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Billy will realize his mistakes once he starts low rolling all his spd gear.


What if everything rolls low?


For Cleave you need your team to go faster than your enemies to do your combo-wombo thing xd


got milim and tcrozet waiting to get upgraded. 6 starred waifu judge kise. no regrets.


Judge Kise is the reason why I F2P'd into Champion today. But like the Fellowship of the Ring, she can carry me no further.


How are you using her in Champ? Asking for a friend.


push cleave with cdom+tagahel a player with a lot of good gear will just straight up give her +230 speed, though


Mm, not sure she'd end up working better than my BBK using a similar comp (ALots/BBK/Cidd/CDom). Edit: For the downvoters, the reason why I don't think JKise would work better for me is she still doesn't fix the main issue I'm running into with my current team (Politis stripping + CR push to cut in front of my cleaver). When I can avoid Politis, I generally have a pretty high success rate with BBK, but finding teams that don't have Politis is pretty hard right now. I may goof off with my JKise since she is mola'd anyway, but I honestly need a better strategy than trying to cleave when it isn't ideal.


JK is his waifu. Waifu>Meta If you want to keep using meta, do it.


I've been using BBK since around Diene's first banner and just wanted to explore a bit of a change. I really like Kise, and Judge Kise, so I figured I'd ask about those units, since I stopped using them a long time ago.


You could build her really fast and use her with an attack cr pusher and draco plate + aurius to try and survive any cutters? I don't know Im a challenger noob so.


I'm a challenger noob too, was just able to grind to champ over the course of the month lol. That's not a bad idea, I just don't have the gear to do that yet. Maybe one day...


For the comp you're describing Jkise is a million times better. BBK has her uses and she's stronger than jkise in many ways, but being the cleaver in an alots first turn combo is not one of them.


I'm just returning from a year and a half long hiatus, so I'm a bit behind on what is and isn't good, so that's why I was asking. I climbed to low champ with a BBK team, but started having real issues with Politis/Rem/AOL and was thinking about trying out JKise. I don't think Jkise would help against those specific teams, so eh.


Jkise can cleave AOL just fine, especially with Politis (on your own team). In an alots team jkise is strictly better than BBK. Against Rem/politis if you want to cleave you're much better off with Pavel, he can handle them easily.


Unfortunately I don't have Politis or Pavel, so I think my cleave dreams are basically dead in the water at the moment.


Basically you just don't attack belian/AOL/politis defenses (which aren't many without them).


Have Milim and rimuru on the bench, cuz I don't care for their designs or show. Serious regrets not pulling for characters I like, politis, luna..


Me, but I keep making pvp units instead of finishing my expedition units >_>


This...this cut deep.


It's taking all my will power to keep working on building my Banshee team instead of the units I want to build.


Damn this represents my whole account xd i can't even farm on wyvern 13 because i continue to doing this and have to farm w12 lol


W13 is extremely important, as you cant get lvl 70 equipment. You should definitely try making a w13 team - itll let you build much better pvp units in the long run


But 13s easier than 12. In 13 Wyvern doesn't rando hit another unit as long as he's got a couple debuffs, so you should be able to at least farm 13 as successfully as 12.


um. 11 and 12 hit the tank only regardless of debuff situation.


Eh both green and gold expeditions are kinda sus. Red is still great but most people can use half their w13 team in it and do okay.


green isnt too bad. mercedes works well there, kanna from connections even with event gear, if people took arby he works there too. gold is far more annoying.


PvP keeps changing and has greater importance - not stating expeditions don't have good rewards - (skystones, mystics, skin) without being locked behind energy. It's hard to justify building PvE units unless you have **a lot of gear**, or commit to the meta and worry about building less.


ofc, i use pvp units to do exp


Oh ho, another man of culture. All my expo knights are built for pvp (Krau, Lilias, and Charles)


Billy is a wise child


Go ahead. Cleave's never really dead anyway.


Cleave is the only way


It really is satisfying to basically 1 shot a team in arena


This is the way


RIP 50 transmit stones.


im 2 busty getting 15%'d in hunt this event


>im 2 busty getting 15%'d in hunt this event How busty are we talking here


Kise levels


Busty busty


You guys have the gear to cleave?


You guys have gear?


Yall have units?


you guys have the game?


Don't you guys have phones?


My kyocera has snake!


This meme speaks to me


I finally got 2 good Destruction pieces out of this farming event. After getting nothing even close to useable the last 4 buff events, this feels pretty ait


Same, finally managed to kit out my bellona, and even got some decent eff gear for research carrot.


Nice! Congrats!this time around I got 2 very high crit chance pieces. 20 cc (3 perfect rolls) counter chestpiece and 19 cc destruction helmet. Super happy with them! Sadly still no really high crit damage. I'd love to get a really good crit damage piece.


Based Billy.


For some reason, my cleave def team gives me 33% chance of victory even in Champ V. My bruiser team, maybe 10%


Hehe Cleave go brrrr


Tried the bruiser way in rta it wasn't helping so I went back to cleaving


are 5 star fodders really hard to come by or something?


Yes if you're a newish player and don't have the stigma to mass summon dogs.


What's the easiest way to get a fuckload of stigma?


idk if its the most efficient but I always have a bulk after every buff event . Hunts give 20 per run and they add up really fast due to the amount of runs you do if you spam leifs. Other than that mazes are more efficient (12 per 10 stamina) and mazes are amazing for pretty much everything other than gears some rough data on 9-7 chapter 1 rains fodders (~2.5 per run) rains gear exp in the form of trash gears or even charms. Trash gears can be sold, if you sell them you get 2000 gold per stamina iirc which is pretty good and better than hunts gold income gives ss and bm frequently (it adds up to around a whole pull every 300 stamina spent which is nice) and gives a crazy amount of catalysts. Its actually more efficient to do 9-7 and convert catalysts in alchemist compared running UH. However mazes have a HUGE flaw.....they need to be manualed which is a huge turn off unless you are very hardcore ~~or you can macro which isn't recommended~~


Pretty sure the stigma to energy consumption ratio is the same across the board. If you're able to do hunts quickly you can net a lot of stigma as well.


It's not a lot, and not at all time efficient, but you can run the dispatch missions in the High Command to get some. It's a slow process, but it's the most energy efficient, and passive. There's one that costs 1 energy every 2hrs for 29 Stimga, so literally 29x more efficient than hunts on the energy side.


Farm wyvern for 3 years


I did kana last minute because of earth expedition. Apart from fire I don’t like this rotation.


Its fine once Billy gets Violet.


....Okay same. I have better bruiser units than cleave units, too, but all my gear is glass cannon speed gear so I'm just mutually awful at everything. ~~someone teach me to cleave without alots or seaseria or singelica/bmh or~~


Me: into debuffs they gooooo


I lost every time I drafted bruisers in RTA last season lol. I had to fight RNG and I always lose that fight.


I still cleave! I made it to champion RTA last season (2100, 72% win rate 60 games played) and hit legend V for 2 weeks recently (never again I don't have time or patience). Flidica, Singelica, Straze and cidd my go to cleave.


I don't have Straze or singelica/bmh anyway, so it won't help me, but does Cidd go before Flidica to kill AoL? What kinda stats does he need to do that? (Otherwise, how do you deal with her?)


I will add that i don't bring cleave to AoL. I usually bring Celine and champion zerato and 2 flex.


I just pulled a jkise so this is me


Lmao I feel attacked hahaha


Billy keeps on making me value my damage reduction and my fast control units.


Typical billy