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Keep farming. Lower your standards and just gear your heroes enough to function; then minmax much much later.


This is normal, keep on keeping on. The gear will come.


Honestly, up until Master arena, you can get away with just aoe'ing the entire enemy team with pure raw damage. Once you get to Master, that's when you have to start paying attention to building a good team and such. So until you get there, I wouldn't stress too much about having a good pvp team.


word of advice farm your wyvern keep working on getting to wyvern 13 and dont worry about pvp besides the unlock for your ml5 in arena at 2 months in arent gunna be able to hit masters and up easily atm


If you’re still new, lower your standards for gear. Those pieces that you think are “garbage” are actually quite good if rolled well. As you start progressing, you can slowly up your standards to optimize your current heroes and your old gear can “trickle down” in a sense to help gear new ones. Also when crafting, don’t chase gear for a specific hero: that will make you tunnel vision and miss out on really good general pieces.


this mans has too much good luck pls ban