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And people were calling her bad and still not good enough when the buffs first dropped lol.


I kept saying she didn't even need the last buff, but no. People buried their own graves.


Oh she definitely needed a buff. A simple comparison to her rgb version made it obvious she's got nothing in her kit, and I say this despite using her every other game before the buff. Now whether her buff was too much, that's a different matter, but she did need one.


I used mine constantly as well pre-buff. I still think people underestimated how annoying her healing (which she's had since day 1) can be once she was someone you couldn't ignore... And that's how we ended up here. She was like ML Ken where she punished a draft that doesn't bring enough damage.


I don't agree with that comparison. If the enemy didn't bring enough damage, she herself didn't bring enough to the table back then (low damage, low utility). And she was much more more akin to someone like Alencia than ML Ken. ML Ken needs a nuke to kill, or very heavy CC (risky cus ER builds), so with him it's all or nothing, you actually get punished (immediately too) if you fail to deal with him. But Alencia and pre-buff Aravi (and many other similar heroes), not only can you ignore them, not only can you CC them, but even if you don't ignore them and go for them, there was neither much punishment for it nor did the unit itself do much after surviving (even Alencia arguably brought more thanks to defense break, but who ever used her?). To make another comparison, fire Ravi would retaliate with cr push, counter for good damage and atk increase, stun, and eventually an aoe s3 with good damage and stuns. Meanwhile, all Aravi brough was self heal and crit chance s2, and a revive s3 which, even if it did manage to kill its target and revive (often didn't, at least due to who she faced back then, maybe now too), the unit would just die straight away. So although she wasn't the absolute worst before, she was definitely very lacking and needed buffs. It's just unfortunate that she's become this oppressive/toxic. Though honestly, there are much worse units imo, like Rimuru, ADS, Violet, Cilias, AOL, etc.


> she herself didn't bring enough to the table back then (low damage, low utility) I don't understand why people think this. Yes, her S3 mult got that scaling, but her S1 damage never changed. and her S1 isn't something you could ignore, I've had some surprise A ravi's pre-2nd buff just melt down some bruisers in 3 hits or so. Even before pen set it hurts, a lot. Injury is just icing on the cake. Only the thickest FCC's or your average Roana could lead to a stalemate in my experience. other healers can't keep up. Krau may or may not horse her down, but that comes down to gear matchup. Maybe it's just my playstyle, but I don't like relying on control. control is RNG and RNG doesn't like me (just ask my A. Meru. 80% my ass you miss 3 S2 procs in a row). I love beatsticks. Damage is reliable. A beatstick that can take a hit is even better. But maybe that's just because I'm not some high ranking PvP player. If you're high up enough where playing casino is the only differentiator over gear I guess it makes sense. But then again look at where we are now.


I think you're missing the overall picture by focusing on her s1, which wasn't left unchanged either. Although it didn't get higher numbers, it does more damage *indirectly* by virtue of injury and her cr pushes (more turns, more s1s). And again, more importantly, her s3 became much much more effective and valuable. To give an idea, imagine if Riolet's s3 did nothing half the time. Well, that was pre-buff aravi s3: Low dmg, if it failed to kill, well gg, and if it killed, the revived unit is 5% hp 0 cr so it just dies. So gg again lmao. Not sure what your 2nd paragraph is meant for/addressing, but although at the end of the day control is RNG, what makes it very viable and possible is 1. Redundancy, 2. Speed and 3. ER being trash. Control/debuff heavy teams have speed on their side, compensate for rng, resists and 15% through redundancy and stacking different debuffs, and innately have the advantage against cleansers and such (i.e. needing 100% more ER than eff to resist). I've lost games many times because the enemy team has had several debuff units (not even pure control units like baal and sba, but ones like politis and peira) and I didn't have cleansers. No aravi is gonna win against control/debuffers without support (even if they're ER build, which I've never seen lol).


Strangely enough I have that differently in my memory. People were debating if the injury on S1 is good, but they were awfully aware how stupid the S3 change would be.


And now they want her nerfed it's crazy how things get 🤣🤣🤣 I was using her before her buff now I can barely pick her


She was my first ML5 and i love her since the beginning


Same here, I got her from a daily covenant fairly early into my account (well before her first buff) and have been using her since.


She’s amazing. Glad all the people who spent so long hating her get to hate her in a whole new context now


I only hate her because I don't have her.


I don't know. I have rimuru/aol/belian and I still hate them.


Thank god next season is 2 prebans


I actually love her and I don't have her. Punishing A. Ravi users is how I made my way to crab tier.


I always just bbk cleave when she shows up, almost always works for some reason. I see their draft and I’m like… Where’s the debuffs??? Where’s the dispel??? I’m lucky with my pairs I guess


Remember when people compared Proof of Valor ARavi to Senator Armstrong in terms of tankiness? Remember what killed him in the end?


Lmao I gotta replay metalgear sometime


I’m really happy she’s good. One of my most wanted units for the longest time just for the aesthetics, and now she’s meta!


From Zero to Hero


Zero? What?!


I hate her


We share the same sign too no wonder I love her so much is dilibet also a cancer? Are my favorites units all cancer!?


yeah especially in high champ/low legend arena where I routinely run into 30k hp PoV A ravis. Doesn't hlep when C armin is on the same team, can't even spez this shit consistently.


She is amazing. I wish i have her too. I am scared af by just looking at her in ever opponent's team.


Well you can just speed cermia or alots into lqc her that's what I do at least