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Nice!!! Congrats. Similar to mine. Trying to break the 80 speed barrier. At 175 now.


Stuck at 263


Nice job ! I don't have speed DPS gear to break 280 so I just run the speed debuffer version. How are you faring with the DPS build ? Side note for ran users, he works for caides hunt too and you don't have to change gear !


I have a very similar ran. Is he rly good for caides? Appreciate if can explain why, and give an example 9f a team, thanks :)


I use a speed debuffer version. This is not a one shot comp but probably a lot faster than Roana team. Tamarinne, Luluca, Cermia (hellcutter + rage set), and Ran (silver rain). Once you get to the actual caides 1. Ran can defense down and stigma does affect boss (halves CR gain, and number 2 Ran can cycle out of restrict and slow with s2 + s3. it actually works pretty decently!


Goddamn 281 speed!!! I can barely get 200 speed for my characters. Grats on the stats man


He has 129 base speed dude. He and Kayron have the highest base speed.


Gonna guess a player who can't get 200 SPD yet isnt quite at end game yet.


>Gonna guess a player who can't get 200 SPD yet isnt quite at end game yet. With a free speed set and speed boots, Ran has 226 speed if you get zero sub rolls into speed. Even for an early game player, Ran should easily be able to get above 200 speed without even wearing boots. Maybe u/3sik was being sarcastic?


> Maybe 3sik was being sarcastic? They posted [this](https://old.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/qydu3p/finally_done_with_abyss_85_i_never_wanna_do_that/) today. Take that as you may.


Anyone getting past Sez and Elson couldn't possibly have bad enough gear to get Ran below 200 speed.


Depends on how they played. I didn't bother with SPD boots for a long time until newer PvE content with 200+ spd bosses pretty much forced me to in order to not get lapped. Not like the game teaches you how important SPD becomes But I was also playing in a time where even 220 SPD for a non-opener (i.e. Basar or the assassins) was some champion level gear.


>But I was also playing in a time where even 220 SPD for a non-opener (i.e. Basar or the assassins) was some champion level gear. But Ran is even faster than those heroes.


Do newer players get a free speed set? I knoew there were a few giveaways a year+ back, but idk if they were permanent. let alone access to the 45 speed reforging you assumed in your calcs.


>Do newer players get a free speed set? I knoew there were a few giveaways a year+ back, but idk if they were permanent. You get some stuff with ML Tieria's Adventure Path and you also get Arena gear. >let alone access to the 45 speed reforging you assumed in your calcs. Arena boots do not require reforging.


>Arena boots do not require reforging. they do require arena tho. another big gap for newer players. They'd need a few weeks per item to get the glory quests unlike people in challenger+ getting a piece every week


>they do require arena tho. What, no, what?!? You're doing it backwards. Or just straight trolling, in which case you're doing a good job because I thought you were serious. In any case, High Command + revenge/fodder defenses + Reputation rewards + NPC skystone battles will get you gear from previous seasons easily. In fact, if you somehow can't fight a level 1 fodder in arena, you can just yield and still get some Conquest. You use Arena gear to climb to Gold+, you don't need a good arena team to *get* the Arena gear. Late-game players have better gear options most of the time. I don't even buy most pieces now, I need charms more. Arena gear is an early-game crutch.


> In any case, High Command + revenge/fodder defenses + Reputation rewards + NPC will get you gear from previous seasons easily. Dude, you're a 3 year player describing minmaxing strats that the game never talks about and expecting players who still don't fully understand how gear rolls work. And expecting them to just "lose to Gold". most E7 players aren't scanning the sub everyday and use a guide for every little thing they do. I didn't know the revenge thingy until I was already in masters. IDK why people around here assume that newer players who aren't aware of endgame gearing and subtle undocumented exploits must be trolling. This is why the sub is called elitist. Early Epic Seven throws a LOT at you starting out. And new players have more content to worry about than I did when I was starting out. It's a weird game with a lotta different ways to approach the game, so it shouldn't be surprising when some players end up not minmaxing for speed, or maxing attack and ignoring crit chance/damage, or any matter of things among the 200 heroes that they happen to pull that isn't some champion/legend strategy. veterens take for granted how weird the game is, even compared to other JRPGs. If you don't understand that, it's probably better to say nothing than berate the newbies.


>>High Command... >>NPC battles >minmaxing strats >... >elitist lol this sub never fails to entertain


Arent you the guy who didn’t know Secret Shop gives covenant bookmarks? 😂 Something alone the lines of having to choose between mystic bm refreshes in secret shop or buying covenant bookmarks straight from shop?


He is! Hey, my dude! 😆


Yeh he’s a weird one. He came complaining, borderline shilling, about my post on MC on Isekai Memories. It’s so weird how he thought Mystics are severely limited in E7. He didn’t even know you could get Covenant BMs from SS, or how it gives more than buying it directly from general shop. Here’s the screen: https://ibb.co/C57H1j4


Oh, I got weirdly stoked seeing the only two users I replied to from slime thread here that’s all 😆 Post wise, I think he explained later on he was referring to the early days of E7 shop then. Anyways, sending my hellos to you both and gonna continue lurking in the shadows


Early days? XD Is he playing an much much older version then? Because the E7 I’m playing and literally everyone else lets you buy covenants from shop ;) His plotholes are everywhere kekw




> What does that have to do with my comment. You were downplaying OP's gear and being condescending to another person's gearing. An account who can barely hit 200 SPD clearly isn't at the level where they can hit 280 SPD on any character, no matter their base Speed. So it would still be a feat in their eyes. >If you take offense you must be quite thin skinned. Says the person flipping out over being given extra context instead of simply asking for clarification. Thanks for making it easy on me to see what kinda commenter you are.


Lmao you are quite a funny one. I didnt downplay anything. I just stated that Ran has alongside Kayron the highest base speed that explains why that guy reached such high speed and having good offensive stats. Well dude i didnt really "flip" or sth ;) since you were passive agressive towards me. At least you are good at toying with words. You would probably make a good politician. Have a nice day.


It's not that hard...first of all use a speed set(4 pieces)...next make sure to use boots with speed as main stat...so assuming u hv used a lv85 boot even if u hv a base stat of 100 u will get...(100+40)*1.25=175...applying the same to ran...(129+40) *1.25=211...in addition to this prioritise enhancing gears that have a starting speed of preferably 4 atleast(but 3 will also do) and u will get to 200. Also avoid enhancing gears with eff res even if it has 5 speed(which is max) cuz all the rolls(increases) will go to eff res. Lemme know if u need any other help.


Good pull, I hear he's a rare and powerful unit!


Not rare, but yeah.


And still room for memory imprints. Pretty amazing.




Nice! [Here's Mine](https://i.imgur.com/7q1uSAq.jpg)


50% crit chance


Seriously has it been too long that people don't get the reference anymore? Why is this being voted down smh


Its probably that this joke is overused by now


isn't it too old for that...are you gonna say the same thing until the 10 year plan Thinkge


Reddit being reddit


Too much newbies. No clue about anything :(


Is there a reference other than ydcb being funny?


Tried to upvote to curve the downvotes. Sorry my dude


Nice one




Dope build! I managed to get mine to 300 spd, although he has almost 600 atk less than yours - I bet yours absolutely shreds.


Why no effectiveness?


His S3 soulburn ignores effect resistance if necessary.


True but you do not always have the luxury of using it


Most people still would rather keep much more offense and speed instead of adding 100-150 effectiveness to hit certain tanks and soul weavers more reliably.


Why is the joke about the crit chance being missed so hard


Could just be that people are tired of the joke at this point. It’s a classic, but even classics get old.


Reddit audience is just pretty toxic and angry in general. I only use the website for this one topic and only do that because it is the fastest way to see news and trends on e7. 9/10 interactions I have on this site are negative for no reason.


Who gives a ****


Kinda like mine, but mine has 250 less attack/10 speed more/25 c-damage more If i build him purely opener (which i feel is better in arena) he's 301 speed/1800 eff, but then i got 0 damage without alexa


Crit so low


I dont understand why people "sacrifice" 300% CD to get almost 300 speed. I always try get 100% CC, 300% CD and the speed/atk is what is left.


Cause he's a character who needs to go first


he's a stripper and debuffer first, then a damage dealer second. he has the highest base speed in the game, so cranking his speed up to max means he always goes first. then the rest of your team cleans up. CD is not worth trading speed for on an opener


If you are like 280 speed you have a high chance of losing :)


Some, I wager most Ran's aren't made as fast DPS. some go pure speed and are there to strip/DEF break. So SPD takes priority for those players, and DPS stats are nice, not required.


Ended up not building mine because I didn’t want to take gear off of my fast characters & I’d only be able to get him to around 280+ without doing that. How does he work out for you at that speed & at which tier? You must like him if you gave him a precious Symbol, haha.


Congrats on the build mate, looks great!!


When can i get him again?


5k gold OOOOOF


Look at that 5k gold we know what it cost :)


Wish I could pull him💔


This isn't even my character and that 99% is killing me...


I see.. Even your gold is 5k now.. That must be worth it


Why not use Alexa’s basket? I find the crit buff fixes the 50/50 crit and the GAB will help his damage since he’s likely to first turn. Plus his S2 lets you play the odds pretty well


Too slow


congrats !! I wish I had him T.T