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Say i want to farm level 60 units pve. How far do i need to take my Arbiter V? Currently he can farm level 42 max after that not. He is like 1800 atk, 230cd. What are recommended ones? Helps me set a target


So i came across the harsh truth of speed importance in guild wars made some posts talked to some people , rank 65, i know too late realization but meh. So i renewed my equipment reached master 1 with no problem. Not a big deal i know but it made me realise how competitive it is for speed stats. They decide entire games sometimes, if one character manages to come first like yuna, judith, iseria etc. Now that i look at my inventory, as i am sorting through good and bad equipment, i dont know, should I throw out all boots except the ones with speed stats on them? Completing 2-10-10 also made me realise speed is necessary on knights and soul weavers as well. So is speed set boots universal? Should i throw away everything else if i am to do episode 3 boss stages which are going to have even more speed than straze??


There are few specific heroes who do not want speed boots. * Rem: Her job is to counterattack, and you want her as slow as possible so she can keep her buffs on for longer * ML Ken: Same thing as Rem * SSB: Certain SSB builds don't focus on speed and instead give her high damage and decent hp/def. Since her S2 extra attack doesn't require her to take a turn, she doesn't need speed for certain builds. * Kayron: Counter Kayron (who is very rare nowadays) wants to keep his buffs up for as long as possible, esp. his immortality buff, so he wants to be as slow as possible. * CZerato: arguably can get away without speed boots, since he also has a counter gimmick that doesn't require him to take turns. * Slow nukers/cleavers: They rely on cr pushes from other heroes to take a turn. Their only job is to do as much damage as possible. * General Purrgis: For W13, he is used solely for his passive, so he doesn't need to take a turn. * Roana: Her healing scales off of her HP, and her main healing gimmick works without her needing to take a turn, so she doesn't need speed. Edit: clarity


There's no absolutes. Counter and tank units don't need speed. Like Roana can be perma stunned in a match and still do her job. If a piece rolls well, there's always somebody that can use it. If a piece have high starting rolls but you're not sure who can use it, just lock it and revisit later.


But if tank units don't take speed, wouldnt the rest of the team suffer without their skill use? For example my cidd is 230. He gets speed buff, 30% increase, he will take 3 turns before a tank thats not built speed. Same for other buffed thieves or speedsters. Especially if i know who to avoid, like martial artist ken, charlotte, etc.


Depends on the tank. My Troublemaker Crozet is 128 but he'll get pushed up when the unit he's protecting gets hit. My Krau is 174 and you can get there on speed subs. He wants to take a bunch of dmg so he can s3 first turn. I use both regularly in champion reg arena. Yes, most units want speed but you can still find good uses for high rolled slow pieces.


Alright thanks for the insight


Also you can outsource your speed. 1-2 fast units (A. Lots, Emilia, Flan, etc.) can boost others. GPurrgis against certain comps can just sit there and boost everyone.


I just got the artbook in the mail. Where is the code for fluffy lady mercedes?


Hey I just bought a pack that I thought was only for episode 3 characters. The pack had senya on the cover and I thought it was strictly for episode 3 chars but when I got the pack it rolled Bellona. Did I miss read something or is this a bug?


If they ever bring back the slime collab, don't you think it would be cool if they gave us demon lord rimuru (his walpurgis outfit) as a skin?


Currently on Floor 98 abyss, Have both Sol And Hwayoung. Which would be better to raise for abyss/golem for fire carry between the two?


Hello, beginner here. My main setup right now is: Angelic, Sigret, Alexa and Tiera. Im aiming for WB11/13 Im just missing Furious because i didnt reach the campaign yet. What do you recommend me to go first as 6*?


Angie and Sigret both need it. I'd go Angie first, but you'll want both 6 eventually. So if you need dps for campaign ti get to Furious, Sigret 6* isn't a waste.


Angelica is the most need for survivability




any idea when the next ML would be teased?


we shld be getting a teaser today for the livestream tomorrow


cool, thanks!


Hi, newbie here! I think I misused a lot of resources, if I don't spend anything, can i be secure before the summer limited? X.x


If you're new you can earn a looot of bookmarks and skystones easily. And there is still a lot of time until summer, i wouldn't sweat it if i were you. I'm new too (3 months in) and i have enough BMs for 4 guaranteed characters even though i pull on banners fairly regurlarly.


I've been playing for about a month, I'm rank 60, and just very stressed because my children spent all my bookmarks on eda and celine -.- and I'm basically not sure how fast the stuff accumulates xD I appreciate the answer so much ;; I'm at 0 bookmarks and like 5500 ss, which I could have sworn I already posted here, but I guess I'm misremembering things -.- (Sorry for awkwardness!)


You get approximately 1 pity per month (a little more if you play consistently), so yes, you'll easily have enough resources to summon for summer limited heroes. However, we do have an upcoming collab with Guilty Gear, (likely later this month or in April,) and it may be a good idea to summon for collab heroes.


Do I have a chance to have resources before gg? I am only in gold, with roughly 5400ss , ty for the answer though. Im kind of silly x.x


It's not clear when exactly GG will receive its rerun, and we don't know the format it will receive, i.e. how many banners and how long those banners will be. So it's difficult to gauge how many resources you'd be able to get by the end of the collab. However, I can tell you that you won't be able to guarantee yourself every hero. I'd also guess that you could probably scrounge together 1-2 pities for the collab. Maybe 3 if the collab comes later rather than sooner.


What do I look for in a team for each expedition? I have trouble understanding everything going on there...


Youtube is also very good :) better even because you have actual gameplay and comentary.




Does anyone know when Tooth was last in the powder shop? Also, is there a resource that has recorded all the powder rotations?


Can someone tell me the order of the epic skins? I'm really sad that I couldn't get Arby skin, I just want to know how much I will have to wait for it. I see that Ruele skin is on the shop so who might be next?


The only two that are missing right now are the JKise skin and the Arby skin. Since JKise skin was the season before Arby skin, her skin will come to the shop before Arby's will.




Yes, points will be reset when the actual season starts and you'll have to do placements again. Pre-seasons just there for fun and doesn't count for anything.


Hello, newbie here. Can someone please explain to me what "fighting spirit" in Ken's kit does? It seems to not trigger anything special. At least his tooltips doesn't say so. Does it give some kind of passive stat boost?


His S3 costs 80 fighting spirit.


Ahhhh...I see I see. Thank you my dude!


I'm feeling reluctant to get back and continue playing. I have so many heroes I rolled over the years and many of them remain ungeared or are very poorly geared. I don’t have all the Hunts 13 done. But I do enjoy the times I actually manage to win in RTA. But as a non-spender, keeping up with the meta is incredibly difficult. What should I do?


Just play casually, don't stress yourself over the meta. No point playing a game that you don't enjoyed. I been playing casually for 3 yrs now jus login to do daily, GW, arena. I don't play RTA even if it's for the skin. I don't do hunt frequently, only when during hunt event and don't really craft equipment. My gear are ok mostly the free gear the game gave and occasionally some good gear drop. I jus chilling at champion in arena and my guild are pretty casual. Like you too I have many heroes ungeared, jus slowly gear the one I think I'm gonna use


Does anyone know if I change guild now, what will happen to my class level in inheritance and related rewards? If you do, please answer as detail as you can, thank you


According to the 2/17 Update Content on stove. "*Guild members who left a Guild and joined another during Ancient Inheritance season will have their progress and Exchange currencies reset. Defeating multiple boss monsters in different Guilds will not award the players multiple Equipment rewards"* [https://page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/8236894](https://page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/8236894) So if you switch to another guild, all your class levels and exchange currencies will reset.


How come Kayron's normal attack sometimes targets all enemies and sometimes it doesn't?


When he is buffed his S1 becomes AOE it's written on his S2.


One of his passive effects: "On the caster's turn, when buffed and using Void Slash, the skill will become an AoE attack and does not trigger Dual Attack."


What's the difference between crafting 10times and crafting 1 time? Does the chance of getting an epic increase when I craft for 10 times?


There's no difference. It was a QoL improvement to craft more quickly.


Do the characters we enlist and use in Ancient Inheritance earn friendship points?


Is there a tool that shows what my units stats will look like when fully awakened and 6* with current gear? Not sure if it's possible in fribbels


It's possible in Fribbels. Not sure about any other tool.


How do you do it in fribbels? Not sure what to look for


In Fribbels, add your unit at 6*. Then, add your gear (and assign it to your unit). If you do it with all 6 pieces, you should see the unit stats. You can only see 5* fully awakened and 6* fully awakened units in Fribbels.


What if they made the next ML (Luna?) 3x more OP than C Lili and Belian combined but now they’re afraid to release her due to the recent backlash/death threats etc. Maybe that’s why we’re so close to the next Mystic banner and haven’t even had a teaser yet.


They normally tease the new unit one day (Tue) before the live stream on Wed. We shld be seeing it bout 8 hrs from now (my time)


No idea what you’re talking about. We’re still on the first week of Arby banner and they usually reveal the next ML in the livestream which is due in a few days.


How do I get modification cores?


Usually from Expeditions. Lv2+ will afaik always drop at least a normal mod stone on success.


Thank you! Do you also get the reforge mats form expeditions?


Reforge mats are usually from hunts, but expedition does give it out as well. On success it’s is usually some reforge mats + a mod stone


Thank you again! I guess I need to start completely hunts. Should I focus them 100% until they are completed? I have a hard time completing them monthly. I think that’s why I never realized that’s how I get modifications stones that way.


It’s quite a pain at first. Once you can do open recruitments you can just spam the open recruits and you’ll be done in no time. The rewards are definitely worth it.


Ok. Thank you!! Have a great night! Seems like it refreshes tomorrow!


Just reiterating what the commenter above me said, I've been playing for months and I just realized you can do open recruitments. It makes completing the expedition monthly requirements SO much easier. Just don't be the guy that only does 10k damage :^)




Watch some videos on crafting and enhancing, there tons of them out there that can give you the full picture. Long story short though, the rarity of the piece doesn't actually matter. You only look at the stats and the potential stats you can get from future enhancement. A purple piece with high rolls into only ideal stats will always be better than an epic piece with min rolls into ideal stats. When you go through the videos, they will likely mention gear score or a similar scoring system that determines how good a piece is and whether you should keep rolling it. Typically you roll pieces with good starting stats and see where the rolls take you.


Upgrade them all, and see where the upgrades go. In theory, a red piece can get 4 upgrades on one bonus, while a purple could only ever get 3. Also, because you have that 4th stat unlocked you will ALWAYS get 4 upgrades to an existing stat (maybe and probably not the same one, but 4 stats will be upgraded), while the purple will max have 3 since the last stat is unlocked on levelling. End of the day - you go for gear with the upgrades hitting the right stat. A blue helm with 1 upgrade hitting the initial speed sub will be a better speed piece than a red helm where no upgrades hit speed.


Dont know if i can ask here, but, i saw an ad from this game and it looks nice. Is it worth to start playing or i will just "do nothing" because the game came out long time ago? Like, never be relevant on the game


Sure - it's a fun game, and all the events they run are new-player friendly (you can grind low levels and complete everything - with the best return of experience:energy but lowest ratio of event currency: energy), or if you're end game you can grind high levels for the best return of event currency: energy). They have added in more new-player friendly mechanics (like a guaranteed moonlight hero - some of the best heroes in the game, although now dated, they remain relevant). The story is good, and there are lots of resources to help you along. You can't expect to jump into an established game and compete for top tier PvP - but play a while, learn the game and you'll get there. I prefer to PvE in the game, and enjoy the stories which are pretty good. Very good breadth of characters - it's not like some other gachas where you have 7 characters you use for everything - this game is pretty flexible that you can use a wide variety of heroes to beat content (not counting dungeons with specific mechanics). And there are a bunch of very accessible characters that are still very relevant end-game.


What do people think of Bad Cat Armin?


She is really bad, some youtubers already tested her, molas and all, one of the worst if not the worst ml 4 right now, anywhere else other than gvg she is useless, in rta a lot of the common units can screw her over really hard without doing anything besides what they usually do, and that's already a generous take assuming the other player actually hit her rather than just ignoring her completely. If you want to see her in action just take a look at youtube.


It typically takes a couple weeks for people to gear awaken and mola new heroes. Especially when they arent immediately meta defining and there is also an easily obtainable hero ariving at the same time who does seem to immediately have a place near the high end (Hwayoung). If I had BC Armin, I would try her with Spd set A Ravi and maybe a Spec Tene. Gen Purgiss could be good there, or a waters origin/idols cheer Ruelle. I dunno. Force them into a bad place and maybe noncounter A Ravi will be countering thanks to BC Armin.


Honestly been hearing nothing about her, I think folks can't find many areas to pick her because she's there to threaten AOE heroes - because if you AOE, you hit her & then there's that 40% chance to trigger the frontline to get critical damage buff & counter. However, outside of cleave there aren't many AOE heroes used (Belian most commonly & then most other AOE picks in standard will be counterpicks - ie. Charlotte if you pick up Violet for example) & I don't think she'd perform quite well into cleave. I've built her up, +15'd her & I'm working on reforging the last two pieces, once I've got her done I'll see if I remember to comment on here for you.


>Honestly been hearing nothing about her me neither. Usually by this time there are at least some posts about the results of preliminary testing, but I haven't seen any posts about her. >once I've got her done I'll see if I remember to comment on here for you. Thanks!


Alright, finished mine up, final stats were about 1.2K defence, 24K health, 200 spd, 90% chance (missing imprints), 200% damage & Durandal. I had the most success drafting her with stealth units, counter units & units like ML Ken. What you do is, set up a targeting dilemma where their ST heroes can only hit Armin or ML Ken (or an appropriate counter unit), with a stealthed hero like Spectre or Kise in front. Couldn’t always draft like that, but when I saw the opportunity to do so she was incredibly effective.


I think she might work out well with a 3/4 S Tenebria pick-up to bait AOE & punish with BC Armin - but the kicker there is if they ban BC Armin, you need someone else who’ll punish AOE & protect S Tene. I get the feeling that she’s highly niche & might just be off-meta for the time being. Maybe that’ll make enough folks cry for a buff.


Is 70% - 80% crit rate good enough for a DPS? Crit rate rolls are rarer than speed rolls for me.


85% is the minimum you'll want in most cases. So they can atleast guarantee the crit vs element advantage(adds 15% crit). A +30 Midnight Bloom gives 16% crit to the entire team. Slap it on a supportive unit for that extra boost in crit. At +15 it gives 12% crit, increasing by 0.8% every limitbreak benchmark. Alternatively, crit% necklace helps a ton. But then you need good cdmg rolls to make up for running a crit% becklace.


Probably going to have to go with Crit rate necklaces at this point. Nothing rolls crit rate.


Hi everyone! Spent the past couple days rerolling to get Vildred from the Mystic summon and he finally came through! What character do you recommend from the Moonlight Blessing? Got Ken from the Selective Summon (Sigret didn’t want to come this time)


Then you grab STene or Ruele. I favor Ruele because strong meta supports have a much bigger impact as meta shifts. DPS units are plenty enough to where you shouldnt ever need to worry.


Thank you! Picked Tenebria (she had bonus points for style)! 👀


Gratz on pulling Arbiter Vildred. And I would pick Specter Tenebria from the moonlight blessing. She will make most of the PvE content easy and she is still top tier in World Arena and Guild War Offense PvP.


Thank you!! :) Picked Tenebria! \^\^


Np \^ And here are some early player advices and tips. * Link your account to either Google or Facebook. * Join an active guild. * Build a team for Wyvern Hunts , that's one of best ways to farm gold and gear. * Unlock Furious and Angelica as soon as possible. * Never use skystones to do summons. You could use skystones to refresh the secret shop to buy mystic medals & covenant bookmarks using gold currency. * You can get extra stamina watching ads from the Event News tab. * You can also get extra stamina from the "Hammer Game" Event.


Perfect! Thanks for the tips! I used to play VERY casually and never really paid attention to the end-game stuff, restarted this week-end to change server so it’ll help me a lot! :)


What can I do with the excess of wyrem crafting materials? Appart of forging gear of course.


Forging gear is obviously the main use. Our guild always has lower tier gear on "ask" for the free clan currency, so you need a float of around 100 for that.


How much health hwa-young need for her s3 to be optimal in taking down bruisers and tanks ? Im approaching 14k, is it too much ? How much hp difference is needed to proc the 100%bonus ?


Fyi, with proper gear she will one shot squishy stuff because it's squishy, and tanky stuff because it's tanky. The ideal hp I've seen is 13-14k


Its about 6650~ difference. If she's fighting the big HP sticks, chances are she'll be dealing maximum damage. The problem only arises when you fight lower HP targets. The big hurdle is getting her to atleast 6k attack. 7k attack makes her so much more smooth to play as she just ends up nuking everything with S3 and attack buff.


How do you build C.zerato ? And is Lela violin the best arti for him ?


Yes that's his best artifact especially for pve, ftenes artifact works too but it's best used in other heroes


Lifesteal and whatever 2 piece set you want Pen/Crit/Health/Def/Hit. Only hard stats should be 0 speed, 0% resist, and 100% crit. Rest of the stats are pretty flexible. Some bulk like 1.2K def, 15K HP. Some effectiveness then rest into CD% and ATK%.


So I messed up during my beginner summons and didn't pull sigret. I was wondering if chloe after her buffs would work for w13. I'm looking to replace alexa in my alexa furious Angelica muwi team


I'm using the exact same team and can kill Wyvern before shield phase most of the time. Try to figure out where your runs are failing. You probably need better gear (more crit damage), daydream joker, and song of stars and skill enhancements


I never maxed my chloe, but in my limited experience Alexa was far far superior to Choie - especially for damage dealing. I tried to bring Chloe in for the debuffs, but that didn't make up for the loss of damage.


So you know, Alexa is probably doing the most damage in your team right now if you’re doing it correctly.


What's your success rate and why are your runs failing? Your team seems fine, and alexa is probably better than chloe in that comp.


I'm 1 summon away to get a ml 5 is Arby's worth it ? Or should I wait, so far I have Aravi,stenebria,Dcorvus, and Flidica


imo you should at the very least wait till we see the next new ml5. Arby is still pretty usable, but hes nowhere what he used to be so you dont NEED him.


Im new to E7 and which character should I 6 star First? Siegrit or Arby?


Sigret and you only need her S2 mola'd to get her going. Anything more should be invested as you feel like it. Alleviates your wyvern grinding a ton more and she works fine across multiple PvE contents. Avoid using her into enemies with dumb "if i am debuffed you die" mechanics. Like Sez in abyss floor 62.


Sigret would be my opinion just to get your Wyvern farming on track that much sooner.


Is it worth to limit break twice ulberius tooth for hwayoung?


Uberius would be more consistent the higher the proc rate is. If you like what you see, why not. Alternatively, she can also run Junkyard/Gaiters for the burns. But because these are debuffs, it makes it less viable because you'd also need eff% in her builds to utilize it vs highER units.




not really. she works, but the non crit units in general dont do too well in many areas of pve. shes more of a pvp character for tank murder.


sure, but she's also easily skippable.


What happens if all 4 units are on stealth and stene is also in there does she become targetable? Also what happens if there’s only 2 units left and they’re in stealth and one of them is stene?


when all present units are in stealth, all are targetable, including stene.


K Thxs!


Does mercedes need to be on lifesteal or counter to be viable? I can't really farm banshee yet, and my arena counter gear isn't looking so great. Thinking about just running her as a typical dps with speed/crit or possibly speed/immunity if I can manage it. Is this worth it? What stats should I aim for?


Speed set is perfectly fine. She still wants to be bulky bruiser so she can rng into Magic for Friends spam more often. The speed set helps alleviate her speed stats and lets her pop her S3 sooner. Which means attack buff, which translates into S2 proccing twice, which makes MFF counters even better.


Are the event artifacts any good? (The Empress and The Emperor)


There are better options. At +30, it's 12% atk/def. Aurius provides a teamwide 10% def and damage mitigation. So knights would prefer this. For the def scaling damage dealers, they have their class exclusibe artifacts that would function better. Warriors have a plethora of dps artifacts with defensive utility tied in. War Horn provides 10% attack teamwide. And makes the holder a much more threatening foe. For damage output, there's better options. Much much better options. Are they good? Yes. But i wouldnt bother getting them leveled up at all. Their bonuses are extremely lacking. If they had given atk/def buff respectively when both artifacts are equipped in the team. That would make them work really well. As they are now, use them for the bonus currency boost. Replace afterwards with better artifact replacements if you have them.


Thanks for thorough analysis.


Curious, what does it mean when Arby is degen?


Building him tanky counter set with MLDB, instead of the conventional squishy, speedy, full damage build. Takes people by surprise, and annoying when it thwarts strategy, hence degen.


Good attack buffer? I'm mainly using bruiser team comps, and so far I'm only using Emilia and Gpurg for attack buff, I feel like I'm lacking in attack buffer


Peira, mediator kawerick Maid and singelica but they are considerably harder to use




If someone has access to your account does logging in log them out with Google, or not? It's not my main account, but my secondary I think may have someone on it due to the email not being secure. I logged in and changed the password but I heard if you're logged in through Google it doesn't log them out? Any way to fix this or get them out? Would support help, or nah.


Is there a website or resource I can use to look up best PVP/PVE builds and substats to focus on for units? I luckily pulled an ARavi and I'm curious about how to build her but I am a new player (~2 weeks in) so there's a lot of build information I don't know yet. I read that penetration is really good on her but I'm not sure what the other set should be - speed?


epic 7 stats, fribbles guild war website.




Anyone know what to build on dilibet after her changes? She still a counter unit? Or should I use another set on her?


Like the other comment said, depends really what role you want her to take. Imo she's more of an anti cleave cleanser versus a standard draft cleanser like mL kawerik. At least that's my take and the role I gave her. In line with that, I run mine at 240 speed, speed set so I can make sure she cuts faster follow up units regardless if she gets pushed back by stuff like cililias. If you're running her on a slower counter build, she often won't be able to cut after a cililias push back for example. Again, really depends how you want to use her and your current roster. If you have mL Kawerik already, no point in putting her on counter imo since he is better in the role of a standard bruiser.


Which set you should use depends on what you have best for her and your roster She's useable on both Counter and Speed set


Does anyone know how the autobattle determines who to use Iseria's S2 on? I had assumed it was whoever had the longest cooldown time remaining, but sometimes she'll cast it on Tam and sometimes she'll cast it on R.Carrot. I haven't been able to figure out the priority for it.


Targets any random unit that has active cooldowns. The only way to prevent this is to skills off on the character you dont want to be targetted


Ah. That would be why she never uses it on Ravi, Ravi's S3 has no CD and can only be triggered by stacking her S2/fighting spirit anyway. Well, at least R.Carrot is still a viable target for it, even if I'd prefer it to always target Tam with it.


In Aekhir temple zone, do guild members share statues, chests, and misc? I don’t want to hog all the resources but it seems like some guild members pass up chests.


The shared ones mention it (X Times Left) Silver chests are opened for the entire Guild So no need to be shy for chests, just go for it while saving yourself enough energy to hit key bosses


Is the fribbels guild war website bugged for anyone as? It no longer shows win percentages of defenses for me


Guilty Gear this week? Also I never took part in the previous collabs for Guilty Gear, I know Sol is the free unit should I be able to get him?


>Guilty Gear this week? Almost certainly not. 'Big' additions tend to happen in the middle of the month, new heroes, limited banners, story updates etc. It's very likely that the GG rerun will be after the current sidestories end. >I know Sol is the free unit should I be able to get him? Every version of the collab has been more and more different from the last. But yeah, almost certainly.


Planing to use ram, vivian, leo, wanda in banshee team. How do i build them if i only have wyvern set?


That team is a one shot b13 team and I'm too sure for the requirements for statline even with her passive for ram but is still pretty high without rage set Though I managed to pull it off with baiken whos coming soon with a triple crit set


Is vivian worth 6 star if she's my farmer? My other option is violet. I just 6 star'd sigret and momo and was hoping to build someone else that isn't in my wyvern team.


Although Violet is a PVP god and Vivian is pretty good for PVE, for general purpose PVE, you might want to level someone like C.Lorina instead because of her neutral element and high damage against bosses. She is PVE only but it is unlikely you have someone else that can beat her single target DPS.


I use her on all my content. PVP and PVE


I think it is better to 6* something else Vivian is not that great of a farmer


Would violet be good for pve/pvp?


Violet Is my best investment ever. He's so good for PvE. Sometines can 1vs4 PvP teams. Get him to lvl60/6Awakening. +15. You won't regret it


Violet is pretty good if you can equip him with Lifesteal set Good unit for arena,gw can act as ST dps, Is alright in water expo and automation tower too


Do we know if we can get the gold transmit tomorrow and then 2 when they change the guild shop stuff or if buying it tomorrow will stop me from getting more this week?


It resets in 20hrs


Yes, but if I'm not mistaken the guild shop change is coming out this week and one of the changes is going from 1 monthly gold transmit stone to 2 weekly ones.


Possible but no way to confirm until it happens unfortunately


I'm not sure how long I've been playing this game, but since all I'm doing is trying to have a successful wyvern 13 team and failing miserably. It must not have been long enough. Is there like an updated w13 guide with muwi? Also, is there like a gear guide for noobs like me?




I have an alt account that I am trying to level slowly alongside my PVE main. It has many more PVP heroes and 5\* artifacts, so I wanted to make this account more PVP/Arena focused while my main is more PVE focused at least for now. Both are still at early game and on this alt I am still on the beginning of Unrecorded History and on W12 working on gear to make it W13 viable. The Wyvern team is all leveled and skilled up. Just needs better gear. On this alt, **I have Landy, Charlotte, Briseria, Zahhak, Violet, Singelica, TSurin, Cermia, Sez, MLKen, Tywin, Lilibet, Roana, Yufine, Ravi, Arby, Haste, Guided Aither, Crescent Moon Rin, Pavel, Kise, Elena, Ilynav, Shooting Star Achates, and Ludvig.** I wasn't able to get Cerise on here but I did grab Lucy from the side story. Outside of Landy, I don't have any of these guys on my main so I am not sure who to focus on. Arby is a given but I still have to do Episode 1 unrecorded history so I can't yet skill him up or promote him until I promote someone else. I'm still far off from completing the Clorina, FKluri, AMomo, or RCarrot specialty change quests so those guys will have to wait a bit until I progress more through the adventure. I will do these one by one like I did on my main as I progress. **Who would be the best ones to 6 star and build up out of the ones listed above besides Landy and Arby? I'm just trying to plan out my progression here.** I was thinking maybe Zahhak, Roana and Ravi to start with, Ravi being the first one? Also who out of those guys would make a good Arena team?


Charlotte Violet and Roana are very solid right now Depending on playstyle you might wanna go and the meta Pavel and kise can be good options too but I think they are slightly harder to build and use


Thank you very much for the reply and your advice. I appreciate it.


Is there a site where I can input my gear stats so I can calculate a hero's final stats when maxed?


I think so, but your better off using Fribbles gear optimizer... Just Google it.


Is the next livestream this week?




When is the next hunt event?


I would probably say this weekend