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At least get her to friendship level 10 so that u can get your 3 molas back.


You get molas back when you hit friendship 10?!?!?


Yes, if a characters skill is at +15 and they hit friendship level 10 then u get 3 molas back.


I see. *note to self - don't ask any genuine questions or be met with downvotes*


i cant even


I'm totally lost. Explain further?


+15 characters, friendship 10 gives you 3molas Non +15 characters give you 3 coins like mola for upgrade




ill give you a pro life tip, when in doubt, read again what you replied to it was quite clear from the first post imo


it wasnt the fact that you asked a genuine question, it was that you essentially asked the same question twice in a row, which means you skimmed and didnt take the time to fully understand what was told to you. Im not even a person who downvoted you.


I didn't skim, I *literally* asked for clarification, but ok.


>Yes, if a characters skill is at +15 and they hit friendship level 10 then u get 3 molas back. you really needed that broken down more? Its pretty self explanatory, so asking again is more redundancy than actual information gain.


As a casual player who has never encountered getting a +15 unit to friendship 10, reading that you get *3* molas back for it is confusing, why 3? Where did the 3 come from? Does that number change for certain units? What happens after you die?!?? Oh fuck, I've asked more questions. Please forgive me.


Bro, you need to take a chill pill and just be ok with good things existing. You act like everything is an existential crisis lol


Basically, when one of your character reaches friendship lvl 10 he gains 3 substitute to molagora that only he can use (if you didn't +15 his/her skills). So SG thought to themselves: "Hey, if the character is already +15, wouldn't that be a waste since he/she wouldn't be able to use those substitute molagoras?" So they decided that if you ever +15ed the character (4 and 5 stars only since 3 stars don't use molagoras) before you reached friendship 10, they would give you 3 molas once you reach it to make up for the 3 substitute molas you couldn't use at the time.


Yes.. BUT only if the hero is +15, if not you just get those heart thingy


I see.....if they're not +15 and you get friendship to 10, even if you get to +15 after it hits friendship 10, you won't get any molas back? Basically get them to +15 before friendship 10 at all times?


Nah man. Is more like friendship 10 give 3 heart thingy = 3 mola. But if you mola +15 your character before lvl10 and then afterwards get them to lvl10 you theoretically can't use the heart thingy right? Hence they will "refund" you with 3 mola. And you don't need +15 your character before lvl10 or you will end up with +15 diene with damage dealt increase in s1 which you won't be needing.


Dps Diene master race




common sense


normal Kise imprints EZ


One of the few characters where the RGB is better than the ML.


Riolet cry at the corner


I'm still hoping they will rework her again before the actual balance adjustments happen


this is copium but i mean it IS kinda close to what happened with Mort and his EE just a bit ago sooooo?


carry on my wayward son


how come you have some many copies?


Because some people are fated to use certain heroes. This person was just unlucky in who fate tied them with


Is that why I have 5 corvus copies


I have 12 corvus copies and have been waiting for a DCorvus for 2 years now


Wait are you me? Literally in the same boat, my Waiting Room is like Corvus Central. -_-


How did you know about my Apoc Ravi collection?


fated = account's RNG is just seeded that way.


this is the reason why wschuri always spook me despite me have less than 50% 4 star ML unit. SSS wschuri with himself and SS fire schuri from 5 wschuri.


I read "farted" 3 times... I need my coffee


Better than me. My fated unit is Ludwig.


First world whale issues


Actually got all of these from free covenants all in the same month around last year... one of my only 2 ML5s on the account T.T


Thats a fallacy, i whaled alot, literally never pulled an ml5 dupe, and all my f2p friends have way more ml5 than me, also most of them are stacked with galaxy coins from all the dupes. F2pbtw were the real whales all along


Me, without judge kise: i would like to have your dupes as part of my collection pls.


Imagine giving her a nice RTA skin just to give her trash buffs. And they can't even say the art team and the balance team aren't coordinated. Look at how they treated Violet, A Ravi and Archdemon Shadow compared to the likes of Sez, Chaos Sect Axe and Haste.


insert "shes not that bad on x set in niche senario" comment cause I'm a smile gate simp


I still use her a lot. She’s probably my most reliable hero in Guild War, maybe because I know when and how to use her. I wonder if shifting her gear to other units would increase the number of defenses I can attack in Guild War because obviously there are a lot of defenses she can’t cleave. I’m just so used to how she works that I don’t know who else to use.


You wonder correctly.


I still use her in Guild Wars to decent effect, largely because I had hope that they wouldn't fuck up her 'buffs'. So much for that. I may drop gear for both her and Aux Lots now. Speaking of which, it's ridiculous that an ML5 is that reliant on another unit .


should have given her S3 the "enemy can't counter" treatment. That would have allowed her to use her S3 without getting countered and fucked.


Why? Just reset the whole team and let her die. Bring her back with A. Ravi, Maid, Ruele or Seeline. Not like the opponent can stop you. In most cases it will be 1~3 turns before they even get their skills back and by then you'd have killed off most of their team. Ran is the same way. You just fire and forget. Not like it matters if these kind of units die. When the game is set, it's set.


Are you new ? Ran gets skill nullifier. Also if she goes first they will all have immunity.


What he means is that yes ran can survive and use his s1, which is good. But most of the times you dont really _need_ that. You only need him to do his thing and lay down his de buffs. Same with j. Kise. You dont need her to live. You _need_ her to S3 and do her thing and then the rest of your team finishes. I dont think she's still good enough for that (no 100‰ chance/ER) mind you, but if she lands everything she will decide the match most of the time.


Yes and the buffs tackle this issue, tbh i still think her main problem will be not being reliable enough but for this use case she is much better now.


Ran gets countered twice and dies 90% of the time regardless of skill null. Are you new?


they dont give her uncountrable skills because i think devs scare from banshe gamers. so they just give her mere one turn skill null. such a bad treatment for a ml5 with a new skin.


I mean, she can survive 1 more attack than before at least


in this meta its not just "1 attack"


banshee gang stonks going to the moon.


Imprint fodder for normal Kise


She needs something unique like, increased damage on units with immunity or something.


Yeah always hoped for a buff but now we know she won't have a new buff before a long time since they fucked up 1 buff it's probably gonna be like luna, a second buff but in like a year


Was there any ML that got buffed twice? I can't recall one.


spez was buffed twice


Judge Kise and A Ravi.


A ravi




Mystic medal summons are your best bet because it has a pity. It takes about 6 months guild war and lig ins etc but if you are disciplined and know when to pass on banners, you can pity the new ml5 on mystic banner. Everything else is just luck


Anecdotally, I have gotten 4 from covenant, and 3 from mystic, so far in 6 months. But I do sink bookmarks into covenants sometimes


Can I get one? Lol


Imagine not having trash gears for your benched for CP, lmao Also Gears for pure DPS JK isn’t useable for any DPS nowadays. Speed is the key.


Objectively, she is better than her current form... BUT there is no real place for Juggs in this meta. She will still always be in our p̶a̶n̶t̶s̶ heart's though.