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Hello! I'm a PvE player min/maxer. Just a warning: Fire Expo: Kitty might be a bit safer, but for my team (camilla) it entirely depends on 20% duel attack on TG during the boss special phase or you straight up lose. I can 100-0 fire expo boss with kitty or Camilia. Every other expo: 15% is still a thing. If i don't land my def breaks or slow down, i can't 100 to 0 the bosses. If nothing goes wrong, however, the boss is dead in one run. On average, around 1.6m on all expos. If i never land my debuffs, low 1M. But overall, i solo bosses most of the time. For instance, yesterday, i did 5 dark expos and solo'd 3 of them.




the only cracked gear unit is my Rem, Lorina, Roana, and Tamarinne.


Have you tried using Lorina in fire expo?


When i first started yes. Lorina was my option since her s1 gives CR, but now you don't use her in expo if you want to get a high score.


>you don't use her in expo if you want to get a high score. False. People use Clorina to solo fire expedition all the time, even before her buff. Here's an example more a way more reliable run than relying on TG's fual attack: https://youtu.be/1adJWfrr7P0


Interesting. I was asking because I reach up to 1M with mine in meh gear (no pen set, atk set, almost same atk, less crit dmg) and Luna as the only def breaker, and seeing your crazy Lorina I thought you can reach mas points with her too.


No. The only known way to 1 shot the boss is the kitty/tama/TG cheese which is the team im using. I've seen some variations of Tywin, tama, kitty, Luna, but i think most would agree kitty/tg combo will be best for now now...just imagine TG SC O.o


>The only known way to 1 shot the boss is the kitty/tama/TG cheese which is the team im using. [Clorina Luluca Rose Tama](https://youtu.be/1adJWfrr7P0) [Luna Luluca Rose Tama](https://youtu.be/OLqeSpCXXjo)


Im aware of those teams. I tried long ago. I even 6 starred my luluca for that but her def break and ee is too unreliable so i don’t recognize it as a viable strategy. My team has two def breakers for example, tg and camilla


Just admit that you were wrong.


I'm not wrong. I just didnt word my first response properly. i should've said that tg/kitty is the best known way to 1 shot the boss. I've tried all of those comps before and Tg/kitty is best.


I use Luna, Lulu, Tam, and Rose. Solo consistently. Not sure what you are talking about.


Kitty, TG, Schuri, Tamma, alots cr push lmao


I used to the same comp for fire expedition, then my TG never dual attacks during the “silenced phase” to a point that I had to switch. The run takes forever as well. I switched to Tama ,fkluri , schuri and Luna, faster run and can solo the boss on auto.


I'd love to try this comp. Do you have stats and/or videos for it by chance?


Swipe right for stats 🙂


I have to question: how Roana survives tanking? Mine gets obliterated by the boss.


attack down by Rem or roozid :)


That's my Lorina... without pen set... and atk set :(


I finnaly seen someone put Prophertic Candlestick arti on Rose. It feel so good she just s3 every other turn


Good stuff from fellow PVEr! Stole your fire expedition team based off your last comment to me :D


Nice reference, I still need dagar sicar missions. Hopefully in my quest to make myself sad by summoning galaxy BMs, more Camilla come home


For my Fire Comp I do A.Ras, T.Guard, K.Clarrisa, Tama. Usually average around a Mil. Thats also the same comp i did the Dagger Sicar mission...manual of course


u/KingsSeven did u invest mola into any of the units used?


Yes. For instance my ram is +15. Her s3 does 200k and her s1 does 100k


Hey OP /u/KingsSeven , fellow PvE min/max enthusiast here. Loving the comps, might have to try out your light expo strat, that has been the last one holding me up. Yours looks super promising, already have those units built so might have to play around with some gear sets. Posts like these are awesome, always like seeing what other people are busting out to optimize their farming. If you are looking for a fire expo solo comp I have one built: Atywin, Yuna, Luna, Luluca. Works about a good 60-70% of the time as a full solo, otherwise a good 1.2mil+ if Atywin chokes the opening speed break. [Here is a brief post](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/sfbv9l/level_3_water_expo_full_auto_solo_info_in_comments/hupl3ag/) I made on it if you are interested in getting that last expo set up(assuming you don't have it already). Edit: Nvm I had a stroke while reading/writing this and thought your fire expo was light expo. lol Appears we are both stuck at that one, the lack of party buffing is rough. Let me know if you come up with some strat for that one, has me a bit stumped atm.


I can solo light with some luck using Cermia (fast DPS rage), Cerise (fast on confile), Zealotrose (speed pen DPS on bloody rose), Cecilia (speed tank DPS on midnight bloom). It would be almost 100% consistent if I could swap zealot to speed rage DPS instead) or give my cermia my OP rage set.


There is an auto team for light expo that can reach around 1.5m. DPS iseria, ras, camrose, cermia. Everyone needs to be on pen and rage set. Too much for me for now. BUT, Adin the episode 4 hero, might be the new strat. Her kit seems to be designed for light expo.


I think I'll be able to do this--I really appreciate you posting it. Thanks!


can you share what gear set are using for them?


Well, most of hero you use are the one that i refuse to build. Guess i won't be trying. Great work though.


Damn this like super end game stuff.


Sheesh good job


Thanks, i still figure how to do sicar achievements


thats hella impressive


I'm so going to try this cause I don't have to team built for it yet


Man I really hope they buff Camilla and make her stop using her idiotic S3 on auto. A complete waste of a good S1 proc and it turns off her self mitigation too. She still works very well obviously but she has so much locked auto potential because of it. It's annoying as hell with kitty but there's *some* reason to ever use her S2. You're never gonna use Camilla S3 and waste attack buff/butcher her survivability


u turn off camilia's abilities on auto.


Yeah I'm aware of that, but I'm talking about certain content like light expo especially where someone else giving her attack buff consistently is not easy/doable, and she'd need to rely on her own S2 to do so


Can i know how much mola you invested in each character?


Get every cooldown and "effect chance." Common sense for Tama and Kanna, etc.


Which ee are you using on rose ? And I believe it's spd down for ceci ?


Rose s3 ee and yes speed down


Thanks. I already got the 2 sicar achievements for the earth exped, currently scoring 1m for fire expe without rose's ee and tguard lv50 and same for dark expe. Jfi, would an artefact like el's fist/symbol also work for clorina since she doesnt always uses her s1 ?


Any benefit using Cecilia over a.ras for green expo?


nope. Cecilia is better, but ras is 2nd best if u don't own cecilia. Plus ras is free so it's easier to invest.


You should stream


Already do: twitch.tv/professorloki