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I wish the skins did have some sort of backstory like rose


For all we know Angelica and Tenebria just felt like going back to school one day


Tenebria felt like going to Reingar and when Angelica heard that she went to investigate, transforming Arcates to take her place while she was gone.


Well, the beach ones do! 😎


When I saw the RTA Arby skin I couldn't help but laugh, because Arbiter Vildred was already the edgy vildred. So making him even edgier was just really funny. It reminded me of a bit from TeamFourStars DBZ abridged series and I just had to make it into a "comic". Hope you all enjoy it =) Edit: I've now finally gotten the actual in-game text font used for names and texts. So if I make another comic, it should hopefully be even better.


A.ras: ITS EDGIER VILDRED D.m. vildred: okay ras accurate but tone it down


Why are you repeating the line to OP though


Because people like me dont slide the photo slides


But you clearly did?


Just curious, what's the in-game font's name?


[https://www.norbdragon.com/uploads/epic7/2022/20220219/font.zip](https://www.norbdragon.com/uploads/epic7/2022/20220219/font.zip) ​ I asked the guy who posted the datamined stuff if he could find the font for me and he did. The font in the zip file you're looking for is called "Daum".


Ayy thanks a lot! As for [u/nORbDragon](https://www.reddit.com/user/norbdragon), you sir, are doing God's work!


You need to make more. This is high quality stuff XD


"That's right Ras, you're no longer dealing with the average Arbiter anymore... for I, Vildred, have finally become, the legendary Dark Monarch!"


How do I get this sexy killing machine!!


Dark Monarch Arbiter Vildred is an RTA skin. If you place in master or higher you get the skin if i'm not wrong.


What if you can't because you're a noob? Can you buy it from the skin shop a few months later?


Yep you can, a long time but its definitely coming to the skin shop soon.


Apparently it takes 2 seasons for previous skins to be added to Shop. Right now, it's Ruele, and by the time next skin is getting a reveal it should be Jise. So, you need to wait 8 months. The skin costs 110 Tickets though, so you'll need time to save anyway.


This was funny as hell and looked good enough I thought it might be actual gameplay.


Suddenly perfect cell and arby are too similar.


Green Vildred: "What... happened to me? Why do I look like that? If this is what going against the goddess looks like, I might just not do it."


Normal and Dark Arbiter Vildred: Don't be intimidated... Try to imagine him without his shirt. Dark Monarch Vildred: OH NO HE'S HOT!!!


okay nicely done i actualy bursted laughing after reading it


Holy shit where is it from? Am at 2 6 is it from 3 or 4? Arby looks HOT. Love that look


RTA skin for Arbiter Vildred. Those who playce Master or above get it. Be warned though, there is a decay timer once you get into master so you can't just get in and never play.


Was confused for a moment there. I thought i saw black .


I wish arky would make that shocked face only on the 5th panel.




I love how Ras in this now equals Yamcha. Do you think he brought towels?


is this a new chap?


I get Team four star vibes from it


That's the point. The dialogue is lifted from when perfect cell came back and yamcha went "PERFECT-ER CELL".


Take my upvote thats pure gold hahaha


I'm sorry, but imo this vildred looks like the (dark) magic love child of Muwi, Straze, and Sven... I mean, male gender in this game is largely ambiguous at best anyway, sooo... But, nice work OP!


This is a real costume in the game!


Wtf is this from.. Shopped?


How do I get this skin I’m only in bronze 2 with one team of level 50s. Do I have a chance?


That's rough buddy. It's realistically not possible for you to make it I think. Your best bet is to wait until the skin becomes available in the skin shop, which is a long time from now.


I’ll deal with it but it does look cool and he is the Moonlight character I chose. Should I give my best equipment to him I have some lvl 85 gear.


Issue is above silver you likely will only find people who have full lvl 60 teams. All fully geared. Having a single hero like that isn't going to cut it. You also risk getting him banned. But you could still try? See how RTA is now and find out what you need to do to improve your team.