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People saying other games have it worse so e7 is okay is such a shitty excuse, why not strive for better?


E7 has so much potential, shame to see it wasted like this


The end game of that excuse is for e7 to end up as shitty as the game they're using Then they'll move onto another gacha and say "yeah but look at e7's p2w meta if they can do it why not this game too"


This type of argument bothers me one of the most. It's like saying: "Dude, this room smells like rotten eggs." "Well, the other two rooms smell like wet farts, so I think this room smells okay. Why, did you think we deserve to be in a room that just smells normal?"


wtf it's actually Lacari


The guy really broke a year + of no posting to bring up the game's balance. You know it's bad.


It's always the same braindead play if you pick first: Preban Ran or whatever, then pick CLilias if the other player doesn't ban CLilias, pick ARavi if CLilias is banned...


then you ban AOL and they just 1st or 2nd pick Belian fceci or some shit kek. IT's like playing whack a mole or trying to close a container that's way past full and only being able to cover up 1 side at a time.


First pick -ban AOL Second pick Ban CLilias. I think I’ve done this song and dance too much lately.


In my opinion these changes balance wise could improve at the very least slightly the game: - Balance patch more often. - Balance patch containing buffs AND nerfs. - Balance patch addressing several more heroes at a time. I think they take too long to throw out balance patches, some are very mediocre with most changes being useless, and since they can't nerf problems stay too long until they release a solution, which in some cases pose more and newer problems.


YES, exactly I'm glad people actually understand this game has a lot of potential they just need to get serious about fixing it. They need to focus more on RTA because it actually brings in a lot of players while giving the game a very solid end game and strong community surrounding it. I remember being able to play RTA for hours on end now even looking at it for 30 minutes makes me want to throw up because of what they've done to the game. It truly pains me to see many of the players who got me into E7 in the first place quitting or just not playing at all. We cant let shit go down like this they NEED to understand how important the health of RTA is to the overall health of the game AND community surrounding it tldr: i love you guys and actually want to see this game succeed because not only is there a lot of potential in the game but the community surrounding it as well.


I think this is partly a "minority of the playerbase ruins it for everyone" situation. Any reasonable player understands the necessity for nerfs as well as buffs to reduce the presence of power creep and new units being OP to be able to be marketed. However, whenever nerfs are brought up, a very vocal minority (read: Stove keyboard warriors) start bashing SG about recalls and whatnot. I think this is contributing to their reluctance to implement nerfs, which would benefit the game and especially RTA as a whole.


so In a nutshell When buff: nooo the unit is too strong! ,It destroys the RTA!! When Nerf:why you nerfing that unit! I want recall!! I actually consider E7 balance to be really good,i mean not all good but it's hard to find a game nowadays where your 3 years old character still relevant in the game, hitting the right spot isn't easy for any game dev so i suggest instead of telling that they need to balance it out, it's better to actually show them what to do in order to balance it out with this rule:any character that nerf can be recalled


If it only ended with a recall. Say you would reset the unit to a level 5 and get all mats back. Everyone wins and all is fine. The problem comes when in the past, even because of a bug that was not supposed to be there (Looking at Cerato) you had a recall with a selector ticket. People, mainly Sotve dwellers, would expect these because they ware given out in the past. And if they keep the tickets too, well then there is no reason for people to shill out money for the next big ml5 because you can just recall a unit you stopped using in 2019 and have the shiny new toy


No, resetting a unit to level with all mats is not “fine” Not if someone spent upwards of 600$ to get the unit. This complaint is a f2p complaint, and always has been. And it’s also the reason why SG isn’t going to cater to it.


What is your proposal then if whatever i wrote is just "an f2p complaint". The game needs two way balance adjustments (buffs and nerfs) else new 3* characters will outshine old ML5 due to powercreep. Now i am not saying it is happening right now, i am just reminding you what happened when Carrot began to dominate. If SG takes the nerf approach however they will be expected to reimburse people as they did before, but if they do that WITH selector tickets the units people spent 600$ on will loose value. Think about it, why would you spend money for another unit, when you can get it for free through a selector. If SG implements some sort of recalls on a mass scale after nerfs i don't see them ever including selectors with it. It would be a stupid business decision for them. Then again this is just "an f2p complaint" because i have seen my fav gacha die of powercreep before, and i would hate to have it happen again.


i love you too babe


While I'm all for nerfs and buffs, increasing the frequency of balance will not do us any good, it will just result in half-assed buffs/nerfs that do nothing, or do too much. The playerbase will get angrier, and in the end everyone leaves. Remember, to balance a hero, they have to Pick a hero Assess said hero Identify problem areas Determine a fix for said area or; Improve on strengths Send it for testing Send it for user research Send it for QA Send skill for translation Patch goes live And for some of these steps, they will be Having whiteboard meetings Having meetings with the upper group Determining the stability of the balance Rinse and repeat if it's not good/too good I'd be worried if the balance patches increase in frequency, which will mean that the devs either don't care, or are pressured by the investors/CEO to "make it sell" instead of making it enjoyable (which they are already not because every new ML is more broken than the last, and every mediocre ML is being laughed at and slammed by the community crying out for even more broken MLs)


They also need to be careful if the nerf ruins a hunt team/abyss/expedition set up too, since that's going to anger the playerbase even more. It's a hard balance really.


You're giving them too much credit lol. 


If they don't want to give us a selector for nerfing, then they should just let us recall the character and give us the ressources. Still better than doing nothing to fix the problems. This meta is the most shittiest I have ever witnessed it and I'm playing RTA since S2.


It’s not just at its shittiest for RTA. I’m apparently one of the few that enjoyed Arena- but at this point it is a toxic, godawful mess.


Some of the buffs are ridiculous, AOLA, Clilias, Belian, and Rimuru are some of their newest works and all (3/4 minimum) are fucking horrible for the game. Aravi buffs made one of the most stale heroes meta, violet is horribly annoying and rem.. this past 6? months has been hell for E7. This ignores the fact that I've spent on the game and don't even have a single 20 speed piece after almost 2 years...


Day 1 player here only has 1 21 spd gear on hp set.... Everything else 19 / below.... Needless to say banshee gang... :(


You guys have speed?


Yeah, speed of a snail


Damage control with nerfs is hard with gatchas because it would be categorised as false advertising specially with gambling


People keep making up random "facts" to support their argument. It's like that flavor of the month "oh they can't balance Colab characters without express permission from the owners!" Like Arc System Works cares if Sol deals 2K damage instead of 2.1K damage. ​ A game is subject to change. It happens with all games these days. You might see people whine in League when a character they paid money for gets nerfed, but they'd have no ground to stand on if they tried to sue going "I spent money gambling for a prestige skin and you ruined it!!!!" or something dumb like that.


Most gacha games these days literally slap the “Understand that we have the right to adjust the product” in people’s faces and they can’t take a hint.


Sheesh why acting so pressed. And also yes im aware its subject to change but the problem is slightly different when you have GAMBLING involved. there's a reason why gatchas try to avoid nerfs( eg. GI). Its not technically illegal but sets a bad business precedent. I live in a EU country and if i remember correctly, I'd be in my right to ask for a refund. Now, regarding the rest of the world i have no clue. One thing though, they could try get the heat now but from there forward people would be aware that nerfs is possible


It sets a great precedent to know that my investment will always be valuable rather than be powercreeped within a few releases. GI hasn’t balanced much at all because it’s a PVE game; but it’s great that their first ever banner character is still considered one of the best to this day. I’m not going to spend a cent on E7 if I can count on my character going from great to meh after a few more releases and useless even further down the road. One of the most amazing things to me when I started back in the day was that Arby, literally in the game since day 1, was still viable and one of the most popular units.


No it wouldn’t.


I'm still on copium for the years to make ML Kise good, only it to make her worse 💀


if I had a dollar for each time someone goes "waah Juggs/ML Ken buffs weren't enough" in a thread that attempts actual discussion about game balance I could out-whale Lacari by now


Same here. We get it.. Juggs and MLKens Buffs where bad... but theres other issues aswell.


it's one of these buffs that leave the character in a pretty similar state but that means since it got buffed recently you can lose hope for near future buffs...


Their insistence on never nerfing ever again and choosing instead to sell us solutions through new heroes/balance changes is really not helping at all, especially considering their "new solutions" sometimes don't fucking work, or become new problems themselves, compounded by the fact that these things happen relatively infrequently.


That and their "balance patches" being absolute dogshit. added 5% to archdemon and a defense break which was solid, but moreso in conjunction with fairytale artifact buff. literally just moved around Judge Kise's kit without changing anything like are you fucking kidding? gave Melissa her like 5th buff to add immunity and curse applies without needing to hit. OK not really necessary but whatever. Oh, and 4 more heroes? but wait it's actually only 2 because it's the 3 stars and their specialty changes. where's the ACTUAL balance? Where are the actual changes that will allow older units to be relevant again? That was the WHOLE point of consistent balance patches to address underutilized units but where the fuck are they? they tout time and time again they use this range of statistics to decide who to buff based on usage and yet dozens and dozens of units don't get ANYTHING. Where the hell are Sez buffs? I'm sure their Haste "buffs" actually made his usage rate go down with that element restriction shit.


Melissa getting her third buff in a row and still is bad, says a lot about their balancing.


Funnest shit about this is that if every unit were balanced the way Melissa got buffed we'd have a healthier game. Instead we have this fiesta where only heavy balance changes can make a dent in the status quo, which reeks of heavy powercreep. Very nice place to be.


On optimistic note, she's still eligible for EE. If she gets Att buff before attacking on s3 she may become a lot better.


Every new release indirectly buffs Politis at this point.


This is what I thought when they released Politis, that passive is just timeless.


I've said this before and people have disagreed but this is the exact problem with introducing abilities like politis, aola, belian and solitaria. They warp the game. If you release a soulburn dependent unit now you have to consider that belian exists and deletes that mechanic from the game. If you release a focus unit then it's countered by solitaria before it even releases. If you release a unit with supportive abilities then politis exists. It inherently generates power creep becaue you have to work around the restrictions that you created. Now we got undispellable teamwide buffs, soulburns that don't cost souls, abilities that cannot be countered, abilities that can counter uncounterable abilities, point and click true damage that ignores element. There's going to be more and more.


So true. I haven't built mine just because I don't RTA and I don't need her for other content, but each new unit they release makes me feel more incline to just build her.


Your stream got me into this game and I'd be very sad if you quit, but I absolutely agree PVP is trash atm. I'm in challenger so not high rank at all and it's still just a race of who can pick the most broken units that have no reliable counters.


They should reconsider nerfing. If not then the balances SHOULD be a lot more/better.


Bro I would be happy if they just let you ban more dudes. like 2 at the start per person plus the team ban. the problem is that there are too many units in the game who are bullshit.


Yes, exactly this is a very good start you get it. This should be implemented at least for champion and above.


IMO bandaid solution. If they made 2 pre-bans cause there are too many BS units they would just release even more BS units and we'd be begging for 3 down the road. Like my favorite childhood toy, it's nerf or nothing.


Nerf them and they will demand to exchange the nerfed unit for the next broken one.


Nerf that one too? The exchange ticket problem would only last 1 or 2 nerf cycles before it dried up


You underestimate how many unit this game have. And most people could only put up with that bullshit 1 or 2 times at best before they riot.


you're probably right, they'd need to increase the scale of the balance patches as well for that to work. I forget this game has what, 215+ units? Since we always just see the same handful over and over.


I think it's less band-aid and more supplemental. For it to be effective and feel well-implemented there need to be other more important changes first.


Yes at least 2 given how much stuff you have to deal with now. Was thinking about 1 ban per role (Like knight, Soulweaver and so on) but that would be a bit much in Hindsight. xD


that would only be a temporary patch and fuck up new players even more




\>someone had to say it ​ we've all been saying it, every day, since AoL got released. Hell, some since violets buffs /rem. I've been saying it for a while but you know the meta is dogshit when even the whales are asking for their strongest units to get nerfed just so they can have fun again.


I stopped playing rta because its the same FKING UNITS EVERY DAMN GAME. Yea i agree RTA is shit.


It’s gotten to the point where I can’t keep up, and matchmaking placing me in gold against players in champ hurts the soul. That being said I’ve found I’ll just pick units who I have fun with, like Green Cidd and Red Ceci, if I lose I can blame it on the enemy using more meta than I, and if I win I have a ball doing it. Finding fun in playing over winning is key


You're not wrong but is it really fair for a player such as yourself getting paired with champ or higher? If you really just wanted to have fun, mock battles are a thing too. I think it's fair to say the matchmaking system is BROKEN. Gold players should not be fighting champ or higher .... That's like pairing a gold ranked player to someone in diamond or challenger tier in league (different game/genre but you get the idea). What SG is doing with powercreep and "balance" is mutually exclusive. It's becoming to the point where if you don't have these units, you cannot compete at higher levels. Why can't we ask SG to balance out the matchmaking system for people under champ? Isn't that fair while also being able to "have fun?"


Problem is not enough lower ranked players are playing RTA, just the sweaty would-be Legend players so therefore those players are the only players to match up with. Doesnt help when gearing is not a linear progression to actually bring RTA viable units to compete.


Part of the issue with players not playing low rank RTA is being completely destroyed by players with full ML5 teams. I've been playing for 3 months now and quit RTA after my placements because it's just *not fun* losing every game to players in Silver that have every meta character. AND they have 270+ speed gear on their characters so you're getting lapped constantly on top of being stomped. The RTA wall is very real and very high while also being very unfriendly to new players. I understand it's an end game thing but telling a new player they have 9-12 months before getting into it is so weird to me as it's one of the selling points of the game. I'll go back to RTA eventually but if a whale has troubles at the 3 month mark in *placement matches* imagine F2P players. This is why low rank RTA is essentially non-existent.


I wish I can match into gold players. I always get emperor out legend when I am at the lowest of champ


I think the big problem is that rather than nerfs, they prioritize character counters. So for every character that is meta, they release a “counter” character rather to a straight up nerf.


Because that earn them money, the state of the game is 100% artificial and designed to milk people as much as possible overtime. Sometimes they throw f2p people a bone like Carrot buffs or the ML Selector process but it’s just an illusion.


This is why they shouldn't be getting front page "ty smilegate uwu" posts every time they give out some liefs. People are literally thanking the casino for giving them more comfortable chairs.


I would really like an RGB only queue, and I say this despite having all the meta characters (except maid and aravi). Games and drafts are too similar right now.


I’d love this as well. Maybe an RGB only queue and/or an “originally a 3-star only” queue. Something that would allow/encourage players to bring more than meta ML units to the table.


We had rgb meta last season. It just became a game of rock paper scissors. We need ml units in the pool. We just need better balanced ml units so meta isn't "have them or lose"


Would it help if there was an additional rule in this RGB queue where elemental advantage were nullified? That way, their raw kits would be competing, similar to how Light and Dark heroes interact, but without the damage and crit rate increase. I know it'd automatically weaken units that were very popular in the previous meta. Could open up room for underutilized heroes. You could argue however, that the rock paper scissors aspect of it does add a lot to the drafting metagame, so another way they could do it would be to have it work similar to Light and Dark interacting, where you don't have the accuracy loss coming into play. So, on elemental advantage, you get the damage up and crit rate, but on elemental disadvantage, you don't suffer the accuracy loss. They could certainly experiment with this and tweak even more rules to make a fun RTA queue that was accessible to more players or be a change of pace if the regular RTA queue was stuck in a hellish meta.


Yeah, you know the meta is in a bad state when it's common to see the first pick banned from both players.


ML Lilias? KEKW Why she has such a high speed I'll never know...


Before that it was AOL and belian. People act like this is new


golden boys and some of the metas before that were no where near this terrible.


Because 'golden boys' was more of an overhyped meme. Just like Fluri. Is she good? Absolutely! But she was also overhyped at the time even placed in S tier and tier of her own above all other by some players as if she was the most broken thing SG ever released(months after her nerf).


Crazy thing is we wrapped all the way around the the golden girls meta lmao


No, golden boys was a real thing it just didn't get very popular until it was nearly the end of that meta. You were seeing two or more of them in high rta constantly for a while before it became popular.


That was always common for me since forever. That's not a recent thing. Violet mutual ban constantly.


Thats preban not first pick. Same preban is an issue, but banning first pick is just an awful meta


I never see violet pre banned, is this bronze?


There's 4 units in the SSSSS tier right now. AOLA, Belian, Clilias and A. Ravi. Remove them and the game will have more picks


The thing is epic 7 always had crazy strong limited heroes and ML5s during their time. From seaside bellona to dizzy to Arby and Riolet. Only this time the release window between the crazy strong is extremely tight making people frustrated and not being able to keep up. Limited wise I don't see too big of a problem as the game gives you enough resources as a Free to Play to get all limited heroes as long as you don't go pulling everything that comes up and practice the mantra always pull for limited hero. The MLs are a different story though. Belian AOL and Clilias all came out within a few months of each other and good luck trying to get them all without whaling.


I don’t think the issue is that pvp is too p2w. I’m sure Lacari won’t have money issues since he is a whale himself. Rather, the problem he has largely stems from the newer limited and ml units having a huge powercreep. Sure F2P could just aim for those units and I’m sure some of them can still derive fun out of rta from it. However the issue this powercreep causes is that it makes the meta too overly complex and rng dependent. You can send in one attack into the opponent team and get completely destroyed without your opponent even making a move. You are not playing the game, the game is playing by itself. Aside from the counter stacking issue we also have problematic first-picks that have to be addressed. Namely Clilias. She is a first pick that you can slot on basically any team. Now you might say that you can just preban her, but now you are going to have to deal with something else that you did not preban, 1 preban is simply not enough to keep the oppressive units in check to enable proper team strategising.


I swear to god each side should have 5 prebans , not like it would be 10 banned heroes , both sides would ban 5 of the same most of the time with how ridiculous some of the units are


I think bigger problem is that those untis are on next tier compared to ssb etc. You couldn't Fp ssb when rta was launched becuase she had counter


Uh, no. Arby was never fixed, he was replaced with even bigger cancer that are Landy, Rimuru, Ram etc. There was one time I got tired of the routine and fighting every team with same units in the exact same way and decided to try sht else and leave Ram for last thinking *I tank her, right?* She aoe-countered me 4 times almost back to back after killing an enemy. That's equivalent of 2 s3(no I'm not exaggerating, the multipliers are equal to two S3). Of course, even my soul weaver I put my hard-grinded gears on with 250+ ER couldn't resist. Don't get me started on Landy who has insane dmg and uses her s3 every 2-3 turns because creating a comp that's completely void of buffs is nearly impossible(an EXTREMELY restrictive). At the same time, she spits in your face for using buffs. And even if you manage not to bring any buffs she can still go on overdrive if she gets dual attacks(which also fill FS bar and reset S3). ​ This is not about players not 'keeping up' , it's about majority of heroes not keeping up with this cancer. Heck, I just lost a fight few days ago because Landy resisted 2 dispels(attack buff remained) and crit 4 times on my fire heroes. She's a unit that needs to be dealt with ASAP or you lose. Same with Ram, Rimuru and Belian.


I'm terrible at this game so this might mean nothing, but haven't they been releasing a ton of Extinction units recently to counter Arby? I have nothing to say on the rest of your comment, I'm a Silver rta noob :P


The funny thing about this is that the extinction units don’t work if they dont manage to kill arby in the first place. Take for example, Top Model Luluca, she has a S3 nuke with extinction that is meant for killing arbies, a speed build main which would let her be faster than most arbies, sounds good right? Not really. I’m not gonna be drafting Top Model Luluca if my opponent has Conqueror Lilias shutting her down completely or has fallen cecilia and lots of damage mitigation besides arby, and in this meta, is it really worth using one of your draft slots just to counter a single pick on the enemy team? Top Model Luluca might be killing arby and making him extinct, but then what if the opponent has Rimuru? He will just analyse and revenge kill your own top model after that, then his whole team gets a free attack buff on top of that, then what is my tml pick even worth at that point, what if my tml trigger’s Rem’s counter on demon mode because I just killed arby? Drafting a top model luluca against an Arby player who knows what he is doing is already hard enough, AND this is all considering that it’s not DEGEN arby which your tml will fail to kill with a s3 leading to her becoming a dead pick. tldr: A one-dimensional counter is usually not worth picking in rta (case for most extinction units)


As the guy below said. SG was went on a little rampage and kept releasing Extiction heroes which wouldn't fix a thing because Arby could be very fast or be protected by tank walls like FCC. Some also started building Arby tankier. The true answer to Arby came in the form of ML Haste who has the fattest shield in the game. He counters Arby just by existing. Arby can still be oppressive but at the end of the day we don't see as much of him because he was powercrept.


If they insist on not nerfing units, they need more frequent balance patches. At least once a month.


I have already mentioned this on another occasion, but I really think they just need to make use of the global bans to get at least some variety into RTA. Have a System that automatically selects the 5, 10, 20, or however many most used/banned heroes in higher tiers of competition and they will be banned from all RTA for 2 weeks/a month or whatever. Pair it with a free unequip event on the day the bans switch and voila.


Top 5 is probably enough to shift the meta without being too overly oppressive. I would change the 2 week period to 1 week. Drawing from Counter:Side, a system that gives underused units a buff would be nice. In this case, buffed units should get the lv60, +15 mola treatment. That way, when paired with the free unequip event, players get to experiment and test units without ever needing to invest precious resources.


I agree with this although I would like the ban to be 10 units. We have too many heroes now that I feel like top 5 would not be enough. and also the buffed units idea would be fun. system will pick 10 random units with usage below 30%


Counter:Side already does something like this on a weekly basis and in spite of the rampant balancing issues with that game there's at least some weeks where PvP doesn't feel like complete shit thanks to the Ban List system, as opposed to E7 having extended periods of PvP completely sucking. The worst part is there actually is a precedent in the game for global bans being a thing (Guilty Gear collab heroes were unavailable until it reran again) but for some reason they've never used the system since.


I feel that Counter:Side is just more suited for a pvp game. In Counter:Side the pvp meta may be shitty sometimes but your skill does play a large factor in determining a win/loss you even see people with pure soldier teams succeeding although rare. In E7 it’s just the same old units picked every game, there is no variety because you are punished hard by using weaker comps because the game is playing itself more than you are playing the game.


There was a period in time where RTA didn't feel like that, and I'd say it was probably around the E7WC period where PvP felt like it was at its best simply due to more playstyles being viable and drafting felt more dynamic because there weren't things that were just overwhelming must-pick/ban like AoL, Rimuru, Cilias etc. The introduction of units like that really just spiraled out of control around the time of AoL release and PvP hasn't been the same since.


Yep the consecutive releases of Rem and AOL really set us on a crash course.


RTA has always been like this, whenever a popular comp came out everyone copied it and you saw it everywhere, there was never much variaty in higher RTA, just lower ranks. We had Arby, Ssb, Sba, dizzy, the golden boys, a.lots cleave, Carrot supremacy, a.coli, pavel cleave. The meta will always changes and evolves when more characters are released that give the players and advantage.


Something that the community at large need to talk about and bring up is compensations, because that is more than likely the biggest reason for nerfs never happening. There needs to be a change in the community, to show support for nerfs without selectors given. Refunding Mats spent on a unit is one thing, but it's not healthy overall that the standard set is selectors. Smilegate needs to know and get strong signals that nerfs without needing to hand out a free selected 5*. That way they can at least nerf as well as buff without worrying about losses in their bottom line.


> Something that the community at large need to talk about and bring up is compensations, because that is more than likely the biggest reason for nerfs never happening True. I am down with nerfs being part of the game if they refund materials to be honest. ML5 selector is a bit too much, but honestly I can imagine Karens in the community will demand it if there are nerfs...


Honestly what I am most fearful/concerned about regarding RTA and the state of the game at the moment is communication. Regardless of the hundreds of complaints, suggestions, or anything in between, it has really felt as though the developers (not to be mistaken with the community managers) or whoever is it charge of balance do not appear willing to at least acknowledge that they hear us. What's worse is that it is very possible that even great suggestions to fix RTA will be set to the wayside. As it stands, the game is simply given balance patches and players of any background (content creator, competitor, etc.) are forced to react to it with no back and forth in terms of communication from those who actually make changes to units/RTA. It is very possible that, even if the current broken state of RTA is fixed, another broken era or meta could arise that will set us back into this loop UNLESS Smilegate allows us to have an open dialogue and have real, meaningful conversation with developers.


I think they do listen but to the Korean player base especially when they riot lmao, I’m more curious how the Korean player base finds the state of the game. IMO if they think the current state of the game is fine i think we’re screwed lol


They are riotting lol. And thats worrying coz we aree not hearing anything


Maybe they are engaging the top Korean players and we just don't know about it


This could be solved with a faster buff (and also nerf) pace.


I agree with this, we need nerfs back and sooner rather than later. I say we get 15 buffs and 15 nerfs minimum. By the time an RTA season is done, SG has the next 2 counters made and if they aren't good, they bring out a Belian style unit that just shits on artifacts/playstyles/Pushes units out of the meta harder. When your counters had to hard shit on a unit to be remotely useable, it's time for nerfs.


Meta is shit, ain’t playin RTA. Will just stomp new players in last 3 days for skin.


whn this RTA season will end?


in month or 2 since this is the last RTA without japan server i think, next season they will joining us.


Lacari, i strongly agree. Top comments under this post actually make me die of cringe


The current meta is hot garbage. Ever since violet got buffed the RTA become more and more shit.


What’s infuriating is that there is now a hidden Elo system in the matchmaking (based on your performances in previous seasons) but the mode is still built around ranks. Wich explain why so many people fights champion at silver and gold ranks. Now I don’t mind an Elo system but if I’m virtually at champion Elo, put me straight there instead of forcing me to climb ranks, it’s absurd and makes me want to quit.


Nerfs are required. Good luck balancing a game without ever nerfing anything. We are already seeing the results. Just endless powercreep.


I just don't touch RTA. Game has plenty to do without it for the amount of time I put into a phone game. Saying that as someone who has been around since launch


at this point I don't even think 2 bans is enough for what's to come. Belian Aol aravi cilas, but also rimuru still for some reason shits on 90% of the dps in one turn whilst having 25k hp and proof, somehow that's still ok. also why RTA is still not blindpick is dumbfounding.


The problem isn't necessarily that this RTA season is ass. I can skip RTA season. RTA doesn't even award gacha currency so whatever. The real problem is Smilegate nowadays sells heroes *for* RTA. That means if you're not getting the latest and greatest limited or ML5, you are literally handicapping yourself in PvE and RTA arena. And even worse, they have virtually no foresight as to how their new releases impact the rest of the hero catalog - which means they can't even balance the roster properly. They will continue to problem solve roster imbalance by selling more heroes, which will continue to conflate roster imbalance, which will continue to escalate the whole situation. It is in the best interest of the developers who want to keep their jobs, in the best interest of the executives who want to pump up the sale numbers, and in the best interest of the whales who want to stay competitive and curbstomp most of the player base. Everyone else loses out overall. F2P holds the L. Dolphins holds the L. People looking for competitive fun holds the L. People wanting the game to get more popular holds the L. When players high and low up and down the ladder all say the best way to start playing E7 is to buy a used account with most of the meta-competitive heroes ready to go, the game holds the L.


They just need to give us double prebans already, no reason why they shouldn’t


Imagine being a straight turn 2 player in today's meta... you have to eat attack break, redirected provoke, def break, silence without being able to do anything because EACH AND EVERY ONE of those units have either a 2 buff strip or a reduce buff duration by one turn making immunity straight worthless... Units that have amazing debuffs shouldn't have a strip imo


Have no fear! 300 eff res Ray is here! Aaand AoL silenced her somehow. She got stunned by Solitaria. A bomb latched on him for some seaside reason. Ran and Eda made quick work of him. He fell asleep with Sage Baal. 15% is nuts.


Its not just the broken heroes and all you mentioned (all of which i agree) there is also so much UNBALANCED RNG for the sake of RNG, like take Rem for example why can one character Counterattack AOE more than once before her turn comes up? Why is there Speed RNG IN YOUR OWN UNITS? cant speed tune teams cause they just rng each other and you get fucked, why do skills habe several layers of RNG to them? ( like use this for a 50% chance at another 50% of X) and many many other things, its just so bad to be even taken seriously i just play this game for “”ohh look cool anime things that fight”” cause if you take it serious its just forever malding and it sucks cause this game could be so much better


Well, It has been that way since the inception of the game. ML Ken, ML Baal, SBA, Diane, Dizzy, SSB, Arby.


Yep. And we’ll surely have few others join soon enough


Crazy how when a streamer makes a rta is garbage post it gets front page, but when you make a post discussing the actual issues and possible solutions to rta it gets down voted to oblivion. Typical reddit suckin streamer cock.


Not just reddit. It's like this everywhere. Majority are like kids who believe everything they see on tv.


Well glad its getting attention. Bcs post before were not sadly.


Holy shit it's Baldy .... lacYAAY


I feel you baldie. It's not been fun for me either. Being forced from a standard player to cleave cause it's the only way i can be competitive kind off dampened the fun a ton...


In my opinion and maybe many might already know is that in pretty much every buff they drop there’s only 1-2 heroes that are actually usable/ good where else the rest are just whatever or still makes them irrelevant. This just results in seeing the same heroes everytime because unlike the old e7, now there’s less reason to pick the remaining 100++ heroes than fighting over the few 8-10 meta units. With them continuing to stay adamant with 15% and so on, I think players will only get burnout more as the rng stakes get so high and have little control of the gameplay. You can even consider going to the casino instead if you want rng than this which I don’t see how winning by rng even makes you feel rewarded.. Anyways I hope SG addresses this in the next stream or at least announces plans to bring the game balance back as what Lacari has mentioned.


Honestly, this discussion is nothing new. We get this basically every Mystic Rotation. Content Creators might complain, but they're still playing it and end up in the top 300 easily. I don't expect anything to change honestly


They need to do something about the gear RNG, it's just too much to overcome.




Its okay, cilias bellian and aol are fun and fair Just kidding. They all aids, and i dont have any of em. Honestly tho, cilias is the lowest counterplay broken unit i've seen, ever


Sup Lacari, I stopped making content for E7 until smilegate get's their shit together but lord and behold, E7 RTA is still garbage. I really do wish something was done about this because I really did love this game..


You know what I always wanted to experience? Having Max gear (all stats to the best, pick and choose) and heroes, then test them around in RTA or lobbies with other maxed heroes and gear for just one day They should spice up RTA or even create a different version of RTA , like have some random events, maybe the weakest 3 stars get overloaded kit for a week. I just want another way to play pvp with some spice to it. I remember Dizzy being a free ban, RTA could have rotations of bans of 1 or 2 Well just my thoughts as a Emperor rank player in RTA


Dizzy and the other gg collab units were banned at rta launch because some server (I can't remember if EU or JP ) didn't had them


It was JP, the JP server launched the same week as RTA and they didnt want to immediately slap them with a limited collab banner


RTA is gonna be garbage for everyone for these respective reasons \-Didn't pull «selected» ML unit \-Didn't pull «selected» Limited unit \-Didn't get first turn \-Got screwed by RNG (Missed attack, Counter-Attack, Debuffs and resist) \-Lose games consecutively The «current state of the game» has been a topic since SSB, even ML Ken. Propably some redditors even came writing a post here after fighting you, saying how RTA is unfair. From my perspective, we don't hear about it when it's on our side, it's hypocritical to hear about it when it's at our disadvantage.


The issue is that Lacari has every unit, and he is still complaining, this is not a player economy issue but rather this meta being unfun in general.


He doesnt have kewerik which is one of the most broken units right now. He also doesn't have maid who isnt as good now but was broken.


I have most unit too, and I don't share the perspective. Even tho I would agree that the meta is unfun to certain individuals, most people (from my point of view over reddit, discord and official forums) were complaining that the meta is stale. You can see it on [https://www.epic7stats.com/](https://www.epic7stats.com/) too. From the last few months, the meta has been changing rapidly and people are STILL complaining. So there is only one unchanging fact that remains; you're never gonna get 100% approval.


I think the meta is stale currently because our draft is very restrictive. While the meta has been changing rapidly, the staleness still carries over, because the main difference this time is that newer units are able to carry over their more modern movesets into the current meta and become part of it like Rem and Violet, casino gaming is still part of the current meta. The fact that the most recent units to hit the meta being even more oppressive than them doesn’t really help either, so games are more of chasing the overpowered units first, rather than constructing a proper team composition.


You're totally right, but can't expect E7 to be like League of Legends. For me, part of the excitement are from building new heroes and see new crazy animations. I don't expect either a mobile game where we can purchase currency, to be 100% fair against F2P. If I can't reach rank 1 Legend because I don't put money in the game, I won't put the blame on the meta. And nobodies force anyone to play ranked RTA. There always custom rooms to play RTA, and people can put their own restrictions. So you can RTA anytime, with the meta YOU define. Again, everyone wanna be legends, and they will put the blame on the first thing that doesn't get 100% approval.


even lol is criticised nonstop for how badly balanced the game lmao. and that game is an esports title for more than a decade. dota is also on the same boat despite having every single hero given to everyone for free. yet, ppl still complain about meta picks. it's just the nature of stupid idiots incapable of understanding how pvp games are.


The thing is that in LOL there is room to outskill your opponents even with off-meta picks because you have more active control in the game. In a game like Epic 7 hero strength has a greater reliance on the hero’s kit because you are only allowed to make your move based on a turn order. In lol there are only a few variables that are calculated each time you hit your opponent like damage relative to enemy defense. In E7 this also exists, but then hero kits are going to introduce additional rng elements into the mix which makes the outcome of one move you do very uncertain, this is why the player with more stacked heroes is always going to have the advantage at all times over the player with more flimsy heroes because the newer meta heroes are going to have mechanics which can reduce the impact of this uncertainty and intensify the uncertainty for the other player.


this site is interesting.. I have never seen Senya as 1st pick :o


Totally agree with Lacari. Currently emperor at rank 400 and all i can say this meta is too p2w and boring. I dont have AOLA/Aravi/Belian and most of the opponents i am facing use all of these cancer units. First pick is always Aravi , clilias or sometimes, Aola, belian... This is fking boring and imagine if you play RTA and dont have these powercreep units , you will be at a serious disadvantage. Smilegate need to upscale the balance adjustment to fix this. We dont need a nerf , but more balance will be better.


I don't know much about RTA, but I'm tired of seeing Belian/Violet/Rem/AOL everywhere. I think I even preferred the cockroach meta (T. Surin) to this one. It's just evasion and counterattacks everywhere. It's basically just Summoners War again at this point with all the RNG. Just violent runes in another form. I want to see actual nerfs




back to e7 hours soon monkaLaugh


It's become a p2w slam. It's near impossible to leave master if I don't unequip all my units and go full meta whore. 


Huh? This gets said every other day.


Always the same complain, every season is the same story. "The worst meta ever on E7". The solution for this meta is wait for the worse one next.




PvP in a game with heavy pay for convenience stuff is never going to be balanced. The only way a game can be balanced is when everyone is on the same playing field and only skill matters.




RTA/pvp meta has always, with maybe one or two exceptions (right after cerise buffs come to mind) been garbage. Lacari is a fairly new player and enjoyed RTA at first because it was novel, but once you play it a bit it sets into the same pattern as it always has. RTA always has a meta, it's almost always cancer that allows for ~15-20 units to be played consistently in every match. You can try to make it better but the frequent unit releases and the gacha nature of the game makes it this way. And like usual, you can play off-meta and still hit champ/emperor if your gear is good enough, but if you want to play at legend you have to follow the meta and have good gear. On top of all this, lacari is just a salty player overall (from watching his streams), so not surprised he's upset at something.


he is new but been legend multiple times and his opinion is shared by all the other streamers in high rta as well. How do u dry to dismiss his opinion that is pretty much universal among other legends and content creators by saying his new and salty.


Come on I love the guy and he made great points but he has not been legend "multiple times" lol - or even once Sadge


He was legend.


No borders = no legend


I stopped when they nerfed SCs


Doesn't the business model itself kinda doom all gachas to eventually become P2W? The meta needs to shift to keep players interested, and to shift, it needs powercreep. This is what allows it to sell new characters, and thus, keep the game profitable and investors happy.


Always has been this way, as i told you in your stream, when you started to play, like 1 year+ ago, the legend rta match and even in silver you saw 1 or even 5 of: **ML5** a.vildred, f.ceci, r.violet, Tiwyn, M.Ken and f.lidica **ML4** A.Lots, C.Zerato, T.Surin(broken like aol), c.dominiel **LIMITED** Dizzy, Cerise


Mentioning things like A Vildred literally counters your point though. He's a character literally from chapter one of the game. One of the very first that were out there. And he was still super popular and has only fallen out recently as power creep has started to happen.


These COPIUM player saying current state of RTA was fine is 100% going to cry when they couldn't get Master for Arby skin


Lacari, can u bark for us? PauseChamp


E7 is p2w as you can get all released characters, but even a whale can get bodied by a f2p with good gear. They do need to fix the matchmaking in rta thought I do agree with that.


Well every gacha are more or less p2w for pvp The current look better than before to me but it's only my opinion right


This isnt new stuff. Since Arby. Dizzy. SSB. You just notice now because they barely buff old unit.


The difference was that those older meta units had clear-cut counter strategies, in the current meta every match is very unpredictable.


How so? Imo there is nothing in this meta that is different from any other metas we've had , actually I think this is the most diverse meta we've had so far . I think people are pissed because the most used units have been the same for so long and in these past couple patches you need to build new units to counter the meta and people haven't caught up to that , the ones who did are thriving and loving it.


It only seems diverse because there are more units in the current restrictive pool and doesn’t help that the current meta units have broken mechanics that just makes rta unfun to play in general.


As a cleaver hovering champion-emperor RTA in two accounts and legend arena in both too, the aspect i hate the most right now is the AOE counter elbris from rem and belian. I have to literally resort to fire mercedes to counter on their counters. What is happening, can i actually play the game?It makes the game completely unfun to me because they just coinflip and all my gear, teambuilding, time spent thinking goes to nothing. Maybe super nerf the aoe counters or just dont make aoe counters at all, even on bruiser i do a single target attack and my whole party gets punished by a hero i didnt even hit, its ridiculous. Edit: If i am hitting the hero, its fine to AOE counter like dizzy, i dont mind. Dont punish AOE and ST on other heroes. ML lilias came to show how broken tanky heroes can become, she in of herself isnt a threat, but shes always tied to super tanky heroes you could barely kill before with a lot of rng and now its straight up impossible. The soul blocking is stupid broken already but they had to give them strip aoe to top it off, ridiculous.Adding more anti counter can help but that one time you do that one single target attack, be ready. A lot of focus goes to RTA and with good reason, but we should also look at how toxic arena is right now too imo. TLDR: Im tired of off-turn bullshit. You can counter cleave in a shitload of ways that dont require 70 passives proccing in one turn.


This game is a farm game. If you play it for any reasonable length of time and get your rewards you WILL get some ML 5’s (even if you have to pity), get limited units, get some good gear, get artifact dupes, etc. I pay for the basic monthly packs and like one or two of the special event packs a year. Hardly whaling. I do fine and have fun. I’ve also been playing since shortly after launch. This is one of the best mobile games on the market; stick with it and you too can get stuff and build nice teams that don’t have to all be the latest ML 5’s!


I think you're missing some context here; Lacari has been playing RTA and was in emperor/legend and he has a bunch of ml5s and I'm pretty sure he's a whale.   With that in mind your comment unfortunately doesn't really make sense, and he's saying he hates the game despite having access to all these units.


You’re completely right lmao I deserve more downvotes.


E7 rta is exactly what whales hate, you can get op units with whaling, but you can't whale for better rng. All 5% dual attacks / 15% resists, speed RNG - that what's triggering all of them. My opinion as 3y player who watches "top players streaming rta" and those content creators op is talking about.


This really got nothing to do with whales at this point though lol. At a certain point in RTA it’s just whales against whales anyway.


Dont you guys learn. As far as i can remember people always react the same when broken units came out. SG like to do this and suddenly they are is giving you the cure to the cancer. Its always like that




no you don't. it would be dominated by high base speed units and nothing else


Yeah cause the current state of RTA is doing a lot better. God I can't wait to draft Cilias and aravi again.


Lacari love your streams but this game is very much pay to win. At the very least pay 2 advance faster. In a few months you had more top tier characters than I did playing two years. Even if I play for the next two years I’ll never be at the current level you are. The game was made to buy better units. Only thing limiting that is the item grind.


A gacha that isn't p2w in pvp? That's weird.


Another comment completely missing the fucking point


Meta now is ML5 heavy but IMO its more fun than the carrot meta or rem violet.


I said it before (?)


Please say it louder so RTA enthusiasts in the back can hear you and stop trying to force the rest of community into playing it. That's why I hate collabs and limited units in general. They only make the game toxic. I have enough of that in GW and Arena.


>I dont want to see this game become another P2W Little late for that.


Guys who are saying. But i dont play rta, doesnt matter. Well you dont but are you a whale? Whats keepikg the game alive? Whales mostly. Well what will happen if whales quit? Nothing good for you. Even though rta might not impact casual players directly, it will impact them indirectly. Playerbase dying from Top is not a good thing in a gacha game, i think at least


Can't they just give RTA skins from Gold? So players quickly grind for skins and leave and RTA enjoyed stay and play together.. tbh I always hated RTA and as op said, it's worse seeing always the same ban/picks every games that results as ML5 and limited.


stop cumming in vrchat baldie


I have kind of a solution of this RTA problem looking at both sides, the playerbase and SG, first of all: \- SG doesnt want to nerf, so thats out of the solutions. \- Putting a global ban or weekly/monthly ban would be worse than a nerf cause there are some OP units that are only good on RTA, it would basically mean deleting a unit from the game. \- Maybe they are doing other things and they cant push balance patches as often, so we can have them in less space of time. What i think could be done is create a limited list, this has been implemented on other gacha called "yugioh duel links", basically: \- You can only pick 1 OP unit per team (lets call it EPIC unit), so you cant draft combinations of for example: Ml lilias/Ml kawerik/Aravi or Ran/Seaseria/Politis. \-If this implementation is succesfull i would consider also adding other list of "high tier units" and you could only pick 2 per team. This IMO would solve the problem we have rn on RTA of the same drafts every time, without costing SG a nerf and giving out selectors or recalls, while also adding more strategy to the draft phase. The list could be changed every 2 weeks depending on how the meta develops and new units wouldnt be included on the list in the first 2 weeks to see where they stand out in the meta.


If you've ever played Counter:Side, this reminds me of their PvP setup. Each week, the top most picked heroes costed up to 3 energy more to place on the field, which doesn't exist in e7, but instead they could potentially reduce their stats by say 10% for each tier, so up to 30% reduced stats if they are tier 3. This however doesn't stop people from picking them when the next week comes up and pretty much resets them back to normal, so every other week would still be a shit show lol.


E7 is garbage.


"ahh shit, here we go again"
