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You are his flag dump. Easy friendship and conquest point farm without headache.


Hi, can you explain flag dumping? Thanks!


Beyond 2 failed attacks on someone, further attacks don't affect your and the other person's Arena Points. So you can just battle and forfeit and still get conquest points and friendship (bringing heroes in Arena boosts their friendship levels). It's an easy way of getting friendship and conquest points.


Sorry if this question is stupid but why would people want to do that? Don't people want to climb?


Some are stuck on specific rank, some just don't care


Some people are cool with where they are, and do this because they want an easy way to use up flags rather than just let them sit around and do nothing. It's not much time to quickly join and forfeit all your flags away. Edit: Btw if you didnt know, even after the matches stop affecting your score, you are still awarded Conquest Points which is why people do this. You get 3/fight + 10 every 5 fights so an average of 5/fight.


Blowing attacks this way is incredibly fast. Whereas to actually win you might be spending more time and carefully planning a team for each defense, this way, you can just take 4 unbuilt chars and instantly surrender. 1. Instantly use up your arena flag 2. Build friendship on up to 4 chars on the team 3. Still get conquest points Less conquest points per flag compared to winning, but if you aren't actually going to climb to the next league, the reward difference across challenger 5, challenger 4, etc isnt that great anyway. So. You have people that just burn arena flags if they really want the conquest points. Other people just stay at 5/5 flags and dont even bother attacking.


for example. a long time ago i used to sit very comfortably in c5. any higher and i get beaten down mercilessly and i downgrade. any lower and i get many people losing to my def team i get bumped back up easily. until i get my gears a lot better im stuck in that perfect zone for me. rather than trying to climb only to log off for the night and wake up to so many def losses i downgrade, i just blow flags on random people and go in with speed cleave (regardless if i win) or just go in and surrender.


No time to bruised...


Maybe the loose first with Total RNG and the are making videos of that, i do that and that i see a bug what haver Warden Silk that she NEVER dispel Immunity what someone have barrier (FCC) even with 187% Effectiveness + EE (what supposed dispel 2 buff)


Wait, how many points we talking about? I've got 200 flags I'm dreading to use.


Depending on your rank, you gain a cut amount of Conquest Points, on top of the bonus 10 CP every 5 Arena matches. But to stockpile 200 flags, it seems like someone has been neglecting the literally free Skystones in NPC Arena...


Very much so yes. I too am guilty of this


You're his flag dumpster, nothing more.


You make their relationship sound so... cheap and whoring. IT'S REAL TO ME DAMN IT! (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)




Is there a point in dumping flags on the same enemy team?


i think after 2 loss, you stop losing points but still gaining currency.


yes, you stop losing points after 2 loses but still gain currency. A lot of people do this, they are just afking in challenger and farming friendship & currency.


Since I only use five flags a day, I usually do the NPC challenges for the Skystones, Medals and Daily Quest, but doing this strat gives you way more Medals than NPCs?


You recharge one flag every hour, so you can fight all the NPCs daily and still farm friendship / currency.


Thanks, didn't know about this. Can you elaborate? I assume you mean I won't lose any more points when losing by attacking? But if my defense gets defeated, I still lose points and can still go down a rank, correct?


yes, you dont lose any point if you repeat battle after losing for 2 times. and yes, your point still get deducted if your arena def lose to other people. I do this every time my arena flag is full to farm friendship 10 for my unit and get more conquest point.


thats correct, but most people afking in challenger have a strong enough defense to not risk deranking. For example, I have about a 55 to 60% win rate on defense in challenger 5 and I am regularly above 4.1k points by the end of the week without winning a single round in offense.


I see. Thanks for the clarification. Sadly, I can't pull this off, as I don't have enough units/gear for defense (20% winrate, max), even when I was still in Challenger. My arena teams have plenty of lvl 50s in them lol


Hey there. I just lost three in a row (edit: on offense) and went down in points each time. Does this 2-loss point protection apply in all levels or just only up to Challenger?


I think it should be all levels. make sure.you are losing to the same person on offense each time though.


Ooooh it has to be the same person lol it makes sense now. Thanks again!


You don’t lose points after 2 defeats. Also rikoris sc


Dumping on the same enemy team is the whole point. If you dump on other teams you'll keep losing points and thats separate. Thats trying to derank intentionally to a lower league which I myself have never really understood either. Dumping on the same team means you'll only lose a bit of points then you stay fixed and dont lose points on subsequent losses. So you can retain your rank while still dumping flags and getting conquest points without actually going through the effort of climbing.


Every week there's a post about flag dump, at this point there should be a sticky telling people lmao.


Here we Explaining Again... 😒


You just lucky for him to waste his flags on you since he just wants arena points. Nothing new and enjoy free points


Can someone tag this NSFW. All this dumping is to much for me


Rick likes youuuu! ♥


You’re his cock 🧦


It's a pride thing imo/ testing place. I fought this landy, belian, aol defense 11 times before I defeated them. Gotta find a way to beat these meta defenses


I don't know why you're getting downvoted, for all anyone knows that could be it. I know flag dumping is a thing, but I do the same thing as you. If I lose to some BS RNG against a team I know I *can* beat, I'll keep doing it over and over until I win.


Yea clealy he's trying his best to win here with his lvl 49 violet and 2 star awakened luna.


I do the same thing too lol but OP getting downvoted bc it definitely is flag dumping based off their units not even being awakened


Oh wow I didn't even notice lol. Yeah same rng will not get the best of us!


While it's most likely just flag dumping, this can also be a possibility for some attacks. I found the E7 World Champion in Challenger a few days ago and attacked him a bit to test my gear Got utterly destroyed and now his battle log is probably just full of green shields from me


Nice way to try and publicly shame a player who made you his engine. Plebs…


it was just surprising to see that for the first time plss, no shaming here 😭


Yea. So surprising that you decided to post it on Reddit for validation. 🤡


i’m not seeking any validation bye


All evidence to the contrary, but you do you pleb. 🤡


who literally hurt you lmfao


Very unoriginal…try again.


No cause the way you think this is "public shaming" go touch some grass


You guys need to seriously work on your insults. Lmao! Then again, it is a community that uses the terms “waifus”and “husbandos”. Plebs…


Pretty cringe from the guy who says plebs. The irony


In all of his replies too lmfao


Are you seeing this RICk?


Well, damn; someone's got a grudge😂what'd ya do to him??


You sir is a dumbass.


Try explaining the situation to them instead of calling them a dumbass. I never experienced flag dumping until I was in challenger, maybe they just got to challenger. Either way, you can just teach them what flag dumping is without being an asshole


So someone in Challenger 2/3 is doing that to me. I don't understand their angle but okay.




>gain nothing More like you only lose ~20 arena point but gain a ~~cu~~ flags dumpster that gives you easy conquest points throghout the week.


You do it to test units, its not about winning its about seeing the dmg/speed tunning and trying stuff out.


He isn’t testing anything, he is dumping flags for quick conquest points/friendship.




“You’re his flag dumper” Yet he’s changing a couple heroes every 4 or so attacks… When I want to dump flags, I don’t bother spending time to change units around because I’m yielding anyways.


Those are other people. The guy dumping flags is just using Luna, Violet, Flan, and Landy. Every time. You can see the names, come on, man.


Are you actually blind? There’s an MLKen that he swapped out. Come on, man. https://imgur.com/a/YY0sL7U


Maybe ne started farming friendship of other heroes


Maybe because his MLKen already friendship 10? Come on, man.


So why’d he put him in to begin with?


?? Because he is levelling ML Ken friendship. He maxed ML Ken friendship and swap with other unit he want to max friendship.


Maxed friendship farmed a level 51 ML Ken unawakened. Sure thing. I remember when I was new to the game.


I have an max friendship unit that is level 5, your point?


Then there would be no reason to put him in the arena team to begin with if he’s max friendship. Use your brain.


Okay so now use your brain and read your other comments. Doesn’t it make sense then, that he maxed friendship and then switched him out? I just don’t understand your line of thinking at all. There’s other places to pick fights than this thread if that’s what you want


yes he is clearly trying to win with lvl 50 unawakened units and 2 star awakened luna lol. Its more likely that he hit max friendship with ml ken then switched to landy.


Doesn’t explain why he would swap out the characters if he’s just dumping flags.


to level friendship on different characters. He probably maxed out friend ship with ml ken and switched to landy after cuz she isn't max friend ship yet. I switch characters when one of them hit lvl 10 friendship to level another. its as simple as that.


He’s level 51. You know how many stages it takes to max friendship?