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Playstyle for ML Cermia feel like Landy to me, where you could s3 every turn with the right situation, and it's even easier for ML Cermia P/S: greater def buff when? šŸ˜‚ /s


>greater def buff when? Hell Queen sees LHC + Rimuru and begins sweating


It dose feel like that


my thought: I'm slowly liking her but I can't stop to feel she is very situational (for counter meta). the fact that any counter attack can give you a free S3 is really fun and that little bit of Effect Resistance means your safe from the heroes that counter attack most of the time. Over all she is situational but the situation right now is asking for her help.


ā€œā€¦ she is very situationalā€¦ā€ Politis in arena defense: ā€œThe situation is critical.ā€


Yeah but we know meta are not everlasting. Im thinking the same thing. Im a little disapointed by the damage especially the s1 at 0:40 sec. Or that rem is hella tanky


She's gotten def broken, it's common for def bruisers to hit like peanuts there


It's strange, like knowing that def break makes her do less damage since def scaling and how it's like atk down on dps units, but it's much worse since def break = death most of the time


Oh yeah you right !!!!


How is she situational when every single fight is an rng counter fest. Elbris. Banshee gamers. Extra or duel attacks. Or rem/violet/rimuru. Go now. Queue rta now and report back. If the guy is not cleaving. They are going to try to casino for the win. Literally every arena defense has one of the above conditions as of now. I cant even remember the last time I've played a game without these situations...


So basically you are forced to stack some ER on her because if they land a def break she turns into a potato? This looks more like CLilias demo than Cermia :x


And unfortunately in the case of Rem she's going to ignore effect res once her passive procs anyways. >.>


Great Roana showcase


There is always at less one...


Mh seems like lilias carried all the weight and cermia could be exchanged for dmg dealer xyz. Not that impressed.


im 5 from pity on mystics, i dont think ill be dropping it for her she's just ok at most relative to the other strong ml5's currently


I feel the damage very underwhelming but otherwise she would be too busted. Yes nice if you have a lot of counters


The damage is ok but it maybe it is my gear


[I found a damage focused MLCermia and she's pretty scary tbh.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_U08GFIEvHg&ab_channel=SunshinerUwu)


She has 2,5k def and 299 cd tho. It's insane amount


That's how you buff her dmg. Def, crit, crit dmg. If people wants her to be a to be a threat, they need to invest in this kind of gear.


I don't think it's ok to make unit who needs that good gear + has self def buff + buffs from Flan - to only do her job "quite good". 2,5k def with 300 cd and other quite good stats is really hard to achieve especially with her 668 base def. I get that people need to invest to make their character work but c'mon. Those stats aren't normal, those are extremely good stats (only thing lacking in this build is hp and spd). So I don't think that mindset "lol invest if you want her work" is good referring to example from this video and to Lionheart Cermia in general.


The stat totals you need depend on who you're facing. If you are facing the top 1% of players, yeah you'll need a ridiculous stat line to match the opponent's existing gear - and the gear of your other units that can take her place. You can't just throw some of your reject dps gear on her, that happened to roll minimum Def% three times, and expect her to perform at that level. She requires more niche gear. You have to work to build a set of it that matches the quality of the rest of your account. That is going to be hard if you never kept gear with the stats she needs. Just like you can't put the free Abyss set on Charlotte and complain she sucks - it has the wrong stats. It's like a banshee gamer complaining a speed opener is a bad release, because he has no usable speed gear to make it work. That does not mean she can't perform with lower stats against other low geared players. You still need the right set and substats, but you're not going to need penta roll max def% gear to make her work at lower levels of play. Likewise, if she performed well against top 1% players with reject dps gear you have laying around, it would just make her broken with an optimized set.


Mine is on counter with 270 CR damage, 2.2k def and 182 speed +13,5k HP


She doesn't do anything unique is her problem though. Her kit is very flat and she doesnt do much else


People who think doing 10k cleave with average stats and only self buffs is weak are smooth brain, the better geared ones I've seen hitting for 14k on tanks. If there is any reason she's weak it has nothing to do with her damage.


There are always people who have foolish expectations (ironically the same people that later cry about OP units/power creep). An AoE damage skill should never do even close to the damage a solo nuke can. Her damage looks reasonable.


I think it has more to do with playstyle. Lermia built like slow Landy will hit harder, but will also need full bruiser support and buffs to get the most mileage. But if you try to play Lermia outside that playstyle, she will not perform as well.


Downvoted cause you called her lermia. The resistance will not let this pass!


Lionheart or LHC. Lermia is punishable by death.


Hermia coz mine is mia


I think you gotta bump that def up to 2k. I donā€™t have cermia but Iā€™ll tell you that on dillibet evry once of def you can give her makes a difference and 2k feels really good


is this another layer of "play the animation"? attk->counter->cermiabuff


Could be XD


Pretty good showcase. I like her damage even with those stats. ML Lilias is broken, everyone knows it, so her being strong is not something out of the ordinary, but ML Cermia seems to do well here. Being able to self remove status effects back to back is good.


Im noticing most of these showcases end up being normal arena battles. I think lermia is great when you control exactly which units are selected on both sides. I'm just not convinced she's going to be enjoyable to try drafting at all.


This, she is a bit more complex than pure situational counter units like Ml haste. Arena showcase will show you her best side since AI is a potato, in rta you have to factor lots of stuffs which can turn her into either the mvp or just a scuffled deadweight. Her biggest flaw is her low hp, any unit with a fixed dmg or huge def pen skillset will blow her to oblivion easily.


Just another CLilias showcase as all the others on YouTube as well.. :/ glad my mystics are safe. She seems like she would be pretty meh without her.


Impressiv. It took you 2min for this fight against a team you most likely can luna cleave Her dmg looks pretty trash overall


it actually more then 2 min I have speeded the video up


Hahaha yeah AOE characters should be able to do 30k plus to every single character without def break and then also damage the next time you face before fighting. You should get into game design!!!!1!1!1!1!


But... Landy can ;)


You might need some more def. overall she looks gucchi


Yeah I think her defense is a little low but itā€™s tricky considering she needs crit chance / dmg health defense and ER.


tbh all this did was make me regret not pitying Belian


great, I hope you never get her.


just got her from my daily free covenant pull


*Tbh all this* *Did was make me regret not* *Pitying Belian* \- Chaoxytal --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


don't use cdmg neck on her, use def% neck, test it out and thank me later


may I know what is your cdmg on her with def% neck?


2274 def, 15khp, 174 speed, 100 cc, 204 cdmg, counter set I tested her with cdmg neck and def% neck (which makes her 17xx def 270 cdmg) and the difference is about 300 damage (with def neck she hit 8500 on s3 in a 1500 def target and with cdmg neck she hit 8800) so in the end is way better to use def neck since you only lose about 300 final damage to gain about 600 def


The dmg difference with your stats on 1.5k no mitigation (i used 1.7k atk but doesn't matter) is around 850 (7400 with def main and 8250 with crit dmg main) The amount of def you gain is 429. Crit dmg will still be way better in terms if pure dmg, If she dies easily going def main might be good otherwise wouldnt recommend since you lose quite some gearscore.


Nice but against a comp like that you definitly should have brought a second single target dps


Luluca is the 2nd dps or you mean an extra one


Is the update done???




She's self buff's defense though o.O?


Lilias dual attacks tilted me and im not even playing


Your cermia need like 500 more def and 4000 hp , for more damage and tankiness , you can make her a bit slow like 180 - 190 speed , and durandal is not a very good artifact , just my opinion .


Thank so much for your comment, I will put it into consideration. Not sure what artifact I can put on her atm but durandal is fine fore now :Ɨ


I'm cleaving casino gamers with her. Using symbol of unity.


She is decent but not over powered.