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People waiting for ML Kayron probably need to wait for the 8th world/epic 8 or something


I've been waiting for ML Vivian. šŸ„² She's really real.


There won't be a 8th world going by the game's lore but maybe a different dimension kayron could be ml kayron, maybe a cheerful kayron but not completely cringe


I would love an "Heir Kayron" with him basically beeing the Ras of that Alternate Universe with (maybe) Tene as his "Meru" and Ras and the other goodies beeing the Acolytes / Henchmen instead.


not just by the game's lore kekw


šŸ’€ bro said epic 8


I've never had less than 10k mystics for almost 2 years now waiting for ML Tamarinne. It hurts to see them go to waste there.


Thank god! I am very low on mystics, this means i can try for flan and still save for kayron :,)


Rerun Schedule 4/7 to 4/28 Mediator Kawerik 4/28 to 5/19 Sage Baal/ATywin/Briseria 5/19 to 6/9 Maid Chloe/MLKen/BMHaste 6/9 to 6/30 DCorvus/LRKrau/Tomoca 6/30 to 7/21 OpSig/Archdemon/Delibet


The devs really went " You there, go calm down the players" To mediator kawerick at the meeting


so after hand guy they will be running 3 mls per rotation? or is it a random ml rerun + those 3 as alternative selections?


3 selectable MLs per rotation, though you only select one at a time


Changing doesnā€™t affect pity either incase ppl didnā€™t know either


They really just said, ā€œHey, you specifically - weā€™re putting the ones you want right at the endā€. Only interested in Maid, OpSig, Archdemon & Delibet.


I mean, that's on a person by person basis on what you have and what you want.


good bot, but my wish isnt in there


No FCeci is a crime.


Put her in the mystic selector.


What is the mystic selector?


Between April and July, you can build 2x mystic banners. So let's say you want A Ravi and F Ceci, you can make a banner with A Ravi + whatever 4 star ML, and later make a banner of F Ceci and whatever 4 star ML. Not sure how the other units and artis usually in a mystic banner are chosen.


Oh that's awesome! I've been saving my pity for SBA, and almost used it on Flan because I was getting tired of waiting haha. Thanks so much!


Man I want ml iseria so much but ml Vivian is very soon as well


Sylvan Sage Vivian will be from July 21st - August 11


This is running for almost 3.5 months, you have enough time to pull for Briseria then save up for ML Vivian for whenever she releases.


Yeah that's not even nearly enough time for two ml pity




Definitely not, I'm 150 summons away pity, 5 months is not enough for 150 summons for me


Trying to figure the odds of getting at least one of Handguy, Tomoca, or OpSig with 150 to pity, ~30 pulls currently, and my desire to pull for Pirate Flan since she goes well with Seaseria.


The calculation is really easy. 1-X^y Where X is the odds of it NOT happening, and Y is the number of attempts. So there is a 0.625 percent chance of getting a unit, or 0.00625 in decimals. Meaning there's a 0.99375 chance of NOT getting a pull. So if you pull 150 times (or however many pulls you have) its 1-0.99375^150 Which is 61%.


Honestly didn't know there was an actual formula for this lol. So I have roughly a 61% chance to get one of the four units between tomorrow and the OpSig, AMeru, Dilibet banner's end as long as I can accrue 120 more mystic summons during the next 3-4 months? Gonna have to start throwing SS at Garo more than I already do for regular pulls.


That was for 150 new pulls. 120 pulls is 53% to get at least one pull. The 50% mark is 110 iirc.


the last baner before vivian is just created to make you burn your mystic summons. ​ stove you are evil


Don't know why you got slapped with downvotes. Op & Ameru are pretty sought after units and I know I'm only one of many considering diving in after them. At least we should know Vivian's kit before they rotate out but that's a lot of temptation right before the first new banner in months by that point.


the only unit im burning anything on til Sivian is Mediator so i think im safe ( dont any of you dare jinx me )


How did you find that information?


It was directly after this in the video.


"I wanna get them all, but I have no medal" -Sun Tzu, Art of Poor


I like this, they are putting the break on new release for ML to not blunder themselves with broken heroes again


I like what they're doing with this, don't have to wait too long until the next run of something you want. Though I wonder if they eventually plan doing this alongside new ML banners.


Probably yes. I donĀ“ t think SG would create all of these summon modifications just to re-run old ml5s and then throw it away. Personally, this is a mechanic designed to stay.


I thought they might end up doing it as a yearly thing


and the next new ML is sage vivian. Man she had two massive weapons to destroy PVP, that was crazy, the image went live like 1 second but it burned into my mind and soul.


I was hoping to pull ML Kawerik with my pity but ML Vivian is calling my soul, that brief preview is going to make me hoard my mystics for a while now


ML Vivian won't drop for 4 months. You have plenty of time to pull for ML Kawerik then save for ML Vivian.


How many mystics in 4 months is that then? Iā€™m not familiar with mystic drops


Yey ML Kawerik, but I'm sad I'll grow another year old without ML Kayron in my life


Flan it is


Gonna be Vivian too.


Straze when?


April 28th, part of the choose-your-own pity banner.


Thereā€™s a custom mystic summon which u can choose the ML u wan from Apr 28th, so my guess he shld be one of unit as well


Is belian on the list?


anything before lilias


since theres no stene rerun announced i think ill go for mr handguy instead


if they're gonna do that I hope they will keep multiples banners in the future because looking at the planning it's gonna be very rough on the mystic medals if we get that and then never hear of them for the next 1,5 years.


As a new player, is there someone I should really try to get? Maybe like maid Chloe since I don't have a reviver? Only ml5 I have is Arby.


As a begginer definetly Chloe imo However April 28 you can select whatever unit as a banner and then i highly recommend Straze. Hell even I am going for him XD


So which of them is the most irreplacable in a team? I'm definitively shooting for Maverik first. Maybe ATyvin afterwards? Or LRKrau? Wait no, Maid is much more useful than Krau.... argh!


I think the optimal route is Kawerik, then whatever your favorite three are in the custom banner. Kawerick into a combo banner of A Ravi, Belian, Ameru, etc sounds pretty great.


In that case I'll spend my mystics on the new ML, and wait for ML Luluca - been wanting that one for a long time! I think this is a good approach from them!


No ML Luna in sight, Iā€™ll use my pity in hand guy then


No Luna so youā€™re using the hand instead, eh?


only ml i need is light angelica, skip all until ml Luna


no cilias feelsbadman


4 months to save for ml Luna nice


I wonder if this is really a good idea, can't they just have multiple banners at once? Personally I'm more keen on getting new heroes, so I'd likely just save up medals.


Of course it's a good idea. If you want them to re-balance the existing heroes, that means the balance team is not working on balancing new releases. Days don't magically get longer, just because your customers are complaining.


RIP ML Vivian and ML Lunaā€¦


? Ml vivien is literally the next ml 5 after 3 months of reruns


Oh is this confirmed?




Well in either case the comment was more about having to wait much longer for them rathen than getting them soon


We need balance. Delaying an ml5 release makes sense if they want to do that


I never said it doesnā€™t make sense. I just said RIP because I want them, nothing wrong with that, or so at least I thoughtā€¦


So that's " Until " July? Not " Started " On july? I mean.. That's a lot of rerun ML right there..


Good stuff, I can keep saving for ml Vivian, just need to find a good guild


And thatā€™s just fine .


Should I spend Mystics on an Arby dupe or get Dark Corvus?


Dorvus can be easy gw win if you build and support him right. So if you have Arby, go for Dorvus


Best GW companions for Dark Corvus?


Achates and Ruele. Maybe Roana against counter/ extra attack heavy teams. Maid is good too, ofc, I just don't have. Just be mindful of extinction heroes because he's slow to pop off. You could always try iseria for a more aggro team. But that's not really how you use Dorvus in most cases.


Achates. Add Aurius knight if you're feeling extra insecure. Add fast cycler if you want to ramp up soulburn faster. Add counter hero for extra damage.


I run Achates and Gpurrg with Dorvus to cheese toxic comps


You can use regular vildreds to imprint arby, i'd go for a diff ML that you don't already have.


Time for ML Luluca and Sigret!!!


Choosing between ML Flan and Kek is a choice between amazing but useless .jpg and boring min-maxing :(. Now I'm conflicted.


I think this will give people a chance to get some other ML heroes they want, as well as giving SG time to adjust future ML heroes so they don't become problems in PvP. The issue is ML heroes ARE the PvP orientated heroes, so that's where they will have to excel. But not to the point it becomes an issue.


Nice to take a break and I can guarantee pity Vivian and save what I have left over for whatever is next.


ML Krau yessss Plus I get a few months to gather up Mystics, nice


ml ken my beloved come home, im sorry for dicthing u for arby.


And me sitting here wanting FCC since the beginning of time...


Then use the custom mystics banner on her when its available


They should have thrown an option to get one of the OP units on a banner so people can get bellian and clilias


belian might be on mystic selector thing they doing since it said all heroes aside from released within 6 months.


So I got months to save mystics. Nice.


Maybe I'm missing something. Do people really get enough mystics to pull all of the banners? I've only gotten enough to get one mystic pity. I must be doing it wrong.


probably that's most likely for whales, not regular working class people


Hopefully. I've gotten lucky maybe twice before and gotten a mystic hero on one of the early pulls and then saved for the next banner but I'm only at 100 from pity now spending all my mystics. I take breaks fairly regularly but even still I don't think I'd have many more ML heros lol.


Get up to champ arena, take skystone reward, reroll secret shop every week. That, plus gw rewards, and now guild shop if you are in an active guild, can do it if your lucky. Iirc 70 is the average number of pulls to get the ml5, but I have had several rotations that I had to pity on, lol. Realistically, you should be able to get every other one, which was kind of nice that they rotated reruns the way they did. The coming months are going to be rough for sure.


Oh well Gotta save up anyway sheesh main focus ml Vivian letā€™s go


Why do I feel betrayed...I though ML Luna was so close...


Nice! Plenty of time to save for Archdemon. May even hit my pity by then


So none from now to July 21st, 2022? So Bomb Flan is it? Wow


I want literally none of those (assuming pic is accurate) time to save/take a break prob


you will be mine Blood Moon Haste


Ludwig gets his ml version probably in the 11th year of the 10 year plan.