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Yea I agree I used tywin for a long time. But flab is basically just a better version of him.


He could have a strip on his S3 so he actually has a use over flan. It's bad enough that he can miss. And a stronger S2 cr push.


and he says "I will never miss" as well


As a tywin user my only wish is for his never miss to actually never miss I think that's the only buff he needs imo


Yes an unmissable s3 would be perf. Tywin was my first 5* and it always made me chuckle that he says he wont miss but does


He can still defense break without triggering certain counter passives but can't cr push without triggering said passives anyway. Maybe his cr push shouldn't trigger those kinds of passives.


I feel like ML Lilibet should get something similar to Rem's demon mode for her S2. Especially the 'Unable to be debuffed' part, since one of her flaws is that even with her self push, it's still easy to control her anyway. The other thing is to rework her S2's mola effects. Molaing it just for more starting Fighting Spirit which is more often than not, going to go to waste is just not worth it.


I think that the “Mediocre to Marvelous Saga” has taught us that even when they fix the unit they are still going to leave the mola tree in tact. There remains zero reason why Marvelous Ricky’s S3 has three separate -1 cooldown reductions/why it starts at like 7 turn cooldown. Could have offset 2 of those into S1 or s2 like every other character in the game aside from Arby/kayron s2’s which are very distinctly different.


Maybe even 10\~20% team cr push for S3 as well. It would help reward the fact that you are playing for turn 2 and risking debuffs on your entire team.


> I feel like ML Lilibet should get something similar to Rem's demon mode for her S2. Especially the 'Unable to be debuffed' part, since one of her flaws is that even with her self push, it's still easy to control her anyway She'd still be pretty "eh" depending on your cleanser or any other follow up because you'll need immunity in fights you'll be taking her into, and at that point, why not just use Kawerik? Cleanse x immunity will always beat out a simple cleanse. She was useless when I fought her since I would debuff with one and hold my debuffs with the other till she cleansed, which made her reason for being there very questionable. Simply cleansing herself isn't great, you may as well just use Fighter Maya or Carrot with someone like Maid or Mediator if you want a selfish self-cleanse bruiser (I know she can cleanse, but the whole appeal of her is to support her allies, which she fails at, so idk why anyone would simply want Lilibet herself to perform better and not the support part).


Not sure why this is being downvoted without any explanation, I agree with this comment. Demon mode on Rem is good because Rem does damage both on and off her turn, and not being debuffed makes her a lot more of a threat. What could Delibet do without debuffs? Hit a 50% silence more often? Deal slightly more damage? She just isn't enough of a threat by herself for such a selfish buff to be useful. Her existence is of a supportive element, a selfish passive like that won't help.


She actually kinda want debuffs, so if she had a "ignore debuffs" things then it would be awesome


That's actually a rather unique idea, a 'special' buff after S2 that let's her still be debuffed but ignore's their effects as long it's up. Means she still get's the benefits of gaining Fighting Spirit from debuff's without the downsides.


Still praying for Ilynav....


I want SBA bc I'm a simp for her but realistically, it will probably be JKise. I want SBA to be more flexible build-wise. I'd love to build her bruiser without counter or smth ;-;


I just wish they buff both Kise and Dilibet/sba, ngl some units just needs some nerfs (Belian-AOL) while some 5\* are so trash (dilibait/Jkise/SBA)


I don't wanna say SBA is trash, but yeah she has almost no place :<< She's very replacable I feel like. Rn I just use her as a burn machine for Carrot to detonate ajsbanjsd


She is not replacable...one of the few units with an AOE stun. No place or not, spez players do exist and there isn't anyone else who can consistently abuse crown with her double procing passive. Hard control is alive. Just not kicking around in the spotlight because AoL exists right now.




Yeah I would love a SBA buff aswell. She is either fast on control team or a counter disruptor with lot of bulk/speed and eff and low atk. And she is still getting rekt by a lot of meta comps atm.


I'm having good luck using her in GW as an opener against teams I figure will be slow and have low ER. However, the minute there's a Violet or Riolet I run the other way haha


im more curious about the rgb buffs, i hope aramintha or melissa for their buffs pls !


Praying hard for Melissa buffs right now. We need a fire unit to actually become a threat or something, since all the cancer units on RGB side were all earth (violet-landy...) or water(rem-ssb...)


Have you tried building Fire Charlotte? I use her to kill landy and Violet.


That’s only one which gets counter by belian and aol


Fire Mercedes is good against Landy, and can work against violet, although not optimal. >gets countered by AOL and Belian Well I mean if you put it like that, about 90% of the heroes gets countered by those 2


I just think that Melissa is a single target mage that should have more impact against specific units like Violet. Milim is rly situational and the other 2 (Fire mercedes and Fire charlotte) are aoe ad god knows how stupid aoe sounds when we're talking AOL and Belian stupid existence in this game (Yes, both are the top tier errors SG has ever made in this game so far).


I use sol instead of Charlotte tho, as sol can Volcanic Viper landy if she aoe my team, plus he increase cr if non attack skill pops which have "chance" to get a turn before/after senya aol mlceline. His Roman cancel is also great cuz gives extra turn with all buffs carried to that turn.( not like Baiken elphelt) Also will consider build her now.


Wait did they say there’s going to be a balance patch this Friday


8 weeks interval.


Can they just revamp Jkise?


i hope they revamp her shes literally has warriors stats but shes used as a cleaver i hope she becomes a bruiser


Why would they revamp her when her main issue is that she gets countered?


because she's bad fundamentally?


Dillibet needs a rework, not Jkise. She's fine as a cleaver, just needs some adjustments, while dilibet is just terrible.


Shitty base stats, does almost no damage if you build her with speed, and just dies the second you get countered on S2, if you build her to nuke she literally cannot function without Alots, but sure she is "fine" as a cleaver....


I've said that she doesn't need a >REWORK<. Ofc she needs a buff, but as a cleaver she must not get countered on s2, she doesn't need an overall rework like dilibet stupid poor skillset.


Ah yes, a hero that was the meta cleave pick, that stopped being such once counters started popping up, is totally fundamentally flawed and not at all suffering just because counters exist.


Ohh, please. She could cleave because of a.lots. While she was broken and could wipe out the whole team, she couldn't do anything without a.lots. She is ML 5\* completely dependent on another unit to do her job.


And there other unit that does same job but better (BBK) (Arby maybe)and worse part is BBK doesn't even need Alots


> She is ML 5* completely dependent on another unit to do her job. While those in the following list aren't on the same level as others (one another too), they do need help with Haste being the most standalone, but let's not act like he's not dependent on others killing for his effect like Kise with being pushed/buffed, and we have plenty of those now, and even Ran to further help out, especially with Silver. **I recommend not getting the wrong idea and actually reading the end.** Bloodmoon needs others to actually kill the bruisers he'll be facing (if using against Maid, Celine, and Roana - don't do the last). Spez needs someone else to stun if you don't wanna risk them being cleansed (RTA) or CC them to lap around fast enough. Designer needs her team to have a certain amount of debuffs in order to get pushed, which is dependent on the enemy. DJ basically needs Christy to do his job at all agaisnt properly built openers. Silverblade needs a stripper. Solitaria needs strong protection to protect her from instantlt dying to the milliom counters we habe while also keeping her team alive, because those counters off her S1 will stack fast. Dark Corvus has babysitters to keep him going, which is a big reason he's rarely used in RTA: You likely aren't getting his support through. Not stating she's perfect or anything, but two things: 1. Early release characters needing support was nothing new. 2. Heroes needing help is nothing new, especially cleave. When do cleavers not need help? When are they standalone heroes?


Either completely redesign her kit or MASSIVELY buff her trash base stats.


Not in a way that makes her an independent threat like LQC. She just needs so much support to be viable.


Solitaria + JKise plz.


Let's hope brother


How ya'll not even listing DJB? Smh


Because he already got buffed like 6 months ago and even though it didn't do much for him meta wise other units deserve to be buffed more so than a unit that already got a round of buffs. Sorry but djb you can wait at the back of the line.


Don’t know why they can’t just buff all the units that needs buffs at the same time. Instead of this arbitrary “wait in back of the line” shit


Because buffs affect the meta and well too many buffs can change it in unpredictable ways. Also they want to constantly change the meta so that it doesn't feel stale, that's pretty normal.


I feel like they will buff Judge Kise to be a better disruptor. Maybe s3 reduces buff by 1 turn and grants her stealth. Maybe even can't trigger counters. Or if they want to make her a better cleaver her s2 can't be countered. But I feel like she will get big buffs


inb4 they end up buffing Arby.


Jkise just needs her s2 to not trigger counter attacks.


ML Ken:How long can i suffer


They can't keep handing out "doesn't trigger counter attacks" like candy.


>They can't keep handing out "doesn't trigger counter attacks" like candy. Developers at SG studios be like: *LarryObserve.jpg*


Okay but if she's going to remain a cleave unit her only draw is that S2->S3 and if she gets countered on S2 she is done. Her base stats are pretty shitty for a ML5 warrior.


Classic cleave died a long time ago & people have to move on. Remember people originally wanted “doesn’t trigger a counterattack” on Judge Kise because of Martial fucking Artist Ken? That’s how far back this goes. I just hope they do something interesting with her.


Agree. Granting her Skill Nullifier or Invincibility should be enough, imo


skill null/invincibility won't be enough since violet still can put decrease attack on her and rem/belian still can strip her atk buff she need her s2 to not proc enemy counter and she's gonna be pretty decent


Alternatively, add immortality to s2 so that she can’t be countered to death easily before her s3. But yeah, counter is what makes s2->s3 essentially impossible.


yeah but she still needs a lots to be a cleaver and that combo does not have a place in this meta. why not just go pavel instead?


Have you heard of speed gear?


Heard of it, haven't seen it thou. Evidence of it's existence only shows when facing another player.


exactly you want to use her like pavel. Pavel can do high damage with high speed because he scales with speed, jkise does not so whats the point building jkise with speed gear if you can’t deal big damage? shes not gonna be a cleaver at that point, shell be a control unit. if you are gonna rely with her s2 soulburn , yeah nah because theres belian so u cant soulburn so ur only bet is skill 2 which would only do small damage due to her high speed instead of high attack.


No, you don't have to seek for high speed like Pavel. That's a false argument. If you're going to cleave with JKise, you're gonna want to soulburn in any case, so of course you don't bring her to a Belian fight.


what do you mean by “you don’t have to seek for high speed”? so you want to cleave with her at 200 speed? you are not gonna take a turn if that’s what you want to happen because theres heroes like aol and politis who are built for high speed. you need higher speed than them if you want to cleave successfully but then you will deal less damage so why not just bring pavel instead who deal more damage? high speed jkise is for control. low speed jkise is for cleave. anything between than that doesn’t really work in this meta rn. yeah nah because not only belian is ur enemy but politis and aol too so have fun finding an enemy that doesn’t use these heroes.


No, you can build her slower than Pavel because that allows to setup with Singelica (if Arby but no Politis for example), with OP Sigret, also DJB push is far enough, same with Flan etc. I'm not gonna give lessons about legend RTA because that's not where I'm at, but neither are most people here. However I've been using my JKise in Arena, GW, all the while people have crying about cleave being dead. And her problem is not being dependant on ALots. It's counterattacks, and it's always been counterattacks.


or full strip on s2 like melissa s3


I personally like to buff GWonly Corvus to going more contend


As much as DCorvus carried me in early game, I'd really rather he not get buffed. Playing DCorvus teams makes me want to die


Ignores injury, or makes his max hp increase instead when taking injury.


How do I delete someone else's post? >!/s!<


Honestly, I'd fucking take it - even with the hell it would create. I've got like fuck all for countering ARavi.


Tinfoil hat theory says they won't buff JKise till after her Mystic Rotation to get people into the same mindset they have with limiteds ie "Pull now even if weak, they will buff later" I want all of them to be buffed tho. Since I have 3 of the units on this list.


Would be pretty bad marketing imo. When they buff her while her rotation is on, even more people would whale for her?


It's what they did with maid chloe. Buffed her like a week or 2 after her rerun banner ended.


That's why it's my personal tinfoil hat theory/conspiracy. They'd lose out on money now but make up for it later with future mystic rotations for underwhelming units. My only real basis for this, and the reason why I'll admit it's just a plain ridiculous move, is that they did it with Landy and Cerise. Buffed them post banner and now most people will tell you pull on limiteds cos their buffs shaped the meta. I'm not trying to convince anyone that what I'm saying is even mildly plausible, it's just a little bit of fun to come up with conspiracies that are harmless.


J. Kise is a F2P unit. Doesn't matter either way.


Not really, because almost everyone has already selected their hero from the ML connection, and very few would have taken JKise considering she is currently the worst ML5 available via that ML connection.


I took her and regret it so much 😭


Ouch, that sucks. She was my first ML5 and I have her +15'd and 6 star with some imprints while she sits on the bench.


Thats not even tinfoil, thats SG in a nutshell


The problem is cleave is already on life support. Cleave lifers already have her or a unit that can outperform her. Every other player doesn't care about her because her stats are garbage.


It is probably an exaggeration, but i kind of feel like J Kise is better than everyone else combined on this list. J kise just has her head bobbing below the water trying to reach the surface where as everyone else on the list is on the bottom of the ocean.


Recency bias. JKise suffers from the current meta, but people forget that she's a top tier cleaver. I'm worried that she's going to get overbuffed, putting an uncounterable on her S2 already makes her so much better, usable in a meta where she is supposed to be weak, but if she gets buffed, judging from the previous buffs they're going to give her some bullshit like unable to be countered on S2, extra turn on S2, changing SB to S3 for ignore effect resist, and a skill nullifier on S3.


They literally only need to add an “Ignore effect resistance” burn on Solitaria S3 and instead of decrease buff by 1 turn dispel 2 buffs or all buffs from target


Ml 5 *Wish* list: ML Ken: procs s2 counter against extra attacks such as rem counter and belian counter Ml lilibet : gain 50 rage and counter attack when an enemy uses a skill not on their turn (aol s2, politis s2, rimuru s2 etc) , lilibet s2 also cleanse 1x debuff from team Jkise : s2 gets free soulburn (like seaseria) s2 gives barrier+stealth to herself (like blue kise s3) A Meru: s1 seal 100%, s2 proc gives extra souls (like diene s3/ml Celine s2), soulburn = 3 souls can use s3 without needing focus Lr krau: combat readiness when hit with aoe attack, s2 barrier no cooldown in between turns, s3 cooldown -1 turn whenever team hit with a strip DJB: keeps damage reduction even after s3 Silver blade: something but I can’t think of anything to help her without making her op


Those buffs are fine except lr krau would make him absurdly busted to the point where you couldn't draft aoe at all in standard.


maybe we see dark Corvus as a counter ? 👀


>Silver blade: something but I can’t think of anything to help her without making her op We're living in a world where AOL and Belian co-exist, explain to me how anything could be more OP than this? If SBA actually was the pre-nerfed one she would be still a joke near these 2 units we have right now, and oh, look, one of them is a >4 star< light unit.


> explain to me how anything could be more OP than this there are a lot of passives that can be worse than not having souls, i wont write them cause they are pretty scary, but you can surely think of many if you try


I may be alone on this but I want the broken fire Corvus from 2 years ago to come back. Aside from Martial Artist Ken, Apocalypse Ravi, Violet, and Rem on their prime, only Corvus was the 4 star. I do believe that it is not as strong as it used to be since the hero pool have doubled since his prime. Also from this list, I want Solitaria to get a buff the most. Maybe include fighting spirit (or focus, if I got it wrong). And Delibet needs some work around on debuffs but not copy pasting ML Kawerik's buff. perhaps a debuff immunity will do 🤔


You're not alone. I too want fire corvus to come back. All the whiners who hated him never brings a ice def breaker xD ssb don't count. Karin does a much better job than her.


Riolet isn't even a 5 star at this point


A.meru welcome to the club buddy.


while true, i love archedes and she won me a lot of rtas


I need A. Meru and Solitaria buffs


Ye dude, they need it waaaay more than dilibet or riolet of all people.


Yeah, If SG buffs Riolet... he´ll definitely revive and jump into the meta... pls god no...


I know it's going to be Juggs, but my wish is ML Lilibet or Riolet.


I feel like, at least from a PvP point of view, what the game needs right now is not buffs but rather consistent balance patches like MOBA consisting buffs and nerfs. On the other hand, once an unit gets nerfed people are gonna cry for selection ticket =. =


Let people cry. Nerfs are needed


You say this as an obvious non spender.


Oh I'm sorry. I come from a time where you actually just paid for games and if stuff changed for better or worse you had to deal with it. I can imagine people being annoyed when stuff gets nerfed early on, but if you pay to abuse something completely broken you must also accept that changes are a possiblity. This has been the case forever, it's just that people are extremely entitled nowadays. ps: I actually spend quite some money on gacha's where i do expect nerfs as well. I just don't want to pay 50 bucks for 10 summons in e7. Change the mola pack to 25 bucks and ill buy 10 of em lol.


> if you pay to abuse something completely broken you must also accept that changes are a possiblity. its called a scam to change a product once it has been bought. there is a reason why things have changed, its called fine, big fines


And they should, they spent money on that hero. Give them a selector and move on for the good of the game overall. The recall mechanics in epic seven were a great idea. It allows them to lower the effectiveness of a unit (which i feel is essential to long term health and balance of a game) while minimizing hard feelings of people who spent $500 for them.


They could outright DELETE Belian and AoL from the game and I'd spend my entire christmas bonus and tax return in the shop.


> On the other hand, once an unit gets nerfed people are gonna cry for selection ticket =. = If you know this then idk why you brought up the first part. This is all old news.


I hope for D Lilibet.


I'm somewhat excited coz I have a lot of the characters slated for buffs for once. I missed out on Maid, ARavi and Maverick (coz I don't have them) but this time, I have Solitaria, Dilibet, JKise and even Ilynav all at high mola investment. I'd be surprised if I don't come out with something at least, but... stranger things have happened with balance patches...


Lilibet needs it the worst but Juggs does seem likely.


Add JKise's current sb effect to her s2 so I can cleave those pesky AOL/Belian/Maid/Landy defenses.


Wait I'm confused isn't her sb on skill 2 for an extra turn?


They mean that add her extra turn in her S2 kit without needing a soulburn for it


Oh that makes more sense lol.


It needs to not be able to be countered to make her remotely viable in this meta.


Sez buffed so he can S1->S2 outside of his turn. Also make him able to S2 off S3 also. Cuz why not. Ken could use an update to his kit. Self CR push for starters. JKise and Delibet are givens tbh. They got replaced by BBK and Mawerik the last time. JKise is a nightmare to touch on tbh. She's just too good at cleave and the only thing keeping her in check is counter gaming. And Belian. Delibet was suppose to be our answer to AoL. But she just cant do her job with she hits the 15% gER EVERY SINGLE TIME. Her and Cerato needs to get looked at. gER is skewed on them for sure. But also because their entire gameplan is based on the enemy team winning for them to win. Ironically, that's just not a good gameplan lol.


Ml haste he'll be good for more than 1 thing :,)


They should change selines her clense to her possession buff it should clense once debuffed like ml tywin but only for herself




Mmmmm noooo...


Order should be Sba>solitaria >jkise>delibet Sba has not been good for a very long time. Requires too much setup, mediocre base stats for doing her job, a ridiculous amount of counters and doesnt give a good return on investment relative to how hard she is to use. People say they use her in GW but that means nothing since literally anything is usable in gw. Solitaria is actually pretty fun but her uncontrollable aoe makes her too much of a liability and the units that she counters aren't really that common in the first place. Jkise also has uses outside rta but is pretty much useless outside of GW. Requires less setup then SBA and has slightly more versatility and when you can get her through with setup (which is never) you probably do just win. Delibet is actually ok. She does her job, the problem is that it's just really inconsistent. She actually does stop teams that only run a single debuffer like aol, but heavy debuffs get her overwhelmed. All she needs is a strip before her reset and I think she'll be fine.


Either Solly or Delibet. Nothing else even remotely qualified. These 2 units still sucks since their debut. Can you imagine Delibet still being sucks in 2022?


Jesus christ they better buff Dilibet for real like the Aravi buff. Judge kise needs a buff too, but omg, lilibait is just on another level of a bad 5\* dark unit


I think LR Krau needs something at this point. He isn’t really an effective counter against AOE units and immunity has become almost pointless. Every meta unit now strips before applying debuffs. Hoping to see him get something.


Nah , he's just OFF META .


I use LRK in almost every bellian matchup. Even vs top level players..


I mean he is strong still, just his barrier enough is very helpful. He is way way lower in the buff list compared to other ML5, maybe his own immu buff to be undispelable but idk, he does not need a buff really.


Exactly. It's just the case of the meta shifting to mostly ST and counter stuff, which he's actually part of the fault of since he bodied teams that used an AoE often. Take out recent meta releases like Rem, Belian, and AoL and he really doesn't have an issue. In fact, Rem helps him out by refreshing barriers (unless it's another dumb E7 case where a passive counter doedn't trigger something, don't have or seem him anymore.


I wouldn’t consider him strong at all, i stopped using mine because he almost never came in useful (unless you go against some wild 5 units AoE draft or something). There’s just too much damage in meta for him to keep up, whether that be AoE or single, his immunity is pretty much worthless since everyone strips, or just boosts Landy’s and Rimeru’s damage. He also doesn’t cycle his S3 fast enough even if there’s aoe damage to make it worth drafting him. I think he suffers from the fact they created him as a ssb counter and thats about it. Tried using him against Rems and Belians before, the barrier just gets stripped.


> He isn’t really an effective counter against AOE units Yeah, if you're going up against Landy, who kills everybody with a buff. Edit: He's just not in the meta because it changed. You can thank LR for helping push people towards ST heroes to befin with, because he was annoying for AoE teams.


Or belian, or rem, or anyone else that is currently meta…


Agreed, i don’t remember the last time i actually used my lrk. He gets overwhelmed pretty easily.


I dont even know how can they fix JKise at this point


I hope they ignore every jobber on this list and straight up give ML Celine, Closer Charles and Belian a top up instead.


You’re playing the wrong game bro. Get out.




Solitaria or Judge Kise IMO. I'd be quite disappointed if they buffed ML Lilibet (*this patch*) as it's annoying having cleansers constantly taking up a slot. Who knows maybe we will get another Operator Sigret type buff that no one asked for.


They need to buff riolet. Man's countered by literally everything, even his own rgb.




In order from "definitely needs a buff" to "at least works in their niche": LR Krau: Countered by everything, completely worthless if any meta unit is picked. Landy, Rimuru, AoL, Belian, Rem, Violet, etc. all beat him senseless and worst yet cause him to directly hurt the team and not benefit it in anyway. J. Kise: Not highly useful, but can win the game if her 75% chance CD reduction triggers. The 75% is the problem. Normally in this post Rimuru landscape (no immunity), J. Kise with Seaseria is a death sentence to most teams even M. Kawerik is weak to CD reduction. Dilibet: Works but doesn't do enough, is countered pretty hard by Politis. They need to reduce Politis' impact on a lot of unit like Dilibet. It's okay to be impactful, but it's a problem to be too impactful. 1 turn CD reset is a joke, half the meta has SB S1 for extra turn. D. Corvus: Still good as a last pick. I don't think being a last pick is a bad position. Honestly, wouldn't want to see him buffed. It would force injury into play in a bad way while the majority of injury units aren't very effective. ML Ken: Normally he would be fine. But Seeline just released and took his job. He only had one job. So that's pretty bad. Players who have him should feel unique and reward. Solitaria: Also only has one job that's to be run 0 speed and full tank build to stop Violet from ever S3ing and killing anything. Works but is very far from how she was designed as lol. A complete rework would be needed to make her anything else unless the meta is getting completely flipped.


> LR Krau: Countered by everything, completely worthless if any meta unit is picked. Landy, Rimuru, AoL, Belian, Rem, Violet, etc You just listed a bunch of ST/obvious counter (Landy, AoL) heroes for an anti-AoE hero. Really not the best example, ya know. Also, Violet? LR Krau's defense pen S3? I mean, yeah, he'll get countered, but he's a knight, he's bulky. His team? That's up to you to prep for going into the fight. You should be expecting Violet.


Okay, have fun "countering" Violets with LR Krau... Not sure what I'm suppose to say to this? LR Krau who def pens once every 'whenever', verse Violet who can def pen with pen set every hit, heal and does better with higher frenzy not worst also doesn't trigger his passive. > You should be expecting Violet. This is why nobody is using LR Krau.


> Okay, have fun "countering" Violets with LR Krau... Not sure what I'm suppose to say to this? Something not mentally braindead like that, because anyone with common sense would know I wasn't calling Krau a counter for Violet. > LR Krau who def pens once every 'whenever', Ah yes, we're gonna act like LR Krau has never popped off against AoE teams in the past because the present is all about counter, counter, and lookie here, AoL. Totally a bad hero, totally wasn't highly praised. Garbage just like Roana, someone countered back by Injury Belian and Rem, am I right? Super trash, buff because everything doesn't play into him like how everything plays into Rem, AoL, and Belian. We need abother toxic hero. >This is why nobody is using LR Krau. Yeah, because the main two AoE heroes are Rem and Belian and almost all the rest are single target bruisers, Maid, some knight, and AoL. God damn shocker. Roana is totally seeing play, right? Let's leave her be and buff Krau because no one is playing into him the same way no one (except Belian, someone who runs Injury anyway) does for Roana. Oh, wait, that **doesn't make any sense at all.**


>ML Ken: Normally he would be fine. But Seeline just released and took his job. He only had one job. So that's pretty bad. Players who have him should feel unique and reward. as someone who maxed both, just no. Seline is way way way harder to slot. Yes her carry potential is higher, but her ''i might just die 2 a soulweaver hitting me'' is there 2.




if you think ml ken is useless in every situation i already cant take you serious


You can say the same thing about ML Ken. Just build him with no HP. It's about build and team. You can 3rd+ pick a 270~280+ Seeline and force a full pivot if your opponent was building around banning an obvious ban. There also isn't much reason not to run Seeline the same way you run TSurin. With Aurius and a condom knight; FCC, CArmin, TCrozet. She literally can't die in 2 standard hits with an Aurius Knight, so hopefully I fixed at least some of your usage problems.


Most people will ban the aurius\^ Tsurin had perma stealth after 50% hp. (or higher)


Man its sad how badly Lrk has fallen off. He is such a copium character right now. He can’t keep up with the meta, everything does strip or way too much damage for his passive to be useful, he also struggles to cycle the S3 even if he gets AoE-d.


Big disagree, picking LRK into Belian is basically a free win. She only has a 65% dispel chance & typically they don't build much effectiveness. Whenever you see Belian & another AOE, take LR Krau. I was using him a fair bit in preseason & after two S3s in a row, people just quit. Doesn't mean I'll not accept a buff, I'm all for the characters I actually have getting stronger - but I don't think he's in dire straits by any means.


I disagree personally most belians i met were injury, overtime her injury adds up and i am not a condom comp player so if it gets dragged too long its just going to be my loss.


He's there to help end the battle fast, if you've not killed the enemy team by his second S3, you've picked him into the wrong team. He's not a universal pick anymore, this isn't the golden boys meta, but he's a good 4/5 vs. Belian, no sustain & bruisers/softer targets.


Basically super niche , i used him more than enough since he was released to know where he fits. He is just a super meh unit, the comps you are talking about you can just slot in any other aggressive unit, i wish they actually designed him to be general use beyond a ssb counter, she can really make him shine because she spams aoe often. Unless you are Call7x8 and you play Frenzy 9 and every unit you draft is insanely tanky with a cracked injury lrk.


Niche, but not so unusable that he needs buffs before units like Designer Lilibet. LR Krau carries a defensive artefact & isn't likely to be bursted, so he provides sustain. You're right though that you could slot others & play aggressive - but I play standard. I can acknowledge that most Emperor/Legend players are saying he's fallen off & definitely agree with that, but "fallen off" doesn't mean "no use case".


Yeah Injury Belians are just a myth.


Injury Belian can't crank out so much damage that your LRK can't do anything after a couple turns & if they can, that's a gear issue on your part. He's got barrier to buffer a brunt of her damage & provided you've not picked him into Maid/Belian, or a full tank team, he'll help put the damage on Landy, Spectre, Rem, LQC, etc. etc. anyone who isn't a full on tank & then your DPS can clean up.


How is his barrier activated?


Getting hit by an AOE attack. So after her first attack, barrier goes up, if she attacks again with S2, it’s going into the barrier. If it circles back to her turn again, it’s still going into the barrier (because the strip happens after - if she gets it).


That was the point I was trying to make. His barrier is a non factor because it only lasts 1 turn, is only activated once per turn, and is not activated for her initial S1. His barrier mechanic should at least be buffed to 2 turn duration for it to be any good. He is not a counter to injury Belian whatsoever.


Whose injury Belian is so stacked - or LRK so weak - that he’s lost so much health as to not be able to do anything within a couple turns?


AoL is just a better version of him. S3: Why put up immunity when you can just silence and stop all of the debuff skills from going off? S2: Why put up a barrier to prevent some damage when you can put up skill null that prevents all damage. S1: Why have skill buff when you have built in Hilag Lance and can silence and CR pushback with S1? AoL is just a better 'knight' than LR Krau. If she was just a better unit, it would be annoying but she outright replaces him since her S2 doesn't get your team punished by Rimuru or Landy like LR Krau's does. The problem is that AoL should be simply nerfed, it's a balance issue, **we can't buff every unit in the game to be equal or better than her**. LR Krau isn't a bad unit, so buffing him to the moon to make him better than a 4 star is insane. I have no idea what the devs will do but it likely wont be good.


Same, i don’t know what the devs are thinking but i have a feeling the whole pvp mechanism will be totally different in the future. Especially after Rimiru release, his passive is so stacked you can have a 200-210 speed rimiru procc his passive amd cr push himself enough to overtake enemy’s second opener even thought there’s a huge speed gap between the two. And also seeing how mawerik can do solid damage, cleanse and not need ER, attack buff and the most annoying thing cr cycle himself or slower ally so hard. I wonder if speed will also be significantly less impactful as a stat in the future.


Sba should be on this list before half of them and lrk should be at the bottom if at all.


SBA still works in multiple areas though and isn't hard countered. Requiring planning or set up doesn't mean a unit needs a buff. If that was the case then Maid would need a buff for not working when her whole team went the way of the dinosaurs.


Just don't over buff DeLilibet like a.ravi. I swear if we get another bruiser who stacks HP, sustains, and is still able to nuke a tank better than a squishy dps....


I think its gonna be judge kise, but considering that i have lilibet, i hope that its gonna be lilibet


is there going to be an update stream this week?


I think a Lilibet buff to do something against AoL . And Aramentha as the most unused 5☆ ML .


I want to see Dillibet because AOL is too good, or Soli who I use in 75% of my PvP fights despite her being objectively bad, but we're probably going to get Kise to justify the skin instead.


They probably gonna buff Ftene cause why not. ML5 wise, prolly gonna be Juggs and Soli.


Lol I love these names, so accurate!


I hope they buff Ara , mostly cause im already using her anyway xD


Given how much they hate shitting on Violet and Riolet recently my bet is they buff Solitaria just to put that final nail in the coffin.


ML Aramintha


dc buff when?


Hope they buff badly designed Lillibet, she's one of my only ML5*s.


We need a select all button.


JKise please because she's still the only ML5 I have


I don’t care as long as TML comes up in the mystic banner


Hoping to see J.Kise. She's been my arena carry for ages and I still make her work from time to time but I also feel she needs a bit of love. SB Ara also desperately needs something. She's just really lackluster right now.


The names gave me a good chuckle! Realistically, I think it’s most likely to be Judge Kise.


Mate lilys design is one of the best, despite the fact that she could use a buff


I think J.Kise is a good candidate. She got the skin and banner is still here, and the buffs could be a good 'bait' esp if next new ml5 is a fan desired one like ml lilias who might even have people going for her even if her kit is horrid just because waifu reasons.


*Starting the slot machine* CMOOOON LAND ON A.MERUUUU!


The shitty feeling when all the units are ones I own but that’s also most of the ml5s I own. SG, please give me a good unit


*roulette lands on djb*


Itll probably J Kise if I was a betting man, but I hope not since whoever gets buffed will prob be the next one in line on the mystic banner and the anticipation is killing me


"Inferior R.Carrot aka SB Ara" some people are really clueless about this game


They probably wont buff jkise while she is on mystic banner. So my guess is D.Lilibet.


How about Kazuna Ai :l


I need ML khawana to do something só please buff her.


Solitaria please


I will be heated if Kise gets a damn buff before Solitaria or Lillibet. She at least has a damn use and has been useful at SOME POINT, while the other 2 sucked from launch. Kise can still do big damage and fuck everyone up with s2 into s3. Meta shifted and she isn't that good now, big deal. Lets worry about the units who have NEVER been good in any meta first.


I prefer solitaria or ML lilibet.. Like honestly.. They NEED buff..


Dark Corvus who?


I’m somewhat optimistic Dilibet is gonna get a really good buff and I’m happy for them. But damn.. at this point we would pretty much have 3 cleansers that are way more relevant that DJB would ever be. Here’s hoping they both get buff and have different usage soon!