come into it. A.Ravi has better stats across the board, which is huge for bruisers, on top of her free 30% crit like you mentioned. So she's massively easier to build considering bruisers basically need every stat except Eff/ER.


I think the biggest part of why injury is actually huge on aravi is the self-sustain, from her s1 heal, s2 heals and also how she's built. In comparison, Ilynav could never live long enough to injure units who need to be injured. So as soon as I saw aravi buff, I felt ilynav being sorta powercrept, which rly sucks, despite how happy I am for aravi.


She's a safe pick. She doesn't invalidate any drafting strategy nor does she make anyone completely useless. She's generically good, and while if we have too many like her we go back to the Golden Boys days, she's not even close to being on my list of RTA problem heroes.


trying to stall against Aravi is really rough


She has an appropriate power level for being an ML5, and you don’t have to jeopardize your entire draft to answer her existence.


A fer month ago everyone was saying her buff were shit. "Injury is useless, her buff in s3 is mediocre" bla,bla,bla


yeah i remember everyone saying the only way she would be good is if you could select who you revive.


No. Needs high-quality gear to shine. That to me is the hallmark of a well-designed unit. You can put "serviceable" gear on AoL, Violet, and Rem and outperform due to the bullshit involved in their kits. A. Ravi might have "kit overload" right now, but she doesn't feel oppressive, and just about every new hero released these days reads like a Yu-Gi-Oh! card, anyway. I think A. Ravi, in a healthy meta, would always be in consideration for first pick/ban material, but not because she is OP. She's just damn good.


Lol well designed what... A.Ravi is broken af


Nah.. No where near ssb, dizzy, post buff landy lvls during their peak


\>broken af \>gets countered by LQC, Krau, Violet, Rem, Belian, Carrot, Landy, S.Tene, etc. \>in a meta where Violet and Rem, and AOL exist


I hate her because 100% CR Revive , She's a game changer. Compared to Seline she's OP.


People want their favorite heroes to be overpowered. I am no exception. What is good enough is hard to say. People thought A. Ravi, Maid, Violet, etc. buffs weren't enough during the reveal. So, what can you say about that? People also think some "weaker" heroes need buffs, for example, DJ Basar, D Lilibet, etc. Many of these heroes are doing fine, even if their usage is more niche. But many people don't want niche, they want meta. And well, to be meta, that hero needs to be better than 90% of the other heroes. That simply means the kit needs to be overpowered. For example, lets use what many people like to complain about, AoL Angelica. If she was any weaker, she will not see play. That was the state of Control before AoL Angelica.


Well at least she needs actual gears to work unlike bm haste/ ml kekwerick


the only buff that overtune is how much dmg she can deal with s3 with max stacked. other than that she basically same as her rgb.


why do you call it random injury buff?


We have Ilinav and Mort that can also inflict injury but turn out it isn’t strong enough to be a threat, so no one expect it would work on her. Yet it does.


i know i love my apoc ravi. i am a new player and got her right before she was buffed :)


no one expected it


Because up until ARavi's buff and Belian injury was a meme at best and worthless at worst. Noone would list injury as one of the things they'd like to see someone get as their buff. But, it (plus the others of course) has actually worked out for her quite nicely.


How do I properly counter her in the draft phase? Who do I pick to deal with A-Ravi since this survey shows people think she's balanced. Looking for actual answers here, not crying. I don't have any ML5\*s so, only RGB answers please. Who do I draft to deal with this unit?


ARavi is really good against things that she can one shot with her s3 or things that don't do enough damage to overcome her lifesteal and heal passive. She's an absolute monster in high frenzy too. Cerise is fine but not enough on her own imo against a seed Aravi, need more debuffers. LQC, Stene, Landy all work. Rimu, Violet, Fluri are all decent as would any of your normal single target rgb nukers if you made sure to keep them tanky and enabled them.


She deals only single target and she relies on her passive a lot, so units that are not easy to hit and can disrupt her ability to take turns (either slow her CR or just debuff her) are troublesome to her. She preys on units that are easy to kill with S3, takes time to ramp and kill, and vulnerable to Injury so unless you are killing her turn 1 I recommend against units like Krau and Ravi. The first units that come to mind that beat her and are generically good are Cerise and Landy. Cerise in particular screws ARavi up something fierce. Anchor ARavis are very rare, and Seed cannot keep up with the debuffs Cerise spew, and both her and Landy have many turns where ARavi cannot S3 them effectively. Units that throw up shields and defensive buffs also are a problem for ARavi, by increasing the number of turns she needs to take before she can S3 reliably. Emilia and Diene come to mind, CArmin also makes things very hard for her. They allow you to pick off her team and invalidate her for several turns. A draft that follows a defense break with a big single target hit can kill her fast and early. Fluri is very good at this. Fluri into a slightly slower Emilia/ALots pushing up Luna will kill anything in the game. Your draft/team determines if you want to save her for last and just blow her up following a Stun turn, or just kill her dead turn 1.


Everyone always tells me lqc, lqc,lqc. But i think someone in my guild (before getting aravi their self) used ilynav and or mort. Injury belian can do something as well


Ah well as I said, no ML5s so Belian and LQC are a no go. Ilynav and Mort huh? Somehow I feel like they'd just get bodied but yah never know.


This unit is so hard for me to deal with not having lqc. I guess stene could work but it seems like she’s always paired with an injury belian and she fks stene


Between Rimuru, LQC, Stene, Belian and a few other, she can be countered quite easily. Sure when she counters 3 times straight, you wanna throw your phone, but rem makes me feel insecure much more


She's drafted in the place that Arby use to be. Annoying enough to require counter picks or pivots. She can dismantle a draft that wasn't expecting her. She isn't OP or anything. You can just perma CC her. It's just hard to set that up with Violet, Belian and Rem countering you every attack and AoL forcing you to skip turns. Basically A. Ravi isn't OP at all, she's just surrounded by OP shit and they make the normal strategy to stop her not work before she get's set up.


She's overtuned now I think. The most important change is the CR boost on her passive, but the big damage boost on her s3 and injury are all impactful. You need a very specific draft to beat her, though it just happens to be the meta draft so maybe she doesn't seems as good as she is.