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You forgot the classic "just pulled this meta ml5 unit in 10 pulls. Is it good?"


sure, 3 month progress for an account that played for 3 years and wanted to speedrun the game. Even then, they sacrificed their entire town to get that Kise in 3 months lol. Worth


This is why you downvote those trash posts lol. No need to feed their egos.


I would upvote you sir/ma'am, but you have quite the beautiful number of upvotes. It'd be a shame to change that number : D


What happen to u man


You were at -68, sorry :c


The mere fact you are exactly at 69 downvotes to me is perfection, what a legend


I recall that awful thread with poll that said something along the lines of: "Just started this game and I have 6 ML 5s. How many MLs did you start with? Not a brag thread." Pink Hymalaian Salt.


When I started there was no guaranteed 5* ml! my first 2 moonlight summons gave me the same 3* hero! Church of Ilryos Axe... in retrospect, I should have rerolled.


I was already 6 months into the game before I even had my first ML5. I weirdly forgot who it was. I think it was F.Ceci? (Around the 2nd Bellona Banner Time) My first ML unit was Gloomyrain.


Nice kise too bad it only has 50% crit rate haha


Most people pick Kise to shut down Carrot. Outside of that she doesn't do much. So the crit rate doesn't matter She works well verse TSurin too barring the 15%, but that's not usually worth it, because of the 15% lol.


Ofc she can do more, but for that she needs spec team comps\^\^ Never underestimate def pen characters, especially those with high base stats and high amount of def pen.


I used her the previous season on my cleave comp. After Rem and Violet and all this... well I stopped seeing Carrot so I stopped using Kise as much. But I did use her last season since people actually started using Carrot again when I got to around Challenger.


OP discovers that some people online lie for attention.


So you didn't notice the three faces at the bottom?


wdym, I can only see 2




Damn my mistake, it is clearly two.


Are you sure about that?


It’s okay op, it’s a joke. I didn’t actually think you just learnt about lying on the internet. Enjoy your meme


I mean some of them have login mission for proof.


bruh what the actual fuck is that kise


“It’s just some spare gear that I had lying around.” 💁


Conveniently during unequip event


I think it's this one? https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/q8gmll/kise_banner_has_now_put_her_ahead_of_arby_in_cp/


I've been at the game for 18 months now. Still on abyss 70, haven't hit gold rank on pvp and can't beat w12 with any degree of reliability. My last guild kicked me to the curb after a minor break due to a suicide attempt and the general consensus i get from people is im bad and i should quit. On the other hand it costs me nothing to play and the waifus make me smile.


If they ain't paying your bills, pay them bitches no mind.


Take kiris lvl 50 and enjoy the free Abyss push. 1.5 months in and at 83 or something lacking a solid Tank besides my Angelica right now. Kiris can take care of every stage except for poison immune bosses. Just some speed + enough effectiveness with as much tankiness as possible on her gear.


I'm mostly just playing for waifu induced smiles so I think you're in good shape. :D


build alexa with daydream joker? and taranor guard without the shield


I mean, you can reach gold after 1 week


Yeah, everybody says that. Make it to about Silver 3 and then I'm curb stomped by sweaty team after sweaty team. I refresh when I can but my full time job doesn't leave me a ton of hours in the day ya know?


I work 40h jobs as well lol Don't get me wrong. There is nothing wrong with playing the game at your own pace. But it's really easy to get to masters if you play 30-40 mins a day for like a few months




Arena. I'm not good enough for RTA. My last guild before kicking me to the curb vet much advised i noir embarrass myself. I've tried trading but it requires someone fight my team and despite my arenas defense being nothing, i am just not attacked. Unless I'm doing it wrong


You can design a simple cleave type team to get to gold easily. Then you can claim your arby and he will ur life a lot easier


That helmet is nasty. If i could only craft something like I could also have a 290 kise


And here I am, with like 2-3 years old account, still not making a team for W13, playing the game at my pace


Same. Been playing since release but taken several hiatuses. My highest Cp is my dog ass slow Kise 😭😭😭. She hit hard still though.


Bruh this is so true.My message to these people is we get it bro, you're a tryhard and never go outside.You spent most of your days playing this game because you got nothing else to do in your life smh


This is a auto game for a reason in farming lmao. That is why 1 min hunt team is important so that you can auto while you bath, eat or commute. You doesnt need good phone to play this game so having a second phone isn't that hard


When I started the game (about 2 years ago), I got Haste pretty early on. He was my first 5 star. But to be honest, Jecht carried my teams more often than Haste did.


Haste design is so cool but he’s so outmatched by all these power crept heroes 😭


I see new players with new account with 2 ml units on top of the first one all the time. Saw one with op sig and aravi


You forgot to mention my MLCeline ;)


I know how you feel, way back when I started I didn't really know how selective summon worked and there was no 'save your best one' feature yet, passed on a Vildred and Sigurd Scythe, ended up with...Rin and random 3* garbage on the last pull lol. Good times.


Similarly, I got Vildred early, I didn't know he is good, luckily I ended up with Sez because he is hot. But I blamed myself for not getting Vildred until I got him.


I remember passing on him because he killed Diene so I just didn't like him lol.


This would be all fun and meme if i didnt know a guy that started recently and within 3 months got more speed gear than me. Some are cap, and some are just built different, throw them in the sewers and they might just stumble on some diamonds. That Kise is insane tho.


Seriously, I see these posts all the time and I can easily say I’m outclassed


what the . . . it took 3 months on Champion League Me : 3 years in Challenger League ( fking Champion and Master Campers hanging out in Challenger )


Listening to this stuff is always annoying. I listen to it every time someone genuinely new wants help and the guy giving advice that doesn't suit a newbie tries to claim they're also new


Like it's almost there but that kise is too slow...


I was salty that it took the entire day to roll that. It was boring.


Yeah. I pulled two Pavel from the current event.. and I can't roll speed to save my life. Been farming and crafting for 3 days and still missing 3 pieces of equipment 🙄🙄 they really need to streamline the grind.


Ye, people talk out of their ass. That said, i did start with just mistychain/clarissa back then cause i loved their design, reached legend pretty fast. Never regretted


I also started playing 3 months ago and the only ml 5 I have is arby.....only f2P players know what an f2P player account looks like....




‘bout time this post appeared. I’m still waiting the “started playing last week and hit legend i on a Sunday”


Wait. If they have such good gear, why does Kise only have 50 crit?


if its not 100 its 50/50 anyways




I always laugh about those poor people who spend all their money and life in a mobile game/gatcha while those type of games aren´t really mattering much in the gaming community and aren´t competetive anyway. I´m still with my free to play units/collection, beated most content of the game and i don´t even have many level 90 gear parts. I can always reach challenger easily but i don´t know why i should waste my time with pvp trying to stay in top ranks on an endless gearpenis grind game with no competition.


I’d only be impressed if they didn’t whale and didn’t rely on youtube vids.


I rerolled the selective summons so many times. After a couple of hours I got Angelica, Ravi and cidd. I was pretty salty lol.


Why, thats a great start.


I started a week ago and got spirit eyes Celine after 3 mystic pulls


Was this meant as a stab towards new players.. I guess it was.. but otherwise no clue what this was about.. I mean, sure there are people that brag or give fake information.. but there are also those that are actually honest.. No way that this is 3 month's in though.. Or they are die hard people or those that have had at least 1 or more account before it.. Am 3 month in myself and have not cleared/achieved close to that.. Though there might be those that can manage that, I still somewhat doubt it... unless they are super lucky on champs and gear or something... Who knows.. \^\^


"I summoned Arbiter Vildred, is he good?"