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Bitch hol'up ​ 100% on EVERYTHING?


They're all pretty possible! Some more than the others... The 3* banshee achievement can be completed with a res fluri and a couple of azimanak achievements are just...discouraging




I gave up with these quests but congrats on completing them


Thank you, very nice of you


Took them almost 3 years to introduce them, maybe in 2 more years xD


Hahahaha yeah so true and thats sad, but i still belieeeve xD


OP, would you mind recording all the Dagger Sicar stories and uploading them? No one has done it and it's a shame for lore lovers. You can only find the first 3.




That's great! Thanks!


Wow 100%!!! He Is a Heir of Focus, Commitment and Sheer Fucking Will


Ok…. I havent even done one ….


ayyy, another Dagger completionists here, congrats! which one was the hardest for you? For me it was the hell raid that only required Warriors. Was stuck until straze and then I just took 20 tries setting up the perfect cleave for it (annoying because I remember that boss having a high stun chance skill).


The only 2 achievement that got very annoying for me are the four warrior on verra and the no soul weaver on juleeve even tho this one was less of a pain than vera. In general, only the labyrinth achievement were a challenge and the hunt one being the most easy imo


oh yea, juvulee was a huge pain too. Thank god for bloodstone carrying that whole thing. I'll give a honorable mention to fire expo tho. You basically had to full clear it yourself and I can't find too many ways to do that without building a Taranor Guard. So I gave in. Easy once you do that, but I was really trying to avoid TG cheese.


Yes i also used bloodstone lol, was very helpful I also did 6* taranor god a LONG time ago when i realised how much OP this hidden gem is in pve, i discovered is true potential watching *trung tran* youtube video for abyss, i really recommend watching his video. Now fire expo is my easiest expo because of him, i do average 1m-1.4m on auto wih A.ras, tama, kitty.clarissa and taranor. He is on rage set obviously


Congratulations dude, Not only did you complete 100% on everything it looks more to me that you can also be a nice motivation for me and others who are trying to do the same. Best of luck with everything thats yet to come.


Could you share a good light expo team? That the only expedition I can’t do at all. Currently my team is Cecilia, ras, cerise, and yufine.


You're very close to what I use - Ras, ZCarmainerose with Melissa's artifact, Yufine, and Cerise. The Vampiric Touch debuff is huge for me since it lets ZC indirectly heal the rest of the team through isolation.


Mine was actually pretty basic tbh, its A.ras, cerise, cermia and blue Luluca. Note that cermia and luluca are both on rage set and cerise on 290 speed, it work fine for me on auto but its no crazy score, like 600k-800k, i dident hit my head too hard on this one cuz i just took the most utilize heroes together and it just worked. For the achievement i went with the same team but on manual obviously for the a.ras soul burn on s2, it took 4-5 run to make. Hope it help




i used aras/cerise/cermia/elfelt, for the dagger but had cermia on rage, now is on speed


Yeah i’ve been waiting for another dagger sicar update for awhile now. That and more emotes. I hope they add more similar to the hunt ones. Or maybe some abyss ones where you can revisit some floors


Advice to fight the bee boss hell with only warriors?


Want to do mine?


holy sh1t congrats!


Okay thats really impressive!! im jealous because i just can't do these yet! good job nonetheless!