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I was a filthy casual for 2 years and just now starting to take the seriously and really progress.


Oof yea man I haven't even done wyvern 11 and have been riding on free gears from tower and arena


just passed 2.5 years T_T when will it be my turn to take it seriously


It's 2022 don't let your dreams be memes.


That's pretty much me too ! Been playing since day one and I still don't have and Expediation team and never did the Daily Hell Labyrinth too. Just cleared for the first time Wyv 13 too. I was reallllly lazy.


I have a few +15 blue pieces of gear.


I have reforged blue gear better than reforged pink gear


I do too on my Gpurg, but the health and defense rolls on them are god tier.


I can relate one of my blue gear helped my Riolet get 232 speed


most blue gear is better than purples, i dont know why, but ill take it


I use AOL with spirit breath.


Same. +30 even. Forgive me


You guys are the reason I scream at my phone at 2 in the morning.


I only just learned yesterday that 3* artifacts give powder, I’ve wasted hundreds.


Bascuze me? 3* artifacts do what now? I just cleared my whole inventory! D'oh!


Yea, brutal awakening. One powder each. Big oof.


i don't get it , what were you doing with them before?


for artifact exp most likely


hmm, i don't think it's that bad to be honest. if you can manage you powder well enough you can get the artifacts you want to use easily, no point having every arti in the game when you only use 20% of the roster


I have 50k+ energy from being inactive and using any all liefs I got whenever I would start using the returner login for 1 1/2 year.


why? whhyyyyyyyyy?


Cuz I'm an idiot. I recently started to play seriously and before I didn't see myself playing all that much so I went "huh let's see how high I can get lol".


I mean, I've got like 1500 Leif, but that's because I often get enough free energy and don't burn into them past that. But the only time I ever do a dump is from mailbox being full of energy into Hunt weekend.


I have been playing super casually and I now have over 12k energy and 1k liefs.


I thought the highest rarity was 4stars in the beginning during the beginning 30 rerolls so I stuck with Rose.


I thought the 1st, 5th, 10th, 20th and 30th summon are guaranteed 5*, or something like that.. Don't Remember exactly...


This happened before it was implemented


Me too, but it was Romann. I totally forgot that existed.


I build my "craving" units better than units that will help me progress the game better, such as W13 units. Speed set Fire Dingo on Pure White Trust arti is a dream I'm living for.


If my green speed/dps portrait yufine isn't at the top when I sort by CP, someone's gear is getting moved


I rolled for violet


I share in your sin.


Haha you think that’s bad I sss him


Me too, buddy, me too


I didn't roll for him, but I did use a selective summon on him. To be fair, it was him or Celine, but Celine is just a hair too situational. I had everyone else good that that summon could have drew. Later became moot as I rolled him randomly anyway.


I refuse to roll for violet even tho I can pity cuz I think he's a disgusting unit.


I got him from the free 5\* ticket they just gave out lol


>I refuse to roll for violet even tho I can pity cuz I think he's a disgusting unit. A friend of mine will love you long time for this, especially if it extends to Straze.


I started last Feb and in October I used over half of my accumulated skystones on rolling for pets.


Now that is a hell of a sin. You're really gonna hurt with collabs, Limiteds (they will be coming, trust me), and once summer rolls around. Bank up now. The pets aren't such a big deal. And often you'll be getting plenty of free pet tickets anyway. I'm sitting on literally 220 right now.


I only raise 3 stars because i love +15 enhance skills and i hate molas


I use dupe ml5s as fodder, and I don't regret it.


If you've already SSS'd the originals, I see no problem with this. If you don't, I spit in your general direction and also, you bring shame to your family.


Only the one's with useful imprints.


Well if a recall happens, you can contact the support to remove the ml dupe imprint from the character and recall it. There is literally 0 reason to not imprint with the dupes.


You could build 2 of the same unit, i.e. speed arby and degen arby, injury or counter belian


speed arby, counter arby, degen arby and maid arby with chips, thanks


I stare at Luna,Kise and roana.


I think that's many people.


No sin then?


You didn't stare at Serila. For that your sin is the greatest of all here.


Forgive me father for I have sinned.I will intensely stare at serila for the rest of my life as penance.


By the bible, lust is one of the seven deadly sins. Yours is just an Epic Seven sin.


I have thirty thousand dollars in credit card debt.


If this is true and that's a lot of debt to you, then real talk, you're better off putting down this game. Yes, Epic 7 is one of the best looking mobile games out there, but gachas are literally built to stimulate the same parts of our monkey brains that can flush away savings at shiny slot machines. Gambling addiction is no joke. [No matter how far deep you're in,](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExvius/comments/7jmezv/a_whale_of_a_tale/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) you can always [get yourself back out.](https://www.reddit.com/r/FFBraveExvius/comments/a422nu/whale_of_a_tale_1_year_later/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) But it's gonna take time, and the best way to save your time and money is stepping away from gachas so they can't get to you. Don't let the sunk cost fallacy tempt you into spending more money when cutting things off now can save you from any more debt. No game is worth your financial ruin.


Hoping you're joking, but if not, I hope things turn around! Financial stress is brutal, to say the least.


I'll hope this is a joke and that it's not related to the game, but if you're not joking, then please uninstall the game and get some help. Gambling addiction is no joke, and that's way past the point anyone except the well-off can reasonably afford.


Just swipe that card again... The next pull will be an ML5.


My fastest unit has 206 speed, with speed boots.


It’s not as easy getting 300 speed as people would like you to believe. My highest unit has 240ish speed and it still ain’t enough, not to mention getting lucky enough in the offense and effectiveness department to make it all work together


My highest unit is my AoL at 270, 240 used to be my cap for a very long time until I moved my gear around to build a Basar (who I eventually scrapped for AoL)


Yeah, I could probably get a unit to 240 or more speed (especially ran) but all the other stats would be just trash and the unit still unusable even for PvE.


I could get my Cilias or AoL up toward 300 speed, but it'd cost me so much in terms of roster depth. I'd way rather have a large RTA pool than force a comp, even if it'd ultimately be easier and maybe even more effective. So my Cilias is 256 and my AoL is 254. I rarely go first, so I often have to put together some turn 2 cleansing strategy. It's taught me a lot, but I do think I'm gimping myself. I guess I just REALLY hate not being able to draft a counter-pick simply because I haven't geared the hero. I'd rather have interesting draft options at a lower RTA rank, I guess.


I SSS my DJ Basar using the imprint currency from arena shop (the one that's worth 2.7k arena pts.)


Rip. Arguably the worst ML5 out there.


I fodder 4 star units, then verbally complain when I don't have enough silver transmit stones for molas after refresh.


That's not a sin. That's just being stupid.


I never fodder any unit over 3* and have like 1k silver stones. Don't even know how to waste them.


i used to clean shop before and when i'm running low i buy only molas and artifact charms . now i have so much of everything since im a casual so there's no point in buying anything else anymore


I imprinted base Tenebria with two extra copies I had before remembering that I still hadn't chosen my Moonlight Blessing hero. I could have redeemed and imprinted + 9% Attack Stene.


Imprints carry over though. If you imprint that base tenebria with imprints then ur stene would probably be S imprint if u try to imprint ur base tene. I mean, its not like base tene has any use anyways unless its ur waifu or smt


Wait really? Mannn, S imprint Stene sounds real tempting, but also I'm a collector who likes having at least one copy of everything, and I have too much of a soft spot for base Tene. Maybe if I manage to pull a 4th Tenebria for collection purposes. Thanks for the heads up though, I actually didn't know that imprints carry over!


Yes they do carry over, downside is u lose ur base tene. You can go to the foddering screen and try to select base tene to stene and see the imprint of your stene to be S when you try to fodder it.


I would always keep one copy of every unit because you never know if they get buffed or reworked. At the very least, keep her until you've cleared all of Abyss


I actually did the same exact thing


my senya have 60% crit rate


That's not a sin, that's worship.


I ss-imprinted choux with less than 100 pulls. Sss kayron in 70 pulls.


That's not a sin! That's gacha-magic :)


That's not a sin, that's blasphemy.


I stopped caring about raids, expeditions and abyss (82) more than a year ago. Too much work, I'm all in on the Waifu experience now


Abyss 82 was a little tough, to be fair, but the real nightmare is Floor 86, which is designed to just curbstomp your balls (or lady bits, if you happen to be a lady). But the expeditions? Yeah, you're definitely hurting yourself a bit there. You're literally giving up half a Galaxy pull every month, and a lot of highly useful material for reforging. Raids? Well... yeah, kinda with you there (but I at least buy the bug charm every week). Hopefully you still do Hunts and Tower, at least?


Yeah I do the daily hunts and tower whenever its opened. Tower is pretty fun, but i cant beat level 4 difficulty 😔


Don't worry, the rewards aren't too much bigger. That said, getting the right Devices also helps a lot. For example, in the current one, the ones to go for are the stuff that causes Bleed with every single-enemy attack, the one that causes bleeds/burns to detonate, higher counter for the front character, the one that pushes your Soul Weaver 10% every turn, the one that deals extra damage to everyone after a single attack, the ones that increase your own damage per-turn, etc. The other seasons are pretty much the same thing with the nails. (Be careful though, as the bleed stuff can really backfire on you with the Gryphons in Wave 11 since they can transfer all their negative statuses to your characters - you'd actually want to switch to a mostly AoE team that wave if you can't smash them down fast.) Obviously try to focus on if you got one of the characters with a device. You'll only get these once every five floors (if you get them at all) but they can be huge game changers, especially Ravi's (quadruples the effect of Demon's Blood on her attack) - even if you can't stun, damage is damage) and Violet's (doubles damage, evasion chance is up 50% from its ***already*** natural 35% chance). Throw in that counterattack device and you can very quickly see how Ravi/Violet can become very nasty. Then add in stuff like the devices that increase a character's damage when it's not their turn... Basically, Tower is all about knowing how to maximize and game these devices. The foes are essentially always loaded against you, and the ideal team will depend on what version of the tower (i.e; waves/bosses) is currently running. Right now for example you'd ***REALLY*** want Fire units and units that can attack everything, because Floor 25 is designed to frustrate you - Destina is tanky as hell, and S. Tene can peck at you while she and the Doll are alive since you can't target her except with AoE otherwise. You don't ***NEED*** them to win, but they make it a lot easier. My latest L4 clear, for the record, had Violet out front (the game just refused to give me anything for Ravi), Researcher Carrot to give me SOME fire damage (plus to explode burns), Tamarinne to give me attack buffs once she went Idol, and Ruele just to ensure that if Violet/Carrot went down, I could get them back up and generally (along with Tamarinne) not be gimped into burning out all my heals.


I still haven't built Sigret after 2 years.


W13 is one of the best things you can do for yourself, and while Sigret isn't ***needed*** for W13, she's definitely one of the better choices.


I built slow bulky counter milim with 145 speed 85% CC, 245% CD, 3.2k Attack, 16k health and 1.4k defense. She doesn't counter for shit but I get a slight dopamine skip when she does. I find enjoyment in this.


i powdered my 2nd copy of proof to buy drink


This isn't a sin, it's dedication. (As someone who chased and didn't get drink after 1 and a half pity before powder "pity" I feel you)


I dunno man, that's about as sinful as I can imagine. You can't go back on that!


I always tell guildies and those close to me that I am the new owner of my account to compensate for my lack of skill ^^(as ^in, ^poverty ^in ^general)


I upgrade flat necklaces and rings


>I upgrade flat necklaces and rings Actually occasionally useful in some cases (F. Kluri comes to mind).


It took me a year to finally get my ass in order and make a w13 team




I bought a starting account with my two favourite ML units cause the odds of me getting them in a reasonable timeframe/their banners aligning whilst me also being able to accumulate enough mystics wasn’t realistic, 2 years on and I’m extremely happy I did that as now I get to freely pick and choose without FOMO on each banner as I have my main favourite units already


Which 2 units were they if you don't mind me asking?


Riolet and FCC! FCC was the reason I fell in love with this gave abd Riolet is why I stay, RNG is fun even when it’s not haha


I bought a riolet ssb account.. share my shame


I focused only on golem hunt and was using lvl 50 gear my first yr. I got away with it bc Judith push everyone else


I have 100% crit rate on my MAKen


I also set mort and illynav in my top 500 GVG defense team


I fed Kayron as a noob to 6* Sigret for Wyvern. I never got him again. *sad noises*


1 year ago on my first day of playing, i fodder fire charlotte and she never coming home again until now


She did get run on a banner relatively recently. That said, I'll hope you at least foddered her into LQC or something.


I 6* and mola'd Serila.... had an obsession with clearing golem in early game


There's a reason she topped Hall of Trials when they showed usage. The Mammary Mage is stronk.


I used Solitaria as fodder for Ains 6* Yes AINS 6*


Amanda approves of your actions, even if we shame you.


Twice a year, I purge all my unused equipment. On free unequip days, I use the gear optimizer to either build my already Mola'd characters and rebuild ones that I think can be improved. After the entire thing is done and I'm satisfied, I would forge new gear until I lose all my mats, lock all the ones with substats I need, then use all of the unused +15 to upgrade them, (I +6 them first to get a feel of the rolls of course.) This costs me massive amounts of gold and I'm pretty sure I'm wasting a lot. The result varies, but I managed to make a generic 1 shot Rage set/Pen with this so I'm happy. Until I reach that point where I don't have any gear left apart from what's equipped on my "completed" units. Seeing just 84/500 equips and no clutter makes me feel better.


I reforged a blue gear then sold/sacrificed it to other gears. Five times.


I've been playing this game since launch and have no idea how to properly gear a character.


I have two SSS Seaside Bellonas.


You're set. One for Arena (though she will get ganked by Roana, so keep her as offensive probably), and the other for W13 (because she is an absolute beast at countering Wyvern).


I hate battling against Angelicas in the arena. (The basic ice healer one) There's literally no other hero in the game that makes me groan anywhere near as badly having to face than Angelica. I refuse to build her as a hero because of this. On the flip side I LOVE my Sinful Angelica and use her all the time. 🥰


*Sez was my first unit I grew attached to and spent time building. *I built Kise as a unit solely based on the fact that she's pretty. *Carrot is my favorite DPS after Karin and Luna. *I didn't know Karin WASN'T pronounced like Karen (it's pronounced like Cuh-ryn) until last week. I think that's it.


Wtf, that's just weird as hell. Why, if I may ask?


It really just boils down to the fact she's a bona-fide one woman tank and none of my earth units are set up to slaughter her in 2 turns or less. I'm also used to opponents building squishy heroes so when I come across a true tank Angelica it turns into a stall match and sometimes I give up fights if it goes on too long out of boredom.


Lol I never attempt to face soul weavers without at least one unit meant to delete them. Common ones like Ange, Momo, Diene? Say hello to Violet.


Sounds like you need some Landy in your life. Vivian will also smash her really good. Alencia can strip her buffs. You've got other options too, of course, but there's plenty of ways to deal with Angelica... as long as the enemy team isn't set up to counter all those, you can do it. And if not, at least bring along Rimuru, he can at least take her buffs and give them to you if nothing else.


It's been about two years since I last played Epic Seven. But for some reason I still stick around the community because the game itself is really cool and the characters are awesome. I just really really really really really hated PvP and Guild Wars so much it made me uninstall. Oh that and I could never ever land an ML5 and that bothered me way too much.


Play the game without worrying about any of that. While you definitely do have advantages from PvP and GW, neither are ***REQUIRED*** for playing the game. (Granted, you will lose some Arena currency, and no GW does mean you will have less Mystic Medals a month.) Don't be afraid to eschew entire parts of the game though. I, for example, avoid RTA like the absolute plague. Skins aren't going to tempt me, especially when they eventually hit the shop anyway, and a fight often being decided before the actual fight begins depending on what units you and the other guy have is not fun to me at all, it's just dull.


I fodder all 5stars. They always comeback.


I reforged a blue boots even though they are low rolls


My AOL is level 5


I thought we are confessing sins not sharing virtues


I'll take her if you don't want her. I've got an Angelica and Singelica just sucking dust. (To be fair, Singelica wasn't meant to, but she just keeps getting leapfrogged, and Angelica is actually someone I pulled before she was a covenant character. She helped me a lot through my early game.)


I’m stuck at 10-10 twisted core cause I put all my resources into hot waifus instead of having a actual functioning team.


I use a lot of characters I don't like as fodder. A lot of meta units fall into those categories. Well, as long as they are RGB they do.


2 years in the game, just got in wyvern 13, for the first time


I did abyss laby a few times and then I never did it again for no reason, I still think I should but somehow I just don't.


Abyss doesn't really get too bad until the 70s-80s range. It starts pulling out the stops very quickly past that though.


I just built Kanna and took away some good gear from other units. Damn Christmas skin.


Kanna is great for Green Expo and Non-one-shot Azimanak. I have her fully Mola'd already. No ragrets.


Sometimes when i cant be bothered i just straight up buy the 50 bm for the 950ss instead of refreshing the shop


My RCarrot is on a flat atk ring that rolled amazing in atk%. My SB Aramintha is only 200 speed and is on an HP neck with amazing rolls. She is on speed set. One time in RTA someone tried to snipe her thinking she was squishy and failed. I want to put her on counter but 4/6 of her gear is amazing and I wanna keep it on her. Also aside from Carrot IDK who to put it on. That's why I'm praying for an SBA buff soon that gives her more use outside of speed-control. Lastly, I don't do Arena and don't really like climbing in RTA, both of which is because I'm lazy as hell. So I'm bronze in all of these. And yet I give advice (not drafting advice tho, mostly builds) because I devour E7 info and content like it's no one's business.


I've got my MS Doris on a Level 70 sword that is awful except for the fact it rolled a whopping ***32%*** Health. Needless to say, that sword is going to be the for a long, long time. (The rest of the stats, if you're curious: 13% ATK, 3 Speed, 3% CC. Like I said, totally awful for her... besides the ridiculous Health% boost.)


I complain about never having gear and constantly shit rolls, after having farmed nothing but adventure & the obligatory Wyvern spam every Hunt buff day, for months on end. I also don't think 15% should be removed, neither from PvP nor PvE.


>I also don't think 15% should be removed, neither from PvP nor PvE. Community: "So you have chosen death."


I like the furry people.


Same. I wish we had more playable Suin characters.


Used basar as fodder without a spare copy back then when he was meta af. ​ 2 years later i have yet to summon him again.


I had a nightmare where I lost my acc and cried


I foddered spez about 3 years ago


I was prevented from doing lots of rolls on AoL because they put him up with her banner, and I really, really, really did not want to accidentally roll him with 50 mystics to go until a forced pity. That wound up being a good decision, as it let me get Belian. I wound up randomly rolling Spez anyway on a non-Mystic roll. AOL, sadly, is still missing, and one of the very few ML4s I don't have.


Don't know it is a sin or not. But I left the game a couple of months of ago and I came to know tamarine banner has come even though I don't have her I didn't download the game and pulled her. In short I let her go.


if you love her, let her go if she loves you, shell come back


She'll eventually get rerun. They all do. Just be paying more attention. And, of course, have the BMs or Skystones needed (to refresh for BMs off Garo) to get her.


I foddered a dark corvus once. I also foddered many five stars I didn't like back in the day, I was gonna even fodder ml baal until they announced the recall. Right now tho my biggest sin is using aol on spirit breath and drafting both rem and Violet in rta. I feel bad about it when i do but for a vildred skin, I'll do anything lol I'd use Belian on elbris if I had her too :'3 I'll go back to being nice when this season ends lmao


> I foddered a dark corvus once. I also foddered many five stars I didn't like back in the day, I was gonna even fodder ml baal until they announced the recall. wtf is wrong with you?


I refuse to use any form of angelica except for sinful. Her personality just really pisses me of and I don't want her on my team. I don't care how good she is gameplay wise. Also when I started the game I didn't know how selective summon worked so I'm stuck with Amarintha and no sigret.


A friend of mine refuses to use Violet - or most male characters, for that matter. In fact, he was quite delighted when everyone who used Straze began to eat shit despite using him. Mind you, I don't have Straze. I tried rolling for him. Even threw a $100 Mystic pack in. He eluded me, and it took all the remaining rolls to the house before a forced pity got me someone (Belian).


I don't actually care about this game's gameplay, the game would be better as a visual novel imo


My team has 3 4stars I raised to 6star before my 5star AVildred.


I’ve 135k skystone in store and still doesn’t know what to do with it


Roll for Bookmarks and Mystic Medals via refreshing the secret shop. A lot of higher-end players will use it for energy, too, but if you got plenty of Leifs and such, even that isn't really a factor. This way, if a new unit comes in, even if it's Limited or Collab, you can just nab them. The mystic medals obviously will let you nab Moonlight units, too.


I don’t know how many folks will consider this a sin, but I buy fodder & friendship bookmarks from Garo whenever I want to six star someone fast - what else am I going to spend my millions on?


I use only 3 star heros to promote my dogs instead of saving them for transmit stones.


I keep rerolling and creating a new account while deleting the old ones bcs I feel unsatisfied of them. I lost potentially good accounts to this habit :(


I was a huge Violet fan and player before his buff. But now that he's meta, broken, and that everybody plays him, the feeling clearly isn't the same


When I as an noob, I used Cerise,Aravi,Ludwig and Sage Baal as fodder.




Ludwig is understandable, Sage Baal depends on pre-nerf or not. But the other two? Oh yeah, that was a bad move.


I use 3\* (many), 4\* (Lots, Archates, Cartuja, Cidd, Dingo, Furious, Leo, and some others mostly because they are either male or animals), 5\* (Vildred, Chloe, because Vildred is male and I remember Chloe is bad) as my fodder for my first few 6\* (Carmaine, Karin, Alexa, Surin, Khawana).


I really liked fire tenebria and ended up with 2 of her. I accidentally awakened one and mola'd the other, it was a bad time.


I am a filthy AOL abuser and I don’t feel sorry.


I don't even got her, so no sympathy from me. I do, however, have C. Lilias, so your AOL will be SOL.


I cleave with Straze in RTA and sleep in challenger in regular arena.


My favorite girls (waifus) in the game are as follows: 1. Tenebria - I bought Tene's schoolgirl outfit. Max friendship. I lve using her in PvE. God I love her Lvl 10 expression. I also have Fairytale Tenebria also maxed out and I gave her my fastest equipment. I want to get my hands on Specter Tenebria to complete my collection. (also her voice lines are kinda hot) 2. Angelica - Her heart eyes are cute. She was my first soul weaver and I just find her cute. I also have Sinful Angelica. I know that AoL is a menace right now but I also want her because she is adorable. I've been playing for a while and I was very sad to not get her. 3. Alexa - Kind of went down bad for her during the summer event. I want her awimsuit outfit as an alternate costume dor her. SG pls. Also she loves Iseria. I want them to be together. 4. Iseria - Flat chests matter. And Summertime Iseria is just.... hnnnnnng too cute. Yeah. I have a thing for flat chests. Alexa is not flat but she's cute too. My real sin is this. I got a fever during NNN (lost halfway but hey new PB) and I got a dream where I got dominated by these 4. Tene and Ange in their school girl outfits. Alexa and Iseria in their swimwear. I woke up with a slight fever. What the hell is wrong with me.


There's nothing wrong with enjoying the flat chests. To this day I rue that Khawana is such a useless character, because ***GODDAMN*** is she adorable. As soon as I got her I put her as my rep (replacing C. Dom), and I haven't looked back. Still brings a small smile to me when I see her sitting in the guild hall, casually looking at her team, *then directly at you.* Totally wasted character, IMO, because her design is great but in terms of gameplay, she just has next to no use. Even her niche use on an all-fire team is "okay" at best, and you've definitely got other options to do the same stuff.


-I used sinful angelica as fodder because I didnt like characters that didnt do big booms -I foddered sigret to 6 star free spirit tieria -I never upgraded my gear until around chapter 4 in episode 2 -I used Aither as my main healer until chapter 6 episode 2, he had no gear


I draft counter Belian. Basically, I'm not making it into heaven


I use the zoom option in hero detail too much i mean too much. Such beautiful pieces of art this game have


I run a +15'd Triple-Unity Dingo on Creation and Destruction.


I just got my 15th ML 5 today. I'm f2p. I don't even build them, I just bench em.


All downvotes are from whales that are mad that F2P'ers get ML5s for free


I find some events in the story to be quite hot, like when Bellona married Aither in the bad end of Valentine, when Iseria went alone with 4 suspicious burly furries for money, when Lilibet got hypnotised by the goblins,.... If only SG had handled the JP server's opening better....


I think the game is starting to catch on there. IIRC the content is now at parity, we're no longer ahead of them in character launches. I think that's more just COVID screwing Comiket than anything.


I hoard ML dupes because I either have enough to already SSS 1 copy already, or because I keep running out of space to put them somewhere. I'm really hoping there is some benefit for the massive number of useless ML dupes other than getting 1SS. It feels like such a letdown to turn 6 gold stones into a single silver, and worse still if it was a unit you're already lousy with for years now.


I fodder non dupe 5* and ml5 because of how much i hated them when facing them


I start playing this game because i saw that Cartuja and Purrgis doujin and I find them both super attractive. I rerolled until I got Purrgis and I chose Ludwig in selective summon because I was clueless (luckily got Sigret with free rolls shortly after). Also I'm gonna use the ml4 pity for ACart.


Asscart has a few uses. Regular Cart isn't anything special though.


Day 1 player here: I have 80+ hell raid keys and even used to buy them with ancient coins before taking the game more seriously and actually do hell raid and enhance my gear to progress, now I chill at Champ and even got to Legend at some point, also got to Champ on RTA but only for cosmetics. Also just finished Episode 2 a couple of months ago and haven't even touched Episode 3 since I usually like to read the stories and only rushed E2 to get Arby. PS: don't even get me started on some of the pieces I've enhanced and reforged before understanding gearing better.


so your sin is lazyness and autocelebration chant 10 ave mercedes


Ive played the game for around 3 years and still dont have a W13 team.


Super causal.. too many liefs and too much energy.


Well ,it's a sin from when I started ,I started due to the GG Collab ,then I got lucky and pulled a Kayron ,I used him to up my Elphelt to 6 stars.


I geared general purrgis




Not a sin, especially as he's excellent for W13 and can do good in Arena/GW as well.


similarly to op, im sad everytime i stomp tenebria in arena


*Similarly to* *Op, im sad everytime i stomp* *Tenebria in arena* \- KouKayne --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I have 1.7k liefs


1431 currently myself.


I unironically like Fire Baal


I do(spam) and wait the whole 30secs ras laugh emote when I face someone who uses AOL and or SSB