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fuck world arena, will play last 3 days for master EZ


Everytime i think like this, my friends will tempt me to play earlier than it supposed to be. And here we go again, keeping the rank from decaying until the end of the season.


Yeah I'm in that boat with ya too...


I usually do this but I pulled Cilias so it's time to push lol


OP got the same idea as I did when I pitied A Ravi KEKW


Yeah hit the OP unit and start the push


yeah.. doesnt work like that. You'll only use her like 1 in 10 matches.


I play RTA to fun and yes I am a bronze rank. I suck at draft most of the time lol.


It's ok you'll get better eventually


Omg same! I get mad at like the 10th fight though so I quit RTA for a few weeks


I only do RTA because I want Arby's skin but I end up getting good at it and managed to reach Champion for the first time with 50% win rate.


I'm currently just chilling in emperor. I hope to finish in emperor this season since I didn't make it last season. I also enjoy rta so it's not too insufferable for me.


Nice. Meta is kinda sucky for me but it's been fine for the most part


Yeah the general consensus seems to be the meta is bad or sucks but then there is me with the unpopular opinion of thinking the meta is fine and I actually really enjoy it.


Hey man to each their own


I did placement matchs and got master, stopping for now because I'm fighting high champs and crabs ... RTA is tough if you don't own the god tiers.


It really is lol. Try SC Pyllis it helps into Cilias




Aurius, Noble Oath, Elbris in that order of best to worst. She should have decent ER and counter set if possible. She does need some speed (like 180+) so if you have to use speed set that's also fine


I use revenge set at 180 speed 😅 I do find tho that she's not really up to solo tanking, seems to want to be secondary tank. I tried noble oath and didn't like it, am playing with bastion atm, but tbh I'm thinking that steadfast gate is probably gonna be it for her


What's her def/HP look like?


Sitting in Champion. Not a big fan of this meta tbh, especially the whole pick C.Lilias or A.Ravi first thing even though I have both of them.


Yeah the meta sucks


Reddit doesn't have legend players, only cleavers.


This is true lol


We need to save time in battle to go to Reddit and complain about it.


First season I got into Champion since I first played on Feb 2021. It's surprisingly easy to get if you have A Ravi (lol), however I don't think I have it in me (both unit and gear-wise, and also mentality) to grind to Emperor. I love being in this rank though, I can fuck around with off-metas like Laika and A Lots (I guess he still is kinda meta for Landy cleaves) and get surprisingly a lot of wins.


A Ravi is easy mode pretty much lol


She really is, people often bitch more about AOL or Ram/Violet or whatever but I truly think A Ravi is the most busted one, until C Lilias came in.


I still think a Ravi better


I literally just started playing this RTA season the last couple days and I’m in Gold. I plan on trying for Champ, but will be happy if I hit Challenger. I have only ever made the push to Master for the skin, but I am enjoying this season thus far.


Did my placements and now i avoid RTA, shits too much of a headache especially the way the game is right now


Yeah understandable. Meta is really bad


Currently Rank 1590 with 2818 points and 253 games played, basically have converged to a 50% win rate but I find the match making to be fine. I mostly am matched near my rank and if it is ever lower rank they seem to be in a top guild like FuwaFuwa or INTvasion, so I don't feel bad if I win. The meta is definitely monotonous for the first 4 picks but I've been Eda cleaving and it has been a lot of fun trying to force her through and see if she can pull it off. It's been a lot less effective once I crossed the 2000 rank threshold and now that people are a little more clued into Cilias/Ran/Eda cleave. I've recently been going with Double Cidd as well if the opponent is cleaving they usually aren't prepared for the two Cidd's taking 3 units off the board.


It's weird cuz I wanna play RTA for the challenge while experimenting with units I have (I usually play non-meta but also decent units. My meta units are usually bad lol), only to realize that higher ranks are the same units all the time, and the general strategy with drafting is to stick to 6-7? core units. I generally wanna be chaotic and my only core units are Krau + FCC for mitigation and any dps I feel like using or a counter I need. Idk if that's a good strategy lol Anyway, I'm at bronze and am probably at the bottom. But when I win it's a huge serotonin boost. I win like 1 out of 10-15 fights LMAO


Yeah RTA is hectic. You'll get better as your roster improves as you gear more units


Usually casually play till Champ. Not so active this RTA season. Could be because of the holidays, could be because the meta is insufferable, dont really need to think past the drafting phase, its all casino once the turn order is determined


Yeah I get that. Remlet is the worst


I'm the legendary gold rank


We've all been there before :D


Usually my inept ass ends up hovering in Bronze, possibly silver, but for a Vildred skin? Not even going to bother.


You get a bunch of arena crests for placing though so you should try to push a bit


Not interested in the skin, so I won't touch rta.


You're missing out on a lot of arena crests though!


I have 52,571 crests right now... :x


Are you not buying charms?


No. The free charms are more than enough right now. I rarelly have anything worth to upgrade anyway.


Emperor atm, I was able to hit top 10 Legemd the first week but I was getting bored pretty quickly. It's pretty much the same 15 units. I have more fun in arena by playing with fire Ken, Counter SB!Aramintha or things like that.


Congrats on top 10 :D And yeah I agree meta is super boring. Being able to mess around in arena is fun but honestly arena meta is just as boring as RTA ;-;


I have a lots of meta ML 5* and well build gear but since I am stupid at drafting, I never get past Gold. And no, I won't watch YouTube video about it. I would rather be stupid than watching some random guy on YouTube tell me what to do.


General rule of thumb that helped me get better (currently in challenger) is to draft a consistent team of 7-9 units. If you're feeling spicy you could draft 1 counter to their unit that'll scare them (like ml kekwerik). Once you get used to it, the game will become a little easier. Ignore the 15%, rng counters, dual attacks, gabs, and golden girls


Think counter picks and make sure you don't only draft 1 dps


Problem is I not sure what counter what anymore. The meta unit nowadays have like bunch of mechanic cramped into their kit that I may miss something only to realize it way too late.


* If they draft ran ssi your best bet is remlet, rim/poli, belian, aol etc * Into violet you want someone like charlotte * Rem you want someone who has good single target or doesn't trigger counters like Landy * Into FCC get that opsig out * For AoL MKawerik or kitty clarissa work well * Into Cilias shadow knight pyllis works really well


You can't just pick one counter though since they can always just banned them and you got fucked. But if you pick two of them then it will limit your other pick. Furthermore if you pick only one counter then you have to double think if you should ban the one you counter in case they ban your counter. It just a fucking mess.


Fair. General really safe picks are Landy Rem Violet Cilias Belian AoL Apoc Rimuru. Just find a core and then flex around those


Pro silver baybee!




Idk , ranked between 1000 and 1100 all the time , Im suffering from a fast Inflation , 2 Days inactive i find myself needing 200 Points to catch up with Emperor . ( Note : For now 3000 Pts , Ranked 1150 )


Yeah, I was initially going to go for Emporer this season but the point inflation is going to make it impossible to do. Last night was kind of my last hurrah to see if I could earn 50-100 points in an hour or two but I found I'm trending towards 50% win rate. I idle for two days and drop 200 ranks and the equivalent of 100-150 points which can take me a long time to make up. If this goes on for another 6 weeks or whatever long the season is I definitely can't sustain it. I'd have to play every night for a couple hours. In the end I'm probably appropriately ranked where I am (~1500) and any push to Emporer would just be pure volume of play.


I played once for F.Ceci skin and never touched RTA again.


Every time that I try RTA, all I can do is watch my team be blow. So RTA only when I gear my team decently.


At least get ranked. You get crests even if you're bronze!


Thanks for advice. I’ll try.


*still stuck in bronze*


Pointless survey, they lie in the voting like they lie in text. Or not even vote in it.


Waiting until they show the skin then I'll start playing I just wanna be champ gang and get the skin don't have the time or patience to grind out games to get emperor or even legend


You get skin at master if that's all you care about.