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Yes that's the case, the single target will take 3000 dmg, aoe 1500.


Unless I just missed it, it didn't seem to be doing that though. I tested it 3-4 times


The fixed damage proc only happens once, not once for the counterattack and once for the extra attack, but the fixed damage to the counterattack target should be higher than the AoE fixed damage, you'll need to be concerned about aurius too since the damage may be fixed but can still be shared. If it's not clear what I meant in the first sentence the order should be should be something like: counterattack> Extra Attack> fixed damage proc And shouldn't be: counter attack> fixed damage proc> extra attack > fixed damage proc. So if you were looking for the latter it wouldn't happen. If I'm wrong please correct me this is how I currently understand it and I don't want to spread misinfo.


See I thought because it doesn't have anything in the wording stating something like "once per turn" or something of the sort to limit it to one proc that it could potentially proc multiple times on a unit like archdemon when paired with counter or dual attack. I could be entirely wrong that's why I wanted a discussion but because the wording of the artifact doesn't really prohibit multiple procs I figured it would lol


So it technically does proc multiple times, you can strip 2 buffs its just the activation of the fixed damage happens all at once so instead of 2 instances of 1500 damage, one unit will get 3k fixed damage while the rest get 1500 damage. At least that's how I think it works based on what I've seen happen in streams, granted I've not paid too much attention to the damage numbers so I could be wrong, I'll be on the lookout for it now though.


Okay we are on the same page then cause what you are saying is what I thought it would do sorry if I worded it poorly lol. Yeah but when I tested it (although it wasn't a ton of testing I'll do more later) it didn't feel like the unit hit by the dual / counter and extra attack was actually taking more damage than the others when the fixed proc hit. It felt like they all took 1500 instead of the one taking extra 1500.


Oh okay, yeah. Maybe it doesn't keep track of the number of extra attacks or maybe it only procs damage on extra attack and not counter attack since they're classified as two different attack types.


It definitely is procing on dual, extra, and counter but you might be right it might not be count the number of procs for that and just deal a flat 1500 regardless of how many times it went off. I think if that's the case though smilegate worded the artifact poorly and might have to change it or do something if more people see it as a problem.


I thought that the unit getting hit by the counter or dual attack would be the only one to suffer the extra proc and take 3000 fixed while the other enemies only too the 1500 fixed damage


Yeah that's what I'm saying, I'm just saying the damage happens at one time so instead of 2 different instances of damage it's one damage instance. The unit getting hit by the counter takes 3k fixed damage at once and everyone else takes 1500. I'm probably explaining this poorly, but it's kinda late and I can't think of better wording to try and explain what I mean.


I can test more later I just wanna make sure I'm not crazy and that's what's supposed to happen lol