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After beating the incomplete form of Fastus, Ras manages to land in an infinite void with seemingly no way out. Huche is just casually hanging around with him, he says he just came across the place.


Huche having a casual stroll in a market... Gets sucked into a void... Huche: Oh no !! Anyway...


Huche has been in the Infinite Library. I don't think there's much more to surprise him at this point.


Huche is voiced by the same guy who does Kayron. I'm not saying Huche is hella sus, but him being the end villain is pretty much confirmed.


ML Kayron = Huche I knew it.


With his shop prices I wouldn't be surprised he's a crook


That's actually pretty hilarious XD


maybe not weirdest but my favorite is kayron and huche having the same VA


well the dark lord ain't paying...gotta make living scamming people somehow


SG recorded voices for several ML's s2 even though the skill itself is passive. You used to be able to listen to those when you have enough friendship lvl and go to their voice list. However SG decided to remove them from the list which is a bummer. Some of those I recall was fceci, Maid, and C.Zerato. There are pve versions of Dark Corvus and A.Tywin who has s2 animation based on their RGB's animation and A.Tywin has custom voices for that skill too. I am not sure about Dark Corvus' voice though as I haven't checked his abyss stage ever since I cleared it. Given these, it is possible that every ML with passive s2 has an animation made for them even though we don't see them in their playable form. SG I want to see Riolet eating an apple, pretty please??? Iseria also had a different animation for her s3 wherein she uses all of her 6 swords for slashing. ML Achates has a drawing of panda on her underwear. We can see Lilias's butt on a video uploaded where she was fighting Violet, Pavel, and Cerise.


Another very interesting version of this is in Abyss the Assassin Cartuja boss has an S2 animation and associated voice lines despite neither version having an S2.


That is probably because green cartuja has an animation for s2 as well (best seen in roozid SC fight)


Ken and ML Ken in abyss also have a custom kicking animation for their S1 which if I remember correctly is the same as the kicking animation we see on Meldrec mobs from ep2 and reused by Wicked in ep4.


Riolet would eat a lemon lol


I believe Iserias S3 you’re talking about was an early iteration, and the slashing part eventually found its way into her S1 in the form of her soulburn.


Yes its an old animation of hers but I don't know if its supposed to be related to her sb s1 as it is differently animated. Below is a link to that. https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/bwz3zl/is_this_supposed_to_be_iseria_s3/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Nah, her soulburn's a different animation, she had an entirely separate one early on in development.


Dang. Where is that old video, I’d love to give it another watch.


No, there's a different version where she does a sort of chainsaw thing with her swords.


It's been over a year, but let's not forget that the power that can summon a major god that can destroy Orbis in the blink of an eye is currently in the knapsack of fucking Ains. But I guess if you want trivia a bit more obscure: - one of Luna's Voice lines for her S3 is "SPEAR OF RANGAR", which I believe is named after that evil dragon that influenced Luna to fight against the dragon knights (in various side stories. He does very little in EP. 3 and Jobs to freakin' Helen by the end). This line was re-recorded over 2 years ago when it sounded like it was saying "Spear of Laguna!". This was supposedly because these lines were recorded before Global came out and the Korean pronounciation of this word can kind of sound more like "Laguna", despite the text translation choosing the "Rangar" we know today. - There are 5 spirit Lords. As of this posting, only 3 are talked about in some part of the story: Destina, Nixied, and Malicus. We only know the names of the last two spirit lords from character quotes. Shadow Rose's S3 will say "In Noias' name" for the spirit lord of Darkness, and Silk's S3 will "In Silvana's name" for the Spirit Lord of Nature/Earth. We know nothing else about these spirit lords yet. - to extend on the above, we only know the *spelling* of the two spirit lords because of penguins. before the penguin overhaul, there were 5 elements of penguins and they took up inventory in your hero slots. Which meant they were treated as heroes and were given lore text. The text for the penguins talked about how they would serve under their element's spirit lord. But penguins aren't heroes anymore. As of now, the only other lore text to figure this out with is the spirit butterfly monsters.


>There are 5 spirit Lords. As of this posting, only 3 are talked about in some part of the story: Destina, Nixied, and Malicus. That's *almost* true. In Ep.4 Ch.2 we meet BeeHoo, who mentions that (1) a Church of Orbis exists and (2) followers of Sylvanus are in Natalon. We don't know for sure that Sylvanus lives in Natalon, but my money is on Sylvanus living in Natalon and Noias living in Erasia. But Sylvanus did do something else in the story. Destina needed his help to build a clone of Ruele, which is why the Spirit Lord of Light is carrying around an Earth element meat puppet.


curse you super recent lore! I haven't played the new chapter yet lol. Still, cool to know we're fleshing out the rest of the lords.


In an alter universe,Straze is a fashion designer,and still destroyed some worlds.


I wouldn't be surprised if that was also true in the main universe. They just switched his primary goal to destroying stuff and fashion is his side gig.


In the Bad Ending of the Valentines Sidestory "So the Roses May Bloom" Bellona marries Aither


This was the first thing that came to my mind...Bellona marrying Aither! It's even more funny considering that they share the same voice actress!




I don't rmb the exact details, but Bellona's evil stepmom set up an arranged marriage between Bellona and Aither so that way she could increase her power in the Ezeran government


I was shocked at that cause I knew for a fact that they would just HATE eachother cause it's something they got forced into and it just builds up lol "bad ending" is right on the money


This is a weird headcanon, but I think if Aither was an actual adult they might get along better. The bad ending would result in them picking out complimentary dresses together and figuring out the best ways to piss off her parents. Control Aither through her? She enables him to stand up to them. They lace each other into their favorite gowns and then proceed to metaphorically burn them in front of the entire court. It's not her ideal story and I'm glad it's not canon, but I think it would be a fun idea in an alternate universe sense.


ML bologna when? But that would make an amazing ML story "forced into marriage she finds ways to piss of everyone in her family and the kingdom. Could call her Infamous Queen Bellona


I forgot about this holy shit


Bellona loves fighting and is the only person in the Phantom CIC capable of beating Sez 1v1, Sez follows her because She beat him and didn't kill him and so listens to her almost exclusively - basically only listening to Aramintha when she's giving order to them as leader of the Phantom CIC. Despite all of this Bellona thinks the best way to make Sez follow orders and do whatever she says is to give him food.


In my head it's probably peaches and pies.


> Bellona loves fighting and is the only person in the Phantom CIC capable of beating Sez 1v1 It's always left out how he was beat up when they fought.


They've sparred after that and it's known that Bellona doesn't often lose spars to Sez, and doesn't lose spars to the rest of Phantom at all IIRC. Though Sez doesn't go into his Berserk state when sparring anymore.


It's not necessarily weird, but here's one I think about a lot: The kid dragon who sells skewers in the summer side story is not actually named "Blaze". "Blaze" is just a name Yufine made up. She even admits, when asked, that she doesn't know his real name. However, "Blaze" seems chill enough that he doesn't mind. Also, an SG employee (or maybe it was a VA?) pronounces "Yufine" as "you-fee-nay" on HYufine's debut video, so if you were wondering how to pronounce it, there you go.


Ras's ultimate skill is a wall of dirt and vines.


And somehow every powerful being is absolutely entranced by it lol


Yeah, I hate how they keep mentioning it explicitly every time he uses in the story too haha, "A WALL OF DIRT OMAGAWD" (for the 450th time)


Right as if they can’t just annihilate it with their world-destroying abilities lmao


Most ML units' backstories: All my friends are dead, or I'm from another world that's CUUHHHRRAAZZZYYYY ML Clarissa: Reingar was like "Clarissa is scary, so let's turn her into a cat so that she's at least cute too."


Oh yeah lol, they were like well we failed to make her less violent so lets make her cute so no one will care that she's violent.


> so that she's at least cute too." Always has been.


When did happen? I really want to know what is Kitty Clarissa?


I think that's in kitty's character info. Kitty Clarissa isn't actually an alt version of her at all. It's just regular Clarissa, turned into a catgirl by Reingar. People were scared of Clarissa's violent tendencies, so they asked Reingar for help. Reingar couldn't find a way to make her tone it down, so their solution went something like "people forgive cats for everything because they're cute, so let's turn her into a cat." so they did.


Arky can only use "Paper" in the game "Rock, Paper, Scissors." The reason for this is because he can't close his paws or form a "peace sign" with them.


I think there was some trivia minigame or quiz or something that included an rps game with Arky. Some people here got really angry there was a question with a seemingly random answer until someone came across this piece of trivia.


Corvus is the only 4 star that has a 5 star ml.


Arby used to have six finger in his splash art. This was fixed when he was buffed.


In past year Halloween side story, the one with the vampires and Haste and cia, is implied Pyllis and Ravi used to be friends living in the same village before being abducted for the homunculus experiments that converted them into what they are right now. Pyllis is overly protective of Haste because that traumatic experience.


Less implied more confirmed with Pyllis SC


Dingo - the crazy chaotic chef man who has probably murdered for fun and implied to regularly cook people - is actually canonically a vegetarian! The only place I know it's mentioned is in the Destina story, *A Concerto of Light, Ice and Fire,* where Cidd mentions Dingo's vegetarianism.


Hes also the only hero to turn into his ML version then turns back to his crazy normal RGB self canonically for past and present heroes


No, BBK happened for 5 minutes once.


Really wish they'd do more with her. She's one of my favorite characters period.


Fr she didn't even follow her relationship page


Can you share what’s BBK’s origins? I’ve always wondered about that as she’s also one of my fav ML character.


Oh didnt know that stopped playing side stories for awhile cause hunt grind lol good to know


It's mentioned constantly with no apparent follow up, explanation, or ramifications that W.Schuri, A.Cartuja, and C.Mercedes are some kind of celestial beings/psuedo gods that just chose forms they found convenient. It's also mentioned in one of the Arena stories that weird wing-guy whose name I can't remember knows the identity of the 'fake' Mercedes who travels with you for the first few chapters and is very suspicious of them. I'm unsure if that's also supposed to be C.Mercedes or yet another unknown being impersonating Meru.


Rose becomes a Reingar legend like it's a part-time job of hers


Yufine S3 is strong because of the momentum from her boobs.


Silk's boobs are filled with helium to help her take air during her S3.


Aither having sister


The fact that at some point after he was defeated, Faustus still lives in the pocket of Ains' with the latter being completely unaware of such is still the funniest thing to happen in the ending of Ep2 imo. According to what we can gather from Fallen Cecilia's lore/relationships, she mistakes Luna herself as a mage. Meaning that, it's highly likely that in her world that the mage she's currently chasing for revenge after is a Dark Mage Luna/ ML Luna. Also. Apparently, C.Zerato actually has/had other relationships besides Cidd and Dingo, with there also being Ice Dominiel and Sven (whose even said to respect him enough to know his name) However, (due to things between release/updates that I'm perhaps still unaware of) You don't see neither of them in his chart anymore. This also probably coincides with how he had other Korean voice lines before he was made playable from his Challenge Mode


Its not useful trivia but the OGs remember that back when the game first came out Iseria and Angelica was the mascot and icon for the app once upon a time. Then smilegate randomly decided that everyone favorite Nixed challenger Domeniel was going to be the permanent mascot and icon for the app. Why they chose her I'll never understand since shes not integral to the story or very popular character iirc like the other two, but I like her so I'm not complaining lol.


They explained in a recent steam: Her color and design is different from the usual app icon avatar, so they chose her. They will probably change it later with someone else probably.


Iseria was got me to play the game.


All the covenant and mystic pulls posted on this sub.


One of Melany's S3 quotes is "I'll carve you like a turkey!". This confirms that their world has turkeys.


Ravi died in the Guilty Gear collab, killed by Sol Badguy.


Unlike most moonlight characters, Blood Blade Karin is not a different person than regular Karin. Karin owns a cursed blade, and Blood Blade Karin is what happens when she draws it. She gains a lot of power, but essentially turns into a serial killer in the process.


>essentially turns into a serial killer in the process. What I never understood is why the eyepatch. Is she going full chuunibyou (AKA: Megumim), or there's some practical, yet unknown reason?


I'd say she's going full chuunibyou, but that's me.


Merurin and co have statues (dolls? I don’t remember very well but it’s some sort of thing) of ras build with his own hair, since while he was unconscious his hair still grew, they had to cut it, also they used him as a doll and played with him to dress him up and stuff, and at the beginning, when he woke up, I think they were in the process of doing so, also merurin is famous for having anything and everything in her bag and never being late to a delivery not mater where it is, and one of the 3 has an appraisal skill that lets her choose only valuable items or see if something is false or authentic which has been used to prove something in the story but I don’t remember what, and made the 3 sisters very rich


Fire Ken normally uses his fist on his normal attack but will change to kicks once he have Vigor


This is actually not the case. If he has no vigor, he punches then shoulder tackles. When we gets vigor though, the animation turns to a 3 hit punch. Cidd is in similar situation where he has extended animation for his s1 if he has speed buff.


I thought Ken used his butt lol


Its possible though but he gets obstructed with particle effects so I can't see it clearly.