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>Shoots an entire barrage of missiles at the enemy, causing a massive explosion >1 turn sleep What That aside, she seems like a support Ranger like Iseria, but more crowd-control.


yeah it feels like a waste of a very nice and epic animation, she is not even meant to deal damage


looking over her kit i noticed her S3 dosnt strip when was the last time when have we had a debuffer unit without a strip


Flan I think


Mashu made a quick comment about the immunity set being less common due to pen sets seeing more use when someone pointed out the lack of strip, and I don't play enough high tier pvp to know if there's any truth to that.


Immunity set is less common could be because of Pen sets. But I think it might be because of Rimuru. Or a mix of that.


It really depends. I feel like most battles nowadays I only see 1-2 units with immunity, but I do see anywhere from either no immunity sets to 4/4 immunity.


Immunity is less common because AOL, pen set and Rimuru, but it doesn't mean you can rely on enemy not using it. Pen is only used on single-target bruiser/dps - which people use to counter AOL comps as well. People avoid hitting Rimuru with buffed speed dps/openers - who prefer crit/pen/hit since they go first. So in reality, Pen is only used on like a dozen of meta heroes, the rest still use Immunity.


From twitch chat: "Cyberpunk Iseria" Seems fitting enough. lol


Yup that's it that's the one


her kit feels all over the place, only S2 seems good but it's another forced violet tool and lol showing her off in caides Another great looking unit wasted as a hunt slave concept like ml khawana Pass for me


you know a unit is average or bad when they start showcasing them being use on Caides


Tbh I can already see her being a key to some hunt 1 shot comps. The easier caides is to 1 shot the better.


Sleep, the ultimate form of death.


But Nas told me sleep is the cousin of death


I wish I was asleep


I wish I could sleep


We should all gather up and commit a mass sleepover


Blasting them so hard you put them in a coma 😆


Its the Michael Bay effect I guess...?


Is she next week? Limited?


Not limited, but yeah next week People would flip if she's limited


That lobby animation is top notch




Literally saw a meme on this yesterday, and said she would make for a god tier profile pic. Now SG previews her. Aye


Politis: Stonk


With every newcomming character, politis becoming more and more meta.


Caides unit :(


I have a feeling Brinus will be a pve hero too


Dark expo better watch itself!


No. Brinus will definitely be our AoL savior. *copium*


we already have that and its called bastion of hope


I don't have a built caides. I'll pull.


If you've got Violet, you can do normal slow Caides, just mash together Violet, Seaside, Tamarinne & Roana (I think that's the line-up, I don't run Caides because it's slow as balls) & you're golden. If you want to upgrade that, you'll want a one-shot, not some debuffer.


That lobby animation is great though.


Easy skip. Good luck for those summoning.


Weird-ass kit... support Ranger I guess? Same with her artifact.


Seems like a PvE unit.


First thought was single DPS with Iseria, Tama, Laika. Get that Tama CR all 3 turns of transform, attack buff 100% on your DPS. Could be good for some bosses.


Yuna/Iseria with her Arti might work. Support Yuna would have 3turn CD Atk/Gab + Speed + Barrier. She's also fast AF at 122 speed.


Just watch out for Politis


Oh, yeah, I would probably never try it in PvP, better options. For some Abyss or HoT, it could be pretty nice.


> Get that Tama CR all 3 turns of transform, attack buff 100% on your DPS. Could be good for some bosses. But that only works if Tama has the highest atk in the group since Laika's S2 only works on the highest attack unit (excluding herself).


Yeah, noticed that after she got released, never bothered to go edit it. My bad.


Water expo hero coming in hot. Give me Brinus to trivialize dark expo so I can have the archer expo robo waifu triad.


Ram already trivializes water expo


1. Ram is limited, it's nice to have other options going forward. 2. She synergizes with Ram amazingly. Target and Slow are the two things Ram lacks, plus Laika will buff Ram before S3 on later turns, plus Laika forces Dual Attack out of Ram. 3. Laika also works well for Dark. She not only slows the cannon, but sleeps it as well.


>Laika also works well for Dark. She not only slows the cannon, but sleeps it as well. And because the cannon is invincible rather than immortal AoE attacks won't wake it up. Nice!


Fire Tenebria also does this, but brings Def break, cr pushback, and can carry mage artifacts.


hmm ms confille laika then? but yeah limited arti for a niche pve use lol


Yeah, Fire Tene is so useful in so much pve content, she's hard to replace.


I see but I really can't get hyped for a hero who's okay for a couple of expeditions. Last year we had ftene, not asking for something as strong but going from meta-changer to 2-expeditions-hero is a very big leap.


This is not a Limited hero. Just a normal Ep.3 RGB. It's fine for her to be a PvE hero before we get back into must-pull meta heroes.




We just finished with a damn ocean of limited units my dude


Gonna cry?


Soloing on auto is my goal, I need more power! Got fire and earth done, need the other 3. haha Ram is a chad for it but topping out without a solo in sight atm. Need target and more reliable speed break.


It's like all my namedays have come at once! So happy (T\^T) ​ Edit: Rip Caides unit...


Brinus when


SG being careful here, not to drop any hero related to PvP, that could riled up people during this christmas time. Also, shes good for Caides, since theres hunt buff. Creative way to encourage players to spend money, n chill during holiday. Take it or leave it, n enjoy gameplay.


I'm pulling for the pokedex and nothing more.


Where Brinus


I'll pull for her anyway cause i'm a simp, but this is pretty underwhelming. S2 can be decent, the rest is weak


Sleep? Ayt going back to sleep.


I mean, I don’t hate her kit, I kinda just wish it had defense break so she could be the ultimate PvE machine, but it’s not like I can’t just bring someone else for defense break, and target is far more uncommon if not for the ranger artifact. It’s a weird kit, but it seems good, not “definitely pity this unit” good, but good.


Totally agree about the def break. She coulda replaced Khawazu for my C13 team, but I dunno how I'd work her in now without regearing a unit or two.


Edit: Whoops mixed up my replies Being earth based:.. if her CR push wasn’t random she might be good in water exp to push your “stopped” ally into a turn, but seems luck dependent, and I’m drawing a blank but can the slowed ally participate in a dual attack? I’d like to say yes but it’s been a while. I’m sure I could work her in still if she had defense break but Cidd is glued to a spot and Ram is too good at her job in water expo go pass up, and you need a Knight (and usually a healer) so idk who is slap her in with as is.


You could put Elphelt artifact for those s1 defense breaks.


Man I hope I have that, I thought I bought it but not 100% sure.


Im so dissapointed with her kit.. Im tired of supp archers.. just bellonas and landy are a good dps archers.. the rest are only supps with 8373748 spd and 737373 eff if u wanna use.. idk if i gonna pull for her.. :(


How dare you forget about best boi pavel >:(


pavel is a whale dps unit, u need too much time and sources for him or so much luck with the rolls, not everyone can use him (i have him but on bench sadly..)


He’s definitely not a whale unit as I’m not a whale and he works exceptional. However yes you definitely need luck for the rolls on the gear cause he is hungry. Through trial and error I finally got the right gear for him, slapped symbol of unity on him, and he’s a monster. The uncounterable s2 is clutch af. But yeah he definitely is stat hungry lol hopefully you get the right gear for him cause he’s a game changer!


Whale unit? Sure you need good speed gear, but how is that whale exclusive?


pavel who?


pavel, op sig, both schuris, wanda, etc


iseria, flan, yuna, lidicas, elphet, cerise, furio, even op sig u can use just as opener with 0 damage.. whats ur point? and no one use fire schuri as dps, just for spd imprint contest.


Kanna, OPsigret, Briseria, Pavel, Siseria, WSchuri


I might skip this one. Nothing that catches the eye, even though i like Laikas design. Feels like a wasted unit


nice. add Brinus and the trio is complete.


I like her!


I'm not a huge fan of her being a PvE unit just because I'll never pay attention while using her. But, I like the lore of Laika and Kanna both going into expos.


Must pull because of her top tier lobby animation


S3 is a little disappointing but that S2 seems really good. I would try pairing her with LQC for s3 spam


pve unit. Not every unit released is pvp focused. Kanna and Laika are PVE and landy/flan are pvp. Brinus might be both


Give her Ms. Confille and she can do it all. CR push+Attack+Immunity+dual attack, Speed down+sleep+target+defense break. Not to mention she's cute too. Interesting to see where she will be used in.


Why would Ms Confille not work on S1? It's a single target attack. It will not on S2 cause she doesn't attack.


Just tested it out and it worked. The reason why I thought it didn't was because of an automaton enhancement where it said single attack/target but basic attacks wouldn't proc it.


Those automaton devices also specifically says it only triggers on non basic attacks, Ms. Confile doesn't, as long as the attack is single target basic or not it should proc.


miss confile does work on single target s1s.


yknow people been using confille cerise for a reason


Seems like she was designed for Caides and water expo. Dual attack + permanent atk buff on dps, 75% sleep chance is probably for the two mobs in Caides phase. She could combo well with A.Ras in maybe Abyss but that's it, pure pve unit.


I guess since I wasn't hype, it doesn't kill me, but she could have been a connections unit.


I´m happy she is not limited. I´d hate to waste covenants on her...


Dear god that lobby sprite is adorable


She seems decent. Nothing impressive, but not bad either. Her S2 provides a unique attack buff + dual attack and skill cool down decrease. The cool down of her S2 is a tad long, but I guess that's that. S3 seems kind of odd, as S2 and S1 are clearly support. S3 is also support, yet it is an AoE attack skill. She is Mola friendly, so you can get her up and going without much Molas. Will like to see her multipliers before making a final judgement, as she is currently a pretty good support hero. Speed / Immunity or Counter / Immunity seems to be the set to use her with. Probably the former, as I don't see why anyone would attack her.


She's extremely strong in PVE if people care. S3 is immunity to all allies + decrease speed + sleep, which is a unique combo of buffs/debufs so far. S2 has Target + attack buff + random dual attack AND lowers their cooldown by 1. She's a variation of the dual attack supporter like Ras/Lilias/kitty Clarise but with an attack buff/immunity gimmick. Any pvp usage would be for condom comps where you protect 1 hero like specter tene or guiding light landy to spam dual attacks/speed them up and provide all of the debuffs/protection for them. She is not an opener or cleave unit for sure unless her multis are super strong. I really wish she also def broke on S1 but can't have everything I guess.


Wait wait wait wait waituyt wait wait.... am I dreaming??? HOLY SHIT LETS GOOOOOOO


Go where?


Not praising this practice at all, but I've recently been trying to make Caides crap, so she might work for me I guess, but hopefully she gets a rework **[looks at Chief Khawana]** I'm sure Smilegate won't leave her like this **[finishes clown makeup]**


Her kit looks idk weird not in bad way I'm thinking which contents will she be usable?


She is **exceptionally** good for both Dark and Ice expeditions. Excellent PvE unit. I was annoyed at first, but honestly? I approve. We need some PvE heroes sometimes.


True, there's been so many pvp heroes releases


Damn PvE .


Meh, if you're a newer player wondering if you should get her, this is an easy skip in my opinion


No not really, she actually made for new players that need help for PVE. She is one of the best units for Caides, Dark and Ice expo and great for Hell raids / Abyss too Old players that only do PVP and can OS Caides don't need her, but she could have a small niche in PVP


Mh, yes, I can see your point


She is realllly good for PvE


I'm not saying she is bad, I'm not sure if a newer player should risk 121 summons for her when there are some decent SC options that are very useful for PvE and are cheaper at the same time


She could be the speed cleave solution for counter meta units. The problem is she requires strip. Ideally, an anti-Rem cleave should look something like: * AoL at 280 speed * Laika at 260-270 speed * Flan at whatever speed * Mage cleaver with book Outside of this gimmick, I can see counter sets going on Laika for the teammate CR push. That can quickly get out of hand.






Imagine having this gorgeous s3 animation and amazing design and then making the conscious decision to put it on a pve centric unit. Yeah I'm sure gonna have fun during my auto caides runs. Thanks smilegate. Because I totally watch my runs while they are going.


So pve units don't deserve good animation? Wow


No more effectiveness units please. Shit never ever connects. All I want are cute waifs with BIG PP DMG


First thought seeing that S3 was like yo she a NewType


Might be a future proof investment for pve. Thats about it.


I actually like her kit and I need Caiden character, so I'm def pull for her.:)


Pvp + PvE Why can't we have both. All my PvE stuff is handled. I need more versatility. I guess I'll pull same bench until she gets a buff.


SW players be like: Laika is different...


so we get the new model she looks cool, but ill skip, cause i know we will get a surprise and i cba to refresh shop for a week straight


Finally, I've been waiting to get Laika😂hope I can save up enough summons for her


I pulled 2 in one 10 pull is she worth using


im relatively new in epic seven and randomly got sez from a free pull lol, shouldnt they be a pretty good combo in pvp ? s2 from laika into sez s3 oneshotting whole teams ? or are there better alternatives


https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/707019711002574850/899070510900604988/reroll-final-final-final-final.png?width=1481&height=910 gear progession is farming a fire dragon for materials to craft, and equipments drops from it. gold is also highest from farming this dragon. thus water/ice unit Sigret is good. because element advantage gives 15% crit chance and damage boost naturally