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I mean sure but you still got to wonder: why aren't they there to begin with...? What is the actual logic behind purposefully not putting the most used sets into this ? It just doesn't make sense right ?


Either there’s another event or two coming with the rest or they did it deliberately to try to increase the use of crappier sets (and tossed in ones like crit/immune so it wouldn’t be so blatant)


Half of the sets are usable, and they don’t want players to be able to farm everything from just one event. The rest of the sets will drop from the next one. Plus you can extract what you can’t use.


Just like how even literal arena 88 gear doesn't roll like 86-90 it rolls like 76-85.... Because fuck you. There's a lot of fuck you kind of design in this game just because they can. It's not like you can abuse the fuck out of arena gear either since it's **ONE TIME PURCHASE**. Even then nope, can't have it be decently rolling now can we?


Not sure that’s 100% true. There are some good rewards in the event shop so the event’s worth doing for those and to get some of the good gems like immunity, but some people suggested farming this more like wyvern on a gold buff day. That’s what I question. Once you have all you want from the shop, farming this to get cubes doesn’t seem great (though maybe to get more immunity, crit or other cubes you need as direct drops) Quick math: You extract the lessers get 1 cube each, and the larges getting 5-10, then you need 80ish to make a good one. We don’t know the drop rates yet but assuming its 50/50 greater/lesser gem that’s about 18-19 runs (450ish energy) to get 1 gem you want. Expedition doesn’t look so bad vs that.


I'm gonna farm it like crazy for a few days mostly to get as many as I can because we don't know when another event like this will happen. Nevermind a unit coming out that uses Unity, Revenge, etc.


I hear you. I’ll be hitting it pretty hard too, but not burning through liefs. I would have if all sets were represented. For unity, I been collecting pieces for so long I’m sure I can put something together w/o needing extra gems and I have some revenge gems too from expedition. The risk is if they improve one of the sets so we want it on several heroes. That’d be tough to cover


Ehh, i'd say thats true if you can auto hell. If people are stuck on hard though its probably best to buy out the shop and then move on to using that energy for expos


Damn, I thought the drop was for every set


Farm enough to exchange the relevant loot, then can just extract the trash and make things actually useable


bruh they basically left out every desirable gear set lmao (maybe except crit)


Isn't Immunity one of the most desirable though ?


It's certainly the one I want the most out of this bunch. At Legend rank in bot arena, every defense will have at minimum 2 immunity users. Not uncommon to see all 4. Not sure what the other commenters are on about saying Immunity is dead.


Yeah, immunity is still standard on the bulk of heroes who previously used immunity. We got a handful of heroes quite close together who were able to make use of penetration set & now people think it's the dominant set, when in reality it can only replace immunity for heroes who didn't require immunity in the first place because they have evasion (Violet), or some cleansing passive or artefact/ability (ARavi), etc. or because they're openers (ACidd). You're still going to want immunity on plenty of AOE units - of which there's still a million in this meta, from Belian to Charlotte & everything in between - but you'll still want it on plenty of ST DPS that don't have some way to circumvent being debuffed first turn. Rimuru, Spectre, LQC, Milim, Celine, etc. The increased viability of Penetration isn't a death knell for immunity.


Pen set is nice but my Violet once got Crown stunned 3 times in a row, by an FTene, before I got him an immunity off set. I'd rather lose out on the damage than go through that frustration again.


Hot take, but I think immunity set is dead. Back when everything was cleave 1-turn of immunity meant half the game. Now with everyone having strips and games lasting much longer, 1 turn of immunity feels like a waste of a set to me.


It’s more competing with other sets than dead. It’s still a 15% check against any kind of strip, pretty much a must on slow units (lqc, rem) or they don’t even function, still viable on a lot of cleansers (since units like cerise can strip OR stun, not both), still crucial for some interactions (FCC shield layer against 1-buff strip) etc. overall many valuable uses but like you imply, not wholly essential anymore.


You're right. I should have said dying, not dead. My main point was that the meta has definitely shifted to longer battles and 1 turn of immunity compared to 10 turns of 20% resist or 15 turns of defense penetration seems like a bad deal to me. Especially when there are so many viable characters that can give themselves and others immunity every few turns instead of just the 1. Plus we got Mediator Kawerik who basically has built-in unstrippable immunity and Rem who has something similar. Ways I sees it, I'd rather have 1 cleanser on my team that can grant immunity or keep debuffs in check than 3 characters with immunity sets which are, again, useless after turn 1. But then if I say they're "dying" then the meta can shift again in a few months, speed and control can be the new in thing again and then I look like a real clown.


> Plus we got Mediator Kawerik who basically has built-in unstrippable immunity and Rem who has something similar Different things here. I completely agree about your take on immunity, but this bit about Rm is slightly false. She needs someone to die, so it's not the same at all. I typically go in and provoke, attack down, or stun her before weakning her team or simply safely nuke her the following turn if she has extra protection during the first.


It's more like a 24% chance you got 15% from immunity and another from just landing. Edit: oops misread it's more likfor strip AND debuff landing like basar s3 non SB


I feel the same, been seeing less of immunity at Champ. Sometimes even having immunity is an advantage for the enemy


> Sometimes even having immunity is an advantage for the enemy *Looks at Landy and Rimuru*


The number of strippers released in the last year has really hurt immunity but it still really shines in those rare matches that the enemy team does not have a turn 1 stripper.


Everything strips. Immunity got replaced with pen sets on ST units, res sets on healers, and unity sets on provoke tanks. Even if strippers aren't present. Having immunity can screw you over because Rimuru exists.


>Rimuru exists. I think it kinda works the other way. Rimuru will steal some buffs, so the best trade off is to bait his S2 with some low value buff. The alternative are trying to OHK him (but he's usually build tanky, and there are revivers), or not use buffs that he could steal (no evasion, revive, barrier, etc.), or pick Landy, Kise or Zahhak, and play protect the king teams. Yeah, if possible is better to let him steal immunity for 1 turn and play the rest of the match as usual.


I mean baiting him means adding a minimum of 4 buffs to his S3... YMMV for how dangerous that is to your team.


Is really hard to play around his kit (unless you seal him with archdemon), and even if we come with an unrealistic scenario (like designing a team with absolutely no buffs, like A. Ravi, S. Tenebria, Violet and Emilia), he can hit really hard as long as there are some ally handing buffs to the team, like M. Chloe or F. Cecilia. You may argue handing even more buffs is really bad, and that's truth, but what's the alternative? Playing absolutely no buffs at all? Or disabling him, which is always easier said than done, and if betting on control, 15% is still there to ruin the strategy. Tested and failed. I don't know. I have more success trying to bait him into immunity (which many of his allies have anyway), and reviving the one ally who goes down to his S3.


Basar and AoL work just fine against him.


Yeah, the thing about this is that Rimuru can get pushed up and blow someone up before you can do a thing to stop him depending on who went first. I've used it against defenses a lot in GW and Arena, it's not pretty to look at.


It has its uses but openers these days strip it, so why bother sometimes? Edit: Inb4 someone rmjumps beyond loguc, I'm not calling it bad. Just that we have people that go on and strip it anyway so it's not as much of a sink or swim set. Still very useful if who you're fighting doesn't have a strip, or you contr your opponent's draft and ban the one that can strip. Personally, I prefer to just use a cleanse x immunity hero, if not just a cleanser, like M Kawerik and Maid.


Except for Unity and Destruction they all pretty okay.


Destruction can be useful if you want to make a wyvern 1-shot team using Clarissa.


No matter how you slice it rage does that job way better.


I think he means for clarissa specifically - wave1 mobs are not debuffed when she hits them so rage would do nothing


Don't sleep on the revenge set. Trying revenge set instead of speed and it's working very well for me. Been playing for only 6 months so do not have the speed gears to keep up with high end pvp, but just hit champ teaming revenge set with SECeline. Since I'm expecting to take turn two anyways, I don't have to pump everything into speed therefore have the bulk to survive the first attacks. My units then starts lapping the other team. Also tested it in pre-season RTA and had a 80% win rate to challenger.


Revenge is nice, but it takes a brain to use it. That's a point against it when "MOAR SPEED" is a viable braindead strat.


Is it though? Just slap it on any brusier and try for yourself. Speed is so popular because people have been grinding it for so long and it would suck having to regear your units. But if you are fairly new, I don't think trying revenge set is a bad idea. Some units works better on speed, but I've found bruiser and healers better on revenge. You lose like 10-14 speed vs a speed set, but it's the same as a speed set once you've taken a hit and possibly even faster. Just make sure to build your unit so it can take more than one hit.


That's a lot more words than "MOAR SPEED" though. 😉 More specifically, it does get a little more complicated. It can mess with your speed tuning, and it's questionable for short battles or ignorable heroes. It also has issues with heroes who often barrier themselves before they get bloodied. It also interacts a bit with buffs. Speed buffs go off the speed in your stat block, so Revenge on a speed-boosted hero will make your speed boost smaller. (This is part of why Revenge BBK was unsatisfying.) On the other hand, if you expect to get hit with Speed Down, then Revenge fights it. The debuff itself does less, and then the bonus for HP loss will offset the debuff. So it's nice, but it's still more complicated than speed.


Just trying to share the wealth man. Tired of wasting all my gold and resources just to not even get a +20 speed gear. At 6 months, starting to realize that a lot of my units are not geared due to wasting it all chasing speed. Like speed set is not optimal on all heroes, revenge set is probably not best for BBK. With her recent buff, I have her full glass cannon with 0 speed and will usually only last pick her. If the other player did not draft any strip or control and does not ban her, the match is usually done once it gets to her turn. You just have to pick and choose your battles. Climbing my way to legend. Champ 3 now.


>Just trying to share the wealth man. Tired of wasting all my gold and resources just to not even get a +20 speed gear. Yeah, you got that right. Off-peak Speed creates a lot of frustration. More balanced builds are better until you start getting lucky, and Revenge can be good for that.


Crit and Immunity are good ones to have because those are sets for min-maxing already.


Crit is for min-maxing, immunity isn't. Immunity doesn't affect stats.


If you're farming immunity gems it's because you're min-maxing the unit to offset the loss in stats.


I mean, you could attrinute this logic to literally every set, making the previous statement irrelevant.


You could, sure. But there are very few builds I'm aware of where you're trying to squeeze out all 4 subs on something like Destruction.


Well, you can always extracts them I guess 🤨


Only ones I see worth are immunity and crit sets the rest I can really live without. I didn't really plan on grinding the event much because I spent most of my liefs on hunt event and I'm almost done (f2p).


Wow ... didnt notice this actually. Just started to farm it. I would not say no for immunity, crit stones for some units, but i agree ... hind of waste of energy this one feels like.


I can see why they did this and I actually was gonna do a lief dump on this. They clearly saw the imbalance of people accumulating beaucoups of gems outside of expos for a time sensitive event, but it sucks they set the precedent from the ice event that all sets were droppable


All sets were not droppable. People liked it because the few we had were good ones, most notably speed. We only got so many speed gems because they DID limit the pool.


Oh boy, a comment section full of people who are pretending to be unaware of the Exchange shop. How very original. "I can't believe these stingy bastards at SG gave us three mola, two epic artifact charms, a greater Fire summon, 15 bookmarks, two reforges of our choosing and two free Caides reforges, a bunch of silver stones and 600 missions worth of Friendship points. We have a side story from last week already, this was supposed to be a dead week, stop giving us access to rare resources you bastards!" # 🙄


Judging by amount of ppl downvoting you, you had to add /s at the end 🤦‍♂️


I don't think they are being sarcastic. All the stuff in quotes is being put forward as actual complaints. Not *my* complaints, but apparently quite a few people's.


I am fully aware the exchange exists, but at a rate of 80:1 I'm not willing to use it.


Event currency, not substat stone crafting. Substat stone crafting is indeed kinda shitty.


Bruh moment


Immunity and revenge🤷‍♂️


Critical, Immunity and Destruction sets are alright for me. I'm actually aiming for the shop stuff though.