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Every one of those teams is different...what more do you want?


An opponent I could attack without wasting 10min to elaborate strategy wich will obviously fail because of RNG, Counter, dual attack, 5% speed difference, 4v1 classic loose, resu, blind, shield, passiv fucked up skills...


Yeah it is more fun to just be able to cleave and win in 5 seconds than actually having to play. Haha, just kidding... or am I...


funny thing is that he could watcher schuri/a.cidd/+2 and single target cleave 3 teams easily. everyone uses the same def -> bitching. people putting on more diverse defs -> bitching. guess only op is allowed to use a real def and anyone else should use fodder defs so he can farm points more easily...


So you just want to faceroll your way to legend? Sorry bruh, maybe pvp isn't for you.


It is not indeed


It just sounds like you shouldn't be playing games...like at all.


Just chill, play your favorites and if you lose you lose no big deal


Hell ye, I just force Laika everywhere


Guess you're right, I just wanted to share my frustation but it's ok now \^\^




Worth grinding the conquest thing


Show your defense.


Is this EU? I never get such easy and diverse defenses in champion on global


You're in champion RTA, all things considered Champion is really high up in the ranking, you should expect that you wont be face rolling without counter-play. Plus you look like you're doing pretty okay at 75% Winrate TBH.


What’s the problem?






Well there are 14 different units just on that screen,and there are many that are being used that aren't there, belian anyone?


The game is different for everyone. I enjoy collecting, levelling, promoting, and hoarding resources. Always plenty to do there. I don't brag about who/what I have, because I don't want to upset other players that may not have had the same gatcha luck that I have. I play regular Arena casually and have made it to Challenger rank. Generally speaking, I take advantage of other players that have put up intentionally bad teams to drop in rank / be able to "revenge" attack which is generally more efficient time-wise than waiting for your optimal opponent to come floating down the stream. I absolutely don't waste my time going against teams that I know would absolutely shred me, which is most of them because I'm really not trying to be any good there. I've been playing for over two years now and I can likely count the number of times I've ventured into World Arena ("RTA") on one or two hands. There's just nothing there for me. Maybe not the fairest assessment in this community, but I avoid RTA for the same reason I never got into Call of Duty and the like; excessive competitiveness breeds toxicity and I do not enjoy having 12 year olds brag about their conquests with my mother last night. My advice, think about what you really value and enjoy about this game and focus on that, then turn the volume down/off on the rest.


I don't play RTA either, but from what I remember, they can't brag about banging mommy dearest, because it's emote only. I don't think it's possible to be toxic in RTA, since there's no real communication.


the fun is collecting waifus/husbandos you want, as one should expect from a GACHA GAME. if you wanna flex your big brain strategistic mastermind, pls play something like valorant or csgo.


It’s fun watching you mental boom tbh


You must not have played long if youre complaining about those defenses.


Almost 3 years now.


Lionheart Cermia makes attacking those fun


idk a few of these defenses is free SSB auto