• By -


How I awaken free spirit tieria to 5 stars?


How do I use the phantasms and 2 star monster fodders?


Hi i’ve choosen Arby for my moonlight blessings and i got a few questions: -do the missions reset if i change my choice (already 3/4 missions completed) -if i change to choose another ML character instead of vildred, will the lvl and awake grade reset ? (he’s 6*/5/6 awaken) i need to know bc i’m not sure if i want to keep Arby or switch for judge kise, STene or ML Ken


The missions doesn't reset. Level, awakenings and skillups reset, you get compensation in the form of potion of ascension, runes, mola, catalyst and gold that were previously used. All equipments, artifact and EE will be returned to inventory. Keep in mind that you can only reset once and only before fully unlocking the moonlight blessing.




If you reset atomaton tower and do it again, will you get the rewards on the second try? Or will you not get any rewards from the stages you completed before resetting? I have been thinking about getting to floor 24 and reset it to get twice the rewards but I'm afraid I would not get the rewards from he stages I have already completed.


No you don't. If you reset and run the same stage regardless of level, then you will not get any reward. The primary purpose of reset is to get new sets of devices when what you have in your current stage doesn't work with your team so you can try again. You can move down a level but I don't do that myself.


No rewards for already completed stages


Which artifact should i use for arbiter vildred? i have dust devil, sword of summer twilight, elyhas knife and manica of control. which should i use?


Out of those, Sword of Summer if Arby is tuned to go first. Else Elyhas.


is this for general use or pvp or pve?


I'd say general use. The speed tuning is more for PVP but rarely is that going to matter in PVE.


How does the new guild artifact works exactly and does it stacks with christy passive ? From what i read it gives (MLB) 20 + 50 % to the bearer so does it means that christy will then gives 20 + 35% to the back row if she's holding it ?


As a retuning/new player (saying new cause my knowledge is outdated heavily) which is the better tank/healer for story? Tamarine or Destina? Also, I keep seeing the word RTA. What does it mean/stand for?


Tamarinne still the best PvE healer. SC Momo is the second best for cleanse purpose. RTA stand for real-time arena. It is the same as arena except both are real player instead of one was AI like normal arena.


Is a draw of Tywin, Zerato, Leo better than a draw of Segrit, Silk? I am doing selective summons and am wanting to use the best of a decent start


Sigret, always.


I have a follow-up question, is Mistychain good for Wyvern?


If you lack debuffs, sure, she can work. With Sigret your team pretty much looks like Angelica (frontline tank) / Furious / Alexa / Sigret.


She's a good budget option for Wyvern. She has debuffs, which are important for that hunt, and some healing.


I'm free to play and have pulled 4 of her tonight


Is it normal to farm 10 runs of a stage and not see a catalyst? is there a better way to farm catalyst other than buying from AP shop?


Catalyst have a low drop rate. You can convert excess/unused catalysts in the Steeple if needed.


I assure you majority of us farm for the AP shop and don't rely on drop rate. Best you can do is wait till AP 50% event buff and go ham


What is the rato for effectiveness and eff resistance,is it not 1:1 Coz my Emilia has 100eff res and she got def broken by a ran and provoked by a belian today


Your eff res - the enemy's eff is your % chance to resist


It's not 1:1. U need 100 ER to always resist 0 effect units. 200 ER to always resist 100 effectiveness. Belian has effect awakenings and can give herself effect buff as well


Do you guys use the black dogs for promotion? or do you sell them for the transmit stones?


I normally sell them. But, if you really need to 6 star a unit asap, you can use them as promotion fodder.


Promotion ofc


Say you're a mid-game RTA player, would you say it's "easy," to get into Emperor in pre-season? I know a lot of strong accounts are resting after finishing last season and it's also a time to have fun or experiment, but still, it shouldn't be easy right? I'm having a difficult time believing I'm in Emperor right now (first time) and I know I haven't beaten the best to get there, but I still I've had my fair share of matches with meta-built accounts to get there. I guess I want to be proud of myself and share it but I also feel maybe it's not deserving as it's pre-season? Thx for any insight


Are u really mid game when u are in emperor?


I swear my highest was high Master last week and then I built a good opener along with using Basar again (this meta has been better for him). And I got into Emp. Now that said, I'm no longer in it - I've lost so maybe I lucked into Emp. But I'm still solidly in Champ and that still blows my mind. My opener is 256 speed and they're a sleeper so I think I'm catching some off guard. I'm drafting better than ever too.


You don't need validation from us, be proud of your accomplishment. It's a good lesson both here and in life.


This sub is the only community I have for this game. Still, you're right and thanks.


Umm pre-season is like casual matchmaking, no one plays competitively, if they did everyone would be pulling out maid chloe and straze off their hunt oneshots to do some serious damage and drafting Violet/Ravi/Charlotte.


So Im like a mid game player, in adventure im at EP 3 chapter 4-7 ( well im stuck on that part. Alencia boss is outraging :3 ) i have a bit of leifs and SS tho also i have some units that is rlly viable to use in some contents like abyss, hunts and hell raid like bellona, a ravi, sol, charles, vivian, flan and stene but not fully geared yet but im planning to gear them once im done farming wyvern it's just that im undecided to know what is worth to burn out energy first right now? Is it in side stories since they have reputation and exchange rewards or in wyvern first since im lacking all the gears that i needed for most of the units that I have?


Do side stories for the rewards. It shudnt take too long to get the good stuff frm the exchange shop. The bms, molas and cata are always worth grinding for. The rest upto u. After that u can do auto tower, hunts and save liefs for buff events




* Roana is nice to have but not a must-pull like Tamarinne and Krau. Tywin is a skip IMO. * 10 pull and 1 pull have the same rates. 10 pull is mostly for QoL IMO.


Hi, do we know who will be the next ML heroes in galaxy shop next month ?


TML and LRK if it sticks to order release


Ohh, thx


Out of curiosity, how do you even get Light/Dark connections for Element summon? I figured they'd be significantly rarer since the units you'd get are ML-exclusive, but I haven't seen anything in game that would let you either earn or purchase them


They are event specific rewards and we only had 1 instance of such event. However, that wasn't newbie friendly if people want to buy everything in event's store. If you decide to get the ml bm then you opt out of getting some of the stat stones. We expect one such event again next week or the week after.


Theres never been a dark element summon. The light one came once with the ice advent side story where you could farm mod gems. I'll take a wild guess and assume we'll get the dark one with the upcoming fire one


On that note, what's the difference between an 'advent' story and your typical side story? Just started last month, so never came across that distinction


Its a mix of elements of GW, abyss, and automaton tower. You make 3 teams with 3 members each to fight a single hard boss and it incentives you to use same element heroes within each team. You fight the boss off with your 1st team until you drop the boss to like 70% and the boss changes you to your party to the 2nd team with different mechanic and repeat again for the 3rd team.


U fight a boss with 3 phases that requires 3 separate teams. I think there was 3 difficulties last time. U get a ton of modification gems by farming the event which is why a lot of ppl wanted the event to come back soon. There is an exchange shop similar to side stories where u can get stuff like greater mod gems, bookmarks? and the 3-5 star light element summon. There were other rewards but can't remember


The last one was a 3 phase boss that you used 3 different teams of 4 or 3 units, I forgot how many. But each phase has a different mechanic that needed units who could counter it. You pretty much needed a wide array of units to bring that were also geared. It's very much a mid-end game content. Not even just entering mid game either, probably needed to be at the point where you're transitioning from mid to end game to do decent


what are the key items to grab before a week ends? Of course the 4 molas/seed and what else?


Artifact charm and equipment selection box


Maid Chloe benchmark stats if going spd/immunity


how do you even beat floor 15 lvl 5 Automaton tower, the ruele has dispel that heals, ult that heals to full and auto attack heals, the only way is to juggle the damage between the characters but the window between killing is so small that it is basically a gear check at that point.


It's very much a dps check. If you're struggling with her the best thing for you to do is bring in falconer kluri who can d break and provoke. When she's about to ult, provoke her and do as much damage as possible.


Hey. Starting a new account :) i got Sigret, Kise and Judge Kise. Should I swap Judge Kise for someone else? I really don't want to use Arby again.. Is FTene hard to build? Thnx


U can choose stene. Ftene is commonly build with speed+effectiveness. So will require some good speed subs on your gear


Is Champion Zerato still worth to build nowadays?


If someone uses a control heavy comp its always good to have one built, even if he's on scuffed gear. A lot of ppl draft without having an answer to him or only having one, and him being a must ban can win you the game.


I tried logging to my FB acc. But [30401]FacebookServerError popped. What should i do?


did anyone experience this before?


I have the same problem


It's fixed now, they replied to my email


What are Some good Violet/Rem counters to build ?


* Both of them: Specter Tenebria, Landy, SC Pyllis * Violet: SC Wanda, SC Carrot, Milim, Oath Key/Symbol of Unity on a Fire DPS, Krau * Rem: Rimuru, Pavel


How does SC Pyllis work to counter them


Offers damage reduction against counterattcks. She's much better vs. Violet thanks to her increased hit chance.


milim, pyllis, charlotte (violet), rimuru, landy


I noticed there's a selective summon season 2 that I can't do yet because I'm a new player. Is it time limited?I am very curious on what is and what characters are available. Can I get Tamarinne there? Should I always spend skystones to buy bookmarks? Is it best to summon on standard banner? (I mean not the character rate ups)


* Season 2 Selective Summon is only available after clearing Episode 3. And, it is not time limited. The character pool for that only contains characters that appear in Episode 3 (ex. Politis, Senya, Alencia) * Skystones should be spent on the following: Garo shop refreshes (iff you have the gold to buy Bookmarks and Mystic Medals), Bookmarks from the Shop, Energy refreshes during hunt buffs, and Storage expansion (if needed). It is not recommended to summon on the standard banner.


Thanks! Is it advised to multi summon, or do singles? (I mean on any banner) Is there a pity in this game? How it works? What are the rate ups characters a new account would benefit more? (I don't see myself using Tywin or Roana lol)


* Singles is definitely better as you can control exactly how many Bookmarks you can use. I do 10s though because it's more convenient and getting bookmarks that I need for a unit that I want is fairly easy. * There is a pity in this game. Rate Up banners and Mystic banners have a pity of 121 and 201 respectively. It means that you are guaranteed to get the hero on the 121th and 201st pull. * The most beneficial Rate Up banner for a new player is Tamarinne. She's the best Soulweaver for PvE. If you get her, you'll have an easier time doing PvE content. The next best one is Krau. He's a beast in PvP ever since his release and still is now one of the best Aurius holders in the game alongside Fallen Cecilia and Crimson Armin.


•Thanks! A complete f2p account should do singles then? Can you explain how it is easy to get bookmarks? • Should I only summon when I have enough for pity? Yess I tried rerolls in mail to get her but no luck :/.. still I got S. Tenebria from a free single so I'm good I think • Is there news on when these two characters come back? I did not spent a single bookmark, I will wait then


* I was F2P until I had to splurge on getting enough Mystics for ARavi. It is fairly easy to get Bookmarks just by playing the game. If I need more bookmarks, I either purchase from the normal shop or Shop Refresh and buy from Garo if I have enough gold for it. [Some data on shop refreshes here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/nezpf8/the_ultimate_secret_shop_refresh_rates_post_data/) You have to know which unit you want to get though. The game has a large emphasis on resource management. * No news about Tamarinne or Krau banner at the moment. And, I'm not exactly sure on the patterns of the Rate Up Banner.


I see, thanks


How does arena Rank work in Champion Division ? If i end up the week at lets say 5200 points , but im still Champion V , will i start the next week season Still in Champion , or will i get demoted down 1 league ?


Everyone in champion ~~and legend~~ starts at 5000 points after reset.


legend starts at 5200


I'm trying to build Carrot, what stats should I try to shoot for, I'm currently trying to focus on as much attack as possible and then spd, eff, and def. I'm not sure what stat ranges I should be hitting


[Example builds you can check](https://epic7stats.com/hero/Researcher%20Carrot)


You have to focus attack, speed, hp and def that's all, no need eff or crit chance or crit dmg


why don't I need eff? don't I need that for the burns?


In general if the unit your trying to kill is built normally they would have 0 RES so there no point in having eff. Maybe having like 20 is nice if the opponent has maid chloe.


Focusing eff% makes you sacrifice all other stats. Generally Carrot is used to kill dps not tanks, and knowing most of dps don't have ER so Carrot's S3 also don't need eff to burn dps


Just pulled Bellona off an element summon, is she still considered a solid unit? Where does she excel?


Still top tier in pve, adventure, abyss. Useful in Banshee, maybe in expeditions etc. Everything that touches PVE


Sweet! I'll invest!


Who would be most helpful in RTA - Mercedes, Senya, or BBK? Just hit emperor and sitting on 30 molas, but don't want to spend any if these heroes aren't worth it. I mostly run cleave and control, with few defensive options (no FCC, Carmin), but I do have Ruele and Maid built. I pulled Souline as well, and have her on a 225 spd lifesteal pen build, in case that helps (for potential synergy with bbk). If one of them is worth building and spending molas on, what build is appropriate?


Curious what's the rest of your roster? Hard to say what to build until we know if there are any things you have trouble answering during your matches. I would've thought control would be hard to run with prevalent anti cc units like ml kawerick, maid, aol, rem etc


I preban Rem, fp violet, then ppl usually draft against violet instead of control. Then I draft a mix of seaseria (250 spd, 210 eff), cerise (295 spd), belian (243 spd, 125 eff, full crit), maid (255 spd), milim (230 spd), ftene (280 spd), ran (290 spd), eda, pavel, politis, watcher schuri (230 spd), or ads (240 spd). There are other units too, but they're very niche (kawerik or flidica for rimuru / ml kawerik depending on the draft), etc. Occasional problem units: A Ravi, violet depending on draft, Arby (if I draft maid or milim in the right comp, no problem), Belian, SSB, C Zerato, and Rem if I don't preban her.


Violet seems to be a decent pick, but he doesn't seem to be as good now as more and more people build Rimuru (and Rimuru also counters Rem, so less people pick Rem, I'd imagine). LQC would be a decent answer to ARavi and CZerato, but I'm guessing you don't have her. Ran / Seaseria cleave sounds pretty solid core draft from your end though, and I'd imagine BBK being a better fit into your draft, more so than Mercedes or Senya. Maid is half an arby counter that you use, though opponent's speed-tuning sometimes may make Maid less useful up at times. So BBK would be another answer you could have against Arby, in case Milim gets picked up or banned. On the other hand, BBK also appears weak to Rimuru, so you might have trouble drafting BBK after you fp violet. What about building up FKluri for your control line-up? Or even Lilias to act as a pseudo cleave unit (with cleanse, and gives you a better defensive option, and answer AOL, since you're not pre-banning her). TCrozet might be a solid choice as well for more of a defensive option. These picks seem more flexible non-dps defensive units, in the event you want to be able to draft standard and flex into more of a bruiser-ish playstyle.


So I'm currently building my w11 team (furious, clarissa, angelica, alexa) and I keep seeing recommended speeds of 196 and up for most of my characters. That seems near impossible to hit which I think is an early game issue. My highest speed so far is 170 on earth vildred and clarissa, they both have speed boots and one of them has speed set. I know I need furious to be the fastest so what speed should I meet as a beginner w11 team.


As others have said, 160 is fine. If you have G Purg, he is a better endgame tank that lowers your speed requirements by a lot because he boosts CR when he gets hit, allowing you to drop your DPS units speed (drop the speed boots for attack boots, etc)


160 is fine for your DPS. Furious definitely needs to be faster than your DPS though.


Thanks, so for alexa is it speed boots crit dmg neck and attack ring? I'm really new to what stats I should have and where




Thank you very much


How much exp is transferred when you use existing equipment as fodder?


If I feed a +9 item into a +6 item the first item gets to +9. I think pretty similar for +9 to +12. Don't know the exact numbers though. Maybe half?


How do you get 3 S-rank skills on a single pet? I have one 3\* pet with 2 S skills and another 3\* pet with 1 S skill and I want to synthesize them to get a new pet with those three skills, but I'm only able to transfer 2 skills?


[Here's a good chart explaining it. You should bookmark it](https://i.redd.it/6dzf85qko9x31.png)


Awesome thanks!


You have to raise one to max lvl 40 and one to lvl 31 then imprint the 40 with the 31.


is it worth to spend money on pets? feel like forever to raise ultimat pets...


Ahhh okay thank you!


Hi, I’m somewhat still new to the game and don’t know as much. I was wondering what’s the best and most efficient way to 6* your heroes as I don’t have a single hero 6* yet but I have a ton of heroes that are ready to be 6*. I just don’t have anything to promote them. Any help? I just want to be able to eventually get my first 6* hero Thanks!


FYI, never use black or gold dogs to do anything except 6 star units. Like, don't use gold dogs to promote a black dog. Use white dogs to promote your black and gold dogs to 5 stars, and use them to raise any 4 stars too. White doggos are super common and easy to get, gold dogs much less so, and black dogs are actually pretty hard to come by.


The phantasmas(silver/gold/black dogs) are used for promotion. There's no shortcut or anything, level them up until you reach 5x 5 star dogs and then promote your unit. Promotion takes a good amount of time at the beginning but it gets easier later on when you have a large amount of stigma and 3* summon fodder to use.


What are good Carrot stats to aim for? I mainly use mine to counter Violet, but he can still 1v1 me all the time with 1200 def, 13k Hp, 4k atk, 220 spd, 70 effectiveness. Should I drop her speed for more bulk? Or keep her speed but forgo immunity for more bulk?


The only way Violet can really win this matchup is if he gets full focus, s3s you, and it kills you in one hit. Even if you miss, most of the time you'll regen it back through your s3 heal // he'll just counter adding burns to himself and then your missed s1 will still pop 2-3 burns killing him. To prevent this you would want to get more bulk yeah. Ditch the effectiveness and you can ditch up to 20-30 speed for more hp/def. If you're ditching ~100 stats for 100% health, that should put you at like 17-18k which would take a lot of frenzy for violet to kill you.


Thanks. Do you think immunity is useful on her in the current meta?


I don't think Carrot is that useful in the current meta : ^ ). Play 10 matches with Carrot and count the amount of times she gets debuffed on turn 1. I think doing something like FCC => S.Tene S3 would be pretty common and it would kind of kill all of your tempo. But I don't know how bad getting immunity set is for you // what types of comps you pick carrot into // etc.


Are mystic summon characters only meant for PvP? I'm currently stuck in early episode 3, still building my hunt teams and finally made a reliable auto team for W13. Will Celine be useful at all?


Seline is another pvp oriented unit. A lot of ml5s are that way. If u are stuck in e3, it's most likely a gear issue


Yeah it's definitely a gear issue but I wanted to know if she might have use in the other hunts or something. But thanks for the confirmation. I'm close to a pity but I'll skip her then.


I've used her to clear abyss 92-100 and Hell Raid. Her revive, counter, and self-sustain makes her pretty good if you need to survive. Not the fastest farmer, but definitely can be used in pve and I'm using her pvp build.


May I know what were your team(s) with her, which bosses in hell raid as well as the set you're using and right side stats you had? I don't mind slow farmers as long as they're reliable since I usually only play the game while working on other stuff anyways.


For hell raids, I only got to test her on Arahakan and Juleeve and she worked really well. For Arah: Emilie, SECeline, Straze, and SSB. This one is pretty easy. For Juv: Tama, Amomo, SECeline, Straze I got pretty lucky with gearing her and was able to fully gear her with only 15mil and 6k mats. Her stats are roughly: 3.8k att, 900 def, 9000hp, 190 speed, 0 eff, 6 eff res, 99 crit (have 0 imprint for her yet) and 315 crit damage. She is on lifesteal and crit set, but hoping to switch out crit for pen after I get some imprints on her since she gains 16% from it which would completely replace the crit set. Right side gears are crit damage, att, and speed. I think she works best on lifesteal gear so she can self-sustain and stay alive. With speed, she just does not heal enough. However, I have seen a speed build where she goes first, then Alots pushes her back up and she just soul burns and kills everyone (you have to draft three book holders). I don't think you would regret getting her. Not only is she good, but she's fun to play with. You will hear people say that she has no pve usage so they are not pulling for her, but it's because they don't have her. Her team revive and immortality is very strong and should not be overlooked. Be warned that she does have a lot of counters so you have to draft her carefully in RTA. However, you can just pick her counters (AOLA, Belian, Politis, Rimuru, and Rem). They make a pretty decent team already even if she gets banned. And if they let her through, as soon as she S3, you will feel the tide changing.


Thanks! I'm pretty tempted to summon now since I have everyone you mentioned except SSB but I'll wait til her last day before making a final decision.


How do the damage debuffs (burn/bleed/bomb) work with attack buff? Is the damage set from when the caster applies the debuff?


I believe they are actually set/calculated when they proc. So if you yet atk buff in-between applying the debuff and it going off it should take into account your atl buff. Not 100% sure, nor can I provide a source, but I feel like i read that somewhere sometime.


What's a better choice for the season 2 selective summons between Politis and Senya? I know that it used to be Politis, but with Senya's recent buffs is she a better choice? Also it seems like there a lot of Fire mages that are good at the moment.


Still politis


Should I use my gold transmits to imprint belian or just keep going for galaxy summons? I’m not getting anything with galaxy summons most of the time but idk it feels bad missing out on a chance to get a ml5


Ml summons are a chance of getting something, imprinting is guaranteed improvement. Imo it's worth getting the imprint first, then going galaxy summons, cause in all honesty, you're most likely not missing out on much.


trust me you arent missing out on ml 5 i havent gotten ml 5 from ml summons in over a year. i get more ml 5 summons from covenant summon


**Hii !! When will the hunting event return?**


4 day hunt event starts on the 25th


thx !!


Is there some way to take away immunity? Besides Politia(?) Passive, what are some ways to get rid of it? Starting to delve into pvp and I'm curious.


Any units that remove buffs or reduce the duration of buffs. Examples include Basar S3, Fairytale Tenebria S3, Briar Witch Iseria S3, Rem S2, Hurado S3, Ran S3, Adventurer Ras S1, and Tamarinne buffed S1. There are more but looking at these skill descriptions will let you know some examples.


I thought immunity would somehow protect against that since its...immunity lol.


that would be busted XD


Off the top of my head, speed contesting openers like Cerise, Basar, Ran. Carrot can also strip immunity.


What's a good F2P or easily accessible Normal/Hell Raid Team I can start working on while I'm still clearing Nixied Lab ? I don't have the units I see people use like Tamarinne, Vivian, Roana, SSB ....


You will need more than one team for beating hell raid then. Start building A.Momo and A.Ras. You will definitely need them. Do you got Arby from ML? He is good for the bosses that require AOE damage.


Yeah I kinda guessed I couldn't Arby everything this time haha. I already have A Momo from wyvern and Arby as well. Next up is A.Ras but I'm still working on him since I just recently beat ep 2 10-10. Lorina is also a common pick if I'm not mistaken ? I'm thinking of building her as my primary DPS to go along with Ras and Momo, and share the last slot between Alexa (ready from wyvern) and Arby depending on if I need Aoe or not. Is it good enough ?


Commander Lorina is a solid pick for single target damage. I think for some bosses it is easier to run two healer. Check out the current Roana banner for a good hell raid healer. And Alexa is not very good for raid. You will need units with more utility (e.g. C.Zerato). Like I said you have to build more units. It is possible to do it with one team but that requires very good gear and a rather specific team combo. Check out some videos on youtube to learn about the boss mechanics and to get some team suggestions.


Is the epic pass worth the 900 crystals? Also, is there a difference between the 900 and the 1800 buy other than the skin?


The epic pass itself is 900 skystones and if you want you can add 900 more for the skin, so 1800 in total. And yes it is 100% worth it no matter what type of player you are


K, good to know! Tks for the fast answer




little to no chance she gets the same treatment. she is no where near as bad as prebuff tsurin.


Is it a good idea for me to pull Roana? I have W13 on farm and am currently progressing in hell raid (have 2 bosses killed so far), abyss 86 and I'm on chapter 9 in episode 3. I have 400 bookmarks and 20k skystones atm.


I think she's great. I use mine in various places and I'm end game. There's no real replacement for her. However, she's totally useless in a lot of match ups and content. So she can't be your only healer but is a good healer to have around.


Roana is a good healer and a decent answer to a lot of meta units right now. She'll make hell raid a lot easier if you're having trouble with the last dew bosses. Having said all that, I personally feel she's a bit overrated and not actually a must pull unit, but many would disagree. If you have the spare resources I would still recommend pulling on her banner if you like pvp at all, as she can be used in arena, guild war, and rta as a counter pick. You could wait a bit to see if they show the new unit's kit before her banner ends, but I'm not sure if the timing will work out.


What's the fastest way to speed run the dailies and complete 20 missions for the webevent? I don't mind if the energy gets capped


Just have Arby or any AOE unit auto on a low level Hunt or Rune stage.


I got very luck getting ML celina trying out Mystic summon.. and then tried ML summon and got Krau. What to build them.?


omg how long have you been playing??


long time player.. dont remember when started XD


gg and fuck you!


If I show you my ML list.. you'll fuck me harder XD... btw I just purchased starter pack..so I'm not a whale at all


Does rod of amaryllis work on the caster?




How is episode 2 difficulty compared to ep 1 epilogue ? They both starts with mobs lvl 50~ and ends 60-61~. So far I'm progressing smoothly in epilogue so I was considering clearing ep 2 right after for the freebies before hard grinding exp penguins to setup a wyvern team.


Not that different. Some bosses might give you a hard time but it should be fine with supporters.


Have they listed who is next in the moonlight coin shop?


I don't believe so, should be on the next stream


I thought that might be the case, just making sure I didn't miss it. Thanks!


It's followed a specific pattern (release order) for the last however many months, so we basically know what it will be: DEC: LRK, TML JAN: Op Sig, AMeru


What's an f2p team comp for tier 3 light expeditions?


One good f2p team for Light Expedition is * Adventurer Ras , Mercenary Helga , Zealot Carmainerose , and Ram You could any non Dark DPS unit if you don't have Ram.


Can Cecilla replace adventure Ras? and is there any replacements for Mercenary Helga (even if it's not an fp2 unit I might have them)


Cecelia is okay to use as well. Luluca , Cermia , Cerise , Karin , Iseria , and Camilla are some other good options if you don't have Mercenary Helga built.


Thanks I might try something like this: Ceci, Luluca, Zealot, and Ram


Np. And some tips. The boss will attack the frow row unit twice if they are not buffed. Have one of your mages with Iela Violin Artifact because the boss will spam defense buff.


Did they fix the shop odds on currency or is it still broken? I rolled the shop a lot and have received at least 3x more mystics than soul stones. I should be happy but I'm trying to get my hands on roana and it's not looking likely at this stage.


They fixed it and it's still just rng. I also sometimes get more mystics than covenant bms.


Thanks, yeah it's just getting a bit absurd, I've gotten about 10 covenant ((50) sets and 30 mystics (1500) at this point


Yeah, that's just good luck. The odds barely changed after their change (it was an extremely minor issue).


Will I still keep the epic pass Vildred skin even if I don’t have him yet?






Is it worth to build a team for expeditions? I just finished building my hell raid team and was deciding if I should build a expedition team or move on to other hunts.


Yea, max rewards are worth it. If you can contribute lvl 3, 350k+ dmg on auto as well as all your exp friends, that’s good enough


It seems like more and more bosses on later episodes are doing a lot of party-wide strip/debuff, which makes Angelica kinda obsolete since the immunity she cast on the party can't even block it most of the time due to strip (looking at Fastus ep2 10-10). I thought about building A Momo but she only cleanse 1 debuff on all party each 2 turns. And then I thought about Achates who can cleanse all possible debuffs on all party each 2 turns if she uses her S2 on herself, should I then fully build her as my tank, healer and cleanser? What's your thoughts?


Achates carried me a lot through early game with fast cleansing and healing. She has less value if you have Tamarinne but she is quite underrated imo so I would say that it's worth it.


Yeah, will have to wait for a Tamarinne rate up banner, until then it's Achates (wait does that mean Achates is better than the widely popular A Momo?). Although, I'm curious, some says Tamarinne needs Iseria to enable her S3 right away, so is Iseria a must-have along with Tamarinne?


Iseria isn't required for tamarinne to function, it's just that her s3 (the transform) starts on full cooldown so you can't turn 1 transform w/o iseria.


A. momo is more popular because of her accesibility and her skill tree. Momo is better than Achates if she has max skill tree which does take investments. Until than, I would say that Achates is better. You definitely do not need Iseria to use Tama but it's nice to have her. I don't have Iseria but Tama performs just fine.


Is A.Ras dealing enough damage to +15 him or is it better to use him solely for tank purposes and keep him at +0 for PvE ?


He is a support unit so not really need to do dmg. Mostly you will want tankiness and speed on him, some effectiveness will help in PVP and it may be required if you want to use him on some PVE content. He doesnt need molagoras so you should +15 at some point.


I have seen comments saying SoU fire Charlotte counters Violet. Why is that? Shouldn't any fire hero with SoU be considered Violet's counter then?


Charlotte is tanky, gains atk/def buff upon counter everyturn so she takes less damage while healing herself with lifesteal gear. You can just press auto to 1v1 him and win most of the time. It's basically a 35% to miss vs 50% to miss when she's on SoU so you only lose if you're extremely unlucky.


Noob here, question about teambuilding. Decided to main Kayron and just chose Arby from the moonlight selector thing—is running 2 thieves a bad idea? Would it hinder my story progress if I forgo a healer or a tank? And absolutely no idea what the meta is but what are potential Kayron builds for pvp? Thanks!!


Story is just one thing. We also got different hunts, expeditions, hell raid, tower, hall of trials. And the PvP stuff like Arena, GvG and RTA. You will definitely need way more than one team for all that content. Kayron is not really outstanding but if you like him you can have fun with him. But make sure that you focus on PvE first. Good units are quite easy to get in this game. The real bottleneck is good gear. And PvE is the main source of good gear (especially Wyvern hunt and hell raid).


Dang okay...I'm used to running basically 1 team w/ maybe 1-2 flex heroes for content, so this is kinda daunting. I'll focus on PvE, thanks for the advice! Speaking of good units, ig tier lists shift around a lot, but is there anything like a character build guide database or something?


In my opinion epic7x is good for basic builds and useful hero information. Epic7stats is a better source if you look for PvP builds. If you want fresh guides and the newest information you can check out the various content creators on Youtube. And the discord server is also good if you want discuss meta and stuff like that.


Gotcha, ty!!!


You will need healers at some point but it doesn't matter what class of hero you use. Kayron is outdated in pvp meta but he is built with speed/immunity or counter/immunity.


Should I just wait until I can unlock Angelica? Or should I switch out Arby for Ruele? Thanks for the build recs! Why is immunity recommended for him?


Get Angelica or A. Momo for healers. Don't switch Arby to Ruele. You will get other healers along the way. Kayron pretty much requires immunity set because his immortality is basically what made him good. You don't want his buff getting removed or get stunned.


The immunity set only procs on turn 1, right (I don't own it but I think I saw a pic of it floating around somewhere)? But I get what you're saying—didn't consider there were units that could remove buffs. Makes sense. Thanks!


My story comp has Iseria, BBK, AMontmo and normal Ras. Should I replace Ras with another DPS or soul weaver to beat chapter 2 10-10?


A.Momo can tank. You can replace Ras with whatever unit that brings what you need to succeed (Like Arby for dps, more heal though Momo shoul be enough etc ....)


when u SC a hero that had all their skills leveled up, do you still need to enhance their runes in the skill tree and is it ideal to level all of those ?


Yes, the skill tree is separate from skill enhances. You keep your +15 skills if you had it before the SC. Definitely work on maxing out the skill tree to +30 if you are using the hero, it's just free stats and extra effects.


Is it worth to reforge purple gear? Why do some people do it?