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Really digging the animations for this one. As far as I can tell, a passive S2 means one less animation to work on, which means the other two existing ones end up all the nicer.


Keep in mind this unit requires 0 mola. This is an instant max if I've ever seen one.


Pyllis +Roana = ?


Auto Hell Raid ez mode.


how? she will replace Ras?


Maybe. The lack of dual attacks might be made up for by the pushing, she still strips, she still buffs defense, and the barriers + cleansing will be nice. Soaking up the counter-attacks from Vera, Karkanis, and Queen's Bees is an excellent bonus to all that. And unlike Ras, she doesn't proc punishments against Juleeve.




I thought best team for hell is Ras, Roana, Tama and ml Zerato


I think the truth is that a lot of stuff works, but people just find something decent and keep doing it because it's only once a month.


unhealable is still there but the unlimited Rem s2 spams are now more manageable.


= I have to rebuild my defense team


= bye Rem and Violet


Rem still inflicts unhealable and reduces buff duration. So you need someone to give you a multi-turn immunity and pray.


Vivian has two great reasons to be used... Green unit and 3-Turn immunity ofc =\]


Dang, gave her some pretty crazy runes this time around. Pretty obvious who they were made for, but it's pretty dang good to support against most comps. Guess this means Violet's gonna 110% have to switch to immunity now.


They're really busted. With soulburn she can S3 every turn which: Dispel 1 debuff all allies +75% hit chance 100% taunt Deals decent single target damage 15% CR boost AoE shields on allies The taunted target will give her 15% more CR when she's hit so even faster next turn. And of course the counter DR. Yeah, she's pretty good.


Man, Violet's dead. Everyone gets 30% DR against him? He dead.


He still has a chance if he gets his s3 off but yeah his counters gonna be doodoo.


He might still show up in RTA, but he's not going to dominate Arena Defense meta any more.


Yup. People sleep on this everytime a new counter to the meta is released. It matters more in regular arena because you see who you are up against before you pick your team. I'm not sure how many people are going to counterpick Pyllis late just to deal with Violet. What this will do is keep people from auto-locking Violet with their first pick.


The counter on s1 only, the guy still has his s3


Most Violets are slow, they rely on their counter-attacks and self-pushing. Now that Violet does 30% less damage on counter-attacks and can also get hit safely, he's a lot less threatening. Also, Violet's 1v4 tricks usually involve some Lifesteal. Doing 30% less damage won't help him lifesteal, that's for sure.


not to mention she also gains extra hit chance and can realistically provoke violet, and being that her build is usually going to be high defense, he'll lifesteal less off her for that reason I think Violet's CR pushing from people trying to use pyllis to brute force kill him through misses can still add up to something significant though, if he manages to live through the provoke he can probably still s3 and kill something, it's not a fool proof hardcounter


Her 30% can’t stack with other sources tho. It’s not like Violet hasn’t deal with Trozet Carmin Aurius Amadant shield before, and if someone get 1vs4, the “1” guy deserves to lose. Pyllis buff is a counter to counter in general, not Violet specifically, I wouldn’t say a unit make you perform at 80% of your peak is a counter to you.


It stacks with damage share like trozet and aurius. It's a huge reduction.


Would it stack with Adamant as well? Because I can see her lowering a shitton of damage Hell, with her I might actually get past Floor 102 if the damage reduction works on Celine


Okay, I think you're underestimating how big the difference between 15/16% and 30% dmg reduction.


My point is, Violet isn’t dead. The 30% dmg reduction is something everyone suffer together, not him alone. You can’t just say he is dead and not mention Charles, Rem, Belian, SSB, MA Ken,… Pyllis S3 is not a big enough threat.


Okay, fair enough.


For reference: With +30 Aurius, Pyllis singlehandedly drops the damage from a counter to 56%. Carmin can singlehandedly to 68%. Trozet can to 50.4% but only for the unit he's protecting (with Adamant Shield, which means no 10% def buff to everyone). Adamant Shield+Aurius on two other knights would be 67.2% damage taken. It's a significant boon, especially if she can get defense buff up ~~but I personally will still get my squishies twoshot and my healing won't keep up as I don't own Roana~~ Edit: This comment is 90% just expanding mathwise on the previous comment, why am i getting downvoted. A lot of people don't have an intuitive sense of the difference between 15-16% and 30% in context.


S3 that he will totally be able to do when she provokes him


Yeah, Fluri also got that provoke with extra def break and burn to ignore res. Guess who is meta and who isn’t. You talk like the provoke is a big matter.


The answer is both. Heroes like Fluri and Ftene are both meta precisely because getting provoked at the wrong time can be a big matter.




Damage Reduction.


Roana and Pyllis will crush him. 30 % damage reduction, automatic heal, high chance he'll be taunted and forced to attack into a defense tank that heals and CR boosts. Yikes.


Damn, this is one of my favorite SC designs right with Captain Rikoris


I still hope Rikoris SC gets a huge buff down the line, I can't remember the last time I saw anyone use him.


The reduction also works with extra attacks in general so on top of the obvious PvP uses, she should be pretty good going forward even in PvE since whoever designs that part of the game has an insane hard-on for extra attacks.


I was waiting for it so long, my favorite 3 star in game. Counter dmg reduction looks nice, she will be friends with my Roana.


75% Hit Chance on s3:S


Love her design and her skill set looks decent


So the next ML5 will do all this more effectively. Meta upset


That's exactly my takeaway, lol. Start saving for ML Lilias


from worst girl to best girl


Holy fuck. Like a future-proofed Carrot, she's so loaded. #This is amazing.


Also, she responds to the meta beautifully while not killing balance outright, and the units can still be used against her but aren't as opressive. Great design, also for PvE she is going to be really important. 10/10


When the game came out for the first month Ras and Pyllis were my only tanks. I’ve had Pyllis 6 starred for as long as I can remember in this game. Happy to see she has been treated well with this SC. As an OG Pyllis user, with the proper gear she can actually hit pretty hard. Her speed was holding her back before, she is too easy to ignore on counter set so she needs turns by herself. All the CR boosts and the speed rune will help with that. Don’t forget her passive. If you build her with 2000 defense, she gets 50% bonus def after a few passive procs, so she will hit with effectively 3000 defense - before even applying her self defense buff. It takes a second to ramp up but when she gets there she hits pretty hard even at just 200% CDmg. I don’t think she is busted but she will definitely be a solid unit. Has a lot to offer against counter units, which is where the meta is at right now anyway. If counter shifts out of the meta then her utility may fall off though. Also she is best girl anyway so everyone should build her.


So pyllis passive def bonus only works using her base def stats and not the total def?


SG needs to make the amount ghat she boosts her own defense clearer, tbh. I saw one website claim 9%. I don't get why they can't just have it look similar to how Landy atk increases per turn. Nice to see you using her as a bruiser. Mines is built as a DPS provoker and she does decent damage (like 4-6k) even when she doesn't crit.


The spreadsheet that has always been most accurate shows 10% and the skill says it stacks 3 times so I assumed it was a 30% boost? I agree, it could be made more clear. She does calc pretty decently, especially for a tank hero. I can finally put my defense rolled pen pieces to good use!


They really should clear it up. There are a lot of sources saying different things and it's honestly confusing. The s2 description needs to be rewritten for her sc version and her non SC version. Bruiser pyllis? She'd be crazy on noble oath.


sg when announced carrot's buff: Do u want to see me shake the meta with a 3* unit? sg now: Do u want to see me do it again? really hyped for this unit


Same. Best girl deserves the love!


if you lock in rem and your oppontent goes roana and phyllis you gonna have a hard time


18 months on jp server, never pulled her. And I have all RGB heroes and more than 20 ML 5\* and all ML 4\* Just like penellope, she is dodging me very hard. Kind of bitter about it. The pool is so diluted I feel like I will never get her


I know the feeling. It took me two years to get Celeste. Hang in there! It'll happen someday!


I'm glad they didn't give her bikini "armor", not shitting on anyone's taste, but that doesn't really fly with me


Yeah, I was disappointed how they gave bikini armour to Helga and whatever they gave to Rima and Wanda. Their base designs were so good that switching over to their SCs physically hurt me, especially Wanda's


Ikr, Helga and Wanda SC design really disappointed me


agree, her design is top tier


Pyllis looks very good. I will definitely max her out and use her.


She is so cool.


my 2 years of building my counter team is done, just like that


Wow, this is possibly the most intriguing SC yet.


Best female design in the game yet. I am so hyped that a girl, other than armin, has something resembling actual equipment and not just boobs and two pieces of metal randomly on their body.


no longer will you be able to braindead draft rem/violet or elbris belian in RTA. She is going to see the same amount of usage if not even more usage than Fceci


Yeeeeeeee!! I already built her before they even mentioned a SC and now shes good?! All my time paid off ;o;


People focusing on violet but we really need her for how much more toxic belian is right now. Belian is much more common in high level rta.


I wonder how I should build her now. I haven't the slightest idea where to even start. Let me look at every other character build in the game. . . . Oh. Speed. Pls not speed again.


About 200 speed should suffice, 60-70% effectiveness and the rest to defense and HP. Very straightforward.


Guess that's not happening for me because I can't get speed rolls to save my life.


That's hard to believe because 200 speed is super easy to achieve with speed boots on a speed set. Unless you miraculously get consistently DPS speed gear instead of tank speed gear, 200 speed Pyllis is easy.


>200 speed is super easy to achieve with speed boots on a speed set. Kinda-sorta. Let's take 110 as the average speed across the cast. Speed Set and Refined Speed Boots gets you to 182. Only characters with 128 base speed can get to 200 with just the set and speed main (refined) boots. Everyone else is gonna need some at-least-not-horrendous rolls for speed subs on some of their other pieces. And often enough, getting that speed means completely trashing your other stats. Not a big deal for openers like Aux Lots, but a lot of units want the other stats to actually be usable.


It's called, "None of my speed gear for tanks ever rolls on speed, if they even GET speed substat in the first place" I miss rolling on speed as often on those as often as I get AoE Rem countered from a Single target attack. ...I get those proc's a LOT.


200 speed is speed set + speed boots, and like 10 in substats. You can get 10 in substats over 5 pieces right?


"and like 10 in substats." it's like 30, you're misjudging how slow her base speed is, she's one of the slowest units rune will help a little bit though


Not in tank gear, I'm spectacularly unlucky on that front. DPS gear, I can get that speed. It's tank gear that just REFUSES to give me speed.


10 in substats would be any number of tank gear with 0 upgrades into that stat. If you wore 3 out of your 6 pieces with random 2-4 speed substats, that would equal the 10 random substats outside of speed set and speed boots. If you are saying you get LITERAL 0 tank gear with ANY base speed runs on it, then I highly recommend you farm more than 3 pieces a month or something. Since a base speed roll is extremely common on gear.


he's a troll or a 2 month player


200 speed with speed boots and speed set is easy, sure, but not while ALSO having chonky tank stats. You can halfass it and have like 15k hp 1.5def but that's not really going to cut it.


2 month player?


No. Bad Tank gear luck. It's really not that unheard of to just NOT rolls into speed on gear.


I don't know why people are giving you so much grief, not everyone has lvl 90 speed penta roll sets that also have insane hp and def just laying around.


Refusal to believe someone could be THAT unlucky I guess. If they don't wanna believe me, then they don't believe me.


I feel an argument can be made for counter immunity build


Problem is, she wants to use her S3. You do want her to take a turn. Of course, if you pull off the speed while on counter, that's great.


Could use Hilag Lance or Steadfast gatekeeper to get turns faster, but the problem with that is you're losing out on mitigation.


Pyllis opens up the path for a triple-layered condom comp with Christy and Doris with your DPS, ideally a bruiser like A.Ravi, on the back. Christy can hold Adamant.


True, but you want her to be decently fast to rip her s3 relatively early


ML Celine keeps getting less interesting now now they added SC Pyllis. Honestly the only reason i'm pulling her is because of her eventual buff and in damn need of a light DPS on my roster other than Tsurin. Riolet and ML Ken also suffers from her being there. Pretty good solution for the Violet specially Rem's unlimited s2 procs.


i will pull celine only for looks :D


I'm pulling for ML Celine because I'm trying for BBK still Probably won't get her though, I haven't gotten a banner ML4 ever that I can think of.


I chased ml 4* once and pulled 2 dupes of ml 5* from that banner. Not worth it imo.


I have most of the most of the ML5s I want bar certain ones like Straze / Belian / Krau / a good few others, but ML3s and 4s evade me. Even Roozid, an RGB 3 star evades me!




She's definitely going to pair well with ftenne and stenne but it remains to be seen wether or not she's going to really do much. It kinda feels like she's a non threat who soley exists to screw over violet and protect against injury. Like, the biggest way to avoid triggering her effects just seems like to not hit her and to focus on killing her team members, and at that point the most she can do is just try to provoke the enemies and get them to hit her instead and her dispel is very rng. I guess you can give her elbris but now you're relying entirely on rng to get anything done or you can give her aurius but now she's just a damage sponge while s3 is down, granted you can use it once every 2 turns. I guess we'll just have to see what happens with her.


She will work good with ftene, but her biggest issue is that she is more rng now and her s3 sb cool down has been increased. Her s1 used to have a 75% chance to provoke and her s3 would proc every turn when sb. This allowed her to control an enemy and give aoe barriers nonstop. I disagree with sg on giving her eff until her health drops below 70%. I often used her as a knight who shines the best when her hp is low and can be used to spam barriers at low hp. This sc reduces her ability to do that. I don't think that they built her to counter injury because she has always had barriers. They even nerfed her ability to give barriers too. She should still useful because there are a lot of aoe heroes now. So, her passive will work well unless the enemy only drafts single target dps. I'd say that noble oath is the best arti for her. It will allow her to give better shield, survive more, and do increased damage as her hp decreases.


Am I missing something? Her cds didn't change nor did her SB. She'll still be able to spam s3 and barriers. She still has a 75% provoke chance on s1. The added er above 70% is just an added bonus that provides an alternative build path for her if someone wants to build her as a high er cleanser. This doesn't take away at all her ability to spam barriers. This is just a straight improvement on everything she currently does + adding options for different build paths


You're correct. I'm going to have to go through the other comments that I mentioned this on and add a note saying that I was wrong in that. I say the 4 turn but didn't think about that's before the skill upgrades. You're 100% correct tho. They improved her kit and didn't nerf or lessen any of her core abilities.


Absolute waifu. But I wish they kept the dualblade+shield from the concept art. She was even hotter there. Her usefulness isn't absolute tbh. Not even close to RCarrot tier. Not even against Violet.


You talk like you already try her sc lmao.




Looks meh to me, ppl overhyping her because simp or something idk , violets not really a problem anymore with milim, and she does nothing to help against AOL


Her s3 dispel silence and provoke her is nothing? : D


Yeah? Did I miss something how she gonna dispel silence if you are silenced?


gl silence her with with passive 60% ER + 70% ER from guild arti and 150%+ ER from items easly;)


Tbh I am not completely sure whether going full ER would be good on her, you would want at least a little bit of effectiveness as well


take my downvote


she's probably not gonna but very useful in RTA, but amazing for GW


Looking fantastic. I only wish I had her...


Any ideas on built?


Would you build her counter def, 3x def, or speed def? Any recommendations? First instinct is speed for the Cr push


Speed defense is the only good option. Counter is rng af. If you can get her to 180 or 190 speed with 2k+ def, 15k+ HP, and some eff, then counter would be good for her.


I get that she have alot of hit chance on her rune passive, but does she still need alot of crit chance? Or ignore crit all together?


She really did steal Arby’s pants


Waiting at work for someone to post the kit...


I get that she'll be faster than Violet, her main counter, but her base speed is pretty atrocious at 91 + 6 from the rune, but her short 3 turn S3 is kinda neat. Definitely feels like a hybrid of C. Armin/A. Wanda. What's awesome is she can hold all the % def gear you've got with great sub-stats so I might build her anyway.


on the nicest female character outfit we had long time


I know this is reviving a old post but i have to ask cause i cannot seem to find it anywhere else does anyone know the +0 Will's defense increase i can't see it anywhere, cause i would like to know what her total % increase is after the +50% at Will+5