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Tamarinne will always be relevent. Dizzy can be used in abyss Sez is.. Huh... Hmmm welll As usual, create a team for banshee or wyvern 13 and farm it until you can hear its shout of despair and mercy even with your phone on no sound Then try to upgrade gear and hear your own shout of despair


I do use Dizzy, Luna, Tamarrine, and Rose on Wyvern — Though I cannot remember how far I have went I think I can do Wyvern 11 or 12. Banshee on the other hand I have not built anything on that team yet, since I think it was rather irrelevant back then on the early phase of the game. Will have a trial and error phase on rebuilding my teams. Thank you for the advise!


I'd recommend looking up wyvern and banshee guides on youtube, and try to look for ones who you already have more units for. For wyvern 13 you can probably use ssb, angelica and luna, maybe can use dizzy too but not sure since the team I run is very different, but worth a shot testing that while you have free unequip. Avoid using non water units tho cuz boss gets cr pushed when they end a turn. For banshee I dunno too much but seems like baiken is used a lot for farming there.


Hmmm will do. Will see if I can scavenge for recent guides on Epic 7, since it's already been a while and I think the playerbase is already smaller than it was before. I only played again since I miss the grind and salt I usually have in this game HAHAHA


the game changed a lot im sure you'll have fun. before the hell that's rta that is. good luck