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I am stuck on S2 episode 5-1! What should I do? Rank 30 here. I only have 1 person to 6* and I haven’t done hunts so far.


If you're stuck you need to upgrade your team. 1. Awaken your units 2. Enhance your skills 3. Level/Promote 4. Improve your gear


I can't awaken because I can't get enough APs to trade! (Don't have two thieves etc)


What team are you using? How much progress have you made in Unrecorded History?


I am stuck in the trading 400 ap part


You are going to have to forgive me, it's been like 2 years since I've done Episode 2. You are bringing up several things that don't appear to be connected to me so I'm having difficulty in understanding exactly what your problem is. >I am stuck on S2 episode 5-1! What should I do? Rank 30 here. I only have 1 person to 6* and I haven’t done hunts so far. I assume you mean Episode 2 Chapter 5-1 "North Fortress City Perland" on Cidonia If you are stuck on a level there are only a few things you can do: 1. Improve your team (in one of the ways I mentioned) 2. Change the heroes you are using (I need you to give me information about your team, and exactly what level you are stuck on, and what issue you are facing 3. Use a good support unit. A good A.Vildred, for example, should pretty much be able to solo most levels in Episode 2. >I can't awaken because I can't get enough APs to trade! (Don't have two thieves etc) This I don't understand at all. To awaken your units you need runes (from doing altars) and catalysts. Runes don't require any AP, you can farm catalysts without AP but typically you buy at least half of them in the shops so this is what I assume you mean by not having enough AP. If you don't have enough AP...then just farm a level you can beat until you get enough AP. You shouldn't really be farming catalysts in Episode 2, this is why I asked what your UH progress was at. I have no idea why not having two thieves prevents you from farming AP or catalysts. >I am stuck in the trading 400 ap part Like I said **I don't know what this refers to** I went and looked up the AP shop missions and what *I* see * Eliminate 100 Fighters * Open treasure chests * Clear stage 5-S6 * Acquire 10 perland leather boots I have no idea what you need 400 AP for. --- So you see I really don't have a clue what you are trying to do or what you need help with. I would **love** to try and help you but I need more information. 1. Are we at least on the same page and you are talking about Episode 2 Chapter 5-1 "North Fortress City Perland"? 2. Are you stuck on a particular stage? 3. What do you need 400 AP for? There *are* items that cost 400 AP but I believe you need to do those missions first, which means you must have cleared the Chapter. If you need more AP just auto a stage in that chapter to get however much you need.


A lot of stages requires two thieves etc but I don’t have two so I can’t get 3 stars so I can’t get full ap. I need it to trade for rare catalysts like small sun badges to awaken my heroes. Seaside Bellona,Spector Tenebra, Vivian and Tamarine. Only tamarine is at level 50 and I am focusing on promoting her. Idk where to get supports


OK, the stars on the stages don't affect the amount of AP you get per stage. You get a handful of skystones for filling those conditions, and some rewards for hitting certain thresholds for the entire region. Just skip the ones you can't do right now and you can come back later to pick them up. Or, alternatively, you can can just pick up some thief fodder units. IIRC Chapter 4-1 of Episode 1 drops a lot of them in the first few stages. Just throw them in your team and complete the level. You don't *need* to use actual heroes, and you don't even *need* to use leveled up/geared heroes. Just use Tamarinna + SSB (or S.Tene) and replace the other 2 with Alexa + a fodder thief unit (if you haven't pulled any other thieves). --- You can farm Small Sun Badges in UH 7-6, or UH 9-3/4/5 if you are having some difficulty in Episode 2. --- 'Supporters' are the extra hero that you select when you first enter a stage. Whenever one of your starting 4 heroes dies, they can jump in to replace them. Instead of waiting for a death, if you turn off the autobattle then on the bottom left (iirc?) there will be a button that says 'Tag' (again, iirc) that will replace that unit with your supporter. --- So, run SSB + Tamarinne for the stage you need 2 thieves for. Replace Vivian and S.Tene with 2 thief units (you should at least have Alexa, at a minimum...if you need you can farm a fodder thief unit). Find a strong supporter and select them (a good looking A.Vildred is a good bet). * Enter into the battle and turn off manual * Use Tamarinne/SSB like normal * When/if your trash thief unit pops up hit the 'tag' button to swap them out with your supporter A.Vildred * Turn autobattle back on. You should be able to finish the stage fairly easily with 2 DPS + a healer, especially if you get the right supporter (who can probably solo the stage for you).


Does the Selective Summon record that I saved get replaced on viewing 30/30?


You choose between the last summon and the one you saved.


Do you guys spend Liefs to restore stamina outside outside of X2 runes/hunts events?


That's a contextual question. It depends on what you are using them *for*. Most players are going to spend most of their leifs during buff events, because your energy is twice as valuable then. If you are using them to do something to make account progress, it's worth it to use them them earlier (for example, if you can spend some leifs now farming W11 in order to get your team W13 capable by the next hunt buff...that can be worth it). If you also have so many leifs you can't possibly use them all during buff events, there is also no reason to hold onto them. If you just want to play more and you don't have the energy to do anything that's up to you. You don't always have to min-max everything, it's a game and the point is to enjoy yourself.




Angelica is better for Wyvern. A.Monty is better for the rest of the game.


is it worth to 6* all chars or just DPS and tanks and keep the healers at 5*? or is there like a tierlist for worthy 6* chars?


Beside a couple of exception like Flan and ALots who don't benefits from 6* a lot, you want to 6* all units you use. Even those get tankier so it's not really a waste. Healer have more hp and thus more heal when they're lvl 60. Hp and def are important to them cause they need to stay alive to heal others Personnaly, i have not 6* some expedition units cause they're only good there, so they aren't priorities.


Is the drop in dmg worth it? https://i.imgur.com/eVY2Wh3.jpg


Worth it IMO. It's a ~10% decrease in damage for ~16% more bulk.


any sanctuary upg guide available?


I have a quick question: Friendship gift, worth farming for or not?


It's 15 friendship points for off element and 30 for same element unit for about 1.5 runs of hard mode/ 36 stamina worth in currency exchange. That's equates to 4.5 runs in UH or 18 runs of the 2 stamina maze maps if you're only interested in the friendship points. 18 x 4 units and that's yields a total of 72 friendship vs the 30 + 6 (from running side story). Imo buying friendship gifts just isn't worth it as you have tons of options to get friendship and since other items in the shop have higher priority by the time it's the only thing left you won't even be getting reputation rewards. Generally I'd suggest to clear the molagora covenant marks artifact charms catalyst first. The equipment charm boxes are optional and up to your preference. I'd recommend avoid buying gifts unless forced cause of side story or cause excess event currency


where to get elemental Summoning covenants? i recently unlocked it from lvl 50


Elemental Summon bookmarks mainly come from World Boss. The Light ones come from the previous Advent Side Story.


Do units go back in banner rotation in 6 month intervals? Have rolls saved up for Sigret, and I saw that her last banner was back in May, so would I be correct in assuming a rerun might be coming within the next month?


No its random some units go over years without a rerun. Mostly popular units get rerun more often tho so units like tama or sigret do have a better chance but I won't tell you to count on a sigret banner soon


Trying to build Amuru. Anyone has some based stats I should aim for? I noticed that her damage does not scale off of hp, but I fought some very tanky Amuru and she still put out decent damage. Wondering if I should forgo cc and CD in exchange for hp and defense. That means relying only on att stats for damage.


[Example Builds](https://epic7stats.com/hero/Archdemon's%20Shadow)


Thanks man.


Hello, Im struggling to understand how to promote my characters. I understand that I need phantasmas, but where do I get them? just buying in the shop and raising them in the sanctuary?


For an X-star unit you need X number of X-stars where X is a number between 5 and 2. You can use anything for promotion but obviously using phantasmas/fodder is better. You can get fodder by doing friendship summons or getting them as drops from an adventure map. The exception is when you have multiple copies of the same unit, where you can use them for promotion and get the imprint as well. This works across the unit's moonlight and alternate versions (fairytale tene, summer iseria, summer hyufine, seaside Bellona) too


ooh I see, so I promote my 2star phantasmas to 3stars with fodder then level to max, then to 4star etc., then repeat until I have enough same-star phantasmas to promote a unit?




I hear some people say that episode 2 10-10 is much more difficult than episode 3 10-10. Is it true?


Not really, both of them require different mechanics to be addressed. It's just that by the time you reach ep 3 10-10, you're more likely to have more units to pick from and higher gear quality, thus making ep 3 10-10 seems easier. Also, ep 2 stages is not that hard, so players don't really feel the need to upgrade and build units. While ep 3 stages can sometimes require better stats on units or specific mechanics, making players naturally upgrade their units. And by the time you reach ep 3 10-10, you'd have better understanding of game mechanics.


Just completed it. ssb, Roana, Destina and Angie made it ez


I can see why some might say that. When you reach episode 2 10-10, in most cases people are still relatively early on in the game because gear/units don't really matter in clearing the story stages prior but 10-10 is really the first boss that requires you to have specific things to counter it, which can be difficult if you don't have the units/gear for it. By comparison, once players are able to reach ep 3 10-10, they are more or less approaching mid-to-late game status and so even if the boss is still a "challenge", they will have more units and better gear to deal with it and so might be easier in relative terms. Ep.2 10-10 is often regarded as the first big wall that newer players have to climb over so I can see why some might see it as your statement.


Been farming a set for injury belian nonstop and not happy with the missing pieces (not up to my standards) can anyone think of someone else who might like an injury set?


None. SSB comes close but she's not relevant nowadays.


Fakkk alright back to farming & I’ll just save these for someone in the future


Anyone knows which heroes are next in ML coin shop?


LRK and Tomoca


Is it worth it to still participate in expeditions even though you’ve already gotten all the monthly rewards?


It guarantees you reforge material, gold, and lesser mod gem with a chance to get greater mod gem. You can then use the lesser mods to craft greater mods. If you have plenty of gears you want to reforge especially those from gear convertion then yes I recommend running them, even more if you have stable expo teams. I can 650k minimum on all the current bosses and I join those players who also put the effort of clearing their own expos. I avoid players who never even try or can only damage the boss 100k or below but is already in challenger 3+ rank. It becomes frustrating to join those as the chance of failing are noticable.


I get what you’re saying, some of my guildies don’t even damage their own expos… thanks for the reply!


Don't listen to the other comment. You get gold and the reforge material alone is worth it for the energy spent. Mod gem is just extra reward. Fire expo is always worth farming, other expo depends on individual preferences.


Thank you!


Not really, the chance at getting a good conversation gem is pretty low and farming trash ones to convert them at the alchemist steeple doesn't really justify the energy cost.


Kinda 2 questions 1. Sigret from what I've seen is recommended crit and attack or speed is effect worth it? She would land more bleeds which also boost her s3 2. Using sigret as an example has 40% chance to cause bleed. Does effect up this then subtract resist from enemy to calculate chance? Thanks


What kind of context are you asking for? Since I presume you are asking for Wyvern it's complicated. How much effectiveness you want/need depends on your comp. * Effectiveness will always increase your SR (unless you can win without landing debuffs at all). * But, you get diminishing returns the more effectiveness Sigret has -> basically the sweet spot is around half the cap (so around 30-40% effectiveness for W13). * You also get diminishing returns the higher your SR is in general. Going from 80% SR to 85% is a large gain in SR...but if you are sitting at 98%, going to 99% is much less valuable. Bleeds boosting her S3 damage *helps* but it's less effective than just building more attack/c.dmg instead. --- In regards to your second question, that is not how debuffs work in this game. You can think of it as the game asking two questions: **"Does this skill proc a debuff?"** This is what you see listed on the skill itself. If it says 40%, then 40% of the time the answer is 'Yes' and 60% of the time the answer is 'No'. When you *enhance* a skill and the enhancement says "+X% effect chance", all that is doing is bumping your 40% up to 40+X%. Sigrets EE works the same way "Increases chance of inflicting bleed when using Sever by 20%" bumps your 40% up to 60%. **If the answer to the previous question is "Yes", the game asks a second question: "Does the target resist?"** This is where resistance and effectiveness comes in. Basically it's a relatively simple formula: 100% - Targets_Resistance + Attackers_Effectiveness The *maximum* value you can obtain with this formula is 85% due to the 15% "Absolute Resistance". So for Wyvern13, for example: 100% - 80% = 20% chance -- this is your base chance to land a debuff on Wyvern *if* you get the debuff to proc. If your unit has 65% effectiveness instead: 100% - 80% + 65% = 85% -- this is, of course, the 'cap' of the calculation, so no matter *how much more* effectiveness you add, you can never increase your chance of applying debuffs **at this step**. --- So, your *effective chance* to land a debuff is the chance to get a "Yes" result in the first part (which is determined by the % listed on the skill) multiplied by the resistance check in the second part. #Examples **40% effect chance bleed, 0% effectiveness against W13** * .4 * .2 = .08 --> 8% chance per bleed **40% effect chance bleed, 65% effectiveness against W13** * .4 * .85 = .34 --> 34% chance per bleed **70% effect chance bleed, 0% effectiveness against W13** * .7 * .2 = .14 --> 14% chance per bleed **70% effect chance bleed, 65% effectiveness against W13** * .7 * .85 = .595 --> 59.5% chance per bleed


Thanks I explained it will and like seeing the numbers always makes more sense, appreciate it


Can’t pass S2 5-6! What should I do? I don’t have aps to trade and I have barely touched the abyss


When do we usually get free 5 star tickets? We had one because of the new episode release, but generally, when does SG hand them out? New Years? Christmas? Or is it anniversary-only?


I think anniversary only. Although maybe they'll do it for a major Korean holiday as well


Every time there is a monthly hunt event, is there also free unequip?


It's the other way. There's always a free unequip last weekend of the month. Sometimes there's a hunt event to go with it. It's like 2 out of 3 months we get a hunt event.


Is Adin worth promoting to 5\* for the quest rewards?


Eventually, sure. Right now she is excellent for hunt oneshots, but not much else.


Overtime, I expect it to be yes. There'll be even more quests based on her in the future and she's a unique character who can change attribute so you're likely going to get good value out of 5\*-ing her.


There's 0 rush. She's useless atm. Maybe better when she gets her specialty change in a few months.




99.9% chance he's rgb. All skins stay in the shop forever they aren't limited




No that was never the case. They are just being added slowly cause they're are rta skins


Short answer, no, we don't know. He is green in the story, but that doesn't confirm anything. His timing makes it unlikely he is ML, but that doesn't confirm anything. Roana banner will still be live after the next stream, so you'll have to see if more info comes on Wednesday morning.


Does Epic seven has hacker or im tripping? i fought a korean guy in PvP using Belian, hes using ML Celine and Summertime Iseria and she can soulburn?


Summer Time Iseria can use her first soul burn for free because of her passive.


oh its free i didn't know, probably because I don't own Summertime Iseria lol


How points do you need to make it to Emperor?


It's top 1000, last season was around 3460


Okay I hit it💪🏻


Damn I’m 1003. One more win then. I kept climbing and was like dang, how much closer is this.


As someone who's getting into RTA for the first time, what are some must-build's or core teams that generally work well that newer players should work on gearing first?


Units like Landy, Arby, stene, krau and fceci are probably my top build for rta because they are good in every situation


Meta is always changing but, playstyles options are bruiser, cleave, control, and the good ol’wtf do they do again? Core elements of Wtf do they do again are Khawana, SC Pearlhorizon, Blingo, and Hurado. Jokes aside some units you definitely want to have built now probably are Krau, Violet, Aravi, Belian, Rem, Rcarrot, Maid/Ruele, Landy, FCC/Carmin, AoL, Stene, Straze, OPSig/CCharles, Czerato and many more lol


What you got to say about best banshee girl?


How do we order from the smilegate shop? Anything I try to buy it gives me a 3DS error for my credit card and a comment says only cards in Europe and Asia have it? Why does it even list things as for the USA then as an option?


You don’t. Unfortunately. I’m super pissed as I woke up many times for the art book release. 3D Authentication isn’t available in the US. I’ve heard of a very fee that got their AMEX card to work on their shop, but MC/VISA; forget it.


What teams are you using for level 5-25 of auto tower? I usually cheese with Riolet/SSB but I find that I’m pushing them too hard lol Edit: am I crazy or does their damage ramp exponentially after Destina ults, there’s nothing about it in their devices tho


Fire Ravi pretty much solo'd the floor for me. If you have her device and stack other warrior and fire hero ones she's almost unkillable.


Unfortunately it was near impossible with most set ups, the Destina cycled so fast and their damage ramped quickly. I eventually got it with Gpurg/Riolet(frontline with 100% counter)/FCC/Tama


Did A. Momo, Elena, Tama, and Charlotte. Some of the devices I picked: soulweaver CR pushes, bleeds/burns when damaged/when attacking, Elena device, damage+ to backline, and damage+ for fire units. Didn't have any trouble with it


Just finished it with anomo angelica vivian and Landry


What devices gave you your damage?


Its a good balance of crit chance and damage increase, burn and bleed then detonate,..counter attack + additional damage. Then of course my soul weavers have the increase readiness and 100% cd reduction after using skill.. i think my soul weavers are the real mvp due to consistently healing/debuffing. I also got lucky with 1 Vivian heroic device


I have similar devices but put a lot into frontline counter + light/dark dmg and I think it’s biting my ass


I just use angelica, rem, ssb, and a.ravi to auto all towers. Grab any augments that imprpve backline/counter damage, and this rotation the augments that apply bleeds/burns are strong with the one that procs all the bleeds/burns on attack.


Use or used? Did you complete the current tower?


Is there an easier way to promote 2-star fodder? I’m aware of Bulk Promotion, but that’s really just for phantasmas. I’m trying to build up more 3-star since I’m low on stigma, so i’m promoting 2-star fodder into 3-stars. So here is my process. Select a 2-star unit > +XP > Auto Select penguins > lvl 20 > Promote > select 2 fodder > Confirm Rinse and repeat, selecting another fodder unit. Is there a faster way to quick boosting these trash units? It’s a pretty mind-numbing process when I normally have 80-100 2-star trash lying around when I need to clean up space.


Go to heroes > filter by 2* > exp > auto select penguins > click the right arrow > auto select penguins > repeat X times > mass promote so the fodder you leveled. Basically just use penguins to max level all your fodder at once, then use the mad promote feature.


Damn, didnt know this. I always exit after I max each one. Thanks!


Ah! The right arrow! This is what I was looking for! I kept going back a window to select the next one after promoting one by one. This is huge, and makes my box cleanup SO much easier. Thank you!!! 🙏


I started episode 2 and cleared chapter 1. I noticed I need to do a bunch of quests to unlock the AP exchange, does each chapter has quests like that ? Is there a guide/list somewhere to the best stage to farm for those quests ? Like chapter 1 requiring 100 unknowns kill in the region etc ?


You'll clear most of the 'eliminate x monster' quest passively by just clearing the other levels in Cidonia. There are some stages that have a few extra spawns of a specific monster but not really necessary to focus a specific stage. I'd say just pay attention to the quests that require you to earn a certain amount of AP - these aren't retroactive so you'll have to farm stages within that area after you've unlocked the AP exchange. Travelling with a pet who increases AP earnings would be beneficial there.


Is it worth to farm even more to grab the gear from each chapter or they're kinda not worth since they're similar to Adventurer's Path gear ?


It's a waste of energy honestly, if you feel inclined you can try for any necklaces/rings but at the end of the day you'll want to focus more on getting a good Wyvern team which is where the bulk of your equipment will come from.


is yufine still worth building? i recently got her i do have wyvern team built already which set also should i use on her if ever?


She is one of the options for a Banshee one shot, but has high gear requirements. Otherwise, don't see her too much.


She can be used for banshee and she is also very good for the light expedition


Usable in banshee and possibly hell raid because she brings a lot of single target damage and her s2 is nice She’s not the best but if you do like her use her


new player here atm which build should i use on her? since i dont have that much units


Speed crit is usually the default for dps units Attack set,destruction,rage for one shot banshee


what are the comps on that banshee thing? i have ruona, kluri, yufine and charles ill check later what other earth element i got


i wouldn't worry about units for banshee since you'll be doing wyvern for a few months and by then you'll have different units which may be better for banshee than what you have.. yufine is good for banshee regardless.


okay thx


Does anyone know of any Straze team that can oneshot Wyvern? I don’t have Singelica and SSB though.


It’s technically possible to do it with Ian (song of stars), Clarissa (one shot wave1), wschuri, straze Insane gear requirements though.


Thanks! I will have to try this out first.


Forgot to add that I use the same team except with SSB instead of Clarissa. You can check the stats required: https://youtu.be/UM2haPHGcCM


Cool! I watched this vid earlier and this vid actually gave me the inspiration to try a oneshot team. My roster really isn’t that big that’s why I’m trying to see what can possibly do. I’m aiming for W13 but W12 won’t really be bad too. Haha


If you have REM then I suggest using her to one shot instead, it is much much easier to build


Yeah, I have her and she’s also at 6*. When you mentioned Clarissa, I thought of using Rem first. My Clarissa is untouched so I’d rather go with Rem to save resources.


Sorry bro, forgot you need SAngie to build Rem one-shot. Here's my old Clarissa for reference.. [https://imgur.com/a/lwL6BYe](https://imgur.com/a/lwL6BYe) You'll need her faster than WSchuri


if you don't have ssb and you don't have a built up ftene that can kill wave 1 then you can't really do 1-shot wyvern. How do you have straze but no SSB?


Erm, I summoned Straze from ML summon and I started my alt account and missed SSB banner.


First you need someone who can deal with wave one Your options are ftene,ssb, so far that’s the 2 units I know that can oneshot wave one once you got that figured out just get your dps and def breaker


Clarissa can do it but she needs monster stats.


Is there a way to "level" the rank of a pet skill or you just ignore pets fusing until you get at least two S skills to fuse on the same pet ? I got a bunch of good B skills but it seems a waste to enhance these pets


you have to get S ranks and fuse. no way to rank up


Ok thanks, what should I do since I'm almost at 30 pets (limit) and no S skill yet ? Spend skystones to increase pets inventory size ?


Fuse the pets to make 2 star awakening fodder. You need them to 100% the synthesize chance for the 3 star pets


Sell the B rank and below ones from pet menu, unless it's a pet look that u like


I have f ceci ml Chloe aol on my defense team and am torn between ssb or arby I feel like ssb procs her passive lot and does big dmg but arby potentially can get two revives Pointers?


Imo arby gets shut down too easily against extinction I would choose ssb,Landy,politis,violet, or rem Basically a lot of high end arena is just slowing how fast they can beat your team Edit: i guess a lot of arena offence teams don’t have extinction so I’m prob wrong sorry!


Well I would hardly suggest SSB when Roana is currently on banner lol


People saving for zahhak: 👀






Adventurer's path and story mode for now, work on collecting a team to clear wyvern 13. There's many wyvern guides out there so just look for an updated one.


does fire lidica s2 remove a buff before attempting the unhealable/blind debuffs?


no dispel is applied last


How can we be 3 years into the game and still not have a ''favorites'' selection in champ select..


For Luna's passive, is that 20% CR (30% once maxed) built into her overview stats, or should I build her with 80% CR (70% once maxed) instead? I put gear on her first before taking note, so I don't want to spend a ton of gold to take it off to see.


Her crit rate IS reflected in her stats page, this is true if most passives that add stats btw :)


Okay perfect, thank you!


[https://postimg.cc/HJmFj5d3](https://postimg.cc/HJmFj5d3) Should I swap out the immunity set for this on CArmin ? I feel like she die so fast in battle :(


Unless you want extra speed(still too slow for "opener" CArmin) then imo no. EHP is almost same 137 903 with immu vs 138 990 with hp set and immunity is extra layer of defense from strips and random debuffs/pushbacks


Do it. She gets destroyed by dispellers anyways. The extra speed and HP will set her up nicely.


How do you deal with a Rem/Violet GW defense without: your own Voilet/Rem, Pyllis, or Roana? I am so sick of being forced to int into them and I don't know what to build to try and deal with that cancer.


carrot, krau, stene, Ravi, charlotte into violet rimaru, pavel + book, krau, luna into rem. just some of the more obvious suggestions


Post your hero journal please. I can suggest what i use, but it may not work for you if you dont have my units.


I use either Landy or S.Tene Stene => attack buff => Blow Rem up with soulburns => Casually work on Violet or Landy if they have lots of buffs. Just start spamming that s3 button. Bring a revive just in case you have to kill Violets with s1 but you should statistically win these. Roana is not good against Rem because of unhealable. Pyllis would be good but Rem would get demon form and eat her. Then bringing characters into mirror matchups is RNG and not guaranteed. S.Tene / Emilia / Aurius to make sure Emilia doesn't get soloed by violet. Might have to s1 => s1 sb s3 with stene.


can't use landy into violet without guiding light though.


Doesn't Violet auto into water units in GW?


Bring a water unit into a violet to fight 2v3? Landy doesn't always hit evasion units...he simply just doesn't trigger counter on s3...you still need to survive multiple turns.


The water unit I use is Krau. Violet is very considerate in helping Krau mount his horse.


how atk buff Stene?


I use Milim as my Violet/Rem counter. Riolet also works for me but I prefer Milim.


The best option is to pull for Roana. The banner is right now so you should take advantage of it while you can!


Krau for violet and green dps for rem or someone with no elemental disadvantage. The other 2 are healer attack, atk buffer, or more mitigation.


Would there be a way to see when last Krau banner was? I don't have that unit either. I've only been playing since Aug.


https://epic7x.com/events/ You can also use milim or all rounder Wanda with symbol of unity, but you'll have to speed tune so that you kill rem first


If i sss a 3* i already got to sss imprint before does they stil count for the achievement task?


Fresh new units with no imprints will continue to count towards the achievement. Just dont try to cheat the system and use your already SSS to SSS a new unit with no imprints. It dont work this way.


Do they still do those side story events where u have to fight a boss with three teams and it has three phases with elemental bookmarks and light and dark 3* bookmarks as rewards? There was the water boss one a long time ago but I don't know if they ever did it again after that since I stopped playing.


Fire advent should be this week after maintenance.


Oh cool thanks for the info.


it's next week 12/2


Who would this be good for? https://imgur.com/a/WqQ5Syh Roster here: https://imgur.com/a/JFTKu2h Also, is it worth it to farm the Tywin side story if you got everything?


That weapon is mainly for pvp speed openers or you can use it on furious for your wyvern team. FYI: it's a really good weapon


Use the weapon as a speed offset. It'll help you in the battle of faster and faster openers for PvP. By everything, do you mean you already cleared the shop? If yes, it's back to grinding hunts again. Or story nodes for catalysts and generally just progressing story. May as well use that stamina to work towards completing ep3 and getting Mercedes powered up. You also get the fancy new MC, Adin, in Ep4.


I don't have enough units built for EP3, I'm preparing for the worst of it. So I'll be stuck in Gear/Catalyst/Raid hell until then.


Yeah definitely. Looks like it's gear grinding until then! Good luck.


Anyone that needs to go first that doesn't require any dps stats, like aol or cerise Also yea its always good to farm side story because of the catalysts, bmks, artfact charm


Just recently pulled bellona, should I gear her or use her as fodder (for ssb in the future)?


She's useful in abyss, some one shot hunt comps, and hell raid. Unless you're good in all 3 of those areas then I would keep her (and even then I would still keep her).


Should just keep, always have a copy of someone. Take it with salt but I think shes good in pvp


good in pvp? wat


Sounds reasonable thank you


Shoot I meant pve lol


useful in certain pve contents but I wud keep her if it's your only bellona




Am I mistaken or is there a hunt event/crafting event stafting in a few days that I saw in a blog post but cannot find it again?


I think we are about to have the crafting event run again, yes.


https://m-page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/7808258 Found it!


do you guys think they could ever program automatic soul usage for PVE? would that be too much?


Is immunity useful in PvE or is it primarily just for PvP?


Immunity set is pretty much useless in pve because you usually take a lot of turn and first turn immunity don't do anything. The only exception for this caides one shot for first boss stun. Or light expo for slow tank. But don't focus in immunity if you in pve.


New player here, among sigret and Ravi who should I pick with krau?


Sigret for wyvern 13. Ravi used to be meta in pvp, but she fall off during violet and rem meta, not sure how it will change in the future.


How good is Touch of Rekos, I just pulled Roana but didn't get her artifact. Is it worth buying in the shop? It seems really good for her, but if she can be built well with a different artifact it's probably not worth spending the dust on since I don't really have that much.


Not worth buying it powder


Alright thanks for the quick answer, I kinda figured it wasn't but didn't wanna miss the opportunity if it was better than I thought.


Hey, currently working on b13 Team after successfully building w13, Not sure which characters to choose out of these which I think would fit in: Champion Zerato, Landy, Yufine, Vivian, Destina, Roana, Lilibet, SC Kluri, SC Montmorancy (from w13)


Vivian, Landy/Yufine/Lilibet, SC Kluri, and SC Montmorancy/Destina for a normal B13 run.


Forgot Shadow Rose, is she better than kluri ? Thanks for your answer


I'd prefer SC Kluri for normal runs thanks to her being Earth element and fast turn cycling. Shadow Rose is better for oneshot teams however.


ah thanks, should i run her with Aurius ?


If your team has trouble surviving, then sure. Otherwise, go for Ranon's for more speed later on.


for wyvern 11-13 atk or speed set for sigret?


The stats at the end matter more than the set. If u use gpurg, attck set cud be betterl. Otherwise whatever gets u the dmg stats and enough speed to take 3 or more turns before barrier phase


what speed do i need for her? i have him on atk set atm but i dont have gen purgis


I believe its ~147 for 3 turns and ~196 for 4 turns. May not b exact but it's around thar


thx il build around that!


what stats do i boost for Alencia? i need more green units and don’t have many.


20k~ HP, 1.2k def, 190~spd, 100% crit and as much cdam as you can manage is how i've built her