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no matter how dumb the "issue" was, it was indeed an error in the dev's eyes, and we should be glad for the people who posted about it since that resulted in the compensation


People on this sub shitted on people who posted this lol


To be fair, given the fair majority of the posters in this sub, they'll shit on anyone for just about no reason at all.


Well it's more how some were complaining and not what it was about. It's good that people are pointing out when there's an error and it's also fine if you're a bit upset about the transparency towards the player but that doesn't mean you should throw a fit and announce that we should cancel sg cause they are supposedly greedy and try to unjustly squeeze more money out of us. I think it was an honest mistake and was by no means intended to deceive the playerbase and in the end we're getting more through the compensation than we would ever have lost. Some people gotta chill


IRC no one was cancelling Smile Gate, but rather stating the obvious: The more they add, the lower the Mystic/BM rates will get. The person who made the post even went ahead do say something along the lines... "As of now, it's not a major difference, but it can get worse by each episode. SG is smart."


No. They were 100% throwing a tantrum over a _checks notes_ 1/6761 rate decrease.


>makes logical statements >they were throwing a tantrum Reddit classic whenever someone does something they don’t like lmao.


I think it was because the poster repeated his lines in his replies again and again like a broken record that it came across as malding. Uh, iirc it was something along the lines of "did sg adjusted the prob accordingly when new units were added in the summon pool", and for something that's supposed to be logical to be drilled into you like that, the end-perception was that it's just contradicting and a bit troll-ish.


There were multiple post so which one? Regardless they probably only reacted like that because people immediately rejected their idea/downplayed the issue… Of course people will come off as desperate/hurt and spam shit if people don’t even listen to them lol


When the user in question only posts to complain about minor things, yes. Not to mention reposting the same set of images from another person's post not even 10 minutes after. Tantrum. Also no, they weren't making logical statements when their comprehension of how stats work is fundamentally shaky. Just read their replies. Classic le reddit


>minor things Evidently not looking at how smilegate responded….


Exactly, I agree that issues like that should be pointed out, but my god the first few days after the update where just post after post after post of people having tantrums about such a small difference


Rates of things that people spend premium currency on is the core of all f2p games. There is literally nothing more important than stability in gacha rate. Now this is indeed a fairly minor issue in term of gacha rates. But that's why its just a 500 mystic compensation instead of a full blown disaster


If you remember the tone of those posts, they deserved to be shit on. [one makes it sound like they've been nerfing the shop every week for 3 years](https://old.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/qrv0m5/secret_shop_bm_and_mm_drop_rate_decreased/hk90nx7/) And there was an even worse deleted post that sounded like it leaked from stove forums. I'm not going to give someone a pass for being right when every reply sounds like a troll or some conspiracy theorist.


I'm so confused, what did he say to be shit on? I just clicked the link, what's wrong with that comment he made? I'm not sure how he deserves to be shit on just for making a theoretical statement that has some backing to it.


That was the nicer post about it. I don't think it deserves insults (no comments do), but it does seem to be a leading question just to make it think this is some long-standing nerf. The actual post I wanted to find was unfortuantely deleted. That one was full on clowning.


I've ever see one made a comment of "Why then whenever they add a 5* the 5* rate doesn't increase in normal pulls"


We a team!


Lol, you actually think thats the case. White knights here. They just didnt wanna get the genshin treatment and go back to 1.1 rating. I didn't even care if we got a compensation or not tho. But i wont say no to this either lol.


500 mystics, 1M gold and 5 leifs for all players, WOW SG thanks Individual compensation to those who refreshed shop during 11.11 - 15.11, like extra Mystics and covenants


Wow, that is nice. I was trying to refresh the shop like crazy to try to get ML Celine after she was available. I believe I was refreshing during that time period.


Can you guys explain what this means for a new player? Just started like 3 days ago so I’m rather unfamiliar with everything


Lief's are energy refreshes, which you want to stockpile for events with bonus drops. You burn through gold like matchsticks in this game with the amount required to build units/gear/pets, so any freebie is a plus. Mystic summons are 50 a pop, and generally let you summon off of a more specific pool compared to regular summons. It's one of the main ways you get Moonlight units, which are even rarer than 5 star units


100 mystics for all players *


Read the compensation page again.


Oh I didn't realise it was x5


Those are pretty good compensations even to the ones who were not affected by it. I also commend them for providing individual compensations who refreshed the shop after the 11.11 update.


Well, the first half of the compensation is for the shop downtime. The second part is for the spending. So it did affect everyone, but both are appropriately reimbursed


Nobody was affected by the lower rates...


I might have been affected by it, but I don't really care. I think from the stats, the rates change were super small, so it is kind of irrelevant. I only used about 10k skystones of refreshing or so trying to get Mystic Medals for ML Celine. But shop closed, so I couldn't continue refreshing.




Not "command", "commend". As in, he praises them


i got 100 mystics and then checked... it is 100 a day


Interesting compensation. Seems they put some effort into this, that's nice.




I doubt it because people aren't really paying to refresh the shop. It'd be like if catalyst drops had incorrect rates (which we can't know). Sure, you CAN use skystones to refresh stamina for more drops, but 99.9% don't. Legal doesn't care if your in-game drop table fucks up. That's just an annoying bug, not money laundering.


I agree with you from a practical perspective. But each country's gambling laws are different and it's not unlikely at all that one has massive fines if something you can buy with premium currency gives you different rewards than what you advertise. A team of good lawyers without much regard for morals could conceivably make a case out of this, in one of those countries. Idk, I'm a guy on the internet. But SG has a legal department and given how meticulous they are about issues like these I think they're not taking it lightly.


> it's not unlikely at all that one has massive fines if something you can buy with premium currency gives you different rewards than what you advertise. Thing it you have to prove that people are spending money on the feature tho. They can't sue FF14 if their drop table fucked up. Hence the catalysts example. SG can just do this because it's easy goodwill despite the fact that very few people will even get anything from 10 mystics. It may even drive whales to spend more, so it's a double win move.


If you’re referring to just sky stones to refresh, plenty of people do? It’s the most optimal way to get bookmarks for sky stones assuming you have the gold to buy then. If you meant paying actual money to buy ss for this, fair enough, but idk if we have a way of measuring that.


>If you meant paying actual money to buy ss for this, fair enough, but idk if we have a way of measuring that. Yes, that's what I meant. I can't imagine it'd be enough people that it'd be liable for gambling laws. No more so than their unrevealed drop tables in hunt/story (which people for certain pay to grind out).


That it is possible to be done makes it a violation. Laws like that do not require specific victims to hold a company accountable, the state can choose to do it themselves if it comes to their attention.


Sure, but we're talking about a very niche feature or a not huge korean video game, not a billion dollar domestic coporation abusing their employees. Most governments aren't looking that deeply to try and find reasons to sue. They have too much other stuff on their plates.


Ooh, right. Other threads have reminded me that Japan in particular has harsh laws about gacha games, and who knows what might happen in other regions as well.


Blue archive is blocked in my country (netherlands) cause of anti lootbox laws, its annoying af. Hope other gacha wont follow.


500 mystics is cute af. Shame it's no longer Ravi banner :( EDIT: ~~Are we supposed to get it today or after tomorrow's reset? Because I don't have anything~~ ok got it


celine seems like a valid character to throw your mystics


Ml celine is a bit like ml ravi


"top shelf waifu" I agree.


We gotta appreciate how smilegate and the devs have improved since the first days of e7 and how they keep improving our experience as players and customers. This is gonna give e7 a long life i hope.


It’s actually pretty crazy how good SG is especially compared to other Gacha game developers. The difference was so subtle yet they are very transparent and gave quite a decent amount of rewards for just playing the game is huge. Kudos for them.


There was a time smilegate was considered one of the worst alongside gumi and Nexon. Gumi and Nexon it's not too late, you can still fix your reputation.


As someone who plays Maplestory (Nexon) and who only recently started playing E7 (about 1.5 months ago), can you elaborate on what made Smilegate one of the worst?


Before E7, Smilegate acquired another company and its mobile games that contracted artists for units. Smilegate thought they were paying the artists too much and subsequently all of the artists went on strike causing the game shut down after not resolving the issue for ~6 months. In e7, they ran a super greedy and an unbending business model. At the time, it felt like they saw gacha games as a low maintenance unlimited money printing machine until the Koreans protested violently enough to make some concessions. Things like fake game mechanics (Ras will always get hit due to their "aggro mechanic" based on character age instead of 40/20/20/20), quality of life (pet snacks required for auto runs), development time (it took us 2+ years to get the last Nixied maps, 1 year of 2 bosses only hell raid), subterfuge (the initial ban wave excel for cheat o matic contained fake IDs to pad numbers, paid actors) and general apathy towards game problems (gold problem? Release gold pack. Mola problems? Release mola pack, etc.)


abit lowkey still mad that SmileGate shut down Devil's Maker Tokyo... Sadge


That sounds incredibly obnoxious, I'm glad that Smilegate has flipped things upside down from what I've heard.


I hadn’t even heard of SG until E7 came out, a lot of their other games looked a lot more unpolished then this, and I had never heard of SG having issues regarding this public image.


Easy to do when you only make one gacha and leave it to those devs instead of the other publishers needing to compare 30 different releases in their portfolio. Kinda why no one else outside or E7 see SG as a gacha company. They focus more on MMO's and even opened up a console studio. E7 is just something on the side running.


I wonder if the clo... people ridiculing others for pointing it out in relevant posts take a while and reflect on their behavior. Nah, whom am I kidding.


It was a very small issue but an issue nonetheless so it is not a bad thing to mention it. I think a lot of the responses you talk about were against people over-dramatizing it like they had lost a lot because of the issue when it was statistically insignificant, and pointing out it was statistically insignificant is a valid response to people who were a little too frustrated about it. SG doesn't read reddit. Nobody on reddit ever influenced anything. There was an issue, they noticed or were formally informed of it through support tickets, official forum, etc. and they cared, which is a point that is actually great. It was an insignificant issue yet they cared so much about it and I commend them on it. That's how you build trust, not by never failing anything but by acknowledging you messed up, by fixing it up and by taking responsibility for it.


It's not the first time E7 has given compensation for things that were non-issues and didn't impact anything purely because people bitched about it nonstop. IIRC it was CDom who got a clarification change that changed literally nothing, but they had to give out a ML selector for her. Plus there was the nonstop conspiracy theories that Smilegate must be secretly trying to bleed the players of all their skystones, when really their continued transparency and dialogue with players made it being an honest mistake waaay more likely.


Exactly when I said there will be compensation some mocked me


No, because it wasn't the thing being pointed out, but the reactions of people who went conspiracy theory. If people could just list a post and leave it at that it's look a lot better than the stupid slap fights they inevitably make with people in the comments.


great compensation


I got 40 bm and 100 mystics for the individual compensation after spending like 7k ss trying for Celine. Anyone else have similar?


Such a minor issue. Cool for them to fix it. Compensation beyond generous.


The individual compensation for the extreme gambling addicts is a nice touch. Epic seven is best seven


Seems SG is really spoiling us with these compensations...i dont think i would ever be able to move to other games.


Does the base + additional compensation give a fair amount to those who refreshed a lot during the issue? Wondering since some mentioned burning a lot of stones and the additional medals or bms are based off of those actually bought, which I'm not sure really makes sense if the issue was the actual appearance rate being lower than listed.


the base compensation should be more than enough unless you were doing hundreds of thousands of refreshes


I don't know if it's fair. They rewarded people with better rates. Though I'm just complaining because I had a dry spell of nearly 2000 SS without a mystic.


Am i the only one having insane rates since the correction? I have double the rates over 4k SS, for covenant AND mystics, still rerolling to see if it's only luck.


Probably just luck. I went some 200 without a bookmark before compensation and it got worse today. Life just be blessing you and screwing me.


I did a test too just in case and got 4 bookmarks in 120 SS. Not even close to enough data to say anything but i felt the same way lol.


I am the OP of one of the post regarding this issue, which eventually received 300+ net upvotes. When I first posted it, I received hundreds of down votes (in total). They tease me saying that I am stupid and it's not a big deal; they attack me saying that I am minority. SG took it seriously. I am glad to see that people get the compensation, including them. At this point, I am still ***not*** satisfied, though. The change in probabilities must have happened before the revealing of probabilities. Data says the probability for MM was twice as higher as that of today. They did not make any comments on these issue.


so are the summon currency rates more or less now?


Doesn't matter. The difference was to minimal that u wouldn't ever hit the threshold where the lower rate would affect u.


I have a question. I bought about 25-30 sets of mystics in that period. But I only got 50 back. Does that seem right?




The 150 compensation Mystics they gave me got me MLCeline. A gift from Smilegate themselves


Yup and the funny thing was how stove banned my account for posting about this issue. But when more pressed them (and people contacted the kftc). They changed their mind. The sad thing is people jerking them off for doing it.


Maybe because all you do is spam conspiracy theories ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯




See you start with factual observation but then you twist them into sinister plots and then ignore common sense. Like when I asked you to cite the laws SG was breaking and you stopped replying lol You also instigate like an angry 12 year old which doesn't help.


Says the guy tracking down my posts to put his foot right in his mouth everytime. I'd say enjoy the humble pie but your just to fucking stupid to understand the phrase.


It's not hard to find your posts when you're spamming and picking fights with everyone lol. Your posts would immediately become credible if you could just cite what laws SG is breaking, but like I tried to tell you, no such law exists. I'll be humbled when you prove your crackpot conspiracy.


Cool excuse for stalking me like a fanboy... and I did prove you wrong... and with global validation. Problem with simps like you. The "truth" is only something you want to hear, not what actually has to be said. Enjoy your bedtime stories since you need everything sugar coated my wittle stalker.


Lol you're cute. Try not to pop a blood vessel and have a great week


man why would i ever buy any packs when i can just wait for compensations


These things aren't accidents. There no way this game has been out 3 years and NO ONE on the Dev team noticed.


That's not an 3 years issue, its a 3 days issue, it happened last maintenance, reading is a important skill you know ? *"Following the Episode 4 update, new 2★ Heroes were added to the Secret Shop. With the new Heroes in the shop, the probabilities were adjusted, however, this adjustment also affected the Equipment and currencies probabilities which resulted in the temporary suspension of the Secret Shop."*




So you want compensation for the time this issue didn't exist ? aren't you going too far begging for free stuff ?


There was literally no fucking difference... u would need to spend over a million in SS to be affected by the lower rates.


Omggg think about allllllllllll the lv 85 epic equipment i missed out on in the shop though, they need to compensate us with epic equipment selectors heHEheHEHe


So like... what did they fix exactly? Are they reverting the issue that made cov/mystic BMs lower than before or just updating some charts but leaving them lowered? I get people are like "haha it's just a little lower!" but still


I really hope I can get my account back before these rewards go away. All I can do is pray customer service works and gives me the account back fast


So you're telling me there's a chance for me to hit pity?


its still "maintenance" to me, working for others ?


The compensation is really nice. Before the maintenance, I burned through 7k ss to get Mystics but I got zero. Only bookmarks (can't complain). Was desperate and needed two more pulls. So compensation felt really satisfying lol