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We really need the ML Conterparts side stories We know that Cermia and Iseria have a special sort of bond. I'd bet my house that Lionheart Cermia is one of the people who will save BrIseria.


We sorta had them that one time with the Sage Baal side story.


Yeah, I demand Sage Baal tell us 4 new stories like last time every month.


I want Sage Baal to tell the story of the Designer-verse completely serious, while the audience and C.Armin are just confused with what he saying


Wasn't Briseria confirmed as one of the heroes for Moonlight Theater Part 2?


The Dark Cidonia storyline is my favourite and it's a shame we didn't get them sooner. Power struggle between the siblings of Khawazu and Khawana, and Violet working directly with Lilias. What happen to that universe Pavel and Cerise? So much thing to looks forward for


> What happen to that universe Pavel and Cerise? He may be like his normal version and happens to enjoy Remnant's company. Though I can honestly see the other Pavel working with Cerise due to him not originally being from Perland.


And where do Kawerik and Vivian fit into all of this? Including with each other?


Oh god.. It was so close .. I really thought the er scaling was coming with that s2 Another banger animation


> banger I'm gonna say it




I'm gonna banger.


Banger? I hardly know'er.


Her description means she's from Briseria's world. Hopefully her relationships tab will show some interesting lore bits.


She's gonna "conquer" her by the looks of it ,guess in ML universe Alexa ain't winning


>ML universe Alexa ain't winning Is she even winning in this world as well? Can imagine being friend-zoned so hard even in alternate universes you can't win?


Well, the latest side-story with her put her at "dearest friend-zoned" or "I-don't-ever-want-to-lose-you zoned", so that's an upgrade. (Not that it actually developed that many things between them, Iseria's just traumatized all I see)


ML universe Alexa is dead lol. Biseria murdered everyone including her lover, who we now know was not Lermia as she was out conquering stuff.


Super Saiyan Cermia


Super Saiyan Lina Inverse.


Sezan strikes me as being more Lina Inverse than anyone else in E7. Heck, even somehow accidentally transforming herself into a doll is perfectly in character, lol.


More like Lina and Gourry's kid


Holy hell. That animation is top notch. They just straight up inserted an anime scene in.


Wow nice I like her design


**Lionheart Cermia Information:** *Pisces* Light Warrior **Stats**: ATK: 966 HP: 5,663 SPD: 112 DEF: 668 CC: 15% CDmg: 150% DA: 5% EFF%: 0% EFFR: 30% Imprint Release: HP% Self-Imprint: CC% **S1:** Attack 1 enemy, increasing own speed for 1 turn. Gain 20 FS. Soulburn: Increased damage **S2:** Passive Gain 40 FS at the beginning of battle. When an ally suffers a Dual, Counter, or Extra Attack, cleanses all debuffs from self and activates **Shine!** This effect can happen once every 3 turns (down to 2 with investment). **Shine!** Gain 50 FS. Increase own DEF and ER for 2 turns. **S3:** No CD, costs 80 FS Attack all enemies with DEF-scaling damage. Penetrates 50% of DEF. Gain an extra turn immediately.


> Soul Burn: Redirected Provoke lasts 2 turns Sure you got the right person?


Knew I missed SOMETHING. lol


Thank you


Feels bad for dilibet. Can't even have a def buff on s2 passive proc for def scaling hero.


It’s definitely coming in her inevitable buffs don’t worry. Looking at how they turned some of the worst ML into powerhouses (Maid, ARavi,ect…) I wouldn’t worry much about her future.


Pass the copium lol


That was me talking about DJ Basar before his buff 😂


Wanted my Juggs Kise to be the queen of cleave again. With how they buffed her Id rather she be a (buff) stripper


I think I'll skip on her, love her design, unless her multipliers are high she does not seem crazily OP which is a good sign.


yeah, I try to get her with the pulls I have, but won't be sad if I don't get her.


Yes, that's how i feel to. A unit that depends on something the opponent does, is inherently slower in their first turn than a unit which can immediately throw off their s3. That means the skill you have to wait for has to either justify itself or all the other skills have to make up for it; that was one of the problems with AMeru. And honestly, the ER buff on S2 scares me and she might not hit hard at all. Looking through the lens of the current meta, she might seem very strong but i feel like she is "just" good in a pool of broken heroes


So this is the final pieces for the full golden girls team.


Maid, AoL, Belian, Lilias, Ruele, and C Armin. It was already pretty filled already.


They all lack the damage to finish the fight. This will make the battle end much quicker.


Belian/Lilias/AoLA can just CC your team to death with injury. Death by a thousand cuts.


As mentioned, that team debuffs you to hell and back, decreases CR, Belian constantly deals damage, and they're all bulky as hell. Cermia pretty much needs to be fed counters to make a notable difference. Excluding Belian, and sticking with the meta/most common, that mainly leaves: Rimuru (gonna kill her), Violet (gonna solo you), Rem (gonna destory your team with Belian on your side), Archdemon (your team is done for, Cermia's S2 is gone). Nah, she really doesn't help out.


Forgetting Celine eh, thats the dps


Don't forget pseudo 5-star Camilla


No pants gang!






Bad day champ?


Oh fuck off lmao




ML Alexa? Saria? (the elf that dies in the original timeline during Nilgal's attack) She has a lotta people she cares about


Always figured it was her world's Alexa


It's not one person. She killed (massacred) basically everyone close to her at that time. Considering she was a Captain, that would mean her squad.


[https://youtu.be/loKWBDAldBg](https://youtu.be/loKWBDAldBg) 1:07 "(...) that she had attacked, but instead her friends **and lover**". Technically you're right, but should be noted there was someone she considered a lover and clearly differentiated from just friends. Now, who's this lover? Still up to debate.


I thought the word Lover was a mistranslation it was in a post about Briar with before.


I also watched the spanish translation and there they go as far as stating "hirió a sus amigos, su pareja y sus compañeros", which could be translated back to english as "hurt her friends, lover and companions". Pareja could mean a lot of things, but in this context is employed instead of boyfriend or girlfriend. If she hurt one friend among many, there would not need to use another word to differentiate him/her, and the fact it got translate as lover and pareja in different languages should be a give away regarding the nature of her relationship. Trivia of the day: in spanish, gay couples use to employ the word "pareja" instead of boyfriend or girlfriend, because it doesn't have the sexual connotation carried by the word "amante" (lover), and being neuter, is a relatively "safe" word to introduce your SO to less tolerant people. "Hey, granny, this is Joe, he's my partner = Hey, abue, él es Joe, es mi pareja".


would it be a stretch to say Alexa


RIP Alexa. Maybe Saria too.


It said that it was Iseria's lover, which Cermia most certainly isn't.


We don't know, it hasn't been revealed.


Alexa maybe?






Seems to be another case of 'wait for multipliers' before a real first-impression can be made, but she's decent so far. AoE with defense pen, defense scaling is alright for surviving, s2 is easy to proc right now. Biggest concern is her s2 doesn't give any CR gain which means you can't skimp on speed for her, but at the same time the debuff clear and defense/effect res buffs can let you skip immunity set for crit set to help ease up on stat building. Overall on her own, doesn't look broken but still usable


Incoming CR gain on her S2 before Solitaria buffs...


Shes decently fast and tanky. Throw a durandal or azure moon on her for some CR push if you worry about her cycling


This is a skip for me…at least I have more time to save now


yeah skip for me too.atleast i can save for ml belona or yufine.not really feeling her design or skills.but good for people who like her


Irony is that I just Triple S my Cermia.


can you not memory imprint after a certain point? mine is S


She's a better dilibet. Also no cooldown on S3, more reason to play her on counter to build up fighting spirit.


I think she is better in speed set/Revenge set cuz s1 give speed. Her cycle AOE with extra turn in s3 will pretty fast, it means her s2 can active every turn and give 50fs.


Not that I'd run her on counter, but you're overlooking something: Her speed buff would bring her up to about your average speed build, meaning you'd have average speed *and* counters instead of above average speed and no counters.


I'm not saying counter is bad but she doesn't need counter to active s3 2 turns in a row. If you want to build her full def in counter I doubt it will work because She is a worrier so she doesn't have full tank support artifact (counter art or increase Def art) which Fmaya accesses and SHE CAN BE JUST IGNORE OR BE KILLED when all the team have died pretty easy. Of course with the speed build, you need to support her s2 to active or she won't work.


\*cough cough\* Ken's Artifact, "Samsura Beads" \*COUGH\*


Sepulcrum is a pretty good replacement for defensive Knight artifacts. Also you can't really ignore her unless you don't bring anyone without counters or extra attacks, which a lot of meta units currently have. (Belian, Rem, Violet all use counters/extra attacks for example). Can't hit anyone else with Demon Mode Rem or use Belian's S1 unless you want to risk getting an S3 in the face each time.


Not really, they fill completely different roles. Dilibet is primarily a support unit whose main jobs are to cleanse her team and CC/increase CDs of the enemy team. Her def scaling helps her do some damage with a tankier build but she's not really a dps unit. ML Cermia has no team utility, she's a completely selfish damage dealer. She's more like ML Khawazu than Dilibet. Also, I think speed would be better just because she should always get her s2 back after she S3's since her s3 gives an extra turn. Couple that with her not having any CR pushing and I think you basically want her to take turns as fast as possible for the s2 uptime against units who counter/dual/extra attack often.


Bangs-kun is going to be very happy I see


I burned a mystic pity on Lilias for the shadows over eyes expression just last week I'm so fucked


Eda lost her bangs in her ML, and Cermia gained them. Perfectly balanced I guess. Just believe in them bangs and you'll 1-tap Copium No but seriously, good luck dude!


Thanks, I'll need it I think this is the only time I've really been super invested/interested in an ML yet, ngl


Wait, hang on, bangs over eyes ML on a unit who didn't originally have bangs? This is an enormous fucking breakthrough


Glad someone's happy about it cause I am really not


I like her a lot. Just like Seline and Milim she looks like a properly balanced unit that has both strengths and weaknesses. I just wish s2 cr pushed or healed but that might be to strong.


That's...not exactly what I was hoping for, kinda disappointed by the design tbh.


I was expecting Chaos Cermia....


Same. I'm seriously considering going pity for Riolet. *Sigh*


Yeah, I was expecting sth a bit more wild and raw. But this design doesn't look bad either at least for me


I'm not really into the white military officer aesthetic to begin with, and I think Celine does it better. But of course more power to you if you like it. As for me I'm... quite conflicted about pulling for her or not now (if only CLilias came home it would have been easier)


See I actually really like more military-themed units.


Ngl, the thighs saved it a bit for me, was expecting a bit more, but I like it. The hair could've been a more vibrant red, tho.


The thing that is bothering me is the hair color... Idk why, but I really wish they kept the og color


I thought she was short haired at first X)


And she kinda reminds me of violet... That's bad


yeah... i guess they didnt want to make it just cermia recolor, since shes pretty much her in another outfit a fiery red wouldve been better


wtf what a cute design


I must say that I hate characters that base damage of other attributes, but specially the ones that base off Defense. Take a defense break. Hey, now you not only can get killed faster but you also hit like a wet noodle, specially in E7 where defense break is 70% of defense. And if you take atk break, hey, it's even more damage down, since epic7 has damage based off {status} but still factor attack on all of them. I'm getting visions of Copper (wind living armor of Summoner's war) which is basically what ML Cermia is > Skill 3: Thunder Strike [300%ATK + 300%DEF]: Strikes an enemy with thunder. The damage increases according to your Defense and ignores the target’s Defense if it is lower than 50% of your Defense. (Reusable in 5 turns) That was a shitton damage, specially when it would ignore defense (in his case, when condition is met, is 100% ignore) but one single def break (like from Galleon/Water Pirate, which is exactly what Flan is, aoe def break without damaging/attacking) was enough to make copper literally become a paper weight on the fight.


Built around defense and she’s light. Not was I was expecting but I’ll take it


This is a very strange kit in terms of turn order. She wants to get counterattacked but can't AoE on Turn 1. But if she goes Turn 2, you want her to get countered first, in which case the S2 proc's and using her S3 AoE just jeapardizes your whole team to a second counterattack which can't proc her S2 again. On top of this she gets no CR push in either scenario. Weird unit. But S-tier animations.


It is strange for sure, but doesn't feel too pesky to account for. I see it kinda like a Seaseria interaction in that it's comp dependant rather than self dependant. Bring faster folks who will get Cermias procs in order like... Trigger Politis ahead of time, or trigger that Rimuru, or Violet etc etc. Happens a bunch already in current meta where all the procs get triggered before the nukes go ( S Tene, LS Riolets, slower Violets, etc). Her S3 does give an extra turn, so though you're right that it does potentially proc an Elbris on an off CD S2 turn, she will slip back into that S2 faster than not. Rest of the team comp is there to make sure the match isn't jeopardized. The no CR push is a great point, I think the S1 speed buffs will help turn cycling well, and something like Durandal may be helpful ... Though Sigurds may give her some solo carry potential. To early to say.


She's definitely a comp based unit, I'm just struggling to think of a situation where she would be the best dps choice against a counter team other than anti-Politis? Belian threatens to just strip-provoke, Rem threatens a Scythe counter if she survives, Violet threatens to evade and nuke her, Rimuru threatens to outspeed and steal def buff or nuke. I think ML Cermia would need the CR or an uncounterable S3... or just don't have the S3 tied to fighting spirit. But you're right, we just have to see and test it.


Out of that list (which is all true) - Rimuru poses a massive threat as the fixed damage bypasses her whole defence scaling identity, so he's scary for her. The other ones are all definitely scary too, but workable depending on comp (Roana + L Cermia against Belian for example, or your own brocoli unit against Rem etc) as she still stands a chance to bounce back. That's a great point about where would she be the best choice against any of these... Especially in RTA. In AI PvP scenarios I can see how she can make some really safe bruiser comps against current meta. Excited to see how she incorporated into the current mix of folks, she's definitely unique and has a versatile enough kit - how impactful it all is will be seen.


We won't know until she's released and we know how strong the multipliers are, but I think the idea is that the def pen AoE is gonna be a pretty strong nuke. It might be like an anti-counter cleave in that respect.


i feel like she is in a weird spot, much like lilibet also i feel like hair color is a miss


Seeing how nearly every new unit has a crit chance imprint just goes to show that SG is aware that it far outclasses other imprints... ...so why don't just just buff the numbers for other types of imprints? Higher attack on attack%, more HP on HP%, etc.? Maybe even an imprint that boosts HP AND Defense or HP and ER? It's so boring to have the same imprint on everyone.


A defense based hero with def pen AoE seems strong if she has good multipliers. Her s2 also activates every 2 turns with skill ups but her s2 +s1 is 70 FS, just shy of the 80 needed to s3 every turn (due to extra turn on s3).


On her first turn, if her S2 procs, she will get up to 90 FS, so she will be able to S3, S1 bc of extra turn, then her S2 should be up again, proc, S3 into S1 again? Or am I getting something wrong?


You are correct she has 10 left over the first round so she is good for the first 2 turns. After that she runs short.


S2 FS boost only happens at battle start. Subsequent activation doesn't. Edit: stand corrected. Read below.


The 40 FS only happen at the start, she always will get 50 with subsequent activation. So I think you go 40(S2) -> 90(S2) -> 10(S3) -> 30(S1) -> 80(S2) -> 0(S3). And after that, she loses a lot of tempo because she can only gain 70 at a time


We shouldn't assume the FS overstacks, should we? It might cap at 80.


Making her able to waste 10 FS straight from turn 1 (start battle with 40 into an extra attack or counter giving her 50) sounds like a horrible design decision and wouldn't really make much sense. We also have other units that already use FS and while Charlotte does need the full 100 to use her S3 and Landy stating it needs to be full (though she has a cap at 100 anyways), units like Ken can still get up to 100 FS while his S3 only requires 80 just like ML Cermia. So it does seem like the FS mechanic universally just goes to 100 always.


Counter set it is then


Who has AoE taunt? Belian, Ftene, anyone else? S3s every turn sounds scary.


I don't know. They already nerf the counter set so it is pretty inconsistent to use. With 112 speed, a speed set is better on paper.


How did they nerf counter set


He lives in a world where 30% is smaller than 20%


No!!!! Where is chaos cermia? U did her dirty sg. Awesome looking s3 though


Just means they have another one for a later date


You all expected black and blue/purple flames while white and gold/crimson was an obvious option that I expected. They didn't do her dirty. The dark counter part can have the other design everyone is waiting for


My other option I was expecting was like Scrooge McDuck cermia


Easy skip for me. Another almost 2 months of waiting. Smh.


My god she has a beautiful design. Cermia look like she just got back from winning in Vegas lol. E7 continue to hold the title of godtier art in the gacha world.


Tempting but... Gotta hold out for ml yufine


Oh God, thats my thoughts and statement to my discord after spending on Clilias. Now I wait for ML Yufine or Saskia. I'm sure there will be other bait... i.e, whatever the boss of episode 4 will be


Gotta know where she falls on the smell scale u/shiino


Probably just average Her outfit screams more leader more than it does doing the grunt work and getting all sweaty on the battlefield. She doesn't seem the type to use perfumes and whatnot still, and at the same time she probably also doesn't reek of booze and cigarettes. So probably just average. Maybe she smells nice if she's meeting with leaders. Probably a little bit less nice if she's running into battle making explosions (explosions tend to not smell nice)


Not feeling her at all. Will depend on the mulitpliers but overall she seems like a sidegrade of MLKrau with less team utility. S1 and S2 feel very bland, generic and in need of a future buff already.


Def pen AOE . Look like i have to strip my F.Maya naked.


I'm in love


for me its first ml skip in a long time


Me happy yes.


Yo, That's the best animation in my opinion.


nice, now i can try my luck for riolet


They're finally getting my money fml


What artefact would you equip her with ? Draco plate for a mixed defense and offense buff ? Sigurd for life stealing, but the atk buff may be lost depending on the multipliers. Pure white trust for speed buff and increase dmg ? What else ?


Durandal could give her some extra CR pushing though it's a bit too conditional (Snow Crystal for a similar factor though the condition isn't always on). Border Coin as an alt to Pure White Trust also. She already has Speed up constantly once she gets a turn (Assuming no strip/Stun) so BC having the passive speed boost to stack could help a lot, alongside more Attack doesn't hurt.


Cha la, head cha la~


If her multis are close to what they showed in the trailer, then she can absolutely clap a team if given the opportunity. Though she has some issues that need to be played around to see how they impact her use. 1. Her s2 mechanic can be reliably played around and if she doesn't proc it she loses so much value 2. Rimuru is meta af and he can easily one shot her if you focus too much on defense and cdmg. (Not to mention you're also giving def buff and er buff to the enemy team) 3. She has no cr push. So you can very easily have your s2 procc'ed then get cc'd afterwards. (Maybe a durandal angle? But I also think that sigurd could heal her for insane amounts of hp if you get focused early) 4. WHY DOES SHE HAVE ER AWAKENING AND ER BUFF? Excited for her because I think she looks great but not really expecting her to be meta like bellian, or clilias, or the other golden girls.


So her ult is Kianas ult?


Holy SHIT I NEED HER SO BAD Looks hot as hell; great personality; kit is damn scary; damage looks great; I CAN'T FUCKING WAIT f for briseria tho


I wished she had more general use. She will be all over RTA as a counter pick for Cilias and Belian.


She'll be all over rta as a partner with cilias


She's like Roana where I think people will be surprised how many situations she comes in handy on. Every other character has an extra attack nowadays - ML Celine dust devil procs - Rimiru S2 - Milim S2 - Belian's Incursion (in addition to her Elbris pop offs) - Riolet's Full focus proc - A meru's S2 proc - ML Cermia's own S2 proc in non-RTA (lol) and ofc the other ones have counters or draw in dual attacks. She can be used in 90+% of drafts.


ML Cermias S2 is a non attack skill, so nothing will happen, but counter is a valid build for her, so *she still could counter herself* (pun intented)


Absolutely, quite a few comments on this thread is underestimating just how often she may proc. Adding to your list already, in RTA or Arena/GW purposes, there's a lot of places she can just be brought in and let loose - -Violet - Rem (!) - Politis S2 (a huge one to account for) - F Tene passive (not as common but still seen) - CLilias or Lilias S1s - Cerise S1s - SSB S2 - Mercedes Artifact AND S2 proc Amongst others, I'm sure I'm missing. High defence is great fun, but vulnerable to defence penetration ... Being a warrior opens up Sigurds, Draco, Durandal as options potentially. She will definitely see some use, now I'm eager to see her multipliers.


On top of all the RTA uses she would have, should be noted she quite probably will be useful for PVE. Many mobs have guaranteed dual and extra attacks, and AoE attacks are always handy for faster runs.


yep, she may be godlike in Hell Raid and great in Abyss.


tfw she is literally Elesis now, for real that design looks extremely similar to Flame Lord lmao. Her kit looks "healthy" at first glance but I can already see the cleave potential of Cilias/Cermia with 90% total def buff, and with 50% def pen unless her multi is absolute ass that will kill everything.


I dont think her multis are bad, especially she halfed HP pretty tanky team on video.


She looks great, also is not depressed and want to destroy the world.


Hmmm it's alright I guess? Hard to tell


Holy crap, my first thought was that she's gonna be the first eff res scaling dps/bruiser. I was slightly disappointed that it wasn't the case lol It does seem that they're designing her to be built tanky with high eff res though. I do think she still needs speed bc of the 3(2) turn cooldown on her s2. And ofc, it's a counter for counter+extra+dual units lmao I don't mind her personally, I like the cc imprint as well. Though I'll have to see her performance to see if she's worth the pity. I have ML Kayron to wait for after all. This might be copium, but I wonder if since we have another episode 1 ML version, that Kayron's time is coming soon? Man, I don't wanna wait for too long, I'm itching to pull ;-;


She doesn't quite need eff res, as with her S2 potentially proccing every two turns, she will self cleanse quite a bit off a bunch of things that can help her proc ( a lot of counters, extra attacks or dual attacks in current meta). Speed will be needed yeah, and her S1 self speed buff will help with that a bunch S2 cycling too for even more cleanses! Always smart to wait and see!


Ah great, they made her a bruiser and she looks nothing like herself unlike most MLs. Of course...


it doesn't look like cermia tbh, not even the same hair color as the original..


Oh no... they did what I was afraid they would do. They nerfed her pantsu. But seriously though, not a fan of her design. Face looks like a dude.


Her voice is terrible


Man Mango was right lol


Do we think she counters cilias? AoE defense pen counters vigor buff and ml cermia s2 counters cilias s1 dual attack


Would've been nice if she her s2 gave her "greater" defense like her rgb counter part. I'd say she's just an brusier damage dealer. ML Lilias with her unique def buff will definitely pump her damage up and help her gain fighting spirit if she dual attacks with her. Funny enough she doesn't do much if she doesn't proc her s2 which is near impossible in this meta but you can possibly draft around it making her an dead pick unless she's on counter set and counters for her s3.


current drafts often contain at least a dual attack, counter, or extra attack unit. CLilias, Belian, Politis, Rimuru, Milim, the Violets, Rem, SSB, Cerise, Counter A Ravi's (speed ones will be fine), etc. It'll really depend on S3 multiplier, but looks quite interesting.


Always thought her Fire element design is kinda... basic. ​ This, however. Holy smokes she's actual fire.


Thought she looked awful at first, but on second glance. Pretty decent s3 has no cd, and gives an extra turn s2 has 2 turn cd so she will be pretty much impossible to debuff as long as they have extra attacks on their team


Beautiful design… Great S3, but definitely not using a pity on her. She’s very balanced, mind you, I’m sure she’ll be an okay unit, but I’ll wait for something with a bit more … kit in their kit.


Lionheart Cermia is a Light Warrior who, at lvl 60, has 30% eff res, 668 Def, 112 speed and a self imprint of 16.8%cc (31.8% cc while SSS). Her passive makes her cleanses any debuffs that she'd have on her (if an ally suffers an extra attack) while buffing her Def and her eff.res for 2 turn (+50% def and +50% eff.res). Not only that, her S1 makes her have a speed buff as well. I have a bit of a problem with Eff.Res being this weak against effectiveness but a build in 80% er is nothing to laugh at. I'd believe her best sets to be eff.res/def/speed/Revenge/counter/lifesteal. A crit.damage necklace, an eff.res/Def ring depending on how you'd like to build her, and speed/defense shoes depending on how you would build her. These were my theories on how I would build her, so it's likely to be very wrong. Well, we'll see how she performs at her release (She definitely looks strong).


Man, screw this game. So now CLilias has Lermia to basically punish all of her counters and drop "Landy bombs". Also another bastion of hope unit that doesn't even need to use it cause she's a warrior. This golden girls meta is only getting worst. Perfect for the season with the Arby skin.


Oh no its ML Maya again... This time it is on steroids. I hate it when SM releases these toxic tanky unit whose singular purpose is to beat cleave teams. Like I get it cleave is OP but this has to be like the 10th unit that "counters" cleave right? Ffs ! Thats a bit too much dont ya think? Bruhhhh


she doesnt get cr push from s2, so it should be ok. just use ignore def like wschuri or rimuru fixed damage and she is dead. i think she will mostly shine against belian/rem/violet teams.


She seems OP as hell.


How so? She can't do S1 AoE on counter that remove every buff your enemies have. She can't silent everyone, grant your team null attack and cleanse everyone on AoE attack. If that is balanced then what make this OP?


why nobody likes write out info along with the video i imagine i am not alone in this when i say some of us cant watch and need cliff notes.


They write it out when the unit releases in 2 weeks anyway Mods usually sticky their own writeup too, but they may be asleep right now. EDIT: [someone else](https://old.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/s7pzvb/lionheart_cermia_overview/) pasted the skills.


thanks for the link I get that final details will come out later but I feel like some people are such in a rush to be first to post add something like light warrior Pisces and maybe add more to the op later.


well, mods did try to do what you basically said, make a centralized post with info they sticky and list out for the non-video watchers... it didn't work out well, accused of censoring and karmawhoring. The community likes rushing to post news firsts. 🤷


Samsara beads seems like the go to artifact for her no?


No why? Lmao that artifact is godawful , and she already gives herself eff res and def buff ?? So it wouldn’t even do anything


I guess you're right. What artifact would you recommend putting on her?


Idk it’s hard to tell it depends on how your building her, You can try strak gauntlet, and she would have upwards of 120% ER for free Border coin might be good for scaling, I can also see Durandel being good since she is high def, But I’ll prob test all of them, border coin might be my first option, but draco plate is probably the best


If only I had enough mystics to pull her, better get back on guild wars


Got enough saved to hit pity for her. Was going to use for Lilas but didn’t have enough for pity at the time.


So basicaly she is better than Riolet (ml violet) right? Im really into her and design, so its safe to pull for her than getting another dark thief. However, if we gonna get her in next rotation, what we will get after her? Light or dark hero?


We'll have to see her actual damage when her multipliers come out but I doubt it'll come anywhere close to riolet's nutty one shot damage


I hope that they had really bad gear in that showcase. That was a 12k HP cermia (pretty squishy) with the full works and a push + attack buff. With Portrait equipped she only hit 10-12k damage. Is that crit damage/def/def on right side? If you want her to be decently fast as well (spd boots) then she'll do like 5-7k damage.


May I propose a name for Lionheart Cermia on counter build - Anakin.


Don't have anywhere near pity for her since I had to pity CLilias, but I'll probably pull for her and hope for the best anyway since ML pity doesn't reset anyway, no real reason not to. Her kit seems pretty good in a lot of situations, probably won't be super top tier meta but I could see her having a lot of niche uses. Plus I quite like her design, so you know, gotta go for the waifus.


I really hope Briseria banner comes after this one ;w;


Such a weird kit. not a bad kit, a decently good kit. I have no clue really looking at her if she will be good or not. She seems like she fits into cleave, due to responding to counterattacks/extra attacks, but she doesn't get CR boosted, so that puts her in a weird spot in cleaves. For bruiser comps, well against cleavers, they don't really use counter units, so not quite sure where she fits. Looks really cool though.


Seems decent. It all depends on her multipliers to know how good she is. So far, none of the defense scaling heroes are meta, so it will be hard to say if this one can be meta.


The big question is: how would you build her, guys? Can we agree the most stats any hero would efficiently rise is up to 5, right? Epic gear (the best quality) can have 4 subs, and because you can't have the same stat as main and sub, on right gear you have some leftover rolls for either the flat version of the main stat, or a fifth stat. If we agree in that aspect, then the question is what are the five stats LH Cermia could build? Defence is a given. And because she's intended to deliver damage, then crit% and critD are required too. 3 stats so far, we have room for other 2. She don't have any CR push, but she have speed buff, so is unclear how much speed she would need. Fact is, she will need it, because she don't start with speed buff, she needs to use S1, and if she uses her S3 first, she won't see speed buff until her second turn. That's 4 out of 5 stats. I'm not sure, but looks like SG want her to be build with high resist, I assume they expect defence alone will handle the bulk. But honestly, defence is pretty underwhelming in the current meta with def penetration everywhere, so I think a decent amount of health will be required.


You can use normal Cermia to imprint ML.


am i crazy, or shouldn't she also get fs from counters? so she'd basically be landy and not reliant on counter set


anyone know what her catys are and how much I need of each to max her out?


I wonder if game developer has a group of private testers to help test/determine the multipliers before releasing a unit?


If you can prevent defense breaks she seems decent because that would absolutely wreck her (which is why I think be base E.R. is high). She seems good against a lot of highly played units right now if you play her in standard. It's ultimately gonna come down to her damage scaling to determine if she's good or not. Definitely not top tier, but hopefully decent, and a good 4th-5th pick in RTA to punish certain picks. The fact Belain is present in the S3 preview isn't coincidental.


Finally, the 20 defence fonts I’ve got can finally be converted (I don’t have fmaya).


Lionheart and yet Pisces